Title: Joe Alvarez EIA Engineer
1Joe AlvarezEIA Engineer
Engineers in Action
Building a better future for tomorrow
- Kumurana Project status
- Limestone Channels and abandoned mine sealing
2Limestone Delivery
Monthly Limestone Delivery Monthly Limestone Delivery Monthly Limestone Delivery Monthly Limestone Delivery Monthly Limestone Delivery Monthly Limestone Delivery Monthly Limestone Delivery Monthly Limestone Delivery Monthly Limestone Delivery Monthly Limestone Delivery Monthly Limestone Delivery
Week 5th-11th 12th-18th 2nd-8th 9th-15th 16th-22nd 23rd-29th Jan30-Feb5
Limestone metric tons 15 82.5 87.05 82.5 97.5 15 112.5
This includes the abandoned mine delivery This includes the abandoned mine delivery This includes the abandoned mine delivery
Channels358m tons Abandoned Mine135m tons
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5Limestone Channels
- Limestone delivery
- Required Volume for channles2027m3
- Amount of Limestone Delivered358 Metric tons
for the channels About 14 of the total
limestone delivery
6Required108m3Delivered 135m tons
Required213m3Delivered 262.5m tons
LEGENDDelivery completedPartial DeliveryNo
Required348m3Delivered 67.5m tons
Required132m3Delivered 27m tons
Map source EWB-OU
7Limestone Channels Contd
- Installation
- The installation of limestone into the channels
is pending - Taking advantage of trucks
- Community support to install the limestone
- Water analysis coordination with CIMA and
Universidad Tomas Frias
8Limestone Channels Contd
- Constructions issues
- Project issues
- Accessibility issues
- Distance about 100miles/trip
- Heavy Rain/Hail
- Working with the government
- Bureaucracy at the government
- No continuous of flow work
- Borrowed trucks
9Accessibility issues
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14Abandoned Mine sealing
- Limestone
- Delivered 108m3 of limestone delivery-complete
- Limestone installation is pending
- Oxidation pond
- 90 completed
- Some improvements needed to finish
- Inaccessible with a heavy equipment to continue
digging and finish. wetlands - Wall sealing
- Construction starts when the worksite area
becomes accessible - Estimated length of conclusion of the wall about
2-3 weeks
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