Primary Immunodeficiencies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Primary Immunodeficiencies


Primary Immunodeficiencies Dr. Katia Sitnitskaya US: how many we are talking about ? Most common ? Complement cascade you DON T HAVE TO remember Complement ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Primary Immunodeficiencies

Primary Immunodeficiencies
  • Dr. Katia Sitnitskaya

Host defense
  • Innate immunity
  • Complement
  • alternative pathway
  • Phagocytes - neutrophils
  • - macrophages
  • Natural killers
  • AG-specific immunity
  • Complement
  • classical pathway AG AB
  • T cell response
  • B cell AB production

US how many we are talking about ?
Most common ?

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Complement cascade you DONT HAVE TO remember
Complement - opsonization C3b, C5b
chemotaxis C3a, C5a
- membrane attack C5-9
Complement deficiencies very rare
(-) opsonins
chemotaxis Pyogenic infections
Complement deficiency
  • C5-9 terminal pathway deficiency 40 relapse
    of Meningoccal infection
  • 3 5 of cases of Meningococcal infection
    complement deficiency
  • AB-sensitized sheep RBC measurement of total
    hemolytic c. by classical pathway (CH50)
  • Unsensitized rabbit RBC measurement of total
    hemolytic c. by alternative pathway (AH50)

Deficiency Mechanism Infections CH50
C2 most common opsonins Pyogenic in 1/5 (SLE) lt 10
Properdin (Xp11) opsonins Pyogenic Normal (AH50 low)
C5 - 8 chemotaxis membrane attack Recurrent lt 10
C9 membrane attack Recurrent 50
Phagocytic disorders
Phagocytic disorders
Indigestion CGD, Chediak-Higashi
Phagocytic Disorders 1. commuting
  • LAD
  • - the defect is a lack of a neutrophil adhesion
    molecule no emigration into tissues.
  • presents with delayed separation of the
    umbilical cord, recurrent SBIs, leukemoid
  • reactions

Leukocyte adhesion deficiency
(LAD) A. Normal neutrophils aggregate
B. Neutrophils from a patient with LAD
type 1 fail to aggregate in vitro C.
Patients with LAD type 1 have periodontitis
recurrent GI,
GU, and respiratory infections
Congenital agranulocytosis Kostmann Disease
  • AR, 1 1 000 000
  • An abnormal G-CSFinduced intracellular signal
    transduction ?
  • ANC lt 500/mm3 normal WBC count because of the
  • Abnormal CD64 (FCgRI receptor) on neutrophils
  • Mild anemia may be present from chronic
  • Hyper-g-globulinemia.
  • Mortality rate without Tx 70 within the 1-st
    year of life
  • Tx failure of G-CSF BMT, or stem cell

Phagocytic disorders
1. NADPH oxidase catalyzesreduction of
O2 to superoxide anion (O2 ) 2.
Superoxide dismutase convert it to
H2O2 3. Neutrophil-derived
myeloperoxidase (MPO) converts H2O2 into
a HOClbleach Cl2
  • Clinical Features of CGD
  • A. Inflammation of the nares.
  • Large granuloma in the neck
  • Severe gingivitis
  • An esophageal stricture caused
  • by a granuloma.

Chediak-Higashi syndrome
  • AR, the long arm of chromosome 1
  • The lysosomes fail to fuse with the phagosome.
  • Neutropenia diminished chemotaxis giant
  • Dx chemotaxis assay
  • Decreased NK functions.
  • The platelets are abnormal (easy bruising).
  • Oculocutaneous albinism, photophobia,
    enterocolitis and peripheral neuropathy.
  • BMT has been used with excellent results in
    several cases.
  • 85 of children with CHS, develop lymphoma-like
    condition which generally conduces to death.
  • Prenatal Dx giant neutrophil granules in the
    fetal blood.

Myeloperoxidase deficiency
  • Common 1 2000, AR
  • Dercreased intracellular killing (no bleach)
  • Absence of myeloperoxidase enzyme in neutrophil
    and monocyte granules.
  • MPO deficiency diabetes mellitus Candidal
    sepsis osteo
  • Most patients are asymptomatic
  • Dx chemoluminescence test
  • Vacuolized neutrophils

Phagocytic disoders A. Normal peripheral
blood smear
  • Peripheral blood smear from a patient with the
    ChédiakHigashi syndrome
  • large perinuclear granules.
  • C. Peripheral-blood smear from a patient with
    agranulocytosis the cytoplasm is pale, no
    granules are present, and nuclei are notched and
  • D. Nitroblue tetrazolium test (NBT) in normal
    neutrophils phagocytosis results in dark-blue
    staining of the cytoplasm
  • NBT in neutrophils from a patient with CGD
    there is no phagocytosis no dark-blue
  • cytoplasmic staining.
  • F. A hair from a patient with the
    ChédiakHigashi syndrome in which giant granules
    are present, ( normal hair on thr right).

Phgocytic disorders summary
Common infections with GN and catalase (),
like Staph. aureus, Pseudomonas a. Aspergillus.
Central immunodeficiencies bone marrow /
thymic events
T cell disorders
Severe combined ImmunoDeficiency (SCID)
  • Loss of the MHC molecule
  • Bare lymphocyte syndrome
  • no recognition of other cells

  • The only host defenses are
  • Complement
  • Phagocytosis
  • Maintenance
  • Bactrim Px, Azithro Px
  • IVIG
  • Salvage
  • Recombinant ADA injections
  • BMT

DiGeorge Syndrome CATCH-22
Cardiac malf. Abnormal face Thymic hypopl. Cleft
palate Hypo-Ca-emia
  • Sporadic microdeletion of 22q
  • Hypertelorism, down-slanted eyes, cleft palate
  • (midline defects)
  • Developmental defect of the 3-d 4-th pharyngeal
  • No thymus low T cell counts
  • No parathyroid glands hypo-Ca-emic seizures
  • CV interrupted aortic arch truncus arteriosus
  • Treatment thymus transplant

  • AR, chromosome 11
  • 1 case in 100,000 births
  • Single gene mutation results in impaired repair
    of DNA damage cancer in1/4
  • ( lymphoma)
  • Usually presents in the 2-d year of life as a
    lack of balance and slurred speech.
  • Ocular telactasia before age of 6. Mild MR in 1/3
  • Progressive cerebellar degeneration (CT atrophy)
  • immunodeficiency in 2/3
    radiosensitivity (x-ray)
  • AFP, may be small thymus, dys-g-globulinemia (
    Ig G2,4 A)

Wiscott-Aldrich disease
  • WASP gene on Xp11 chromosome X-linked
  • Defective cytoskeleton of T cells and platelets
  • TCP Eczema recurrent sino-pulmonary
    infections, HSV / CMV, PCP
  • Labs small Plt, T cells, B cells, Ig
    A E, specific ABs
  • Pre-natal Dx EM of fetal lymphocyte

Monocytes and macrophages bind IFN- g
activation 1. production of
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) 2. synthesis
release of IL-12 tumor necrosis factor
(TNF) A. Resolving mycobacterial infection
with normal granuloma formation B. An AR
mutation of the IFN-g receptor mycobacteria
survive in macrophages C. Same patient no
IL-12 receptor deficiency

IL-12 produced by macrophages and dendritic cells
in the presence of a pathogen,
binds to its receptors on T cells and NK cells

the release of IFN-g
T cell deficiencies summary
B cell disorders
Brutons X-linked A-g-globulinemia
  • Absence or deficiency of a Brutons tyrosine
    kinase maturation
  • arrest of pre-B cells
  • Levels of all Ig levels are less than 10 of
  • Infections start after 5 months of age
    capsulated ( H. influenzae,
  • Strep. pneumoniae, Giardia lamblia, ECHO
  • . Tiny tonsils,
  • Molecular confirmation of the Dx fluocytometry
  • Treatment IVIG

Selective Ig A deficiency
  • Most common immunodeficiency 1 700 in US
  • Some cases are AR.
  • 1 300 in atopic population
  • Majority of patients are clinically normal
  • Ig A lt 5 recurrent / chronic sinopulmonary, GI,
    GU infections
  • Allergy, GI (celiac disease, UC), JRA, SLE
  • IgG is c/indicated unless IgG deficiency also

Hyper-E syndrome
  • Pruritic dermatitis (eczema)
  • Recurrent staphylococcal abscesses of skin, lung,
    joints, etc.
  • Eosinophilia of blood and sputum
  • Ig G, M, A usually normal
  • Extremely high Ig E gt 1000 , high Ig D
  • Diminished response to immunization
  • Poor cellular and humoral response to neoantigens

Hyper-M X-linked disorder
T helper
Patients have abnormal CD4 ligand on T cells,
and can not properly signal B cells Thus,
this is really a T cell problem the B cells
work fine Block in switching from Ig M to
IgG, IgA, IgE
B cell
Hyper-M X-linked disorder
  • X-linked recessive Xq26
  • sporadic cases
  • Recurrent pyogenic, mostly
  • sinopulmonary, infections
  • Sclerosing cholangitis
  • Increased incidence of autoimmune
  • and lymphoproliferative disorders
  • Low Ig G Ig
  • Neutropenia, TCP, anemia
  • Tx IVIG

Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID)
  • AD / X-linked
  • Onset after 10 y., recurrent sinopulmonary
    infections other pyogenic
  • Lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly may be
  • IL-2, IFN-g, CD40L (defective CD4 function )
  • IgG lt 50 (lt 250), Ig A M
  • No specific Ab production / no response to
  • Anti - B cell autoantibodies
  • Patients may have a higher occurrence of atopic
    / rheumatalogic
  • diseases, lymphoid hyperplasia
  • Treatment IVIG to keep IgG gt 400

Transient hypo-g infantorum
  • Delayed onset of IgG synthesis, but always gt 200
  • Physiological nadir of IgG level 430 660 _at_ 4
    12 mo. Of age
  • Onset of symptoms coincides with decline in
    matrnal IgG level
  • Normal levels of Ig A M
  • Normal IgG response to immunization
  • Mature B cells plasma cells are present
  • Resolves by 24 36 months of age

B cell disorders summary
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Examples of Infectious Agents in Different Types of Immune Deficiencies Examples of Infectious Agents in Different Types of Immune Deficiencies Examples of Infectious Agents in Different Types of Immune Deficiencies Examples of Infectious Agents in Different Types of Immune Deficiencies Examples of Infectious Agents in Different Types of Immune Deficiencies
Pathogen Type T-Cell Defect B-Cell Defect Granulocyte Defect Complement Defect
Bacteria Bacterial Sepsis Streptococci, Staphylococci, Haemophilus Staphylococci, Pseudomonas Neisseria,pyogenic bacteria
Viruses CMV, EBV, varicella, chronic respiratory GI infections Enteroviral encephalitis    
Fungi Parasites Candida, PCP Giardiasis Candida, Nocardia, Aspergillus  
Special Features OIs failure to clear infections Recurrent sinopulmonary infections, sepsis, chronic meningitis    
Warning Signs of Primary Immunodeficiency
Medical history gt 8 ear infections / year gt 2 serious sinusitis / year gt 2 pneumonias / year gt 2 deep-seated infections, or infections in unusual areas Recurrent deep skin/organ abscesses Need for IV ABx to clear infection Infections with unusual /opportunistic organisms Family Hx of primary immunodeficiency Physical signs Poor growth, FTT Absent lymph nodes or tonsils Skin lesions telangiectasias, petechiae, lupus-like rash Ataxia (ataxia-telangiectasia) Oral thrush after1 year of age Oral ulcers

Table 1. Indications for immune evaluation Table 1. Indications for immune evaluation
Infection frequency Infection type

Single episode OsteomyelitisSeptic arthritisMeningitis

Two episodes SepsisPneumonia

Multiple episodes SinusitisBronchitisPneumonia

D. Dube et al, POSTGRAD MED, 2002
Table 4. Tests of immunologic functions Table 4. Tests of immunologic functions Table 4. Tests of immunologic functions Table 4. Tests of immunologic functions Table 4. Tests of immunologic functions Table 4. Tests of immunologic functions Table 4. Tests of immunologic functions
Initial Initial Initial Advanced Advanced Advanced

Cellular immunity Cellular immunity CBC ANC ALC Lymphocyte subsets Candida skin test CBC ANC ALC Lymphocyte subsets Candida skin test CBC ANC ALC Lymphocyte subsets Candida skin test CBC ANC ALC Lymphocyte subsets Candida skin test LPA, CTL activity, Cytokine production ADA level

Humoral immunity Humoral immunity Serum Ig G, A, M, E Serum Ig G, A, M, E Serum Ig G, A, M, E Diphth / Tetanus and Pneumoc. titers IgG 1 - 4 subclasses B-cell quantitation In-vitro AB production Diphth / Tetanus and Pneumoc. titers IgG 1 - 4 subclasses B-cell quantitation In-vitro AB production

Phagocytic function Phagocytic function Phagocytic function CBC, NBT test FACS H202 (for CGD) Chemoluminescence assay (for M-p-o) Chemotaxis assay (for C-H) CD 11 / 18 (LAD) FACS H202 (for CGD) Chemoluminescence assay (for M-p-o) Chemotaxis assay (for C-H) CD 11 / 18 (LAD) FACS H202 (for CGD) Chemoluminescence assay (for M-p-o) Chemotaxis assay (for C-H) CD 11 / 18 (LAD)

Complement Complement Complement Total Hemolytic Complement assay Classical CH50 Alternative AH50 Total Hemolytic Complement assay Classical CH50 Alternative AH50 Total Hemolytic Complement assay Classical CH50 Alternative AH50 Quantitation of individual complement components and regulatory molecules Serum opsonic and chemotactic assays

Workup for suspected P.I.D.
IVIG is indicated for - Brutons
- Hyper-M Hyper-E
Ig subcl. if NO SPECIFIC Abs !
Indications for BMT
  • Hyper-E syndrome
  • SCID
  • Wiscott-Aldrich
  • Chediak-Higashi
  • Kostmann Disease

Selected causes of secondary immunodeficiency diseases Selected causes of secondary immunodeficiency diseases
Causes Examples

Malnutrition Protein / energy malnutrition, malabsorption syndrome

Infection HIV, congenital CMV / EBV / Toxoplasma

Drugs Corticosteroids, Phenytoin, Sulfasalazine, Cytotoxins

Chronic medical conditions Sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis

Malignancy ALL, AML, lymphomas

Protein (Ig) loss Protein-losing enteropathy, nephrotic syndrome

Chromosomal syndromes Down syndrome
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