Title: Chapter 4: International Business What Is International Business?
1Chapter 4 International BusinessWhat Is
International Business?
- A domestic transaction is the selling of items
produced in the same country. - An international transaction is the selling of
items produced in other countries. These items
contribute to the global economy. - Benefits for Business
- access to markets
- cheaper labour
- increased quality of goods
- increased quantity of goods
- access to resources
2Chapter 4 International BusinessWhat Is
International Business?
- Benefits for Business
- Access to Markets
- By trading abroad, Canadian businesses can gain
access to markets that are 200 times larger than
those at home. - Customers in other parts of the world have
different needs and wants. Businesses must make
adaptations to their products and services to be
successful in other countries. - A global product is a standardized item that is
offered in the same format in all countries. -
- Cheaper Labour
- Lower prices as the result of cheap labour in
other countries is the number one reason why
consumers buy items made in different parts of
the world.
3Chapter 4 International BusinessWhat Is
International Business?
- Increased Quality of Goods
- International business can help producers improve
the quality of the products they sell. - Increased Quantity
- As long as a product has international appeal, so
does the potential for increased sales. -
- Access to Resources
- Connections to international markets provides
businesses with increased access to the three
types of economic resources natural, human, and
4Chapter 4 International BusinessWhat Is
International Business?
- The Five Ps of International Business
- All countries benefit when businesses produce
specialized goods and services that appeal to
consumers. - International business provides increased markets
for businesses and offers them a broader choice
of products, services, and prices for its
consumers. - The Five Ps of International Business
- Product
- Price
- Proximity
- Preference
- Promotion
5Chapter 4 International BusinessWhat Is
International Business?
- Product
- A countrys resources determine what goods and
services it produces. - Price
- The cost of producing goods and services varies
from country to country. Sometimes it may be more
profitable for Canadian businesses to produce
products overseas and then ship them here to sell
to consumers. Lower foreign wages, taxes, and
material costs make it cheaper to produce
products abroad rather than domestically. - Proximity
- It may be more advantageous and profitable for
some businesses to sell products and services to
consumers near a neighbouring countrys border
rather than to its domestic customers. For
example, 80 percent of the Canadian population
lives within 170 km of the American border.
Therefore, many Canadian businesses trade
extensively with Americans. The reverse is also
true Americans market many of their goods and
services to Canada.
6Chapter 4 International BusinessWhat Is
International Business?
- Preference
- Consumers often purchase foreign goods and
services based on their reputation and
specialization, even though similar products are
produced domestically. Two examples are Swiss
watches and Belgium chocolates. - Promotion
- Technology, especially the Internet, makes it
easy - for businesses to promote their products and
services internationally. -
7Chapter 4 International BusinessWhat Is
International Business?
- Costs of International Trade
- The hidden or social costs often associated with
international trade include offshore outsourcing,
human rights or labour abuses, and environmental
degradation. - Offshore Outsourcing
- Offshore outsourcing occurs when businesses
decide to produce all or part of their goods in
countries where labour costs are lower. Some
advantages include proximity to natural
resources, more efficient technology, indigenous
innovation, and favorable tax structures. - However, offshore outsourcing faces potential
changes in the future as companies may turn to
transnational corporations that operate in
several countries to produce their goods and
8Chapter 4 International BusinessWhat Is
International Business?
- Human Rights Issues and Labour Abuses
- Some workers in poor countries face labour
exploitation, such as physical and sexual abuses,
forced confinement, non-payment of wages, denial
of food and health care, and excessive working
hours. Child labourthe regular employment of
boys and girls under the age of 16is commonly
practiced in poor countries where the workforce
is often exploited. -
- Environmental Degradation
- Sustainable development is the process of
developing land, cities, businesses, and
communities that meet the needs of the present
generation without compromising those of the
future. - Environmental degradation is the consumption of
natural resources, such as trees, water, earth,
habitat, and air, faster that nature can
replenish them.
9Chapter 4 International BusinessWhat Is
International Business?
- Barriers to International Business
- The Canadian government uses barriers, often
referred to a roadblocks, to help protect
domestic businesses and consumers. -
- Tariffs
- Tariffs, also called customs duties, are a form
of tax on certain types of imports. Finished
imported goods include tariffs, which increase
their prices. Canadian products do not carry such
tariffs, and, therefore, may be sold at lower
prices. In an effort to protect their domestic
industries, countries put up tariff barriers by
increasing the cost of imported goods. -
10Chapter 4 International BusinessWhat Is
International Business?
- Non-tariff Barriers
- Non-tariff barriers are controls or standards for
the quality of imported goods set so high that
foreign competitors cannot enter the market. - Costs of Importing and Exporting
- The price of a product or service must take the
landed cost into consideration. The landed cost
is the actual cost of an imported purchased item,
composed of the vendor cost, transportation
charges, duties, taxes, broker fees, and any
other charges.
11Chapter 4 International BusinessWhat Is
International Business?
- Excise Taxes
- An excise tax is a tax on the manufacture, sale,
or consumption of a particular product within a
country. -
- Currency Fluctuations
- Since currency rates fluctuate on a daily basis,
an international purchase made on one day may
cost less or more than another purchase on the
following day. Shifting currency exchange rates
vary as the economic strength of the two
countries change on a daily or weekly basis.
12Chapter 4 International BusinessFlow of Goods
and Services
- Imports, such as raw materials, processed
material, semi-finished goods, and manufactured
products, flow into Canada. Goods and materials
also leave Canada as exports. - Balance of Trade
- To maintain a healthy balance of trade, countries
try to import the same total value of products
that they export. An imbalance of the two results
in the following - a trade deficit in which a country pays more for
imports than it earns from exports - a trade surplus in which a country earns more
from exports than it pays for imports
13Chapter 4 International BusinessFlow of Goods
and Services
- Imports
- Five Ways to Offset the Risk of Importing
- Measure consumer interest.
- Use care when selecting foreign suppliers.
- Learn about a foreign partners culture.
- Carefully scrutinize the purchase agreement and
then sign it. - Check goods for quantity and quality upon
arrival. -
- Exports
- Direct exporting is exporting a product directly
to an importer without using an intermediary.
Indirect exporting is exporting a product to an
intermediary who then conveys the product to the
importer. Larger established companies usually
use direct exporting while newer ones utilize
indirect exporting.
14Chapter 4 International BusinessFlow of Goods
and Services
- Offsetting Risks
- Exporters reduce risks by planning carefully. As
part of their plan, - they conduct market research to ensure that there
are consumers for their goods and services. - Canadas Major Trading Partners
- Canadas number one trade partner is the United
States. - Three major reasons for trading with the United
States include - low cost shipping due to proximity
- similar cultures (language, interests, product
interest, and so on - a market that is 10 timers larger than the
domestic one
15Chapter 4 International BusinessCanada and
International Trade Agreements
- Two Main Advantages to Reducing Trade Barriers
- Domestic business can sell their products abroad
at lower prices since duties are not added. - Consumers have access to new foreign products
that may result in lower costs and quality
improvement of domestic products. - Trade agreements between countries allow goods
and service to flow more freely across boarders. - World Trade Organization (WTO)
- In 1947, the General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade (GATT) was signed by 23 nations who were
allies in World War II. The trade agreement came
into effective in 1948. Eventually, GATT grew to
115 member states before it was replaced by the
World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995. Today the
WTO is the principal international organization
that deals with rules of trade between nations.
16Chapter 4 International BusinessCanada and
International Trade Agreements
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) came into
effect in January - 1989. In 1994, Mexico, the United States, and
Canada formed the - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
- Other Free Trade Agreements
- Bilateral agreements involve Canada and one other
country or group. - A trading bloc is a group of countries that share
trade interests. - The Group of Eight (G8)
- The Group of Eight (G8) is an association of the
worlds most powerful - industrialized democracies. Meeting annually, the
G8 deals with economic - and political issues facing their own countries
and those of the larger - international community. Topics discussed include
energy, employment, - the environment, human rights, and arms control.
17Chapter 4 International BusinessThe Future of
International Trade
- The Asia-Pacific Economic Corporation (APEC) is
an economic development organization formed in
1889. The Asia-Pacific market is the fastest
growing trade group. - European Union (EU)
- In 1993, the European Union (EU) united 12 member
states into a true single market. Today the EU
has 15 members and a population of more that 370
million people. - Evolution of NAFTA
- If NAFTA becomes a single market, it could result
in workers from the US, Canada, and Mexico moving
freely between countries.
18Chapter 4 International BusinessThe Future of
International Trade
- Impact of Cultural Differences
- International trade depends on our response to
and acceptance of - cultural differences. Culture is the sum of a
countrys way of life, - beliefs, and customs.
- Dealing with People
- Conducting successful business in foreign
countries involves learning - what is important to their populations as well as
its cultural nuances. -
- Punctuality
- The value of punctuality depends on the cultures
some cultures value timeliness, some do not. It
is important to understand this before visiting
foreign countries. Other characteristics to
recognize are working at an acceptable pace,
having good manners, and learning to avoid waits
and disappointments. - Greetings
- Greeting someone can leave an important first
19Chapter 4 International BusinessThe Future of
International Trade
- Nonverbal Communication Signals
- Nonverbal signals can convey more than words do.
- Good Manners
- In Canada, the United States, and some European
countries, business is completed at a quick and
efficient pace. Most other countries prefer to
get to know people before any business is done. - Decision Making
- In North America, decision making is typically
top-down. In other cultures, decisions are made
from the bottom up. - Global Dependency
- Global dependency exists when customers in one
country demand items that are created in another.