Title: Geographical Ways of looking at segregation
1Geographical Ways oflooking at segregation
- Rich Harris, University of Bristol, UK
- School of Geographical Sciences Centre for
Market and Public Organisation
- Focus on two opportunities
- Modelling micro data geographically
- Mapping school catchment areas to identify
polarization - Building geographical models
- Example of Geographically Weighted Regression
- Common framework for analysis
- R
- Open source software for computing and statistics
- http//cran.r-project.org/
- Focus on two opportunities
- Modelling micro data geographically
- Mapping school catchment areas to identify
polarization - Building geographical models
- Example of Geographically Weighted Regression
- Common framework for analysis
4School choice Social segregation?
5Ethnic polarization?
6Geographical perspective
- Economic theory and government policy suggest
schools operate within local markets to attract
pupils and funding. - However, there is a deficit of understanding
about the scales and configurations of those
admission spaces. - Whilst competition for pupils and for school
places is assumed to operate at some localised
scale, the actual geographies of the markets,
where they overlap and where they might be
changing are generally unknown. - Aim To understand processes of polarization in
the context of the local markets within which
schools operate. - Task To use micro-data to model those markets
7The data
- Pupil Level Annual Census Returns
- Data on all pupils in primary (and secondary)
schools in England - 2005/6 data
- Information on state educated primary school
students (5-11 years old) - 'Self-identified' ethnic category collected from
parents when students enrol - Also records postcode unit of pupils' homes
- Which they school they attend
- School type (selective? Faith school?)
- Measure of deprivation (take a free school meal)?
8Defining core catchments
- Imagine centring a polygon at (mid-x, mid-y)
based on the residential postcodes of pupils
attending a school - Let the polygon grow outwards
9- The direction of growth is determined as that
which returns highest n1 / n2 - where n1 is number of pupils in area going to the
school - n2 is all pupils in the area (go to any school)
- Measuring prevalence
10- Continues until a certain proportion of all
pupils who attend the school are enclosed - p 0.30
11- Continues until a certain proportion of all
pupils who attend the school are enclosed - p 0.40
12- Continues until a certain proportion of all
pupils who attend the school are enclosed - p 0.50
- Catchment is then defined as the convex hull for
pupils of school within the search area.
14Evidence of polarisation
- Are particular social (ethnic) groups travelling
further to school than they need to? - Are there (primary) schools with an intake not
representative of the local community? - Are there (primary) schools with shared admission
spaces but where one has a very different intake
to the other? - Study region London
15Evidence of polarisation
- Are particular social (ethnic) groups travelling
further to school than they need to? - Are there (primary) schools with an intake not
representative of the local community? - Are there (primary) schools with shared admission
spaces but where one has a very different intake
to the other? - Study region London
16Defining Near
- Define as being near to a pupil any primary
school that has a core catchment that includes
the pupils residential postcode - Here the pupil has three near schools
17Proportion attending any near school(target
catchment p0.50) LONDON
18Evidence of polarisation
- Are particular social (ethnic) groups travelling
further to school than they need to? - Are there (primary) schools with an intake not
representative of the local community? - Are there (primary) schools with shared admission
spaces but where one has a very different intake
to the other? - Study region London
19Pairwise Comparisons
- Look inside the catchments
- Expected intake VsActual ethnic profile of each
school - Compare the profiles of locally competing
schools - ones that overlap (strongly) in terms of their
core catchment areas
20Visual Summary (LONDON)
- Consider those schools with highest expected
Black Caribbean
21Visual Summary (LONDON)
- Consider those schools with highest expected
- Focus on two opportunities
- Modelling micro data geographically
- Mapping school catchment areas to identify
polarization - Building geographical models
- Example of Geographically Weighted Regression
- Common framework for analysis
Data Numerator/Denominator Source
Y Higher education participation Successful entrants under 21 in UCAS data, for 20022005/ Census population 1417 2007 Index of Multiple Deprivation
X1 No qualifications Adults aged 2554 in the area with no qualifications or with qualifications below NVQ Level 2, for 2001 /All adults aged 2554. 2007 Index of Multiple Deprivation
X2 No post 16 qualifications Those aged 17 still receiving Child Benefit in 2006/ Those aged 15 receiving Child Benefit in 2004. 2007 Index of Multiple Deprivation
X3 Average KS4 Points Total score of pupils taking KS4 in 2004 and 2005 in maintained schools from the NPD / All pupils in their final year of compulsory schooling in maintained schools for 2004 and 2005 from PLASC. 2007 Index of Multiple Deprivation
X4 Four or more cars Four or more cars in household / total households 2001 Census
X5 Asian Total Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi people / total people 2001 Census
Data Numerator/Denominator Source
Y Higher education participation Successful entrants under 21 in UCAS data, for 20022005/ Census population 1417 2007 Index of Multiple Deprivation
X1 No qualifications Adults aged 2554 in the area with no qualifications or with qualifications below NVQ Level 2, for 2001 /All adults aged 2554. 2007 Index of Multiple Deprivation
X2 No post 16 qualifications Those aged 17 still receiving Child Benefit in 2006/ Those aged 15 receiving Child Benefit in 2004. 2007 Index of Multiple Deprivation
X3 Average KS4 Points Total score of pupils taking KS4 in 2004 and 2005 in maintained schools from the NPD / All pupils in their final year of compulsory schooling in maintained schools for 2004 and 2005 from PLASC. 2007 Index of Multiple Deprivation
X4 Four or more cars Four or more cars in household / total households 2001 Census
X5 Asian Total Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi people / total people 2001 Census
25Global regression model (n 31 378 )
ß Standard error t value Significant at a0.01?
(Intercept) 3.620 0.0213 170.2 Yes
X1 No Qualifications -0.027 0.0002 -152.5 Yes
X2 No Post 16 Qualifications -0.002 0.0001 -15.1 Yes
X3 Average KS4 attainment 0.003 0.0002 52.6 Yes
X4 Four or more cars 0.018 0.0005 35.9 Yes
X5 Asian 0.012 0.0002 68.1 Yes
26But Geographical variation in theAsian
27Geographically Weighted Regression
- What is it?
- Extension of regression model
- Allows model to vary over space
- How it works...
Regression Point
Data Points
28Summary of GWR model
ß(globalvalue) ß (u,v) Min ß (u,v) 1stdecile ß (u,v) 3rddecile ß (u,v) Median ß (u,v) 7thdecile ß (u,v) 9thdecile ß (u,v) Max. ß (u,v) IQR
(Intercept) 3.620
X1 No Qualifications -0.027 -0.047 -0.036 -0.032 -0.030 -0.027 -0.023 -0.014 0.006
X2 No Post 16 Qualifications -0.002 -0.008 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 -0.001 0.000 0.005 0.002
X3 Average KS4 attainment 0.003 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.006 0.001
X4 Four or more cars 0.018 -0.013 0.011 0.016 0.021 0.027 0.040 0.101 0.014
X5 Asian 0.012 -0.156 -0.006 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.020 0.217 0.008
29Geographical variation in theAsian coefficient
- Focus on two opportunities
- Modelling micro data geographically
- Mapping school catchment areas to identify
polarization - Building geographical models
- Example of Geographically Weighted Regression
- Common framework for analysis
31Framework for analysis
- R
- Open source software for statistical computing
- Available at CRAN
- http//cran.r-project.org/
- WUN GIS Academy
- eSeminars about Spatial analysis in R
- http//www.wun.ac.uk/ggisa/
32Thank you!