Michelle Mendoza, Criszel Corpuz, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Michelle Mendoza, Criszel Corpuz,


... in Birmingham, Alabama. -Her mother died in childbirth a year later -In 1943, ... You can not gather up sounds or breathe people. -Tone:Melancholy Ballad ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Michelle Mendoza, Criszel Corpuz,

  • Michelle Mendoza, Criszel Corpuz,
  • Jan Kirby Zabala, Angelica Parangue

Black Arts Movement
  • BAM is a 60s movement that emphasized on
    self-determination through self-reliance and
    black control of organizations and institutions.
  • Sought to create work that focused on African
    American cultural and historical experience.
  • New York City considered the birthplace of BAM
    because many Black revolutionist lived in this

Amiri Baraka
Born on Oct.7, 1937 in Newark, New Jersey He
was born as Everett LeRoi Jones and later changed
it to Amiri Baraka. After the assassination of
Malcom X, he moved to Harlem and became a Black
Nationalist that broke free from the white Beat
Generation and became an activist in the Civil
Rights movement
He was involved in many different types of jobs
throughout his life. He established the Black
Arts Repertory School (BARTS) and coined the term
Black Arts Notable Works  A Good Girl Is
Hard to Find, a play, The System of Dantes
Hell (1965), a novel, Tales (1967), a collection
of short stories, In the Funk World, a poem, and
Themes Techniques
  • Racism is wrong and was crippling the country
  • Artists of BAM used literary techniques such as
    colloquialism, diction, repetition, symbolism to
    combat the racial stereotype that African
    Americans were inferior.

Analysis of Kaba
  • Figurative Language
  • Personification
  • Line 1-2 A closed window looks down on a dirty
  • Tone- cold and dark tone which transforms into an
    inspirational one
  • Line 9-11 We are beautiful people with African
    imaginations full of masks and dances and
    swelling chants
  • Imagery- buttresses the established tone
  • Line 2 on a dirty courtyard, and Black people
    call across or scream across or walk across
  • Meaning of the work It acts as a form of
    inspiration for future generations to challenge
    oneself beyond ones limits. This theme is
    depicted through the struggles and spirit of the
    African American people.

Gwendolyn Brooks
  • Born on June 7, 1917 December 3, 2000
  • Grew up in Chicago and encountered racial
    prejudice in her neighborhood and schools
  • Attended Hyde Park High School, the leading white
    high school in the city, then transferred to an
    all-black school, Wendell Phillips, and her
    schools gave her a perspective on the racial
    society she faced which continued to influence
    her work
  • Published her first poem in a children's magazine
    at the age of 13 at 17, she stuck to her roots
    and began submitting her work to "Lights and
    Shadows," the poetry column of the Chicago
    Defender, an African-American newspaper
  • Her characters are often drawn from the poor
    inner city which she was familiar with
  • Notable Works Annie Allen, The Bean Eaters, We
    Real Cool, In The Mecca

Analysis of The Bean Eaters
  • Symbol-
  • The beans represent everything that the couple
    lacks, financially and socially
  • Repetition-
  • She emphasizes how routine their life is by
    repeating two who and putting
  • Imagery-
  • Describes the couple's lifestyle through the
    plain food and dinnerware
  • Lines 3-4 focuses on the imagery of the stuff
    which illustrates that clearly, they are poor
  • Lines 11-13, the piling images of stuff on top of
    each other gives a sense that the poem is as
    crowded as this couple's rented back room
  • The poem is a subtle reference to the social
    discrimination and economic tension that play out
    in the lives of everyday people in Chicago's
    South Side neighborhood suffering from poverty

Ntozake ShangeEn-to-za-kee Shong-ga
  • Real Name Paulette L. Williams
  • Grew up in a middle-class home
  • Musically Influenced by jazz, blues, soul
  • Literary influences include Shakespeare T. S.
  • Experienced racism at a young age in school
  • Attempted suicide after failed marriage
  • Notable Works

Sonia Sanchez
-Sonia Sanchez was born on September 9, 1934, in
Birmingham, Alabama. -Her mother died in
childbirth a year later-In 1943, she moved to
Harlem-Formed a writers' workshop in Greenwich
Village formed the "Broadside Quartet" of young
poets-She married and divorced Albert Sanchez, a
Puerto Rican immigrant, then married for two
years to poe, Etheridge Knight. -Was very
influential to the Civil Rights Movement and the
Black Arts Movement. 
Sonia Sanchez (continued)
  • Wrote about the struggles and lives of Black
    America. -Later, adopted ideas from Black Muslim
    leader Malcolm X focused on black heritage
    (seperatist)(believed blacks would never be
    truly accepted by whites in the United
    States)-Was a pioneer in developing black
    studies courses at what is now San Francisco
    State University, -Joined the Nation of Islam,
    but left the Nation, largely because of its
    repression of women-Sanchez is also known for
    her innovative melding of musical formats - like
    the blues - and traditional poetic formats like
    haiku and tanka-She also tends to use incorrect
    spelling to get her point across.
  • Notable Works
  • Homecoming, Broadside Press, 1969-We a Baddddd
    People (1970),
  • Broadside Press, 1973

  • Poem 3
  • -Reflecting upon her personal love life- you
    left behind--She has divorced twice the poem
    reveals that her man has left her On our bed--
    Uses the word our after the break up denoting
    that her bed belongs to her ex-husband (she
    misses him)- Each Nite--Misspells Nite for
    emphasis (Nights are long and dark)- I breathe
    you and become high - She longs for her
    ex-husband, her excessive thoughts about her
    ex-husband kills her and relaxes her at the same
    time.- Impossibilities You can not gather up
    sounds or breathe people.-ToneMelancholy

Ballad - The rain exploding in the air is
love- Metaphor- The grass excreting her green
wax is love-Metaphor- stones remembering past
steps is love- Personification/Metaphor.
Referring to history.- You are too young for
love- Repetition for emphasis.-Tone changes
from pessimistic to hopeful-She is remembering
the explosion of the senses that love brings to
one who has falllen HARD into love.-She fell
asleep in her man's arms (she defines as love) -
Went to sleep in love- In her love (within the
man's arms physically), and in love
(emotionally).- In the beginning , she looked
down on young love, but remembered that she was
there at a point (hypocritical)- All trace of
me was wiped away- refers to her
divorce-Whether it is a mature or immature love,
having your heart broken will have it's same
effect- forgive me if i smile- She has hope-
young heiress of a naked dream - She will
still stay strong even though her hopes and
dreams were crushed through love.
Interactive Poem
  • Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note
  • By Amiri BarakaLately, I've become accustomed
    to the way The ground opens up and envelopes me
    Each time I go out to walk the dog. Or the broad
    edged silly music the wind Makes when I run for a
    bus...Things have come to that.And now, each
    night I count the stars. And each night I get the
    same number. And when they will not come to be
    counted, I count the holes they leave.Nobody
    sings anymore.And then last night I tiptoed up
    To my daughter's room and heard her Talking to
    someone, and when I opened The door, there was no
    one there... Only she on her knees, peeking
    intoHer own clasped hands

AP Style Prompts
  • Many poems use contrasting places (for example,
    two distinct countries) to represent opposing
    societies that are essential to the meaning of
    the work. Analyze the poem and write an essay
    explaining how the use of figurative devices
    explicate the differences between presented place
    and how it contributes to the meaning of the work
    as a whole.
  • Kaba (Baraka)
  • Read the following poem carefully. Then, in a
    well-organized essay, analyze how the imagery of
    the poem conveys the speakers attitude toward the
    couples lifestyle.
  • The Bean Eaters (Brooks)
  •  In a brief essay, identify at least two of the
    implications implicit in the society reflected n
    the poem. Support your statements by specific
    references to the poem.
  • My Father is a Retired Magician (Shange)

  • http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amiri_Baraka
  • http//chisnell.com/APEng/LitCrit20Wikis/Ka'20Ba
  • http//xroads.virginia.edu/ug01/hughes/intro.html
  • http//www.poets.org/poet.php/prmPID/147
  • http//www.nathanielturner.com/blackartsmovementla
  • http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gwendolyn_Brooks
  • http//www.english.illinois.edu/maps/poets/a_f/bro
  • http//www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/gwendolyn-broo

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