Title: Mechanism design
1Mechanism design
2Goal of mechanism design
- Implementing a social choice function f(u1, ,
uA) using a game - Center auctioneer does not know the agents
preferences - Agents may lie
- Goal is to design the rules of the game (aka
mechanism) so that in equilibrium (s1, , sA),
the outcome of the game is f(u1, , uA) - Mechanism designer specifies the strategy sets Si
and how outcome is determined as a function of
(s1, , sA) ? (S1, , SA) - Variants
- Strongest There exists exactly one equilibrium.
Its outcome is f(u1, , uA) - Medium In every equilibrium the outcome is f(u1,
, uA) - Weakest In at least one equilibrium the outcome
is f(u1, , uA)
3Revelation principle
- Any outcome that can be supported in Nash
(dominant strategy) equilibrium via a complex
indirect mechanism can be supported in Nash
(dominant strategy) equilibrium via a direct
mechanism where agents reveal their types
truthfully in a single step
4Uses of the revelation principle
- Literal Only direct mechanisms needed
- Problems
- Strategy formulator might be complex
- Complex to determine and/or execute best-response
strategy - Computational burden is pushed on the center
(assumed away) - Thus the revelation principle might not hold in
practice if these computational problems are hard - This problem traditionally ignored in game theory
- Even if the indirect mechanism has a unique
equilibrium, the direct mechanism can have
additional bad equilibria - As an analysis tool
- Best direct mechanism gives tight upper bound on
how well any indirect mechanism can do - Space of direct mechanisms is smaller than that
of indirect ones - One can analyze all direct mechanisms pick best
one - Thus one can know when one has designed an
optimal indirect mechanism (when it is as good as
the best direct one)
5Implementation in dominant strategies
Strongest form of mechanism design
6Implementation in dominant strategies
- Goal is to design the rules of the game (aka
mechanism) so that in dominant strategy
equilibrium (s1, , sA), the outcome of the
game is f(u1, , uA) - Nice in that agents cannot benefit from
counterspeculating each other - Others preferences
- Others rationality
- Others endowments
- Others capabilities
7Gibbard-Satterthwaite impossibility
- Thrm. If O 3 (and each outcome would be
the social choice under f for some input profile
(u1, , uA) ) and f is implementable in
dominant strategies, then f is dictatorial
8(No Transcript)
9Special case where dominant strategy
implementation is possible Quasilinear
preferences -gt Clarke tax mechanism
- Outcome (x1, x2, ..., xk, m1, m2, ..., mA )
- Quasilinear preferences ui(x, m) mi vi(x1,
x2, ..., xk) - Utilitarian setting Social welfare maximizing
choice - Outcome s(v1, v2, ..., vA) maxx ?i vi(x1, x2,
..., xk) - Agents payment mi ?j?i vj(s(v)) - ?j?i
vj(s(v-i)) ? 0 is a tax - Thrm Every agents dominant strategy is to
reveal preferences truthfully - Intuition Agent internalizes the negative
externality he imposes on others by affecting the
outcome - Agent pays nothing if he does not change the
outcome - Example k1, x1joint pool built or not,
mi - E.g. equal sharing of construction cost -c / A
10Clarke tax mechanism
- Pros
- Social welfare maximizing outcome
- Truth-telling is a dominant strategy
- Feasible in that it does not need a benefactor
(?i mi ? 0) - Cons
- Budget balance not maintained (in pool example,
generally ?i mi lt 0) - Have to burn the excess money that is collected
- Thrm. Green Laffont 1979. Let the agents
have arbitrary quasilinear preferences. No
social choice function that is (ex post) welfare
maximizing (taking into account money burning as
a loss) is implementable in dominant strategies - If there is some party that has no private
information to reveal and no preferences over x,
welfare maximization and budget balance can be
obtained by having that partys payment be m0 -
?i1.. mi - Auctioneer could be called agent 0
- Vulnerable to collusion
- Even by coalitions of just 2 agents
11Another approach for circumventing the
impossibility of dominant-strategy implementation
- Design the game so that (although manipulations
exist), finding a beneficial manipulation is
computationally so complex for an agent that the
agent cannot do that - E.g. Complexity of Manipulating Elections with
Few Candidates Conitzer Sandholm AAAI-02,
TARK-03 - E.g. Universal Voting Protocol Tweaks for Making
Manipulation Hard Conitzer Sandholm IJCAI-03
12Yet another approach for circumventing the
impossibility of dominant-strategy implementation
- Designing the mechanism automatically to the
situation at hand Conitzer Sandholm - Input is the probabilistic information that the
center has about the agents - Output is an optimal mechanism where the agents
are motivated to reveal their preferences
truthfully, and a social objective is satisfied
to the optimal extent - Advantages
- Can be used even without side payments
quasilinear preferences - Could achieve better outcomes than Clarke tax
mechanism - Circumvents impossibility in many cases
- Complexity of Mechanism Design
- Designing a deterministic mechanism is
NP-complete - Designing a randomized mechanism is fast
- No loss in social objective, sometime a gain
- Both results also hold for Bayes-Nash
implementation - E.g., metal manufacturers with asymmetric
production costs