FSKSM Online Timetable Application (Architecture and Design Pattern) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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FSKSM Online Timetable Application (Architecture and Design Pattern)


FSKSM Online Timetable Application (Architecture and Design Pattern) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: FSKSM Online Timetable Application (Architecture and Design Pattern)

FSKSM Online Timetable Application (Architecture
and Design Pattern)
1. Application Background
  • General Information Development History
  • Usage Statistic
  • Platform

1. 1 General Information Development History
  • Used as a support and adds-on services to
    universitys e-learning system
  • Limited at faculty (FSKSM) level with main focus
    to handle time table and space management (labs,
    classrooms, lecture halls) correspond to
    teaching learning activities such as classes,
    labs, exam and other academic/non-academic
  • Development was started in 2002, begin tested in
    2003 until 2004 and then fully publish to
    end-users by second semester in 2005
  • Until now the application is still actively used
    and there are more new functions have been added
  • The most recent and featured function added is
    fully computer aided final exam timetabling

1.2 Usage Statistic
Table 1. Total hits for each session and semester
within the study weeks
Table 2. Number of total login by different types
of users into the system
1.2 Usage Statistic
  • In term of total hits as shown in Table 1, the
    highest total hits recorded is in semester 1
    session 2008/2009 with 39067 hits within 112 days
    give a rate of 348 hits per day
  • The highest hits number per day is also in
    20082009-1 with 5080 number of hits an have
    around 3.5 hits for each minute
  • All the highest hits per day happen at the very
    beginning of each session-semester days and this
    is a natural behavior in academic/campus life
  • Looking at these scenarios we recognize that
    performance issues related with enormous number
    of users access will not very significant to the
    current system
  • This is based on fact that high performance web
    site normally will have more than a millions of
    hits per day or even a hundred thousand in a
    single minute

1.2 Usage Statistic
  • Table 2 clearly shows that the anonymous users
    (user type Guest) contribute to most total login
    in each session and semester
  • Referring to the case study application, it
    demonstrates how system policies that provide an
    open view to as many as possible application
    resources defined as public can help increase
    users participants
  • There many other online systems in our
    organization that dont have this open view
    features to the anonymous visitors
  • This situation is normal since developing any
    kind of applications that support more than
    single users with multi level roles and access is
    the most difficult and challenging task even for
    most experienced developers

1.2 Usage Statistic
  • One of easier approach is by separating each
    types of users to different logical system spaces
    though they may refer to the same data resources
  • In client browsers this will end-up with the
    application separating their users into different
    login pages and URLs
  • Consequently, in most cases, anonymous or
    prospective users are frequently ignored thus
    dont have any single privilege to access
    application resources though many of these
    resources are highly possible to be a public if
    referred to organizations IT policies

1.2 Usage Statistic
Table 3. Number of different users types ever
used or login into the system
1.2 Usage Statistic
  • Type of users that mostly benefited from the
    system are implied in Table 3
  • Users with type of student are the lowest that
    participate in using the system though they have
    the highest number registered in the system
  • This can be further proved by looking at the fact
    that students will only used the system as
    read-only users which likely has the same level
    of access as a guest type user
  • The only benefit they can get when logging as a
    student is to have the facility to view
    information that only related to their profile
    for example their own timetable view sheet
  • This also explain why guest type users have
    higher login number as listed in Table 2 as its
    strongly believe that many of them (students) log
    into the system using guest type user profile

1.2 Usage Statistic
  • Lecturer type users showing quite better
    participation with more than half of them ever
    using the system in each session-semester since
  • It has been expected and parallel with our
    motivation when developing the system which is to
    solve the problems complained and faced by the
    lecturers when managing their academic timetable
    slot manually support by technical and clerical
  • On the other hand, technical and clerical staffs
    becomes the most benefited users with this
    situation where half of the previous manual task
    has been distributed to the lecturers

1.2 Usage Statistic
  • We present application usage statistic here as it
    can adequately describe some of the
    characteristics of domain problem solved by the
  • Able to understand and explain the real
    application characteristic also give us
    significant and valuable facts to support the
    rationale behind the proposed architecture and
    design pattern within the system
  • Though the system doesnt exhibit a high
    performance web application (high number users
    access) but its very valuable in term of solving
    one of most complex business activity within the
    organization (FSKSM)

1.3 Platform
  • Application currently run in LAMP platform
  • The acronym LAMP known as an open-source solution
    which incorporating together the operating system
    (Linux), web server (Apache), database
    application server (MySql), and dynamic
    scripting languages (Perl, Python, PHP) to
    provide full stack system infrastructure and
    facilities for web based application development
  • LAMP is well known for its low cost and reliable
    solution for hosting web based applications
  • Using standard CGI programming run in Perl/Python
    or server pages technology (PHP) LAMP provide
    less complex platform if compared to other such
    as J2EE

1.3 Platform
  • One of its scripting language (Perl) is
    undoubtedly among the most establish dynamic
    language with abundance support modules
    repository available at CPAN
  • All above motivate us to choose LAMP besides the
    reason that its the platform that has been long
    served and maintained in our organization

2. General Architecture
Web Server
Main Controller
Application Components
View Templates
Figure 1 Application General Architecture
2. General Architecture
  • Client web server communicate using standard
    HTTP protocol mainly using POST/GET methods
  • Application main controller is invoked by web
    server via standard Perl CGI script (index.cgi)
  • This Perl script act as a main executable script
    with its other main task is to instantiate core
    application modules to support database
    connection, CGI data processing, session
    handling, and users access logging
  • Except for View Templates, all entities are
    dynamic active by the way that they are calling
    other entities for services and may return some
    values to the calling entities

2. General Architecture
  • View Templates are static entities since they are
    only used inside Application Components to layout
    page presentation views
  • Template engine logics are embedded inside
    Application Components and used simple-generic
    text processing to produce new dynamic content
    based on layout defined in View Templates
  • Application Components act as a higher level
    interface that provide standard class/module
    implementation for most generic application
    domain solutions such as link management,
    authentication, and database operations

2. General Architecture
  • Application Components are supported by core
    application libraries/APIs that provide most
    basic functions such as CGI data handling,
    database connection, and view template processing
  • Main Controller itself actually is one that fall
    in Application Components category but with
    special more complex business logic and unique
  • Main Controller and standard Application
    Components used DB resources in different
  • Main Controller use information from database
    tables as a main resource for application generic
    controls and logics while other standard
    Application Components might also do the same but
    most often they use it to solve problems defined
    within application domain

2. General Architecture
  • Generally, Main Controller core tasks is to
    instantiate application modules (Application
    Components) that mapped with current selected
    link node and its structure, assigning parameters
    to instances , and call its methods
  • Other Application Components modules essentially
    used to solve and provide services related to
    application domain problems
  • Application Components can either be used
    directly or via sub-classing (inheritance) if
    particular business problem in application domain
    requires customization

3. Application Design
  • Links
  • Database

3.1 Links
Time Space
Subject Section
Sess./Sem. Info.
Current User
Student Groups
Subject Section
Final Exam
Clash Timetable
Space List
Space Occupation
Time Slot
Figure 2 Link Hierarchy Structure
3.1 Links
  • The Root link node is only for the purpose of
    conceptual logical view of the link structure
  • It will not appear as a tangible entity (as a
    link text/label) in the application presentation
  • By default the application will point to the link
    node Root -gt Doc. -gt Introduction after users
    login into the system
  • Link nodes name that start with character are
    an end-point nodes where the core application
    domain business process executed
  • These end-point nodes are mapped to specific
    Application Components that solved particular
    business problems and will instantiated by Main

3.1 Links
  • End-point nodes name that start with are used
    for displaying static content where in our case
    study application they are the application
  • All other parent nodes are mainly purposed for
    information categorization to provide high level
    view of services available in the application.
  • Some of them may also used to map other standard
    miscellaneous Application Components to provide
    generic application functionalities

3.1 Links
  • All link nodes displayed in the link hierarchy is
    the main link that build up the main navigation
    structure of the application
  • This main navigation structure is stored inside
    the database tables together with its association
    to other application resources such as static
    files, application modules, and application
  • We will explain all above in more detail in the
    database design section
  • Other link nodes exist beneath these main link
    nodes might generated dynamically by Application
    Components and its sub components

3.2 Database
  • Following general application architecture as
    explained in section 2 (Main Controller and
    Application Controllers) that use database
    resources (tables) with different purposes,
    database tables are grouped into two main
  • One group of tables are designed correspond to
    application specific domain problems requirements
    and the other one are dedicated to support
    general application logic and control
  • There are currently 24 tables used within the
    application domain problems scope and 17 tables
    for application logic and control
  • In this section we will only explain and discuss
    the second type of tables design as its one of
    the core element that lead to the application
    design pattern

3.2 Database
Figure 3 ERD to Support Generic Application
Logic Control
3.2 Database
  • Figure 3 is the ERD extracted from current
    database tables design embodied within the
  • Reverse engineering approach was used in the
    process of extraction
  • The steps are involving the procedures to dump
    all related tables structure from the MySQL
    database application server
  • MySQL Workbench from mysql.com was used as a
    tools to read back all dumped tables structure
    and then display them in ERD graphical view
  • The table relationship reconstruction was done
    manually with the help of tools provided within
    MySQL Workbench
  • For simplicity only primary and foreign keys are
    shown in the ERD and its enough to help explain
    the tables design

3.2 Database
  • There are some difficulties when try to
    interconnecting tables relationships due to some
    bad practices in the database tables design
    implemented at the beginning of application
    development task
  • Many of tables relationships are connected by
    using keys with inconsistence naming scheme
  • Inconsistence naming scheme also happen among
    tables that have relationship
  • There are also table that requires better
    normalization form to achieve more efficient data
    organization in the application
  • However, besides all these lack and weakness, the
    overall design has been proved useful and
    applicable within the application domain problem
    scope and has no serious error that badly affect
    the application in term of functionalities

3.2 Database
  • As shown in the Figure xxx, tables relationship
    are further divided into other four subsections
    (SAC, ALM, LSL, CRP, and CMS) correspond to its
    roles in the application
  • Full phrase of abbreviations used in each table
    design subsections are as follows
  • SAC Security and Access Control (authentication
  • ALM Access Log Management (accountability)
  • LSL Link Structure Logic (main links structure)
  • CRP Components Runtime Parameters (runtime
  • CMS Content Management System (document
  • Using these subsections information can help us
    deeply understand the overall design by the way
    that it further categorized the design
    information into smaller scope for easy design

3.2 Database
  • Its important to note that there are tables
    which have overlapped post across several design
    subsections or in other word have multiple roles
    in supporting generic application requirements
  • The tables and their overlapped roles
  • link_reference (LSL, CMS and LSL, CRP)
  • dyna_mod (CRP, SAC)
  • user and session (SAC, ALM)
  • link_reference table is one that shown uncommon
    overlapped features due to the fact that it
    requires better normalization
  • It used the foreign key fk_ref_name to refer both
    file_name in blob_info table and dyna_mod_name in
    dyna_mod table

3.2 Database
  • Tables overlapped roles exhibits the bound of
    application logic control and can be captured by
    rearrange back the set of overlapped subsections
    as follows
  • (LSL, CMS) (LSL, CRP) gt CMS --- LSL --- CRP
  • CMS --- LSL --- CRP (CRP, SAC) gt CMS --- LSL
    --- CRP --- SAC
  • CMS --- LSL --- CRP --- SAC (SAC, ALM) gt CMS
    --- LSL --- CRP --- SAC --- ALM
  • As discussed in section 2, Main Controller will
    instantiate other Application Modules base on
    current selected link node and its structure
  • This link structure information is gathered by
    manipulating LSL database table design subsection

3.2 Database
Main Controller
Application Components
Figure 4 Application Logic Control Flow at
Application Class and Database Design Layers
3.2 Database
  • Base on application logic control bound captured
    previously, the basic flows of application logic
    control are as depicted in Figure xxx
  • Its show how Main Controller and Application
    Controllers manipulating each database tables
    design subsections to cover most basic and
    generic web application logic control
  • In general the application used two different
    design layers to maneuver the control flow
    mechanism which are the application class design
    layer (ACD) database tables relationship design
    layer (DTRD)
  • At the ACD layer, application modules/classes are
    responsible to indirectly providing application
    logic control by using information acquired from
    LSL design subsection within the DTRD layer

3.2 Database
  • Its done directly by Main Controller or
    indirectly by other Application Components
  • Following general application architecture
    explained in section 2, Application Components
    themselves normally are invoked by Main
  • Next, after application logic control gathered
    from LSL and become available at the application
    runtime, the control flow will move on either to
    CMS or CRP ? SAC ? ALM control flow
  • The application will use CMS resources for static
    content publishing
  • For example in the current application there are
    system usage policies description and application
    documentation itself
  • CMS design subsection plainly provide a simple
    content management system services within the

3.2 Database
  • In the other hand CRP, SAC, and ALM subsections
    provide resources to support core application
    services involving database access functions and
    more complex domain business logic
  • CRP design subsection mainly purpose for Main
    Controller to assign parameters to Application
    Components at runtime and accidentally enabling
    the principle of CBSD via black box approaches
  • As in many web applications and also the same
    with current selected case study application,
    its unavoidably that the application must
    provide a service for different types of user
    with different roles within the system

3.2 Database
  • All these requires some logical mechanism for
    application resource usage control and monitoring
    that including the application classes/modules
    and database tables rows and items
  • SAC and ALM tables design subsections are
    introduced to cater with all these requirements
    and its an indispensable part that must exist in
    most multi users web database-backend
  • Details on each subsections tables design (LSL,
    CRP, SAC, ALM, and CMS) are given in the next

3.2.1 Link Structure Logic (LSL)
3.2.2 Content Management System (CMS)
3.2.3 Components Runtime Parameters (CRP)
3.2.4 Security Access Control (SAC)
3.2.5 Access Log Management (ALM)
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