Title: Welcome To Your Universe The Great Nebula In Orion
1Welcome To Your UniverseThe Great Nebula In Orion
- "All progress comes
- from those who do not take the accepted view, nor
accept the world as it is."---Neville - The Power of Awareness
2UFOs In Art Historywww.ufoartwork.com
- This painting is called "The Madonna with Saint
Giovannino". It was painted in the 15th century.
The Palazzo Vecchio lists the artist as unknown
although attributed to the Lippi school. Above
Mary's right shoulder is a disk shaped object.
Below is a blow up of this section and a man and
his dog can clearly be seen looking up at the
3Pope John Paul II
- Question By Little Girl
- "Holy Father, Are There Any
- Aliens?
- Answer
- "Always Remember, They
- Are Children Of God As We
- Are...." --Pope John Paul
II Rome November 28, 1999 -
- Michael Hesemann, Ufologist
4Author Marcia Schafer
- "The UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena is not
about - little gray men or different life forms. It is
about - understanding the marriage of consciousness and
- science. It's about learning how unknown
universal - principles can explain what is thought to be
- impossible. Most importantly, it's about our
human - spiritual evolution and relationship to a higher
- consciousness."
- Confessions of an Intergalactic Anthropologist
- www.beyondzebra.com
5Dr. Frank Drake
- Are there civilizations out there listening? Dr.
Frank Drake, President of the SETI Institute
(Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), came
up with an equation that allows us to make an
estimate by multiplying seven quantities related
to the prevalence of life. Since its introduction
in 1961, this tool has come to be known as the
Drake Equation.
6The Drake Equation
- N N fp ne fl fi fc fL
- N represents the number of stars in the Milky
Way Galaxy - Current estimates are 100 billion.
- fp fraction of stars with planets around them
20-50. - ne number of planets per star ecologically able
to sustain life 1 to 5. - fl fraction of those planets where life
actually evolves - 0 to 100.
- fi the fraction of fl that evolves intelligent
life 0-100. - fc the fraction of fi that communicates
10-20 - fL the fraction of the planet's life during
which the communicating civilizations survives - 1/100,000,000th to 1/1,000,000th.
- N the number of communicating civilizations in
the galaxy - Dr. Drakes Current Estimate, N10,000
7General Nathan Twining
- The phenomenon reported is something real
and not visionary or fictitious. - Chairman,
- Joint Chiefs of Staff
- 1955-1958
8Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter
- Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force
officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs.
But through official secrecy and ridicule, many
citizens are led to believe the unknown flying
objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air
Force has silenced its personnel. - ---The New York Times, Sunday, February 28,
1960 "Air Force Order on 'Saucers' Cited. - First CIA Director 1947
9Astronaut Gordon Cooper
- A saucer flew right over us and landed out on
the dry lakebed. The cameramen went out with
their cameras toward the UFO. I had a chance to
hold the film up to the window to look at it.
Good close-up shots. There was no doubt in my
mind that it was from someplace other than on
this Earth. - -- Video interview. Transcribed in Disclosure,
- Steven M. Greer, MD.
- Mercury Gemini Astronaut, Colonel Gordon Cooper
10U.S. General Stephen Lovekin
- Colonel Holomon brought out a piece of what
appeared to be metallic debris. He went on to
explain that this was material that had come from
a New Mexico crash in 1947 of an extraterrestrial
craft, and that was discussed at length.I got an
opportunity to travel with the President
Eisenhower. He was very, very interested in
what made the UFOs go. - But what happened was that Eisenhower got sold
out. He realized that he was losing control of
the UFO subject. He realized that the study of
these technologies was not going to be in the
best hands. That was a real concern - -- Video interview and Disclosure, pp. 230 - 236.
11Astronaut Edgar Mitchell
- Weve Had Visitors. A few insiders know the
truth . . . and are studying the bodies that have
been discovered," said Mitchell, who was the
sixth man to walk on the moon. - ST. PETERSBURG TIMES
- Feb. 18, 2004
12Apollo 11 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin
First Men on Moon Saw UFOs
"There was something out there, close enough to
be observed, and what could it be? Now,
obviously the three of us weren't going to blurt
out, 'Hey, Houston, we've got something moving
alongside of us and we don't know what it is,'
you know? We weren't about to do that, because we
knew that those transmissions would be heard by
all sorts of people and somebody might have
demanded we turn back because of aliens or
whatever the reason is." -July 2006
13Former Canadian Defense MinisterHon. Paul Hellyer
After reading Col. Philip Corsos Book, The Day
After Roswell, and speaking with a retired U.S.
Air Force General, he was informed that, Every
word in the book is true. That UFOs are real
and originate from off-planet cultures.
14Roswell, NM
15Notable Pics
- Testors model of one of the Roswell craft
(designed by William L. McDonald with input from
the late Ben Rich, Head of Lockheed Skunkworks,
who was privy to the original design) - www.CSETI.org
16Notable Pics
- November 1989 issue of Aviation Week and Space
Technology magazine. The picture was part of an
ad for AMOCO, headlined - Technology So Advanced it Will Help You
Answer Some Big Questions." - It shows the head and shoulders of an ET, with
its four-fingered hand held up in a gesture of
17Notable Pics
18Notable Pics
19Notable Pics
- Tiny Zeta Reticulan and U.S. Army personnel shake
20Notable Pics
- Small Zeta Reticulan
- Area 51, Nevada
- coasttocoastam.com
21- On May 9th, 2001 more than twenty military,
intelligence, government, corporate and
scientific witnesses came forward at the National
Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the
reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles,
extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting
advanced energy and propulsion technologies. - www.disclosureproject.org
I KNOW WHAT I SAW, a documentary guaranteed to
change the way we see the universe. Director,
James Fox assembled the most credible UFO
witnesses from around the world to testify at The
National Press Club in Washington D.C. Air Force
Generals, astronauts, military and commercial
pilots, government and FAA officials from seven
countries tell stories that, as Governor Fife
Symington from Arizona stated, "will challenge
your reality". Their accounts reveal a
behind-the-scenes U.S. operation whose policy is
to confiscate and hoard substantiating evidence
from close encounters to the extent that even
Presidents have failed to get straight answers. I
KNOW WHAT I SAW exposes reasons behind government
secrecy from those involved at the highest level.
23My Recommendations
- The Day After Roswell
- U.S. Army Col. Philip J. Corso
- Member of the White House National Security
Council under President Eisenhower, and then
headed the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S.
Army's Research and Development Department
24Sgt. Karl Wolfe, U.S. Air Force 1964-1968
- Working at an NSA facility in 1965, he was shown
photographs, taken by the Lunar Orbiter, of the
back side of the Moon that showed detailed
artificial structures. - Some of the structures are half a mile in
size.And theyre all different sized structures
in different photographs. - Some of the buildings seemed to have very
reflective surfaces on them. A couple of
structuresreminded me of cooling towers at
power-generating plants.Some of them were just
very straight and tall with a flat top. - I didnt want to look at it any longer than
that, because I felt that my life was in
jeopardy. - .Everyday that I went home I would think to
myself, Id cant wait to hear about this on the
news.That weve discovered a base on the back
side of the MoonBeing really naïve, you know. - ---Video Interview and Disclosure, pp.415-416.
25President Harry S. Truman
- " I can assure you that flying saucers, given
that they exist, are not constructed by any power
on earth. - April, 1950
26President William J. Clinton
- "Sarah, they won't tell me anything about it
(UFOs), so how can we disclose it? - Response to White House Correspondent Sarah
McClendon - Tribute to Sarah McClendon
- By Steven M. Greer, MD