Title: Media Planning and Analysis
1Media Planning and Analysis
Chapter Fourteen
2Chapter Fourteen Objectives
- Describe the major factors used in segmenting
target audiences for media strategy purposes - Explain the meaning of reach, frequency, gross
rating points, target rating points, effective
rating points, and other media concepts - Discuss the logic of the three-exposure
hypothesis and its role in media and vehicle
3Chapter Fourteen Objectives
- Describe the use of the efficiency-index
procedure for media selection - Distinguish the differences among three forms of
advertising allocation continuous, pulsed, and
flighted schedules - Explain the principle of recency, or shelf-space
model, and implications for allocating
advertising expenditures over time
4Chapter Fourteen Objectives
- Perform cost-per-thousand calculations
- Interpret the output from a computerized media
5Saab 9-5
- In the late 1990s, Saab introduced a new luxury
sedan the Saab 9-5 - Saab had done little to expand its brand image in
U.S. - Historically it attracted younger customers, but
needed the luxury sedan to appeal to families and
older customers
6Saab 9-5
- A mass-market advertising campaign was undertaken
with the following objectives - Generate excitement for new 9-5 model line
- Increase overall awareness for Saab name
- Encourage customers to visit dealers and
test-drive - Retail 11,000 units of 9-5 during introductory
7Saab 9-5
- Television commercials were run on network TV and
cable in May - A newspaper campaign began earlier in March with
ads in USA Today and Wall Street Journal - Ads also ran yearlong in several automobile
magazines - Internet banner ads were also run throughout the
8Saab 9-5 Media Plan
9Saab 9-5 Magazine Ad
10Saab 9-5 Dealer Kit
11Saab 9-5 Direct Mail uestionnaire
- Direct mail questionnaire
12Saab 9-5 Direct Mail Response to Questionnaire
- Response to direct mail questionnaire
13Saab 9-5 Dealer Leads
- Dealer lead information card
14Saab 9-5 Dealer Sales Literature
- Dealer consumer sales literature
15Saab 9-5 Consumer Test Drive Contest
- Test-drive invitation and contest
16Saab 9-5 Consumer Test Drive Contest
171-800-COLLECT Media Strategy
- 1-800-Collect media strategy guide
18Media Overview
- Advertisers are placing more emphasis than ever
on media planning - Choosing media vehicles is the most complicated
of all marketing communications decisions - Aside from specific vehicles in media, the
planner has to choose geographical locations and
budget distribution over time
19The Media-Planning Process
- Media planning
- Involves the process of designing a
- scheduling plan that shows how
- advertising time and space will
- contribute to the achievement of
- marketing objectives
20Overview for the Media Planning Process
Marketing Strategy
Advertising Strategy
- Media Strategy
- Audience Selection
- Objective Specification
- Media and Vehicle
- Media Buying
21The Media-Planning Process
- As shown in the figure, media planning involves
coordination the coordination of three levels of
strategy formulations - Marketing Strategy
- Advertising Strategy
- Media Strategy
22The Media-Planning Process
- Marketing Strategy
- Provides impetus and direction for choice of both
advertising and media strategies - Advertising Strategy
- Involves advertising budgets, objectives and
message and media strategies - extends from overall marketing strategy
23The Media-Planning Process
1. Selecting the target audience
2. Specifying media objectives
4. Buying media
3. Selecting media categories and vehicles
24Selecting the Target Audience
(1) Buyographics
(2) Geographic
(3) Demographic
(4) Lifestyle/psychographics
25Specifying Media Objectives
- What proportion of the population should be
reached with advertising message during specified
period (reach) - How frequently should audience be exposed to
message during this period (frequency) - How much total advertising is needed to
accomplish reach and frequency objectives
26Specifying Media Objectives
- How should the advertising budget be allocated
over time (continuity) - How close to the time of purchase should the
target audience be exposed to the advertising
message (recency) - What is the most economically justifiable way to
accomplish objectives (cost)
- Percentage of target audience that is
- exposed to an advertisement, at least
- once, during a certain time frame
- (usually four weeks)
- Reach represents the percentage of target
customers who have an opportunity to see the
advertisers message. - Other terms used by Media Planners to describe
reach - 1 (read one-plus)
- net coverage
- unduplicated audience
- cumulative audience ( or cume)
29Factors Determining the Reach
- More people are reached when a media schedule
uses multiple media - The number and diversity of media vehicles used
- By diversifying the day parts
- Average number of times
- an advertisement reaches
- the target audience in a
- four-week period
31Market Factors/Frequency Levels
Market Factor Type Frequency
- Brand History New High
- Brand Share High Low
- Brand Loyalty High Low
- Purchase Cycle Short High
- Usage Cycle Short High
- Share of Voice High High
32Message Creative Factors/Frequency Levels
Message/Creative Factor Type
- Message Complexity Simple Low
- Message Uniqueness Unique Low
- Newness New High
- Image Factors Image High
- Message variation Little Low
33Media Factors/Frequency Levels
Media Factor Type Frequency
- Clutter high High
- Editorial Nature Consistent Low
- Attentiveness High Low
- Scheduling Continuous Low
- Number of Media a Lot Low
- How much advertising volume is required to
accomplish advertising objectives - Three weight metrics
- Gross ratings
- Target ratings
- Effective ratings
- Gross rating points, or GRPs, are
- an indicator of the amount of gross
- weight that a particular advertising
- schedule is capable of delivering
- GRPsReach(R) X Frequency(F)
36Determining GRPs in Practice
- GRPs are the sum of all vehicle ratings in a
media schedule - Rating proportion of the target audience
presumed to be exposed to a single occurrence of
an advertising vehicle in which the advertisers
brand is advertised
37Determining GRPs in Practice
- 100 GRPs could mean
- 100 exposed once
- 50 exposed twice
- 25 exposed four times
- etc.
- Target Rating Points (TRPs)
- Adjust a vehicles rating to reflect just those
individuals who match the advertisers target
audience -
- Effective Rating Points (ERPs)
- Effective reach
- Effective frequency
40The Concept of ERPs
- How often the target audience have an opportunity
to be exposed? - Effective reach is based on the idea that an
advertising schedule is effective only if it does
not reach members of target audience too few or
too many times
41How Many Exposures are Needed?
- Three-Exposure Hypothesis
- The minimum number of exposures
- needed for advertising to be effective
- is three
42How Many Exposures are Needed?
- The Efficiency-Index Procedure
- Media schedule that generates the
- most exposure value per GRP
43Efficiency Index Procedure
Exposure Value
Exposure Distribution
Total Exposure Value
Index of Exposure Efficiency
44Effective Reach in Advertising Practice
- 3-10 exposures during a media-planning period
(typically 4 weeks) - Using multiple media
- Subjective factors must be considered
- How advertising is allocated during
- the course of an advertising
- campaign how should the media
- budget be distributed?
- Continuous schedule
- Pulsing
- Flighting
47Continuous, Pulsing, and Flighting Schedules
48Recency Planning
- Consumers first exposure to an advertisement is
the most powerful - Advertising primary role is to influence brand
choice - (2) Achieving a high level of weekly reach for a
brand should be emphasized over acquiring heavy
49Optimizing Weekly Reach
- Advertising teaches consumers
- Influence brand selection
- Messages are most effective when close to
- purchase time
- Cost-Effectiveness of first exposure is greater
- than subsequent
- Allocate budget to reach consumers often
- Reach target audience continuously rather than
50Toward Reconciliation
- Illustration of
- advertisings
- Chance Encounter
- and the value of
- achieving reach
51Cost Considerations
- The cost of reaching 1,000 members of
- the target audience, excluding those
- people who fall outside the target market
52Cost considerations
Cost per Thousand (CPM) Target Market
(TM) CPM Cost of ad
of contacts (expressed in thousands) CPM-TM
Cost of ad
of TM contacts (expressed
in thousands)
53Cost Considerations
- Measures of cost efficiency, not of effectiveness
- Lack of comparability across media
- Misused unless vehicles within a particular
medium are compared on the same basis
- Tradeoff must be made because media planners
operate under the constraint of fixed advertising
55Media Planning Software
- ADplus
- 1. User develops a media database
- 2. User selects criterion for schedule
optimization - 3. User specifies constraints
- 4. ADplus seeks out the optimum media schedule
56Diet Dr. Pepper Campaign
- Market Situation
- Sluggish category growth
- Growth of new-age beverages
- Price sensitive
- Lack of bottler attention and focus
- Inadequate distribution
- Greater spending by major competitors
57Media Strategy
- Media plan for
- Diet Dr. Pepper
58Media Plan for Diet Dr. Pepper
- Media plan for
- Diet Dr. Pepper
- (page 2)
59Campaign Target and Objectives
- Increase sales by 4 and improve growth rate to
1.5 times the diet soda category - Heighten consumer knowledge
- Differentiate product
- Sales grew by 6.6
- Consumer brand ratings of Diet Dr. Pepper
surpassed Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi in several key