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Andrea Saltelli,


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Andrea Saltelli,

Sensitivity Analysis An introduction
Andrea Saltelli, European Commission, Joint
Research Centre Copenhagen, October 2007
Based on Global sensitivity analysis. Gauging
the worth of scientific models John Wiley,
2007 Andrea Saltelli, Marco Ratto, Terry
Andres, Francesca Campolongo, Jessica Cariboni,
Debora Gatelli , Michaela Saisana, Stefano
Outline Models an unprecedented
critique Definition of UA, SA Strategies Model
quality Type I, II and III errors
The critique of models and what sensitivity
analysis has to do with it
They talk as if simulation were real-world data.
They re not. That s a problem that has to be
fixed. I favor a stamp WARNING COMPUTER
Like on cigarettes , p. 556
For sure modelling is subject toady to an
unprecedented critique. Have models fallen out
of grace Is modelling just useless arithmetic as
claimed by Pilkey and Pilkey-Jarvis 2007?
Useless Arithmetic Why Environmental Scientists
Can't Predict the Future by Orrin H. Pilkey and
Linda Pilkey-Jarvis Quantitative mathematical
models used by policy makes and government
administrators to form environmental policies are
seriously flawed
One of the examples discussed concerns the Yucca
Mountain repository for radioactive waste
disposal, where a very large model called TSPA
(for total system performance assessment) is used
to guarantee the safe containment of the waste.
TSPA is Composed of 286 sub-models.
TSPA (like any other model) relies on assumptions
-- a crucial one being the low permeability of
the geological formation and hence the long time
needed for the water to percolate from the desert
surface to the level of the underground disposal.
The confidence of the stakeholders in TSPA was
not helped when evidence was produced which could
lead to an upward revision of 4 orders of
magnitude of this parameter.
We just cant predict, concludes N. N. Taleb, and
we are victims of the ludic fallacy, of delusion
of uncertainty, and so on. Modelling is just
another attempt to Platonify reality
Nassim Nichola Taleb, The Black Swan, Penguin,
London 2007
You may disagree with the Tales and the Pilkeys
... But is the cat is out of the
bag. Stakeholders and media will tend to expect
or suspect instrumental use of computation
models, or mistreatment of their uncertainty.
The critique of models
The nature of models, after Rosen
The critique of models
After Robert Rosen, 1991, World (the natural
system) and Model (the formal system) are
internally entailed - driven by a causal
structure. Efficient, material, final for
world formal for modelNothing entails
with one another World and Model the
association is hence the result of a
The critique of models
Since Galileo's times scientists have had to deal
with the limited capacity of the human mind to
create useful maps of world into model.
The emergence of laws can be seen in this
context as the painful process of simplification,
separation and identification which leads to a
model of uncharacteristic simplicity and beauty.
The critique of models
ltltGroundwater models cannot be validated !gtgt
Konikov and Bredehoeft, 1992. Konikov and
Bredehoefts work was reviewed on Science in
Verification, Validation and Confirmation of
numerical models in the earth sciences, by
Oreskes et al. 1994. Both papers focused on the
impossibility of model validation.
The (post modern) critique of models. The
post-modern French thinker Jean Baudrillard
(1990) presents 'simulation models' as
unverifiable artefact which, used in the context
of mass communication, produce a fictitious hyper
reality that annihilates truth.
Science for the post normal age is discussed in
Funtowicz and Ravetz (1990, 1993, 1999) mostly
in relation to Science for policy use.
Jerry Ravetz
Silvio Funtowicz
The critique of models lt-gt Uncertainty
ltltI have proposed a form of organised sensitivity
analysis that I call global sensitivity
analysis in which a neighborhood of alternative
assumptions is selected and the corresponding
interval of inferences is identified. Conclusions
are judged to be sturdy only if the neighborhood
of assumptions is wide enough to be credible and
the corresponding interval of inferences is
narrow enough to be useful.gtgt Edward E. Leamer,
GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) Science - where
uncertainties in inputs must be suppressed lest
outputs become indeterminate
Jerry Ravetz
The critique of models lt-gt Uncertainty
Peter Kennedy, A Guide to Econometrics
Anticipating criticism by applying sensitivity
analysis. This is one of the ten commandments of
applied econometrics according to Peter Kennedy
Thou shall confess in the presence of
sensitivity. Corollary Thou shall anticipate
The critique of models lt-gt Uncertainty
When reporting a sensitivity analysis,
researchers should explain fully their
specification search so that the readers can
judge for themselves how the results may have
been affected. This is basically an honesty is
the best policy' approach, advocated by Leamer.
The critique of models - LAST!
George Box, the industrial statistician, is
credited with the quote all models are wrong,
some are useful Probably the first to say
that was W. Edwards Deming. Box, G.E.P.,
Robustness in the strategy of scientific model
building, in Robustness in Statistics, R.L.
Launer and G.N. Wilkinson, Editors. 1979,
Academic Press New York.
G. Box
W. E. Deming
The critique of models Back to Rosen
If modelling is a craftsmanship, then it can help
the craftsman that the uncertainty in the
inference (the substance of use for the decoding
exercise) is apportioned to the uncertainty in
the assumptions (encoding).
Models Uncertainty
lt-gt DECODING Apportioning inferences to
assumptions is an ingredient of decoding how
can this be done?
Definition. A possible definition of sensitivity
analysis is the following The study of how
uncertainty in the output of a model (numerical
or otherwise) can be apportioned to different
sources of uncertainty in the model input. A
related practice is uncertainty analysis', which
focuses rather on quantifying uncertainty in
model output. Ideally, uncertainty and
sensitivity analyses should be run in tandem,
with uncertainty analysis preceding in current
Models maps assumptions onto inferences
(Parametric bootstrap version of UA/SA )
(?Parametric bootstrap we sample from the
posterior parameter probability)
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
  • About models. A model can be
  • Diagnostic or prognostic.
  • - models used to understand a law and - models
    used to predict the behaviour of a system given a
    supposedly understood law.

Models can thus range from wild speculations used
to play what-if games (e.g. models for the
existence of extraterrestrial intelligence) to
models which can be considered accurate and
trusted predictors of a system (e.g. a control
system for a chemical plant).
About models. A model can be 2. Data-driven or
law-driven. - A law-driven model tries to put
together accepted laws which have been attributed
to the system, in order to predict its behaviour.
For example, we use Darcy's and Ficks' laws to
understand the motion of a solute in water
flowing through a porous medium. - A
data-driven model tries to treat the solute as a
signal and to derive its properties
More about law-driven versus data-driven
Advocates of data-driven models like to point
out that these can be built so as to be
parsimonious, i.e. to describe reality with a
minimum of adjustable parameters (Young,
Parkinson 1996). Law-driven models, by contrast,
are customarily over-parametrized, as they may
include more relevant laws than the amount of
available data would support.
More about law-driven versus data-driven For
the same reason, law-driven models may have a
greater capacity to describe the system under
unobserved circumstances, while data-driven
models tend to adhere to the behaviour associated
with the data used in their estimation.
Statistical models (such as hierarchical or
multilevel models) are another example of
data-driven models.
  • More categorizations of models are possible, e.g.
  • Bell D., Raiffa H., Tversky A. (eds.) (1988)
    Decision making Descriptive, normative and
    prescriptive interactions, Cambridge University
    press, Cambridge.
  • Formal models axiomatic systems characterized by
    internal consistency. No need to have relations
    with the real world.
  • Descriptive models these models are factual in
    the sense that their basic assumptions should be
    as close as possible with the real-world.
  • Normative models they propose a series of rules
    that an agent should follow to reach specific

Wikipedias entry for mathematical model A
mathematical model is an abstract model that uses
mathematical language to describe the behaviour
of a system. Mathematical models are used
particularly in the natural sciences and
engineering disciplines (such as physics,
biology, and electrical engineering) but also in
the social sciences (such as economics, sociology
and political science) physicists, engineers,
computer scientists, and economists use
mathematical models most extensively. Eykhoff
(1974) defined a mathematical model as 'a
representation of the essential aspects of an
existing system (or a system to be constructed)
which presents knowledge of that system in usable
Sample matrix for parametric bootstrap (ignoring
the covariance structure). Each row is a sample
trial for one model run. Each column is a sample
of size N from the marginal distribution of the
parameters as generated by the estimation
Each row is the error-free result of the model
Bootstrapping-of-the-modelling-process version
of UA/SA, after Chatfield, 1995
(?Model Identification)
(?Bootstrap of the modelling process)
Bayesian Model Averaging
Posterior of Parameters
The analysis can thus be set up in various ways
what are the implications for model quality?
What constitutes an input for the analysis
depends upon how the analysis is set up and
will instruct the modeller about those factors
which have been included. A consequence of this
is that the modeller will remain ignorant of the
importance of those variables which have been
kept fixed.
The spectre of type III errors Assessing the
wrong problem by incorrectly accepting the false
meta-hypothesis that there is no difference
between the boundaries of a problem, as defined
by the analyst, and the actual boundaries of the
problem (Dunn, 1997). answering the wrong
question framing issue (Peter Kennedys II
commandment of applied econometrics Thou shall
answer the right question, Kennedy 2007) Dunn,
W. N. 1997, Cognitive Impairment and Social
Problem Solving Some Tests for Type III Errors
in Policy Analysis, Graduate School of Public and
International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh,
The spectre of type III errors Donald Rumsfeld
version "Reports that say that something hasn't
happened are always interesting to me, because as
we know, there are known knowns there are things
we know we know. We also know there are known
unknowns that is to say we know there are some
things we do not know. But there are also unknown
unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't
In sensitivity analysis Type I error assessing
as important a non important factor Type II
assessing as non important an important factor
Type III analysing the wrong problem
  • Type III in sensitivity Examples
  • In the case of TSPA (Yucca mountain) a range of
    0.02 to 1 millimetre per year was used for
    percolation of flux rate. Applying sensitivity
    analysis to TSPA could or could not identify this
    as a crucial factor, but this would be of scarce
    use if the value of the percolation flux were
    later found to be of the order of 3,000
    millimetres per year.
  • Another example The result of a model is found
    to depend on the mesh size employed.

Our suggestions on useful requirements of a
sensitivity analysis
Requirement 1. Focus About the output Y of
interest. The target of interest should not
be the model output per se, but the question
that the model has been called to answer.
Requirement 1 - Focus Another implication Models
must change as the question put to them changes.
The optimality of a model must be weighted with
respect to the task. According to Beck et al.
1997, a model is relevant when its input factors
cause variation in the answer.
Requirement 2. Multidimensional averaging. In a
sensitivity analysis all known sources of
uncertainty should be explored simultaneously,
to ensure that the space of the input
uncertainties is thoroughly explored and that
possible interactions are captured by the
Requirement 3. Important how?. Define
unambiguously what you mean by importance in
relation to input factors / assumptions.
Requirement 4. Pareto. Be quantitative. Quantify
relative importance by exploiting factors
unequal influence on the output.
Requirement N. Look at uncertainties before
going public with findings.
All models have use for sensitivity analysis
Atmospheric chemistry, transport emission
modelling, fish population dynamics, composite
indicators, risk of portfolios, oil basins
models, macroeconomic modelling, radioactive
waste management ...
Prescription have been issued for sensitivity
analysis of models when these used for policy
In Europe, the European Commission recommends
sensitivity analysis in the context of the
extended impact assessment guidelines and
handbook (European Commission SEC(2005) 791
2005) http//
13.5. Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity analysis
explores how the outcomes or impacts of a course
of action would change in response to variations
in key parameters and their interactions. Useful
techniques are presented in a book published by
the JRC() Advantages it is often the
best way to handle the analysis of uncertainties.
Sources a multi-author book published in 2000.
Methodology and applications by several
practitioners. Chapter1, Introduction and 2,
Hitch Hiker guide to sensitivity analysis offer a
useful introduction to the topic
Sources a primer, an introductory book to the
topic its examples are based on a software,
SIMLAB that can be freely downloaded from the
Prescriptions for sensitivity analysis (continued)
  • Similar recommendation in the United States EPAs
    2004 guidelines on modelling
  • http//
  • Models Guidance Draft - November 2003 Draft
    Guidance on the Development, Evaluation, and
    Application of Regulatory Environmental Models
    Prepared by The Council for Regulatory
    Environmental Modeling

Prescriptions for sensitivity analysis (continued)
  • methods should preferably be able to
  • deal with a model regardless of assumptions about
    a models linearity and additivity
  • consider interaction effects among input
    uncertainties and

EPA prescriptions (continued)
(c) cope with differences in the scale and shape
of input PDFs (d) cope with differences in input
spatial and temporal dimensions and (e)
evaluate the effect of an input while all other
inputs are allowed to vary as well .
Other prescriptions
While the EPA prescriptions seem modern from a
practitioner viewpoint, those of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC,
1999, 2000) are rather conservative. The IPCC
mentions the existence of sophisticated
computational techniques for determining the
sensitivity of a model output to input
quantities...", while in fact recommending merely
local (derivative based) methods.
Sensitivity analysis and the White House
Odd though it might be, in he US the OFFICE OF
controversial Proposed Risk Assessment Bulletin
also puts forward prescription for sensitivity
analysis. (next story)
Other prescriptions
Although the IPCC background papers advise the
reader that the sensitivity is a local
approach and is not valid for large deviations in
non-linear functions, they do not provide any
prescription for non-linear models.
Some of the questions
The space of the model induced choices (the
inference) swells and shrinks by our swelling and
shrinking the space of the input assumptions. How
many of the assumptions are relevant at all for
the choice? And those that are relevant, how do
they act on the outcome singularly or in more or
less complex combinations?
Some of the questions
I desire to have a given degree of robustness
in the choice, what factor/assumptions should be
tested more rigorously? (Should I look at how
much fixing any given f/a can potentially
reduce the variance of the output?)
Some of the questions
Can I confidently fix a subset of the input
factors/assumptions? The Beck and Ravetz
relevance issue. How do I find these f/a?
  • Global sensitivity analysis

Global sensitivity analysis The study of how
the uncertainty in the output of a model
(numerical or otherwise) can be apportioned to
different sources of uncertainty in the model
input. Global could be an unnecessary
specification, were it not for the fact that most
analysis met in the literature are local or
Uncertainty analysis Mapping assumptions onto
inferences Sensitivity analysis The reverse
Simplified diagram - fixed model
How to play uncertainties in environmental
Scientific American, Jun2005, Vol. 292, Issue 6
- Fabrication (and politicisation) of
uncertainty The example of the US Data quality
act and of the OMB Peer Review and Information
Quality which
seemed designed to maximize the ability of
corporate interests to manufacture and magnify
scientific uncertainty.
And the story goes on OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND
BUDGET (OMB) Proposed Risk Assessment Bulletin
(January 9, 2006) http//
foreg/ OMB under attack by US legislators and
The aim is to bog the process down, in the name
of transparency (Robert Shull). the
proposed bulletin resembles several earlier
efforts, including rules on 'information quality'
and requirements for costbenefit analyses, that
make use of the OMB's extensive powers to weaken
all forms of regulation. Colin Macilwain, Safe
and sound? Nature, 19 July 2006.
Main Man. John Graham has led the White House
mission to change agencies' approach to risk
ibidem in Nature
And still sensitivity analysis is part of the
4. Standard for Characterizing Uncertainty Influe
ntial risk assessments should characterize
uncertainty with a sensitivity analysis and,
where feasible, through use of a numeric
distribution Sensitivity analysis is
particularly useful in pinpointing which
assumptions are appropriate candidates for
additional data collection to narrow the degree
of uncertainty in the results. Sensitivity
analysis is generally considered a minimum,
necessary component of a quality risk assessment
Assessment Bulletin (January 9, 2006)
  • (SA-based) consideration from Michaels paper and
    the OMB story
  • High uncertainty is not the same as low quality.
  • 2) One should focus on the ability to sort
    policy options outcomes are they distinguishable
    from one another given the uncertainties?

High uncertainty is not the same as low quality
Example imagine the inference is Y the
logarithm of the ratio between the two
pressure-on-decision indices PI1 and PI2
Region where Region where Incineration
Landfill is preferred is
Frequency of occurrence
YLog(PI 1/PI 2)
Useful inference versus falsification of the
Post Normal Science
Funtowicz and Ravetz, Science for the Post Normal
age, Futures, 1993
Post Normal Science
Post-Normal Science, a mode of scientific
problem-solving appropriate to policy issues
where facts are uncertain, values in dispute,
stakes high and decisions urgent.
Post Normal Science
Elements of Post Normal Science Appropriate
management of uncertainty quality and
value-ladenness Plurality of commitments and
perspectives Internal extension of peer community
(involvement of other disciplines) External
extension of peer community (involvement of
stakeholders in environmental assessment
quality control)
Post Normal Science
Remark on Post Normal Science diagram increasing
stakes increases uncertainty
Funtowicz and Ravetz, Science for the Post Normal
age, Futures, 1993
Remark Rising political stakes catalyze
scientific uncertainty ? The critique of Daniel
Sarewitz The notion that science can be used to
reconcile political disputes is fundamentally
flawed The example of the 2000 Bush-Gore
count (American Scientist issue of
March-April 2006 Volume 94 Number 2 Page 104)

Daniel Sarewitz, Arizona State University
Pedigree matrix for evaluating models Courtesy of
Jeroen van der Sluijs
Example result of pedigree analysis of emission
monitoring acidifying substances Courtesy of
Jeroen van der Sluijs
Labels of source activity combinations
plotted   1. NH3 dairy cows, application
of manure 2. NOx mobile sources agriculture 3.
NOx agricultural soils 4. NH3 meat pigs,
application of manure 5. NOx highway gasoline
personal cars 6. NH3 dairy cows, animal housings
and storage 7. NOx highway truck trailers 8. NH3
breeding stock pigs, application of manure 9. NH3
calves, yearlings, application of manure 10. NH3
application of synthetic fertilizer
Danger zone
Safe zone
  • Summary of SA input to post-normal science to the
    science-law-policy interfaces
  • Surprise the analyst
  • Find errors
  • Falsify the analysis (Popperian demarcation)
  • Make sure that you are not falsified

  • Falsify the analysis (Popperian demarcation)
  • Scientific mathematical modelling should
    involve constant efforts to falsify the model
    (Pilkey and Pilkey Jarvis, op. cit.)
  • The white swan syndrome (Nassim N. Taleb,

  • Summary of SA input to post-normal science to the
    science-law-policy interfaces
  • Check if policies are distinguishable
  • Obtain minimal model representation
  • Contribute to the pedigree of the assessment.
  • other practitioners chores such as mesh or
    grid size identification

The critique of models lt-gt Uncertainty
Uncertainty is not an accident of the scientific
method, but its substance. Peter Høeg, a Danish
novelist, writes in Borderliners (Høeg, 1995)
"That is what we meant by science. That both
question and answer are tied up with uncertainty,
and that they are painful. But that there is no
way around them. And that you hide nothing
instead, everything is brought out into the
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