Title: Canonical Correlation Analysis
1Canonical Correlation Analysis
- Shyh-Kang Jeng
- Department of Electrical Engineering/
- Graduate Institute of Communication/
- Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia
2Canonical Correlation Analysis
- Seeks to identify and quantify the association
between two sets of variables - Examples
- Relating arithmetic speed and arithmetic power to
reading speed and reading power - Relating government policy variables with
economic goal variables - Relating college performance variables with
precollege achievement variables
3Canonical Correlation Analysis
- Focuses on the correlation between a linear
combination of the variables in one set and a
linear combination of the variables in another
set - First to determine the pair of linear
combinations having the largest correlation - Next to determine the pair of linear combinations
having the largest correlation among all pairs
uncorrelated with the initially selected pair,
and so on
4Canonical Correlation Analysis
- Canonical variables
- Pairs of linear combinations used in canonical
correlation analysis - Canonical correlations
- Correlations between the canonical variables
- Measures the strength of association between the
two sets of variables - Maximization aspect
- Attempt to concentrate a high-dimensional
relationship between two sets of variables into a
few pairs of canonical variables
5Example 10.5 Job Satisfaction
6Example 10.5 Job Satisfaction
7Canonical Variables and Canonical Correlations
8Canonical Variables and Canonical Correlations
- Covariances between pairs of variables from
different sets are contained in S12 or,
equivalently S21 - When p and q are relatively large, interpreting
the elements of S12 collectively is very
difficult - Canonical correlation analysis can summarize the
associations between two sets in terms of a few
carefully chosen covariances rather than the pq
covariances in S12
9Canonical Variables and Canonical Correlations
10Canonical Variables and Canonical Correlations
- First pair of canonical variables
- Pair of linear combinations U1, V1 having unit
variances, which maximize the correlation - kth pair of canonical variables
- Pair of linear combinations Uk, Vk having unit
variances having unit variances, which maximize
the correlation among all choices uncorrelated
with the previous k-1 canonical variable pairs
11Result 10.1
12Result 10.1
13Result 10.1
14Proof of Result 10.1
15Proof of Result 10.1
16Proof of Result 10.1
17Proof of Result 10.1
18Proof of Result 10.1
19Canonical Variates
22Example 10.1
23Example 10.1
24Example 10.1
25Alternative Approach
26Identifying Canonical Variablesby Correlation
27Example 10.2
28Canonical Correlations vs. Other Correlation
29Example 10.3
30Sample Canonical Variates and Sample Canonical
31Result 10.2
32Matrix Forms
33Sample Canonical Variates for Standardized
34Example 10.4
35Example 10.5 Job Satisfaction
36Example 10.5 Job Satisfaction
37Example 10.5 Sample Correlation Matrix Based on
784 Responses
38Example 10.5 Canonical Variate Coefficients
39Example 10.5 Sample Correlations between
Original and Canonical Variables
40Matrices of Errors of Approximations
41Matrices of Errors of Approximations
42Matrices of Errors of Approximations
43Example 10.6
44Example 10.6
45Example 10.6
46Sample Correlation Matrices between Canonical and
Component Variables
47Proportion of Sample Variances Explained by the
Canonical Variables
48Proportion of Sample Variances Explained by the
Canonical Variables
49Example 10.7
50Result 10.3
51Bartletts Modification
52Test of Significance of Individual Canonical
53Example 10.8
54Example 10.8