TUBE STRUCTURES - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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TUBE STRUCTURES Prepared by, VASANT BUTANI(SD 0209) Faculty, Prof. V. R. SHAH Mrs. AANAL SHAH Mrs. DHARA SHAH – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Prepared by, VASANT BUTANI(SD 0209)
Faculty, Prof. V. R. SHAH Mrs. AANAL SHAH Mrs.

The tube is the name given to
the systems where in order to resist lateral
loads (wind, seismic, etc.) a building is
designed to act like a three-dimensional hollow
tube. The system was introduced by Fazlur Rahman
Khan while at Skidmore, Owings and Merrill's
(SOM) Chicago office. The first example of the
tubes use is the 43-story Khan-designed
DeWitt-Chestnut Apartment Building in Chicago,
Illinois, completed in 1963. The system can be
constructed using steel, concrete, or composite
construction (the discrete use of both steel and
concrete). It can be used for office, apartment
and mixed-use buildings. Most buildings in excess
of 40 stories constructed in the United States
since the 1960s are of this structural type.
  • The tube system concept is based on the idea
    that a building can be designed to resist lateral
    loads by designing it as a hollow cantilever
    perpendicular to the ground.
  • In the simplest incarnation of the tube, the
    perimeter of the exterior consists of closely
    spaced columns that are tied together with deep
    beams through moment connections. This assembly
    of columns and beams forms a rigid frame that
    amounts to a dense and strong structural wall
    along the exterior of the building.
  • This exterior framing is designed sufficiently
    strong to resist all lateral loads on the
    building, thereby allowing the interior of the
    building to be simply framed for gravity loads.
    Interior columns are comparatively few and
    located at the core.
  • The distance between the exterior and the core
    frames is spanned with beams or trusses. This
    maximizes the effectiveness of the perimeter tube
    by transferring some of the gravity loads within
    the structure to it and increases its ability to
    resist overturning due to lateral loads.

Since 1963, a new structural system of framed
tubes appeared in skyscraper design and
construction. Fazlur Khan defined the framed
tube structure as "a three dimensional space
structure composed of three, four, or possibly
more frames, braced frames, or shear walls,
joined at or near their edges to form a vertical
tube-like structural system capable of resisting
lateral forces in any direction by cantilevering
from the foundation."Closely spaced
interconnected exterior columns form the tube.
Horizontal loads, for example wind, are supported
by the structure as a whole. About half the
exterior surface is available for windows. Framed
tubes allow fewer interior columns, and so create
more usable floor space. Where larger openings
like garage doors are required, the tube frame
must be interrupted, with transfer girders used
to maintain structural integrity.
The first building to apply the tube-frame
construction was the DeWitt-Chestnut apartment
building which Khan designed(1963) and was
completed in Chicago by 1965. This laid the
foundations for the tube structures of many other
later skyscrapers, including his own John Hancock
Center and Willis Tower, and can been seen in the
construction of the World Trade Center, Petronas
Towers, Jin Mao Building, and most other
supertall skyscrapers since the 1960s. The strong
influence of tube structure design is also
evident in the construction of the current
tallest skyscraper, the Burj Khalifa.
DeWitt-Chestnut apartment building, Chicago 1965
John Hancock Center 1969
World Trade Center, 1987
Petronas Towers, 1998
Jin Mao Tower, Shanghai 1998
Burj Khalifa, Dubai 2010
  • Framed tube system
  • Tube -in a tube system
  • Bundled tube system
  • Braced tube system

This is the simplest incarnation of the tube.
Closely spaced perimeter columns interconnected
by beams. It can take a variety of floor plan
shapes from square and rectangular, circular.
This design was first used in Chicago's
DeWitt-Chestnut apartment building, designed by
Khan and completed in 1965, but the most notable
examples are the Aon Center and the destroyed
World Trade Center towers.
  • Closely spaced perimeter columns interconnected
    by deep spandrels.
  • Whole building works as a huge vertical
    cantilever to resist overturning moments.
  • Efficient system to provide lateral resistance
    with or without interior columns.
  • Exterior tube carries all the lateral loading.
  • Gravity loading is shared between the tube and
    the interior columns or walls, if they exist.

  • (a) (b)
  • If the tube loaded on side AB, then the whole
    frames AB and CD are called Flange frames and
    the frames AD and BC are called Web frame

  • The forces in the web frame are growing smaller
    toward the center linearly instead in Fig(b) this
    phenomenon is called Shear lag.
  • The ratio of the stress at the center column to
    the stress at the corner column is defined as
    Shear-lag factor.
  • Stress distribution of the flange and web column
    - opposite sides of the neutral axis are
    subjected to tensile and compressive forces -
    under lateral load - Fig. (b)
  • The prime action is the flexibility of the
    spandrel beams that produces a shear lag that
    will increases the stresses in the corner column
    and reduces those in the inner columns of both
    the flange panels AB and DC and the web panels AD
    and BC

  • An outer framed tube together with an internal
    elevator and service core.
  • The outer and inner tubes act jointly in
    resisting both gravity and lateral loading in
    steel-framed buildings.
  • More effective in high-rise structure because the
    bending and transverse shears are supported
    three-dimensionally at the flange and web surface
    in the structure.
  • The analysis of tube structures has to be based
    on three-dimensional analysis using finite

  • Proportioning
  • 30m minimum floor dimension
  • Centrally stability core around lifts/stairs,
    moment frame around perimeter
  • 30 to 60 floor, 100 to 160m height
  • Clear floor plates, but wide perimeter columns
    and deep perimeter beam constrains view
  • Traditionally 2 or 3 zone elevator arrangement,
    but would benefit from optimization using double
    decks or sky lobbies.

  • Behavior of Tube in Tube Tall Building
  • Respond as a unit to lateral forces
  • The reaction to wind is similar to that of a
    frame and shear wall structure
  • The wall deflects in a flexural mode with
    concavity downwind and maximum slope at the top,
    while the frame deflect in a shear mode with
    concavity upwind and maximum slope at the base
  • Composite structure - flexural profile in the
    lower part and shear profile in the upper part.
  • The axial forces cause the wall to restrain the
    frame near the base and the frames to restrain
    the wall at the top

(a) Deform shape of frame (b) Deform shape of
shear wall (c) Deform shape of composite
  • The deflection wall moment curve indicate the
    reversal in curvature with a point of inflexion,
    above which the wall moment is opposite in sense
    to that in a free cantilever (fig-a b)
  • Fig-c - The shear is uniform over the height of
    the frame, except near the base where it reduces
    to a negligible amount
  • At the top, (where the external shear is zero),
    the frame is subjected to a significant positive
    shear - balanced by an equal negative shear at
    top of the wall, with a corresponding
    concentrated interaction force acting between the
    frame and the wall.

  • Advantages
  • The wind- resisting system located on the
    perimeter of the building more resistance to
    overturning moments.
  • Core framing leads to a significant gain in
    rentable space.
  • Identical framing for all which are no subjected
    to varying internal forces due to lateral loads.
  • From a practical point of view, the final
    analysis and design of the tube can proceed
    unaffected by the lengthy process of resolving
    detail layout and service requirements in the
    core area.

  • Instead of one tube, a building consists of
    several tubes tied together to resist the lateral
    forces. Such buildings have interior columns
    along the perimeters of the tubes when they fall
    within the building envelope. Notable examples
    include Willis Tower and One Magnificent Mile.
  • The bundle tube design was not only highly
    efficient in economic terms, but it was also
    "innovative in its potential for versatile
    formulation of architectural space. Efficient
    towers no longer had to be box-like the
    tube-units could take on various shapes and could
    be bundled together in different sorts of
    groupings." The bundled tube structure meant that
    "buildings no longer need be boxlike in
    appearance they could become sculpture."

  • It is a cluster of individual tubes connected
    together to act as a single unit
  • Maintain a reasonable slenderness (i.e.,
    height-to-width) ratio Neither excessively
    flexible and nor sway too much
  • Cross walls or cross frames increases
    three-dimensional response of the structure.
  • The 110-story Sears Tower completed in 1974 was
    the first bundled tube structure in which nine
    steel framed tubes are bundled at the base
  • Individual tubes could be of different shapes,
    such as rectangular, triangular or hexagonal as
    is demonstrated by this building

Diagrammatic view of the bundled tube
  • Also known as Trussed Tube or Exterior
    Diagonal-tube System - utilized for greater
    heights, and allows larger spacing between the
  • Steel buildings-steel diagonals/trusses used
  • Reinforced concrete buildings-diagonals are
    created by filling the window openings by
    reinforced concrete shear walls -diagonal bracing
  • Braced tube structures are lateral load-resisting
    systems- Located at the building perimeters made
    the structural systems for tall buildings much
    more efficient and economical.
  • The most notable examples are the John Hancock
    Center, the Citigroup Center, and the Bank of
    China Tower.

  • Behavior under Gravity loading-
  • (a) - Intermediate columns will displace downward
    by more than corresponding points on the
    diagonal- controlled by the vertical displacement
    of the less highly stressed corner columns.
  • (b) - Downward forces on each diagonal are
    carried at its ends by the corner columns -
    compressive forces are increased at each
    intersection with a diagonal equalization of
    the stresses in the intermediate and corner

  • Behavior under lateral loading-
  • a) If the diagonals are initially disconnected
    from the intermediate columns, the columns and
    diagonals of the face will be in tension while
    the spandrels are in compression .
  • Because of the shear lag effect the intermediate
    columns will now be less highly stressed than the
    corner columns. the connection points on the
    diagonals will be displaced upward by more than
    the corresponding points on the unconnected
    intermediate columns.
  • b) If the diagonals and intermediate columns are
    connected together, iterative vertical forces
    will be mobilized
  • These upward forces cause an increase in tension
    in the intermediate columns

Building Year Stories (Height/Width) Structural System Steel Usage in psf
Empire State Building, NY 1931 102 (9.3) Braced Rigid Frame John 42.2
Hancock Center, Chicago 1968 100 (7.9) Braced Tube 29.7
World Trade Center(Demolished), NY 1972 110 (6.9) Framed Tube 37.0
Sears Tower, Chicago 1974 109 (6.4) Bundled Tube 33.0
Comparison of Tube Systems
Types Material / Configuration Efficient Height Limit Advantages Disadvantages Building Examples
Framed Tube Steel 80 Efficiently resists lateral loads by locating lateral systems at the building perimeter. Shear lag hinders true tubular behavior. Narrow column spacing obstructs the view. Aon Center (Chicago, USA, 83 stories, 346 m)
Framed Tube Concrete 60 Efficiently resists lateral loads by locating lateral systems at the building perimeter. Shear lag hinders true tubular behavior. Narrow column spacing obstructs the view. Water Tower Place (Chicago, USA, 74 stories, 262 m)
Braced Tube Steel 100 (With Interior Columns) 150 (Without Interior Columns) Efficiently resists lateral shear by axial forces in the diagonal members. Wider column spacing possible compared with framed tubes. Reduced shear lag. Bracings obstruct the view. John Hancock Center (Chicago, USA, 100 stories 344 m)
Braced Tube Concrete 100 Efficiently resists lateral shear by axial forces in the diagonal members. Wider column spacing possible compared with framed tubes. Reduced shear lag. Bracings obstruct the view. Onterie Center (Chicago, 58 stories, 174 m), 780 Third Avenue (New York, USA, 50 stories, 174 m)
Types Material / Configuration Efficient Height Limit Advantages Disadvantages Building Examples
Bundled Tube Steel 110 Reduced shear lag. Interior planning limitations due to the bundled tube configuration. Sears Tower (Chicago, USA, 108 stories, 442 m)
Bundled Tube Concrete 110 Reduced shear lag. Interior planning limitations due to the bundled tube configuration. Carnegie Hall Tower (New York, USA, 62 stories, 230.7 m)
Tube in Tube Ext. Framed Tube (Steel or Concrete) Int. Core Tube (Steel or Concrete) 80 Effectively resists lateral loads by producing interior shear core - exterior framed tube interacting system. Interior planning limitations due to shear core. 181 West Madison Street (Chicago, USA, 50 stories, 207 m)
  • Mir M.Ali and Kyoung Sun Moon Structural
    Developments in Tall Buildings Current Trends
    and Future Prospects
  • Kyoung Sun Moon Material-Saving Design
    Strategies for Tall Building Structures
  • Text book- Engineering Architecture the vision of
    Fazlur R. Khan by Yasmin Sabina Khan

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