Title: Project WILD
1Project WILD
2What the Public Should Know
- Fish and wildlife resources are a public trust
- Conservation and management of terrestrial and
water resources are essential to sustaining fish
wildlife, the outdoor landscape, the quality
of our lives - Understanding and active participation in the
stewardship and support of our natural resources
is key
3Answering the NeedCouncil for Environmental
Education (CEE)
- Award-winning Programs
- Project WILD
- Flying WILD
- Wet in the City
4Project WILD Organizational Chart
State Agencies (TPWD)
National Office (CEE)
State PW Coordinator
Volunteer PW Facilitators
Teachers/ Students
5Project WILD
6Project WILD Goals How to
Think, not What to Think!
- Uses a balanced unbiased approach
- Emphasizes awareness, appreciation and
understanding of wildlife and natural resources - Introduces skills such as critical thinking,
observation, classification and graphing
7One MillionEducators Gone WILD!
WILD Educators have provided environmental
education instruction to more than 53
million students! Texas leads the nation in the
number of educators trained
8Why is TPWD the state sponsor for Project WILD?
The mission of TPWD To manage and conserve the
natural and cultural resources of Texas and to
provide hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation
opportunities for the use and enjoyment of
present and future generations.
9Who are the next decision makers?
- Its important that our youth become
environmentally literate - In just 5 short yearsthose 7th and 8th graders
will be voting age!
10Keep Texas Wild A Regional Approach
11TPWDPriority Issues Topics of Concern
- This list came from a series of focus meetings
with leading biologists across the state. They
were asked What issues in your area are most
important for people to know or understand?
12Common Across the State
- Appreciation for the flora (plants) and fauna
(wildlife) of their region of Texas - Habitat
- What is a habitat?
- Fragmentation
- Effects of urbanization on habitat
- Native plants Wildscapes for homes and
13Common Across the State
Understanding the interconnectedness of wildlife
and ecosystems Predator / Prey
relationships Why should I care about wildlife?
Why do we care about rare species? Handling
human-wildlife conflicts How an ecosystem works
Invasive species / Exotics What are
they? Why are they a problem? How to prevent
14Common Across the State
Conservation What is conservation? Impact of
active management Benefits of conservation Encou
raging stewardship activities Understanding
Texas Water Understanding water systems surface
water, springs, groundwater How an aquifer
works Value of aquatic habitats Who owns the
15Common Across the State
- Water for the Future
- State of water
- Future water sources
- Pros Cons, costs benefits of different
- solutions
16Top Issues by Region Pineywoods
- Habitat Loss / Fragmentation
- Land Conversion / Loss of Native Ecosystems
- Loss of Diversity
- Water Quality/Quantity
- Reservoirs Impacts and Biological Costs
- Fish Kills (non-point source pollution)
17Top Issues by Region Hill Country
- Habitat Fragmentation
- Land Management for Diversity / Changes in Fire
Patterns - Human Wildlife Conflicts
- Stewardship in a Watershed
- Water Quality and Quantity
- Water for Wildlife
18Top Issues by Region Panhandle Plains
- Loss and Fragmentation of Grasslands Prairies
- Land Management Practices
- Invasive Trees (that affect groundwater quantity)
- Finding a Balance Habitat Needs for People
Wildlife - Ogallala Water Issues
- Understanding Wetlands / Playas
- Future of Water
- Riparian Corridor Restoration
19Top Issues by Region Trans Pecos
- Living with Wildlife
- Appreciation and Value of Habitat and
Biodiversity of the Chihuahuan Desert - Land Fragmentation / Urban Sprawl
- Water Quality (including increasing salinity)
- Competing Uses for Water (international
human/wildlife needs) - Exotic species (Salt Cedar fish)
- Loss of Springs
20Top Issues by RegionPrairies and Lakes
- Loss of Prairies / Changing Land use
- Invasive Exotic Species
- Understanding the Value of Blackland Prairies
the Role of Outlying Farms/Ranches) - Benefits of conservation / what is conservation
- Water Conservation
- Understanding Stream Dynamics
- Trinity River
21Top Issues by Region Gulf Coast
- Habitat Destruction Fragmentation/ Urban Sprawl
- Human/Wildlife Conflicts (including Alligators)
- Invasive Species
- Water for a Growing Texas
- Wetland Loss
- Problems of Invasive Plants
- Freshwater Inflows into Bays Estuaries
22Top Issues by Region South Texas
- Loss of habitat due to population growth
- Appreciation for Nature
- Agricultural Impacts on wildlife and habitat
- Introduction of Exotic, Invasive Plants
- Water Quantity
- Estuaries/Saltwater, Freshwater Inflow
- Water for Wildlife
23Water Matters
- Across the state, water quantity and quality is
struggling under the demands of Texas's
population growth. - Each region faces unique issues based on the
physical characteristics and water demands of the
area. - While water is essential for human health,
economic growth and quality of life, it is also
essential for flora, fauna and fish.
24TPWD Supplemental Resources
- TEKS/TAKS Online Database
- Texas Adaptations of WILD activities
- Teacher Toolkit (maps, activities, etc)
- Education Loaner Kits
- Keep Texas WILD Magazine Website
- Free publications
25Lets Get WILD!