1ILM Gotta Have it!
2 3Knowledge
- Information
- Facts
- Data
- Know-how
- Skill
- Wisdom
- Learning
- Education
4- It may be said
- that Islam is
- the
- path of "knowledge"
5'ilm is a comprehensive term covering theory,
action education
6- No other religion or ideology has emphasized its
importance so much
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Surah Al Alaq 96 Verse 1 -5
8Surah Al Alaq 96 Verse 1 -5
- Read! in the name of your Lord Who has created
- He has created man from a clot
- Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous
- Who has taught by the pen
- He has taught man that which he knew not
9What is the Islamic Concept of Knowledge?
10All knowledge is from Allah (swt)
11- Allah is the first teacher and the absolute guide
of humanity
12- And Allâh has brought you out from the wombs of
your mothers while you know nothing. And He gave
you hearing, sight, and hearts that you might
give thanks (to Allâh)" - Surah an-Nahl 16 Verse 78
13- True knowledge is knowledge that brings us closer
to Allah (swt)
14- Then we understand the purpose of our existence
15Surah Adh Dhariyat 51 Verse 56
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- And I (Allah) created not the Jinn and The
Mankind except that they should worship Me
(Alone). -
16- Those who have knowledge are aware of this truth
act accordingly, thereby having a beneficial
impact on those around them
- Those who are ignorant fumble through the world,
vainly attempting to satisfy their desires,
following Shaytan, ultimately failing to
understand their purpose duty in this life.
17- "Say 'Are those who know equal to those who know
not?' It is only men of understanding who will
remember (that is get a lesson from Allah's
signs)." - Az-Zumar, 399
18- Knowledge
- comes
- before
- faith
19- We become Muslim
- not through birth
- but through knowledge
20Surah Taha 20Verse 114
- ?????? ??????? ???????
- O my Lord increase me in knowledge
21Does that mean only Islamic Knowledge?
22- knowledge is a means to an end
23- Knowledge is a means of attaining Allahs
24Knowledge is transformative
25For eg life of the Prophet (pbuh)
26- When we approach knowledge as just pieces of
information it has no transformative effect on
27Points of Information have no sense of purpose
28- Umm Salamah (RA) narrated that the Prophet
(PBUH) used to say after the dawn prayer, - O Allâh, I ask You for beneficial knowledge,
acceptable action, and good provision. - (Tirmidhi 2487, Ahmad and Ibn Majah)
29- Abu Hurairah (RA)Â narrated that Messenger of
Allâh (PBUH) used to say - O Allâh, I seek refuge in You from knowledge
which does not profit, a heart which is not
submissive, a soul which has an insatiable
appetite, and a supplication which is not heard.
- (Abu Dawud 1543)
30- Abu Hurairah (RA)Â narrated that the Prophet
(PBUH)Â said, - It is part of the excellence of a persons
Islâm that he should discard that which is of no
benefit to him either in this world or in the
Hereafter. - (Tirmidhi 67)
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32- Donald Duck's middle name is Fauntleroy.
- Only one person in two billion will live to be
116 or older. - The first toilet ever seen on television was on
"Leave It To Beaver". - Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room
during a dance.
33Permissible Worldly Knowledge is not Secondary
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