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... proportions of female researchers with a PhD degree in such fields as natural sciences, mathematics, computer ... Sciences, Maths, Computer ... applications for ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Women

Womens Participation in Higher Education in
Turkey NETFA project and some implications for
structural changes
  • 4th European Women Rectors Conference
  • Istanbul, Turkey, 15-17 May, 2014

  • Contents
  • Introduction of the Project
  • Summary of Statistical Data
  • Summary of Findings and Discussion

Introduction and the background of the project
  • Istanbul Technical University took part in a
    project funded under the FP6 by EC between
    2006-2008 titled UNICAFE (Survey of University
    Career of Female Scientists at Life Sciences
    versus Technical Universities/Proposal Contract
    No 036695)
  • In this project it was observed that Turkey in
    terms of women academics set a unique example of
    high representation among the partner countries
    which included Hungary, Austria, Finland, Estonia
    and Italy.
  • After completing the above mentioned project and
    organizing its dissemination conference at ITU in
    2008 we decided to use the same methodology in a
    new project for a study of various universities
    in Turkey. The new study was called The Formation
    of the Network of Female Academicians in Science
    Engineering and Technology in Turkey.
  • (NETFA)

Aim and Scope of the Project
  • Duration August 2010 - May 2013
  • Aim enhancing the existing knowledge on the
    gender (dis)parity and career patterns of female
    academics in science, engineering and technology
    in various universities in Turkey.
  • Main research topics were
  • Gender differences in research careers,
  • critical areas where women are underrepresented,
    leading university positions,
  • access to funding,
  • work-life balance

Partner Universities and List of Participants
1) Istanbul Technical University (Coordinator)
Established in 1773 and located in Istanbul.
Prof. Dr. Gülsün Saglamer, Prof. Dr. Mine G.
Tan, Doç. Dr. Pelin Dursun, Dr. Özge A. Çelik,
Dr. Nebile Korucu Gümüsoglu, Hülya Çaglayan,
Serra Cankur
  • 2) Akdeniz University
  • Established in 1982 and located in Antalya. Prof.
    Dr. Nursen Adak, Doç.Dr. Gözde Yirmibesoglu,
    Meral Timurtürkan, Tugce Tunca
  • 3) Ankara University Established in 1946 and
    located in Ankara.
  • Team members Doç. Dr. Bedriye Poyraz, Seray
  • 4) Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
  • Established in 1992 and located in Çanakkale.
    Prof. Selver Ö. Kahraman, Dr. Zahide A. Deniz,
    Berrin Gültay
  • 5) Karadeniz Technical University
  • Established in 1955 and located in Trabzon.
  • Assoc. Prof. Ilkay Özdemir, Prof. Dr. Ayse
    Sagsöz, Assist. Prof. Muteber Erbay
  • 6) Kocaeli University
  • Established in 1976 and located in Kocaeli.
  • Prof.Dr. Münevver Tekcan, Serpil Yazici Sahin,
    Yusuf Gürcan Sahin
  • 7) Yildiz Technical University
  • Established in 1911 and located in Istanbul.
  • Dr. Ece Öztan, Dr. Setenay Nil Dogan

NETFA Project Dissemination Conference 7th June
2013, ITU
Female PhD holders in different scientific areas
The proportion of female Ph D holders in Turkey
approximates the proportions in the EU-27 and
EU-25 countries EU-27 46 EU- 25 45
Turkey 45
Education - Humanities and Art Social Sciences
,Management , Law - Natural Sciences, Maths,
Computer Science Engineering Agricultural and
Vetenary Sciences Health Sciences
In Turkey, proportions of female researchers
with a PhD degree in such fields as natural
sciences, mathematics, computer science, health
sciences, engineering, manufacturing and
construction exceed those of their counterparts
in EU-25 countries.
  • At Grade A level (professors)
  • EU -27 average 20
  • Highest ranking countires Romania Litvania
  • The proportion of female professors (28) in
    Turkey, with a population of 75 millions, becomes
    more noticeable at the European level when
    compared to Lithania ve Romania, countries with
    small populations.  
  • At Grade B level (associate professors)
  • EU -27 average 37 Turkey 35 Below
    the averages of EU -27
  • At Grade C level (assistant profesors )
  • EU- 27 44 Turkey48 Ahead of the
    EU-27 average
  • At Grade D level (research assistants)
  • EU- 27 46 Turkey 48 Ahead of EU-27
  • Turkey approximates the European average of 40
    in total

Glass Ceiling Index, EU (2004, 2010)
With a value of 1.52 Turkey is the country
showing the lowest glass ceiling index at the
European level
  • Although there is a relatively high
    representation of women in the universities and
    the "glass ceiling" effect is very low when
    compared to most European countries, there are
    still very few women in the decision making
    bodies of the universites in Turkey.
  • 9 women rectors 2010
  • 12 Women rectors 2012 (7) in a total of 173
  • Total of 173 Universities
  • Number of Female Vice Rectors 18
  • Number of Female Deans 96

Findings and DiscussionSummary of the
Statistical Data Gathered by Partner Universities
Proportion of Female Students at Undergraduate
and Graduate Levels, 2012
In total, the universities ITU, YTU which focus
on engineering and natural sciences have
approxiamately 35 female representation.
Comprehensive universities have up to 55.
Distribution of Female Students at Graduate
level, 2012
A decrease in the proportions of female students
at MA and PhD levels in all 7 universities was
observed between 2010-2012
Proportion of female academic staff, 2012
Proportion of female academic staff by grade
  A B C D
AKDU 24 36 38 49
AU 39 51 49 59
COMU 10 29 33 47
ITU 35 41 42 46
KTU 13 36 46 37
KOU 33 41 49 49
YTU 37 39 43 46
The proportion of female professors varies
between 39 in Ankara University and 10 in
A) The Proportion of Female Academic Staff
by Academic Grade and Gender B) The Proportion
of Male Academic Staff by Grade and
The difference between the proportions of
assistant professors and full professors is
considered an important indicator signifying both
the losses in the academic progress and the
vertical segregation. The so called Leaky
Pipeline phenomenon in different universities
showed significant differences both between women
and men and different universities. It was
observed that the difference between the
proportion of female assistant professors and
female full professors in YTÜ is 9 and in ITU
11. Kocaeli University can also be added to
this group with 16. The rest have quite big
differences in terms of female representation at
these levels such as Ankara 20 Akdeniz
25 ÇOMU 37 KTU 24
Some Observations for Female
Students and Academic Staff
  • Concentration of female students in certain
    disciplines in line with the cultural stereotypes
    points to the horizontal segregation in the
    universities under study.
  • In 5 of the partner universities the greatest
    number of female students are registered in the
    faculties of sciences and letters. In 3
    universities, however, architecture faculties
    have the greatest number of female students.
  • Similar tendencies have been observed in
    various EU countries.
  • Corresponding proportions of female academics
    and female students were observed in different
    faculties of almost all universities.
  • The faculties where the percentage of female
    academics is highest are Architecture, Design,
    Medical Sciences, Sciences and Letters, Chemistry
    Metallurgy, Dentistry, Pharmaceutics, Medicine,
    Law and Management.

Some Observations on Decision Making Bodies
  • The high ratios of female academics in Turkey
    have not been reflected at the level of
    administration in the partner universities of
    this project, either.
  • In spite of the positive developments in womens
    representation, a noticeable decrease in womens
    participation in decision making bodies have been
  • In Sweden 45 of rectors whereas in Turkey only
    7 are female
  • Contrary to Sweden where universities take
    measures towards increasing womens
    representation at decision making levels, Turkey
    has not taken any steps to improve the situation.

Online Questionnaires
  • Questionnaires covered
  • Demographic characteristics
  • Job promotions
  • Work place satisfaction, working hours and career
  • Academic activity
  • Research
  • Participation in National and International
    Research Projects
  • Success
  • Opinions on promotion of gender equality

Interview Thema
  • Interviews focused on
  • Career path
  • Current position
  • Access to resources
  • Publications
  • Work life balance
  • Critical areas, i.e. Discrimination
  • Criteria of excellence

Career Path and Access to Resources
  • 46.2 of women and 36.2 of men pointed to the
    pressures and discrimination in the academia as
    the reason for the rejection of the applications
    for academic promotion. 14 of women mentioned
    the negative approaches towards their gender as
    one of the main factors
  • (Transparency)
  • Another important conclusion about the career
    processes in relation to gender is that women
    experience interruptions in their careers in
    higher rates and for longer periods (Work-life
  • The in-depth interviews show that besides the
    economic reasons for both sexes interruptions in
    womens carreers are due mostly to pregnancy and
    early child care while men face problems of
    mandatory military service and foreign language
    inadequacy (Financial work-life balance issues)
  • The search for scholarships is a decisive
    strategy employed by women. The number of female
    PhD students who receive scholarships exceeds the
    number of male PhD students who do the same
    (Gender specific scholarships and awards)

Work - Life Balance
  • In terms of the use of time, the rates of men who
    find their working hours flexible are higher than
    the rates of women. Women cannot make use of the
    flexibility provided by academia in the same ways
    as men since they have domestic responsibilities
    of family and housework (Care centers for
    children and elder dependents)
  • The particular emotion concerning family
    responsibilities is a determining factor for
    women, rather than men. The in-depth interviews
    suggest that the feeling of neglecting family and
    housecare keep on being a source of anxiety and
    unhappiness for women (Change of cultural
    patterns for sharing of household tasks)
  • The tensions between home and work are increased
    during PhD and assistant professorship processes
    since these are the periods of intense academic
    obligations as well as biological reproduction
    and motherhood for many young women candidates
    (Supports specific to these stages)

Work Life Balance
  • The narratives of women show that a certain
    manifestation of loss has been associated with
    womens responsibilities towards children and
    household. A female academic who has been working
    hard to gain her associate professorship stated
    that she has been neglecting her daughter since
    she was 6 months old, and that she has serious
    difficulties in balancing her responsibilities of
    motherhood and the necessities of the academia.
  • Women, who have to work very hard during the
    process of their PhD studies and 3-5 years
    afterwards, later tend to devote whatever time
    left from their academic obligations to look
    after their families and children rather than
    getting involved in managerial positions. The
    female interviewees considered professorship as
    the position which would free them from the
    restrictions and pressures and enableing them to
    use their time and capacities to a full extent.

Work Place Satisfaction
  • Men seemed to be more pleased than women with
    their mentors. A closer look at the male networks
    in the academia, therefore, was found to be
    necessary. The current situation where men
    establish close relations through the process of
    mentorship suggested a link with the male
    dominated networks in academia, which also needs
    to be investigated in future research (Formation
    of networks of female academics)
  • In terms of job satisfaction, both women and men
    emphasized their dissatisfaction with financial
    resources and the lack of time. Just as womens
    double burden pressured the time needed for
    academic research it also limited the financially
    rewarding work activities outside of academia men
    could get engaged in (Financial improvements)

Research and Scientific Excellence
  • In terms of participation in national and
    international projects, women had a better
    performance than men. It was observed that the
    number of applications as well as the degree of
    success in the projects and the amount of
    projects successfully completed were all greater
    for women than men.
  • The decisive factor, which brings along success
    in scientific research, is for both women and men
    determination and hard work. The most important
    factor for success in the projects for men is the
    positive infrastructure, which provides men with
    the necessary advantages while for women,
    cooperation within the academia is the key
    (Mentorship and networks)
  • These differences were found to be statistically
    significant. Women needed more peer cooperation
    and support in the struggle with the tensions
    between the academia and the household
    responsibilities, which occur due to lack of
    time, intensive working environment and career
  • Considering mens advantageous positions as
    mentors, the ways in which women successfully
    compete for research projects are related to the
    ways in which they manage to develop higher
    degrees of cooperation.

Academic Activities
  • Male and female academics have close rates in
    terms of being MA and PhD level advisors, having
    numbers of publications and evaluations
  • The number of conference presentations that women
    undertake is higher than men, a difference which
    was found to be statistically significant.
  • Womens dilemma of time was defined as such
    They had little time for their families due to
    their intensive working environment and less time
    for work because of the tensions arising from
    household responsibilities.

  • The findings of the NETFA Project uncover the
    contradictory dynamics of the academia in Turkey.
  • These dynamics are deeply rooted in what seems
    to be as the egalitarian practices and
    arrangements of the higher education system in
    Republican Turkey, as well as the age old
    cultural patterns and stereotypes of the society.
  • Our data reveal the anxieties and the conflicts
    entailed by these contradictions that academic
    women experience in their careers.
  • With regards to how to improve gender equality in
    academia, women and men have differing opinions.
  • Female academics draw attention to such solutions
    as gender specific benefits, flexible work
    regulations, gender quotas, special units to deal
    with violence, harassment, mobbing and sexism in
    universities, transparency and the equal
    distribution of funds for academic research.

  • For further research
  • Regional differences among the universities
  • The decrease of female students at MA and PhD
  • Comparison of the NETFA Project Results with
    UNICAFE Project Results
  • For further action
  • Establishment of NETFA website
  • Widening of the Network of Female Academicians
    to cover all of the universities in Turkey

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