Title: Victor Meerovich and Vladimir Sokolovsky
1Victor Meerovich and Vladimir Sokolovsky
Experimental Study of Electromagnetic Properties
of Superconductors
- Losses in time-varying magnetic fields
- Penetration of magnetic fields into
superconductors - Transition from superconducting to resistive
state - Stability of superconducting state
- Magnetic levitation based on superconductors
- Study of new superconducting materials
- for technical application
Levitating chess fabricated by our group for an
international exhibition
Experimental set-up for study of
superconductor response to short current pulses
Prospects for applied superconductivity
2Losses in superconductors under time-varying
magnetic fields
Design of coated conductor
Two types of losses Hysteresis loss in the
superconducting layer Eddy current loss in the
substrate and silver layers.
Origin of Losses in Superconductors Magnetic
field penetrates a superconductor in the form of
vortices, each vortex contains a quantum of
magnetic flux
f0 h/2e 2.07.10-15 Tm2 h is the Plank
constant e is the electron charge.
Vortex structure
Interaction of a vortex with current I
Motion of a vortex in a superconductor