Dr.Suresh Jindal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dr.Suresh Jindal


Dr.Suresh Jindal From the Send To drop down menu, we have selected to send a citations to the Clipboard option. Note that 5 checked items will be sent to the Clipboard . – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dr.Suresh Jindal

Dr.Suresh Jindal
HINARI Outline
  • Background
  • Eligibility
  • Partners
  • Contents
  • Registration
  • Training material

  • The Health Access to Research programme (HINARI)
    provides free or very low cost online access to
    the major journals in biomedical and related
    social sciences to local, not-for-profit
    institutions in developing countries.
  • HINARI was launched in January 2002 for free
    access countries (Band 1).
  • In Jan. 2003 it was launched to low-cost"
    countries (Band 2).


  • Country eligibility based on gross national
    income (GNI) per capita (World Bank figures
  • Band 1 countries have GNI per capita below 1250
    eligible for free access.
  • Band 2 countries have GNI per capita between
    1250 - 3500 pay a fee of 1000 per year /
  • Lists of countries, areas and territories
  • http//www.who.int/hinari/eligibility/en/

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Eligibility (2)
  • Eligible categories of institutions are
  • national universities
  • research institutes
  • professional schools (medicine, nursing,
    pharmacy, public health, dentistry)
  • teaching hospitals
  • government ministries and agencies
  • national medical libraries
  • locally based non-governmental agencies
  • All permanent and visiting faculty, staff
    members and students are entitled to access and
    can obtain the institutional User Name and

  • Major Publishers
  • Elsevier Science
  • Springer
  • Wiley-Blackwell
  • Sage
  • Taylor Francis
  • Lippincott/Williams Wilkins
  • BioOne
  • Oxford University Press
  • Nature Publishing
  • Other science/technical/ medical publishers
  • Program Partners
  • World Health Organization WHO
  • Yale University Library
  • International Association of Scientific,
    Technical and Medical Publishers STM
  • Microsoft
  • Food and Agriculture Org. FAO
  • United Nations Environment Programme UNEP
  • Information Training and Outreach Centre for
  • National Library of Medicine
  • Mann Library/Cornell University
  • Librarians Without Borders/MLA

Registrations (2)
Training Materials
Training Materials (2)
Logging on to HINARI 1
Before logging into PubMed, we can Login to the
HINARI website using the URL http//www.who.int/hi
Logging into HINARI 2
You need to enter your HINARI User Name and
Password in the appropriate boxes, then click on
the Login button. Note If you do not properly
sign on, you do not have access to full text
Remember - if you fail to use the Login page, you
have a second option on the Full text journals,
databases, and other resources sub-page.
Main HINARI webpage
Once you are logged in from the main HINARI
webpage, access PubMed by clicking on Search
HINARI journal articles through PubMed (Medline).

The Search box on PubMed is active. Place your
search statement in the box. In this example, we
enter a search for malaria infections AND Africa
into the Search or query box. To execute the
query, click on the Search button.
Results of the search are displayed in the main
body of the page in Summary Format, 20 Items per
Page and Recently Added Sort by options. This is
the default setting when you complete a search.
Note the two additional filters for Free Full
Text and HINARI articles. These have been created
in the HINARI/PubMed searches saved in My NCBI
(see module 4.5). Of the 3562 articles, 1471 are
available via the HINARI filter and 1091 with
Free full text filter ( there are some overlaps).
Also note the additional hypertext link for Free
article. By clicking on this link, you will be
re-directed to the Abstract display and be able
to access the full text.
Note the Abstract Format with 20 Items per page
and the Recently Added Sort by options are
displayed in the Display Settings line above the
abstract. Note the Free Full Text and HINARI
Filters. We now will click on the HINARI one.
After clicking on the HINARI filter in the
Abstract display, a list of all the HINARI
articles appears with the HINARI icon. By
clicking on this icon, the full-text article will
display. The Free Full Text filter will work in
the same way. Note that some articles will have
both the HINARI and Free Full Text icons in the
Abstract display.
We have accessed the full-text article using the
HINARI icon from the Abstract display. Note that
you can download the article as a PDF or XML file
or print the document. Remember, you must be
properly signed into HINARI to get access to the
full-text articles.
We now view the Display Settings drop down menu
for the Summary Format, 200 Items per Page and
Recently Added Sort by options. To activate,
click on the Apply box.
The larger listing of citations is useful in
low-bandwidth situations.
From the Send To drop down menu, we will be able
to select the File, Collections, Order, Clipboard
and E-mail options.
You must place check marks in the boxes to the
left of the citations that you wish to send to
File, Collections, Order, Clipboard and E-mail
options. If you do not place check marks in the
boxes, the entire search will be sent to the
option you choose. Note how PubMed lists the of
citations you have checked.
From the Send To drop down menu, we will click on
Create File, with the Abstract and Recently Added
options. This will be a document to be
downloaded from your Web Browser.
The pubmed_results has displayed as a .txt file
at the bottom of this web browser. We will
click on the File and display it using NotePad.
Note in other web browsers, this will display
in different places.
We now view the text from a downloaded .txt file
in Notepad. You can save this file to the C/
drive or a flash drive or a CD-Rom. Once saved,
you can print the document.
From the Send To drop down menu, we have selected
to E-mail a file, with the Summary and Recently
added options. This will be a document to be
sent to the e-mail address you entered as the
In the green message, PubMed has noted that an
E-mail has been sent to the e-mail address you
entered as the recipient.
From the Send To drop down menu, we have selected
to send a citations to the Clipboard option.
Note that 5 checked items will be sent to the
Clipboard .
In case, we have not checked the boxes in any of
the citations, the first 500 items will be added
to the Clipboard.
The green message confirms that 500 items have be
added to the Clipboard. Note that the Clipboard
items will be lost after 8 hours.

In the Display Settings, a green Item in
clipboard message is noted for all the items you
have selected. Also note the number of records
that has been sent to the Clipboard .
To remove items from the Clipboard, click on
Clipboard. The PubMed search will re-appear and,
using the green hypertext links, you can Remove
all items or Remove from clipboard individual
citations. In this case, we will Remove all
The green message notes that 5 items have been
removed from the Clipboard.
The green message notes that 500 items were
deleted from the Clipboard. This is the end of
Module 4 Part 1. There is a workbook to accompany
this part of the module. The workbook will take
you through a live session covering the topics
included in this demonstration with working
examples. Updated 04 2010
As of April 2010, PubMed has added links to Free
PubMed Central articles and Books Documents
from the NCBI Bookshelf. Besides Free Article
hyperlinks, you will see Free text links to PMC
articles and Books Documents.
Returning to the initial PubMed page, we briefly
will discuss the various training resources
listed in the Using PubMed box. Note that the
resources range from a Quick Start Guide to FAQs
and numerous PubMed Tutorials. Remember that
these resources are for general PubMed, not
We have accessed the PubMed Online Training page.
There is a link to an extensive PubMed Tutorial
and numerous Quick (animated) Tours on Searching
PubMed, Managing Results, MeSH and MY NCBI plus
Hot Topics.
From the initial PubMed page we have opened the
PubMed New and Noteworthy page. This is the
location for recent enhancements to PubMed and MY
NCBI that often result in updates to the
HINARI/PubMed training material.
This is the end of Module 4 Part 1. There is a
workbook to accompany this part of the module.
It will take you through a live session covering
the topics included in this demonstration with
working examples. Updated 2010 04

AuthorAID provides networking, mentoring,
resources and training for researchers from
developing countries. Individuals are required
to register but it is free. The url is listed at
the top.
We have opened the Resource Library. In English,
there are 141 resources listed in the all topics
category. Review the various topics listed in
the drop down menu.
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