Title: Right Whales and Ships: Can They Coexist?
1Right Whales and Ships Can They Coexist?
- Gerald Leape
- Vice President for Marine Conservation
- National Environmental Trust
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3Snow leopard between 3000 and 7000 found in the
high mountains of central Asia.
Mountain gorilla about 600 continue to survive
in the rainy mountain forests of Uganda.
4North Atlantic right whale
- Classified as endangered both internationally and
in U.S. - One of worlds most endangered large whales.
- Protected under U.S. law ESA, MMPA.
- Only 300-350 remaining.
- Extinction projected without drastic action.
5Entanglement in fishing gear
6Ship strikes
7Urban whales north
- Breed and feed in nearshore waters off RI, MA,
NH, ME, CA - High traffic areas are prime feeding habitat
Great South Channel and Mass Bay, Bay of Fundy
8Urban whales south
- Calve in shallow warmer waters off
Florida/Georgia coast. - Feeding, resting, socializing bring them to
surface often.
9How can we be certain ship strikes are to blame?
- Coastwide aerial surveys.
- Every carcass necropsied by expert team of
scientists. - Births, deaths, sightings all maintained in
- At least 8 right whale deaths over past 18
months. - At least 4 ship strikes.
- Three times average mortality rate.
11Long-term impacts
- Five of 8 recent mortalities mature females.
- At least 3 pregnant.
- Represents loss of more than 5 of total female
breeding population.
12Northern locations of recent whale mortalities
13Southern locations of recent right whale
14What can we do??
15Legal obligations
- Both ESA and MMPA require NOAA Fisheries to
protect and recover right whales. - MMPA potential biological removal 0
16Emergency regulations speed
- Data indicate speeds 13 knots or less give right
whales enough time to react and avoid ships. - All ships leaving/entering East Coast ports
should travel at 12 knots or less within 25
nautical miles of shore during peak whale use
periods. - Nov 1 to April 30 Florida north to RI
- Jan 1 to May 31 in Cape Cod Bay
- Jan 1 to July 31 in Great South Channel and
Boston Separation Scheme
17Emergency regulations DAMs
- Dynamic management areas
- In other areas when large aggregations of right
whales are identified. - Should include re-routing and/or speeds of 12
knots or less.
18The right thing to do
- Difficult for industry
- Competitive disadvantges
- Better if permanent?
- Mariners are concerned with protecting endangered
marine species.
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