Title: Source and fate of the Sun
1Source and fate of the Suns magnetic helicity
- Magnetic helicity conservation
- Measuring it quantitatively
- Connection with the dynamo
- Axel Brandenburg (Nordita, Stockholm)
2Magnetic helicity
3Its a popular logo too
4Magnetic helicity conservation
How J diverges as h?0
Ideal limit and ideal case similar!
5Helicity in Magnetic Clouds
From fits to a linear force-free field
Lynch et al. (2005)
6Helicity from time series
Matthaeus et al. (1982)
7Coronal mass ejections from helical structures
Gibson et al. (2002)
8(No Transcript)
9Nindos et al. (2003)
10Nindos Andrews (2004)
11Current helicity and magn. hel. Flux
Bao Zhang (1998), neg. in north, plus in
south (also Seehafer 1990)
Berger Ruzmaikin (2000)
DeVore (2000)
(for BR CME)
12Sigmoidal filaments
(from S. Gibson)
13No helicity production by flowsbut segragation
in space
Generates toroidal from poloidal field
Poloidal field regenerated by tilting (Coriolis
14Twisting an existing tubesegragation in
spectral space
15Cancelling magn helicityintroduced in single tube
16a-effect dynamos (large scale)
New loop
Cyclonic convection Buoyant flux tubes
Differential rotation (prehelioseism faster
Equatorward migration
? a-effect
?need meridional circulation
17Tilt ?? pol. field regeneration
standard dynamo picture
N-shaped (north) S-shaped (south)
? internal twist as dynamo feedback
18Production of large-scale helicity
forcing produces
But no net helicity production
? alpha effect
Yousef Brandenburg AA 407, 7 (2003)
19Saturation 50 energy in large scales
azimuthally averaged
no helicity, e.g.
Rogachevskii Kleeorin (2003, 2004)
geometry here relevant to the sun
neg helicity (northern hem.)
Brandenburg (2005)
20Simulations forced turbulence w/shear
Negative current helicity net production in
northern hemisphere
1046 Mx2/cycle
Brandenburg Sandin (2004, AA 427, 13)
Helicity fluxes from shear Vishniac Cho (2001,
ApJ 550, 752) Subramanian Brandenburg (2004,
PRL 93, 20500)
21Connection with a effect writhe with internal
twist as by-product
a effect produces helical field
clockwise tilt (right handed)
? left handed internal twist
both for thermal/magnetic buoyancy
22Scaling with Rm in a mean-field model
with S Cancelaresi and P Chatterjee arXiv0905.024
- A.B important output of dynamo
- Dynamo (SS vs LS)
- Problems
- a-quenching
- slow saturation
- Solution
- Modern a-effect theory
- j.b contribution
- Magnetic helicity fluxes
1046 Mx2/cycle