Africa - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Africa From Riches to Rags – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Africa

Africa From Riches to Rags
Africa Ancient Egyptians
  • The first civilization to develop in Africa was
    the ancient Egyptians (ca. 3100 BC). They
  • developed advanced math
  • studied astronomy, and
  • built the Pyramids

Africa Environmental Influence
  • It was difficult for cultures to develop
    technology in other parts of Africa due to
    environmental issues
  • Rainforest was too dense to keep domesticated
  • and mosquitoes carried diseases
  • like Malaria and Sleeping sickness
  • Savanna and Steppe was difficult
  • to farm due to unpredictable and
  • inadequate rainfall
  • Deserts prevented early trade
  • due to vast size and lack of water
  • Therefore, cultures remained
  • isolated and developed slowly

Africa Spread of Islam
  • From the late 600s to the 1500s, Islam spread
    across North Africa, then south with desert
    traders and along Africas east coast with Arab
    ocean-going traders.
  • Isolated cultures did not trade and were not

Africa Desert Trade Routes
  • West African cultures developed wealth by using
    camels to carry gold, salt, cotton, and copper on
    desert trade routes connected between oases.
    Trade centered on city of Timbuktu (Mali)

Africa Trade with India and China
  • Between 700 and 1500, African Bantu people mixed
    with Arab traders to become the Swahili people of
    East Africa.
  • Seasonal monsoon
    winds on the Indian Ocean
    enabled the
  • Swahili to trade ivory
  • and gold for Chinese
  • porcelain and silk, as
  • well as cotton and
  • jewels from India.

Africa European Explorers
  • Starting in 1441, Portuguese explorers, headed
    toward Asia and met African tribes along coastal
    stops going around Africa.
  • Because of advanced
    technology (guns), Europeans defeated
    coastal African cities.
  • Muslim Arabs refused
  • to trade with Christian
  • Europeans, so trade
  • wealth diminished in
  • Africa.

Africa Origins of the Slave Trade
  • For centuries, conflicting African tribes had
    captured enemy soldiers in battle and used them
    as paid workers or indentured servants.
  • African rulers saw the European slave trade as a
    chance to get rid of tribal enemies.
  • Europeans needed
  • strong field hands
  • for farming work
  • in their colonies
  • (N. and S. Amer.)

Africa Triangular Trade
  • As demand for slaves increased, African
  • tribes turned on each other just to capture
  • more slaves to trade with Europeans.
  • Africans received guns, alcohol, and money
  • in exchange for more
  • captured enemies.
  • Eventually, approx.
  • 37 million Africans
  • were sold within and
  • outside of Africa.

Africa Results of the Slave Trade
  • In Africa
  • Loss of strongest males left many groups even
  • Less females decreased populations
  • In Latin America
  • Slaves blended with European masters,
    resulting in the mulatto culture in Cuba, Dom.
    Repub., Venezuela, Brazil
  • African animistic beliefs blended with
    Catholicism to become voodoo
  • In North America
  • Slave tribal music and U.S. brass band styles
    later blended into Jazz music

Africa European Colonization
  • The Industrial Age in Europe created many
    advanced countries looking to dominate world
    trade and power.
  • Intense Euro. nationalism during the late
    1800s pushed many countries to
    expand economic control in Africa. (Rhodes
    Cairo to Cape Town)
  • Europeans felt that expansion
    was economically necessary
    and religiously justified.

Africa Berlin Conference
  • To avoid military conflict as countries claimed
    territory, European representatives met at the
    in 1884-85
    to divide
    Africa into
  • No Africans
    were invited.

Africa Conference of Berlin
  • European lines ignored most tribal and physical

Africa Great Wealthor NOT.
  • Europeans were not able to cash in on their
    colonies as expected because
  • Much of the land couldnt
    support European crops
    due to environmental
    issues. (remember?!)
  • Many resources were
    too isolated to transport.
  • Africas narrow coast and steep
    escarpment leading to a wide plateau
    makes inland river trade difficult.

Africa Independence Movement
  • After World War II, colonies began declaring
    independence from European masters who were too
    weak or uninterested to hold them.
  • Many colonial masters
    simply left their former colonies,
    without helping them transition to
  • This led to unstable
    economic and
    political systems,
    and civil conflicts.

Africa Apartheid in South Africa
  • After South Africa achieved independence from
    England (1934) government power was divided
    between whites and Africans.
  • By the late 1940s, white majority govt.
    established policy of apartheid,
    separating whites from blacks and coloreds
    (mixed race people)
  • Blacks and coloreds were placed on
    homelands or settlements and were not
    allowed to enter whites only areas such
    as major cities, white-owned farmland,
    and major resource areas)

Africa Apartheid in South Africa, II
  • 20 white population owned 80 of S. Af. land
  • Nelson Mandela led the militant opposition group
    African National Congress, spent 27 yrs. in
    prison, and became the icon of the
    anti-apartheid movement
  • Many nations opposed apartheid and tried
    to change S. Africas policy by
    restricting trade with them (sanctions)
  • Mandela was released in 1990, and worked with
    South African President F.W. deKlerk to
    establish a govt. that balanced white-black
  • Apartheid ended in 1994, Mandela elected 1st
    black President of S. Af.

Africa Modern Issues, Economic
  • Africa has 15 landlocked countries, more than any
    other continent.
  • This limits their access
    to trade ports and global customers.
  • Also, many countries
    economies rely on only
    one commodity for trade, making them
    very dependant on other countries for
    their remaining needs.

Africa Brain Drain spirals poverty
  • Low literacy rates and lack of widespread
    infrastructure leads to lack of education-based
  • Educated Africans that get a degree or special
    job training cant find good paying jobs in
    Africa, so they leave the continent
  • This brain drain results in less educated
    people in the region, which leads to further lack
    of educational opportunities
  • Most Africans live on less than 2 per day

Africa Modern Issues, Political
  • European drawn boundaries divided many tribes
    between multiple countries.
  • This has led to conflicts over who would control
    the government
  • Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Rwanda
  • Also led to attempted genocide
  • Rwanda (1994)
  • Darfur (Sudan)(2003-2009)
  • Refugees (20 million) create a burden
    for neighboring countries

Africa Modern Issues, Social
  • Africa has 11 of the worlds population, but
  • Over 2/3 of the worlds AIDS cases (23 million )
  • Over 5,500,000 AIDS orphans
  • 90 of world malaria
  • This greatly reduces Africas work force
    and strains medical facilities
  • Womens rights are nearly non-existent
  • Abuses are wide spread and usually
    arent punished

Africa Modern Issues, Natural Habitat
  • Over 2/3 of the population in sub-Saharan Africa
    live as subsistence farmers.
  • Africas climates and lack of irrigation
    tech. makes crops vulnerable to drought,
    leading to a growing Sahara and continued
  • Over 38 million people
    live in drought areas.
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