8th Module: Information Systems and Organisational Change: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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8th Module: Information Systems and Organisational Change:


8th Module: Information Systems and Organisational Change: Structure: Information Systems in Organisations past and present roles The Co-evolution of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 8th Module: Information Systems and Organisational Change:

  • 8th Module Information Systems and
    Organisational Change
  • Structure
  • Information Systems in Organisations past and
    present roles
  • The Co-evolution of Organisations and IT
  • The Organisational Impact of IT
  • Organisational Learning

Information Systems in Organisations past and
present roles
  • It is almost common sense that information
    systems change organisations.
  • They do this by automating tasks (which allows to
    perform work more efficiently), carrying out
    workload in new ways, etc.
  • Examples are Expert systems, transaction
    processing systems, decision support systems,
    ATMs, electronic sales, etc.

  • It took a long time, however, until the true
    potential for Information Systems to change
    organisations had been understood.
  • In the past, responsibilities for making changes
    through information systems was handed over to
    systems analysts and developers. The changes
    analysts were permitted to make, however, were
    quite restricted.
  • Senior management was reluctant to let IT experts
    and technology lead their business.
  • The work of IT professionals therefore
    concentrated on automating tasks and increasing
    efficiency in organisations.

  • The key question used to be
  • How can IT support the business?
  • However, this traditional point of view does not
    take into account the full potential of
    Information Systems to help running a business
  • As we have seen in Module 2, Information Systems
    can give organisations a sustainable and
    competitive advantage by enhancing/improving what
    the organisation is already good at.

  • Thus, Information Systems can transform the
    organisation in fundamental ways.
  • It has been recognised that IT and the
    organisation must evolve together in order to get
    the maximum benefit from IT.
  • Nevertheless, the traditional function of IT
    (which was to support organisational goals and
    strategies) still plays a role in organisations
  • The main difference is that the role of
    Information Systems has become wider and more

  • This does NOT mean that the traditional role of
    Information Systems (support) has to be given
  • Nowadays, it is essential that organisations and
    their information systems co-evolve.
  • The next sub-chapter is dedicated to this

  • The Co-evolution of Organisations and IT
  • To make sure that the co-evolution works
    successfully, the process of designing change in
    organisations needs to reflect both
    organisational practices and the technologies

  • There are 2 main approaches to organisational
  • Business Process Re-engineering (an approach that
    advocates radical change within organisations)
  • 2. Socio-technical Design (an approach which
    advocates a more evolutionary and less radical
    change within organisations).

  • Business Process Re-engineering
  • This approach demands a complete re-thinking of
    the ways that tasks are performed in an
    organisation, e.g. Hammer (1990).
  • The justification given for this approach is that
    organisations have failed to realise benefits of
    Information Systems in the past (e.g. they have
    just used IT to speed up organisational processes
    rather than to change the processes themselves).

  • These out-of-date organisational processes just
    focused on promoting efficiency within the
    organisation rather than product and service
    quality or speed of delivery/response (which is
    vital for many companies/hospitals etc.).
  • Proponents of the Business Process Re-engineering
    approach base their arguments in favour of this
    approach on their estimate that the design of
    business processes from scratch would increase
    productivity by at least 50 percent (Duncan,

  • The principle behind the change towards Business
    Process Re-engineering is to ignore existing
    functional boundaries within the organisation and
    to focus on those processes that guarantee
    successful business outputs.
  • The re-design of the processes works by creating
    a plan how the work should be performed and by
    identifying the objectives/technological changes
    to be achieved in order to gain maximum benefits
    for the organisation.

  • The study of existing processes is only aimed at
    identifying problems, which the proponents of
    this approach hope to change by introducing new
  • The role of IT is to support change and to offer
    a technology that allows a transformation of
    these processes (Duncan, 1997).
  • The aim to achieve significant improvements in
    performance is based on the expectation that IT
    helps to transform the organisational process.
  • Business process re-engineering will certainly
    bring changes to the organisational structure,
    job design, work flows, control mechanisms, etc.

  • It is also considered vital that Business process
    re-engineering projects are driven by senior
    management and not by the Information Systems
    division within an organisation.
  • Although Business process re-engineering might
    bring significant changes to an organisation,
    there are a number of things to consider before
    implementing it.
  • Actually, it was criticised very harshly.

  • The following were the main concerns of
  • It neglects human issues in business change.
  • It assumes that change is a continuous process,
    but does NOT give any advice on what to do after
    the change has been made.
  • It is offered as a solution for every business
    problem, but it is certainly not appropriate for
    any business/organisational environment.
  • The costs of implementing this type of radical
    change can be very high and it is NOT clear
    whether the costs exceed the benefits.

  • Davenport (1993) suggests that there must be a
    clear need for Business process re-engineering
    and a clear estimate of the benefits that it
    might yield.
  • Though Business process re-engineering might
    bring radical change and might not be a good
    strategy for many organisations, it is one
    example where business and technology co-evolve

  • The Socio-technical design approach
  • The Socio-technical approach focuses on all
    parties that are involved in the organisation
    that is expected to undergo the change (e.g. in a
    hospital, these would be doctors, nurses,
    psychologists, management, administrative and
    other support staff, staff in the personnel
    department, accounting, IT staff, catering,
    mechanics, etc.)

  • The tasks in the socio-technical approach are
    designed in a way that allows to reduce factors
    which can negatively influence the quality,
    throughput, job satisfaction, work environment
    and costs.
  • It focuses on the inputs and outputs of the work
  • Although many of the design changes, e.g. towards
    multi-skilling jobs, are similar to Business
    process re-engineering, Socio-technical change is
    rather aimed at continuous organisational renewal
    and evolutionary change.

  • IT is not even essential, because this approach
    can be used for any work environment where
    technologies are applied.
  • More detailed explanations about socio-technical
    design are provided by Mumford (1983a, 1983b).
  • Like Business process re-engineering,
    Socio-technical design is also seen as a
    partnership, but not as a partnership between
    business processes and technology. Rather,
    Socio-technical design emphasises a partnership
    between people and technology.

  • Integrating Business process re-engineering and
    Socio-technical design
  • Business process re-engineering as well as
    Socio-technical design recognise the importance
    of changing/evolving technology and the
    organisation together, but the philosophies
    behind both approaches are quite different.
  • The majority of system development in Information
    Systems is no longer seen as an intervention in
    the organisation (as it used to be the case), but
    as a change within the organisation.

The Organisational Impact of IT
  • IT will continue to create opportunities for
    major changes in the way that organisations are
    structured and in the nature of work itself
    (Duncan, 1997).
  • According to Drucker (1988), future organisations
    will be information-based, composed of knowledge
    specialists who co-ordinate their efforts by
    communication rather than direction, with flat
    rather than hierarchical management structures.

  • If you consider that Druckers influential
    article dates back to 1988 and if you compare his
    predictions with organisational structures
    nowadays, you realise that many of these
    predictions have become reality.
  • Many organisations have flat management
    structures (lean management), classical
    hierarchies no longer exist in the traditional
    way, a lot of communication takes place via
    email, internal memos, intranet, and senior
    management becomes more and more knowledgeable in
    IT issues.

  • Furthermore, the internet has enabled many
    companies to offer products in a non-traditional
    way (Amazon, Easyjet, etc.).
  • Due to advances in IT, it is now common that many
    employees are less dependent on location, and can
    for instance work from their homes.
  • Even though many of these predictions have become
    reality nowadays, the range of possibilities for
    the application of IT appears without limit, and
    there will always remain some uncertainty about
    future developments.

Organisational Learning
  • In an environment of rapid progress, the only
    constant is change itself, and it will be
    important for organisations to adapt to this
  • The term that describes the way to tackle the
    challenge of continuous change is Organisational
  • Organisational learning recognises that in order
    to change itself, it must first understand the
    way it works.

  • It must also be able to question the implicit and
    explicit norms that guide its organisational
    behaviour as well as its employees.
  • This process of understanding and questioning is
    described as double-loop learning (Argyris,
  • Argyris recognised that there were frequent
    contradictions in terms of organisational demands
    on managers. This was due to the fact that the
    organisations wanted to maintain stability, but
    promote change at the same time.

  • Managers were often told to be innovative but not
    to violate any organisational rules. They were
    also encouraged to plan for the future, but their
    reward scheme was pretty much based on their
    present short-term performance.
  • The result was often that managers became
    defensive and minimised their co-operation with
    other employees.
  • The only learning that resulted from this process
    was learning on how to conform, which Argyris
    calls single loop learning.

  • Argyris suggested that the solution of these
    conflicts lies in group/organisational learning.
    Therefore, he demands that openness be encouraged
    and not seen as a sign of weakness.
  • Moreover, he suggests that managers should look
    for contributions from other employees and not be
    shy about testing their own assumptions in
    public. This switch of behaviour would lead to
    double loup learning, enabling both managers and
    the group to change.

  • Organisational learning is particularly important
    for the introduction of Information Systems,
    because they challenge many basic practices in
  • Various experts believe that in an increasingly
    complex world of business, the successful
    organisations will be the ones that learn quickly
    and adapt fastest to changes in the environment.
  • Business scientists McKenney and McFarlan (1982)
    have examined the process by which organisations
    adapt to new technologies.

  • The result of their studies was that irrespective
    of the new technology employed (be it databases,
    LANs or expert systems), the process of
    assimilation undergoes the same phases.
  • Organisational and technological change is
    expected to increase even more in the future, so
    a key area of competence for every IT manager
    will be to manage the introduction of new
    technologies and the adaptation to new skills by
    an organisations employees.

  • References
  • Argyris, C. (1977). Double-loop Learning in
    Organisations. Harvard Business Review, 5,
  • Davenport, T.H. (1993). Process Innovation
    Re-engineering Work through Information
    Technology. Boston, MA Harvard Business School
  • Duncan, W.M. (1997). Information Systems
    Management. London University of London Press.

  • Drucker, P. (1988). The Coming of the New
    Organisation. Harvard Business Review, 66 (1),
  • Hammer, M. (1990). Re-engineering Work Dont
    Automate, Obliterate. Harvard Business Review, 68
    (4), 104-112.
  • McKenney, J.L. McFarlan, F.W. (1982). The
    Information Archipelago Maps and Bridges.
    Harvard Business Review, 60 (5), 109-119.
  • Mumford, E. (1983a). Designing Human Systems.
    Manchester Business School ISBN 0-903-808-285.

  • Mumford, E. (1983b). Designing Participatively.
    Manchester Business School ISBN 0-85227-221-9.
  • The references for students who are interested in
    further reading can be found on page 25 of the
    study guide.
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