Systems Thinking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Systems Thinking


Title: Chapter 2 -- Fundamental Simulation Concepts Author: Kelton/Sadowski/Sadowski Last modified by: asemwanga Created Date: 6/23/2001 8:49:48 PM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Systems Thinking

Systems Thinking Causal Loop Diagramming
  • Simulation and Modeling

  • Concepts of Systems Thinking
  • System Definitions
  • A collection of interacting elements that
    function together for some purpose.
  • a group of interacting parts that share a common
    location in space, time and/or function
  • The systems approach is the study of systems that
    emphasises the connections among various parts
    that constitute a whole.
  • Systems thinking is concerned with
    connectedness as well as wholeness in problem
    analysis and solving.

Source Senge, 1993
Simulation Modeling
Week 3 Causal Loop Diagrams
A new way of thinking
  • Emerging new way of thinking about business
    process that
  • Provides deeper understanding of inter
    relationships within an organisation and how all
    main aspects contribute to achieve organisational
  • Appreciates both role of systems thinking and
    use of system dynamics notation
  • Uses systemic approach in corporate strategic
    planning and control

Simulation Modeling
Week 3 Causal Loop Diagrams
What is System Thinking
  • Systems thinking is the art and science of making
    reliable influences about behaviour by developing
    an increasingly deeper understanding of
    underlying structure.

Simulation Modeling
Week 3 Causal Loop Diagrams
  • Thinking in Circles
  • Abdel-Hamids article Thinking in Cycles
    states that ...(with) the rapid evolution of
    software engineering tools, techniques, and
    technology, managers must be prepared to boldly
    go where no one has gone before while virtually
    guaranteeing that their missions will meet with
  • Similarly redesigning or re-engineering Business
    processes or investing in new technology is going
    to places where organisations have not been

Source Abdel-Hamid, 1991
Simulation Modeling
Week 3 Causal Loop Diagrams
System Thinking and System Dynamics
  • System dynamics is a powerful, yet simple,
    methodology for developing deep insights into the
    working of various systems and providing
    microworlds for policy design.
  • Over the years, system dynamics has emerged as
    one of the most powerful methodologies of social
    systems analysis and design.
  • Supports modelling Dynamic Behaviour
  • Instances, Causes and Problems
  • Feed back loops and delays
  • Influence Diagrams Construction and Use
  • Systems Modelling using
  • Influence Diagrams
  • Stock and Flow diagrams

Simulation Modeling
Week 3 Causal Loop Diagrams
Where does cause arise? Aristotelian causality
  • 4 types of cause contribute explain a phenomenon
  • 1. Material cause the substance that made it so
  • 2. Efficient cause the direct efforts that made
    it so
  • 3. Formal cause the plan or agent that made it
  • 4. Final cause the ultimate purpose for being

Where does cause arise? Aristotelean causality
  • e.g. Why does a house exist?
  • 1. Material cause wood, bricks, mortar
  • 2. Efficient cause the construction workers
  • 3. Formal cause the blue prints
  • 4. Final cause need for a house

Where does cause arise?
  • e.g. Community living next to an old paint
    factory is discovered to suffer from prevalence
    of lead poisoning
  • 1. Material cause
  • 2. Efficient cause
  • 3. Formal cause
  • 4. Final cause

Challenge Cause
natural resource depletion Human consumption
Global warming and climate change Release of carbon from fossil fuels
Overpopulation Reproductive rights
Air pollution Automobile
Species loss
Stream lake pollution Agriculture and industry
Deforestation Overpopulation, demand
Erosion/desertification Industrialized agriculture
Lack or agricultural diversity Societies demands
Environmental damage of war War
Acid rain industry
Suburban sprawl Lack of planning (transportation)
Sewer overflows pollution Impermeable surfaces
Waste/landfill Lack of recycling, lack of information

System Thinking Diagrams (STDs)(Causal loop
Diagrams (CLDs)
  • Systems Thinking Diagrams are composed of only
    two components, elements and influences.
  • An influence also has a direction, indicated by
    an arrow, and an indicator as to whether the
    influenced element is changed in the same (S) or
    opposite (O) direction as the influencing

Simulation Modeling
Week 3 Causal Loop Diagrams
  • Use of Influence Diagrams
  • Influence diagrams are also known as causal-loop
    diagrams. A link from A to B is positive if a
    change in A produces a change in the same
  • A link from A to B is negative if a change in A
    produces a change in B in the opposite direction.
    The direction of an arrow shows the direction of
  • It SHOULD incorporate the principal performance
    influences of the system under study.

Simulation Modeling
Week 3 Causal Loop Diagrams
What are Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD) ?
  • Casual Loop Diagrams are cause and effect
    representations of structures and processes that
    have loops or feedback.
  • Causal loop diagrams show causality
  • There is an arrow going from population to death

Causal Links
A influences B. If A increases, that will
tend to increase B. If A goes down in value,
that will tend to reduce B.
C influences D. If C increases, that will
tend to decrease D. If C goes down in value,
that will tend to increase D.
  • Polarity We can associate a direction of
    influence or polarity
  • or s (same) indicates that an increase in
    the cause will lead to an increase in the effect
  • - or o (opposite) indicates that positive value
    of the cause will lead to a decrease in the effect

  • A loop occurs when arrows connect a variable
    to itself through a series of other variables
  • This example shows a loop from population through
    births and back to population.
  • There exists both negative (balancing) and
    positive (Reinforcing) feedback loops in SD

Anatomy of a Causal Loop Diagram
The S means that the two variables move in the
same direction, all other things being equal
Causal relationship between two variables
Amount Eaten
The O means that the two variables move in
opposite directions, all other things being equal
Nature of loop. Indicates whether the loop is
balancing or reinforcing
System Thinking Structures (Archetypes)
  • The basic idea of structure(s) is to point out
    the influence one thing has on another. That is,
    how do things influence other things to change.
  • If I have two things, thing 1 and thing 2, there
    are only two ways one can influence the other.
  • As indicated in the diagram above, thing 1 can
    add to thing 2, as indicated by a "" sign, thus
    increasing thing 2.
  • The alternative is that thing 1 can subtract from
    thing 2, as indicated by the "-" sign in the
    above figure, thus decreasing thing 2.

Simulation Modeling
Week 3 Causal Loop Diagrams
System Thinking Structures (Archetypes)
  • Let us examine the most common example
    (production -inventory) Sales adds to revenue.
    Even if sales decrease it will still add to
    revenue, just not quite as much as before.
  • On the other hand, if sales increases it will add
    even more to revenue.
  • The figure above indicates that product sales
    subtracts from finished goods inventory. If
    product sales increase it will subtract even more
    from finished goods inventory. On the other hand,
    if product sales decrease it will still subtract
    from finished goods inventory, just not quite so

Simulation Modeling
Week 3 Causal Loop Diagrams
Feedback is critical in systems view
  • Feedback The returning of part of the output of
    a system to be reintroduced as input (Websters)
  • () feedback reinforces change
  • (-) feedback counteracts change

Reinforcing /Positive Feedback loops
  • A reinforcing loop is one in which the
    interactions are such that each action adds to
    the other. Any situation where action produces a
    result which promotes more of the same action is
    representative of a reinforcing loop.
  • Examples snow balls rolling down hill,
    population growth.
  • Change leads to further change in same direction
  • Growth enhancing
  • Potentially destablizing
  • Finite in extent
  • Vicious cycles, bandwagons, self-fulfilling

Population size
( )
( )
Population growth
( )
Simulation Modeling
Week 3 Causal Loop Diagrams
Reinforcing /Positive Feedback loops
  • Diagram shows what happens in a typical savings
  • The principal in the savings account interacts
    with the interest rate and adds to the interest.
  • Interest rate is considered to be a constant in
    this example. Interest then adds to the
  • This reinforcing action happens every so many
    months depending on the period over which the
    institution computes the interest.

The SNOWBALL rolling down hill is your signal
that the loop is a reinforcing loop. The SMALL
GRAPH to the right of principle indicates that
the growth of principal is exponential.
Reinforcing / Positive Feedback Loops
  • It is denoted by R or sign or with snow ball
  • Positive tends to run away leading to situations
    that are out of control.
  • Overall polarity of feedback loop is determined
    by counting the number of links that are
  • An even number of opposite(-) links implies
    positive feedback and an odd number of opposite
    links(-) implies negative feedback.

Causal relationship between two variables
Beer consumption
The S means that the two variables move in the
same direction, all other things being equal
( )
( )
BeerNut consumption
( )
Reinforcing / Positive Feedback Loops
  • Phrases that characterize the phenomenon of
    feedback include
  • Snowball effect as it rolls down a mountain
    side, it picks up snow, its mass and
    circumference increase which causes the snow ball
    to grow even faster
  • As a political movement grows, its popularity and
    ability to attract support also grows
  • The exponential growth curve characterizes most
    positive feedback systems. World population,
    food production, industrialization, pollution all
    exhibit exponential growth

Examples Positive Feedback Loops
Invest- ment

Industrial Capital
( )
  • Plant A provides food that worm B uses
  • Worm B released nutrients that are then used by
    microbe C
  • Microbe C transfers nutrients to plant D
  • Plant D provides necessary shade for plant A

More Examples of positive feedback
( )
( )
( )
(), if even of (-) signs
Economic Positive Loops


Industrial Capital


How many loops do we have ?
Balancing / Negative Feedback loops
  • A balancing loop is one in which action attempts
    to bring two things to agreement. Any situation
    where one attempts to solve a problem or achieve
    a goal or objective is representative of a
    balancing loop.
  • Example Self regulating temperature of the
    human body which enables it to maintain a
    relatively constant internal temperature called
  • Phrases that characterize the phenomenon of
    feedback include
  • Self governing,
  • self regulating,
  • self equilibrating,
  • adaptive
  • all implying the presence of a goal.

Simulation Modeling
Week 3 Causal Loop Diagrams
Negative Feedback Loops
  • This is a negative or balancing. It is denoted by
    B or - sign
  • Positive tends to leads to a controlled
    equilibrium or steady state.
  • Negative feedback loops exist when there are an
    odd number of negative links in a loop.
  • The people there are, the more they die thus
    keeping the population low.

( - )
Negative Feedback Loops- Four Basic Elements
  • Desired state (goal) serves as a reference on
    which the system bases action and is determined
  • Gap this is the discrepancy between the goal
    and state of the system determined the magnitude
    and direction of the corrective action taken.
  • Action (rate)
  • System state (level).
  • To minimise the discrepancy (gap) , the system
    initiates action to decrease (increase) the level.

Balancing/Negative Feedback loops - Explanation
  • The basic form of the balancing loop.
  • The desired state interacts with the current
    state to produce a gap. The gap adds to the
    action and the action adds to the current state.
    The current state then subtracts from the gap.
  • The small clock to the right of the arc between
    action and current state indicates some time
    delay that it takes for the action to change the
    current state. As the current state gets closer
    to the desired state the gap gets smaller and
    smaller so it adds less and less to the
    action,which is adding to the current state.
  • Once the action has moved the current state to a
    point where it equals the desired state the gap
    is zero and there's no more addition to the
    action, so there is no more action.
  • The balance in the centre of the loop is your
    indication that the loop is a balancing loop.
  • Typical examples of balancing loops are driving
    from location A to location B, developing a
    skill, building something, fixing a problem, etc.

More Examples of Negative Feedback Loops
( - )
( - )
( )
Example Social Life CLD
Desired time together

How many loops do we have ?

hrs/week together
of invitations
pressure from boss


Quality of work
average time for new work
of mistakes

time spent correcting mistakes
Causal Loop Diagramming exercises
  • A good way to start is by brainstorming a list
    of all variables associated with a phenomenon.
  • Then, begin your causal loop diagram by selecting
    only those system elements that are causally
    related to each other.
  • Arrows between variables are used to indicate the
    direction of causality. For instance, if you
    have two variables, amount of coal burned and
    amount of acid rain generated an arrow would be
    directed from the coal to the acid rain.
  • Points of arrows are labeled with () or (-) sign
    to indicate positive or negative effect. A ()
    means that change in the variable at the tail of
    the arrow leads to change in the same direction
    in the variable at the point of the arrow (i.e.,
    if the one at the tail increases, then this
    necessarily causes the one at the point to
    increase). Important when labeling, consider
    each pair of variables connected by an arrow in
    isolation from all other variables (completely
    ignore the other variables).

Causal Loop Diagramming exercises
  • Determine the overall sign of a feedback loop by
    counting the total number of (-) signs at the end
    of the arrows within the complete loop.
  • The loop is a positive feedback if there is an
    even number of (-) signs (or no - signs). The
    loop is a negative feedback if there is an odd
    number of (-) signs.
  • Place a large () or (-) sign in the center of
    each loop to indicate the overall direction.
    Both positive and negative loops are typically
    embedded within large dynamic systems.

Taking a Shower The Movie
Managing Water T in a Shower
What do you think would happen in a more
complicated setting, where you have to share the
supply of hot water (critical resource) with
someone/something else?
Managing Water T in a Shower
Water Temperature
Desired Temperature
Tap setting
T Gap
System Dynamics The Cartoon
EXERCISES Develop causal loop diagrams from
the following verbal descriptions giving clear
explanations. Identify the relationships
polarity between each pair of variables as well
as the polarity of each loop
  • Population and Economic Growth Loop As
    employment opportunities increase in a city,
    people are attracted into the urban area.
    However, in-migrants do not immediately swarm to
    employment opportunities in the area. Since
    migrants react to perceived opportunity, the lag
    in acquiring information may cause 5 to 20 year
    delay in response. Population growth from the
    influx of migrants tends to encourage business
    expansion in the growing urban area. The
    additional economical expansion creates demand
    for additional labor. This demand further
    increases employment opportunities in the area.
  • Population and Land Use Loop While tending to
    reinforce economic growth, population growth
    tends to drive housing construction at a greater
    pace to match population growth. Assuming only a
    fixed amount of land available for industrial and
    housing use, increasing the housing stock makes
    less land available for business expansion. As
    the unavailability of more land begins to
    suppress business expansion in the area, the
    demand for labour decreased. Consequently, local
    employment opportunities decline. Once potential
    migrants perceive the lack of opportunities,
    declining in-migration generates a reduction in
    the population growth of the area.

Group Work Rural Development
  • Form groups of 5
  • Draw a causal loop diagram showing the causal
    relationships and polarity from the following
    variables (indicate delays where applicable)
  • Births
  • Population
  • Adult Women
  • Soil fertility
  • Social controls on children
  • Food/person
  • Intensity of Land use
  • Food production
  • Quality of life

Tips Drawing CLDs
  1. Name your variables carefully. In particular,
    avoid names that already imply directionality
    (e.g. amount of acid rain is an appropriate
    variable, increase in acid rain is not
    appropriate). Generally your variables should be
    nouns rather than verbs.
  2. Confusion will inevitably result if you think
    about multiple arrows simultaneously when
    labeling the end of an arrow. Focus only on the
    direction and sign of causality in each pair.
    Then, when you are done labeling each individual
    arrow, figure out the sign of the loop as a
  3. Arrows in causal loop diagrams do not
    necessarily represent flows of stuff (material or
    energy). They represent flows of causality.

  • Avoid using terms that indicate directionality
  • e.g. flight from city

Middle class flight from cities
( )
( )
Loss of public services
( )
Decreasing tax base
( )
Tips Drawing CLDs
  • If it helps to clarify dynamics, it is fine to
    include forcing variables that are cause, but are
    not themselves affected by the dynamics depicted
    (i.e. they are not actually part of a loop within
    the model).
  • As with all models, you should strive to use
    minimum number of variables necessary to capture
    the dynamics of interest. The first draft of
    your causal loop diagram can generally be
    simplified in order to increase clarity.
    Typically you will want to redraw your model to
    make it as easy for others to interpret as

Food for thought
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