Cognition and Language - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cognition and Language


Do more words in the English alphabet begin with k or have k as their third ... our tendency to overestimate the accuracy of our knowledge and judgments Framing ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cognition and Language

Chapter 10
  • Cognition and Language

What is Cognition?
  • Cognition all mental activities that are
    associated with processing, knowing, remembering,
  • understanding,
  • communicating
  • Metacognition
  • thinking about
  • ones thinking

  • Concepts mental groupings of similar objects,
    events, ideas, people
  • Ex. Shoe (Shoe String, Tennis Shoe, Shoe
    Store, Horseshoe, Shoe polish)
  • Concepts give us much information without a lot
    cognitive effort
  • Concepts are organized into more broad
  • Concepts allow us to avoid relearning

Forming Concepts
  • Ways to form concepts
  • By Prototypes a mental image or best example of
    a category
  • Ex. A Rose is a prototype flower
  • Ex. A Robin is a prototype bird
  • Ex. A lab is a prototype dog
  • Prototypes give mental pictures of average
    features that make it easier and quicker to
    determine if another object fits into that

  • Algorithm a step-by-step procedure or logical
    rule that guarantees solving a particular problem
  • Algorithms oftentimes consume large amounts of
  • Ex. Unscrambling the word SPLOYOCHYG you place
  • letter in every possible position.
  • Ex. Solving 10 x 2 can be determined by adding
  • 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
  • Ex. Computer chess may use algorithms to
    determine its
  • next move
  • How could you use an algorithm to find toothpicks
    at Harris Teeter?

  • Heuristic a simple thinking strategy (rule of
    thumb, shortcut) that often allows us to make
    judgments and solve problems efficiently.
    Heuristics are speedier but also more error prone
    than algorithms
  • Ex. Unscramble the word SPLOYOCHYG but
  • various possibilities like placing the two
    Ys Together
  • Ex. Work backwards hypothesize an answer and
  • what you find
  • How could you use a heuristic to find toothpicks
    at Harris Teeter?

  • During problem solving we often experience
  • Insight a sudden realization of the solutions
    to a problem (Aha..)
  • Insight contrasts with strategy based solutions.
    The answer just comes to us!

Obstacles to Problem Solving
  • sometimes we are mislead as we search for
    solutions to problems.
  • Solve Divorce Problem
  • Confirmation Bias tendency to search for
    information that confirms our preconceptions
  • Peter Watsons Confirmation Bias experiment
  • Pg. 388 Can you guess the rule? 2 4 6
  • Give more examples that confirm your hypothesis
  • The actual rule. Any three ascending numbers

Obstacles to Problem Solving
  • Fixation the inability to see a problem from a
    new perspective
  • Using a box of matches, thumbtacks, and a candle
    think of how to mount the candle on a bulletin
    board. The candle must be able to be lit in a
    certain way without falling over

Obstacles to Problem Solving
  • Mental Set continuing to use problem solving
    strategies that have worked in the past rather
    than trying new ones.
  • O-T-T-F. what are the next 3 letters? F (Five),
    S(Six), S(Seven)
  • Try this one J-F-M-A. what are the next 3
    letters? (M, J, J)

Obstacles to Problem Solving
  • Functional Fixedness the tendency to think of
    things only in terms of their usual functions
  • Use a paper towel when you ran out of coffee
  • Not recognizing that the box of matches could be
    used in assembling a candleholder.

Using/Misusing Heuristics
  • Heuristics could cause us to make quick / poor
  • Representativeness heuristic judging the
    likelihood of things in terms of how well they
    seem to match particular prototypes.
  • A person is short, slim and likes poetry? Would
    you guess that this person is an ivy league
    professor or a truck driver? (pg. 390)

Using/Misusing Heuristics
  • Availability heuristic we base our judgments on
    the availability of information in our memories.
    We assume information and experiences that are
    readily available in our minds are common.
  • Do more words in the English alphabet begin with
    k or have k as their third letter? (page 402)
  • Availability heuristics can affect our social
    judgments. Re p 392-3

We have the tendency to be overconfident
  • Overconfidence our tendency to overestimate the
    accuracy of our knowledge and judgments

  • Framing the way an issue is posed
  • Framing can greatly affect our decisions and
  • Ex. Which ground beef would you most likely buy
    75 lean or 25 fat?
  • Bush Tax Cuts 25 of our deficit comes from
    these cuts which almost exclusively were given to
    those in top 1 of wealth. Tax Cuts expired 2
    weeks ago. Obama extended them backed by 100
    Republicans. extend the tax cuts OR 800
    Billion dollar spending package.

Belief Bias
  • Belief Bias the tendency for our beliefs to
    distort logical reasoning sometimes this
    affects our conclusions. Valid conclusions seem
    invalid and invalid conclusions seem valid.
  • Example
  • Some Professors wear ties.
  • Some men wear ties.
  • Some professors are men.
  • (true statement but this flow of thinking is not
    always correct)
  • Some Prof. wear ties. Some scarecrows wear ties.
    Some prof. are scarecrows.
  • Belief bias is related to Confirmation Bias
    seek to confirm our beliefs.

Belief Perseverance
  • Belief perseverance clinging to ones initial
    conceptions after the basis on which they were
    formed has been discredited.
  • Belief perseverance may fuel social conflict.
  • Ex. Belief about yourself you may stick to it
    even though others have tried to discredit your
  • Ex. Belief that you should invest in a stock or
    that a child is academically gifted

  • Language our spoken, written, or signed words
    and the way we combine them to communicate meaning

Components of Language
  • Phonemes the smallest distinctive sound unit in
    spoken language
  • English language has about 40
  • See phoneme handout
  • Changes in phonemes changes in meaning
  • Ex. Wall, Well, Will
  • But in and of themselves, phonemes do not mean

English Phonemes
  • A/a/b/k/d/E/e/f/g/h/I/i/j/l/m/n/O/o/p/kw/r//s/t/U/
  • ar/sh/hw/ch/th/ng/zh/ 

Components of Language
  • Morpheme the smallest unit in language that
    carries meaning may be a word or part of a word
  • In English, there are only a few phonemes that
    are also morphemes
  • Ex. A or I
  • A morpheme could be a complete word or part of a
    word (Prefix/Suffix)
  • Ex. hat or pre

Grammar rules that enable communication
  • Semantics set of rules by which we derive
    meaning from morphemes, words, and sentences
  • Add ed for the past tense
  • Limb arm? Or a tree branch?
  • Context can affect meaning
  • Syntax the rules for combining words into
    grammatically sensible sentences.
  • Ex. Adjectives before nouns
  • Ex. I am happy instead of Happy am I

Language Development
  • Childrens language development moves from simple
    to complex
  • By age 4 months
  • Babbling stage infants spontaneously utter
    sounds at age 3-4 months
  • At first, these sounds are unlike household
  • Cannot distinguish between Chinese babies
    babbling and English babies babbling
  • Nature vs. Nurture
  • Nature allows us to create consonant-vowel pairs
    (ma, da, goo, ba)
  • Nurture eventually molds our language
  • Eventually, babbling begins to resemble the
    household language

Some words Charlie knows at 24 mo.
  • Mama/Dada Mother/father
  • Nana/TA Deanna/TJ
  • me yummy food
  • Hello - phone
  • Doe doe sleep
  • Meenu cat (Cajun)
  • Poowoo I pooped
  • Bobo - dog
  • Ball
  • Juice
  • Noonee pacifier
  • Meimei Maddie made a mess
  • Bye bye lets go
  • Eye
  • Nose
  • Bo elbow
  • Back
  • Knees
  • Hello yellow

Language Development
  • 10 months phoneme sounds outside the infants
    household language begin to disappear
  • One year old child enters the one-word stage
  • juice I am thirsty
  • Two years old child enters the two-word stage
    (combination of a verb and noun)
  • want sleep I am ready to go to bed
  • Telegraphic speech two word sentences that
    contain the most necessary words
  • Older than two years old begin to form complete

Explaining language development
  • BF Skinner operant learning
  • Children learn to speak through imitation,
    association, and reinforcement
  • Imitation saying words as mom and dad say them
  • Association associating sound with pictures
  • Reinforcement hugs, smiles, high fives

Explaining language development
  • Noam Chomsky language is almost entirely
    inborn, children are prewired to learn language
  • Children acquire untaught words and grammar rules
  • Video Scientific American Frontier Born to
    Talk 21
  • Ex. incorrectly adding ed (Cindy hitted me)
  • Overgeneralization the misapplication of
    grammar rules
  • Children have a Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
    that allows them to extract the basic rules of
    grammar. (aka language acquisition or the
    nativist theory)

Language and Thinking
  • Linguistic determinism hypothesis (aka linguistic
    relativity hypothesis) Benjamin Whorf theorized
    that language can control or limit our thinking
  • Hopi Indians have no past tense verbs. This
    affects their ability to a Hopis ability the
    think in the past tense.
  • English is a language of many self-focus emotions
    whereas Japanese has many words for interpersonal
    emotions (sympathy)
  • Bilinguals report having a different sense of
    self when speaking two different languages
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