Franchisee Inventory Tracking System (FITS) Training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Franchisee Inventory Tracking System (FITS) Training


Franchisee Inventory Tracking System (FITS) Training – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Franchisee Inventory Tracking System (FITS) Training

Franchisee Inventory Tracking System (FITS)
  • Introduction
  • What is Pipeline Tracking and why is it
  • Why do we use milestones?
  • Which milestones do we track?
  • Tracking actual against planned milestone dates
  • Working with the FITS Database System
  • Security and new users
  • Installation
  • Entering Project Data
  • Language and Character Recognition
  • Project Information
  • New and Relocate Project Milestones
  • Using the Milestone Template
  • Remodel Project Milestones
  • Closure Project Milestone
  • Organizing your Projects
  • Project Tree
  • Project Search
  • Personalizing FITS
  • FITS Reporting Suggestion
  • Tracking Development
  • Openings, Closures, Remodels
  • Cycle Time (NEW)
  • Store Weeks (NEW)
  • Construction Costs vs Budget (NEW)
  • Pipeline Summary (NEW)
  • Basic COGNOS Reporting
  • Project Listing
  • Pipeline Counts
  • Openings Reports
  • Closures Reports
  • Comparison Reports (AOP vs. Actual vs. Best Guess
    vs. Pipeline of Projects)
  • Summary Level Reports

Why Pipeline Management Is Important
  • Number of Projects Each BMU has between 10 and
    300 live development projects
  • As the number of projects increases, the
    complexity of managing and communicating becomes
  • There is a fall-out rate of terminated or delayed
  • Different Types of Projects
  • NEW or RELOCATE openings
  • Project Length Can be from several months to
    several years
  • Communication Multiple stakeholders need to
    plan related activities which depend on the
    development project plan and progress
  • Accurate Forecasting Efficient resource and
    cost management
  • Senior management needs consistent, reliable
    information about project progress and pipeline
    status to validate and forecast growth plans and
    development team resourcing

Milestones and Pipelines Are the Solution
  • Project Management Techniques Help plan and
    manage the complexities of development projects
  • Milestones Key stepping stones that are tracked
    through a projects life (i.e permit received
    and construction commenced), marking the
    beginning or end of the key stages in a projects
  • Planning, tracking and communicating milestones
    is the best way to encourage effective project
  • When multiple projects are viewed using the same
    milestones, an entire pipeline of projects can
    be assessed for strength, risk, forecasting, etc.

How Do We Track Milestones/Pipeline?
  • Milestone tracking or pipeline management only
    represent a small subset of true project
    management techniques
  • FITS is not a project management tool to be used
    to manage detailed activities -- it is a
    summary-level tracking tool which is aimed to
    help you forecast better and keep your projects
    on track
  • FITS can help us make better forecasts in the
    future by facilitating a historical analysis of
    milestone duration, fall-out rates, resourcing,

How Do We Track Milestones/Pipeline?
  • Collecting information and tracking against
    planned milestones
  • As milestones are completed, Actual dates are
    entered (i.e. the most recently entered
    Forecast date becomes the Actual date)
  • Milestone completion dates can be used to
    indicate the current status of a project
  • At the beginning of a project, Plan and Forecast
    dates are given for each milestone.
  • As a project progresses, the Forecast dates for
    the various milestones are updated. Plan dates
    stay fixed so that you will always have a record
    of your initial plan.
  • In order to enter a forecast date, you must enter
    a plan date.

How Does FITS Help With Pipeline Management?
  • Tracks multiple projects
  • Tracks executive milestones for each development
    project, including New restaurants, Relocations,
    Remodels, Conversions and Closures
  • Stores key data about each development project
  • Communicates current project and pipeline status
    through on-line views and printed reports
  • Enables team collaboration through access for
    multiple users across YRI functions and BMUs,
    including Dallas RSC

How Does FITS Help With Pipeline Management?
  • Relies on web-based technology, allowing access
    to users through their PC and any telephone line
  • Organizes and stores project-level documentation
    such as CAD drawings, CAPEX approval documents,
  • Organizes and stores project photo galleries
  • Milestone tracking set up to work for both equity
    and franchise needs

How Does FITS Help With Pipeline Management?
  • Standardized terminology and centralized data
    allows for cross-market learning and analysis
  • Templates can be created by each user to speed
    project set-up
  • Information viewed on-line or printed using
    formulated reports
  • Reporting available to communicate project
    details, pipeline snapshots, and historical
    analyses on an individual or aggregate project
  • Downloading capabilities built in for more
    dynamic analysis or reporting using Excel

How Does FITS Help With Pipeline Management?
  • Regularly scheduled COGNOS reports can be sent to
    users Outlook mailbox
  • Role-based security allows differentiated levels
    of access to data
  • Certified franchisees will have access over the
  • FITS can be used alongside more sophisticated
    project management tools which are likely to be
    used to manage the construction phase. Currently
    estimating ability to download data to Microsoft

Lets Look at FITS
  • Entering the system and loading the data is as
    easy as loading a web site
  • Users may use the system on-line or off-line
  • Each user has access to a pre-defined subset of
    the worldwide data available. Real Estate
    Managers, Acquisition Managers, Site Finders and
    Development Managers will manage the data for
    their own projects
  • Users may enter the FITS application or go
    directly to the reporting section, which avoids
    having to wait while system data is loaded
  • There is a useful Release Notes section which
    gives updates on recent upgrades to the system
    and training on basic functionality

  • FITS is found at http//
  • You must install FITS software the first time you
    use the program
  • Follow instructions in the 01 Install FITS
    application link
  • Program Requirements
  • Java JRE 1.3.1
  • Java Web Start
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Windows 95, 98, Windows 2000 or NT 4.0 (service
    pack 6)
  • 800 x 600 Screen Resolution (or higher)
  • 128 Megs of RAM
  • 20 Megs free hard disk space
  • Windows standard mouse pointers

Follow instructions to install the FITS
application. You only need to install FITS the
first time you use the system.
Training and Release Notes are located here
Select this link to run FITS
  • Each user must have their own login ID and
    Password. There is no fee.
  • Access to data will be restricted for security,
    according to the following norm
  • BMU/FBU Development team members can create,
    view and edit data for projects in their BMU/FBU
  • Other BMU/FBU team members can view data for
    projects in their BMU/FBU only
  • Franchisees can create, view and edit data for
    their projects only
  • Dallas RSC team members can view data for all
  • Dallas RSC FITS administrator can create, view
    and edit data for all projects
  • Any exceptions to this set of security standards
    must be approved by the Director of Development
    and Dallas RSC FITS administrator (Laura Molnar)
  • To get an ID and PW contact Laura Molnar at

Entering Project Data
  • Individual project information is entered into
    the system by the Development team member
  • Updates may be made as often as necessary
  • Project data is divided into three sections or
  • Tab 1 Project Information such as address,
    facility description, etc.
  • Tab 2 Milestone tracking user templates
    project notes attached documents
  • Tab 3 Project Costs

The Project ID will be automatically generated
once the project is saved.
A descriptive Site Name must be entered for a
project. Note If a project is a relocation
(RELO), it should reference the closure (CLO)
project associated with it, e.g. Brown Street
(Blue Street CLO). If a project is a CLO, it
should reference the RELO project associated with
it, e.g. Blue Street (Brown Street RELO)
A Local Site Name may be entered for a project.
This can be entered in your local language
including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and
Thai character sets)
An Owner Type must be selected for a
project Company/Equity Franchisee Joint
Venture Licensee
A Development Manager must be selected for a
project List of Dev Managers
An Owner Name may be selected for a project List
of Franchisees If Equity, select Company/Equity"
An Ops Manager may be selected for a
project List of Ops Managers
A Brand must be selected for a project List of
Brands Notice the multibrand combinations.
A Construction Manager may be selected for a
project List of Construction Managers
If you would like to archive an inactive project,
you may mark the project as Terminated and enter
a date. In the future if you choose to
reactivate a project, you can deselect the
terminated checkbox.
A Project Type must be selected for a
project New Build (NEW) Relocate/Offset
(REL) Rebuild (REB) Major Remodel (MJR) Minor
Remodel (MIN) Conversion (CON) Closure (CLO)
An Initial Fee Currency may be selected for the
An Initial Fee may be entered for a project.
A Development Director may be selected for a
project. List of Development Directors
A BMU/FBU must be selected for a project List of
A Mini BMU must be selected for a project List
of Mini BMUs within a BMU Note A BMU/FBU must be
selected prior to this selection.
A Country must be selected for a project List of
Countries within a Mini BMU Note A Mini BMU must
be selected prior to this selection.
A Market may be selected for a project List of
Markets within a Country Note A Country must be
selected prior to this selection. The user can
add market names to the list. The market is
generally used to define a geographic area, but
you may use this to create another category.
An Address may be entered for a project.
A JDE Number must be entered for each project,
prior to completing the OPEN milestone.
Latitude and Longitude coordinates may be entered
to indicate the GPS location of the site, ex.
39deg 58.589min
A Service Type must be selected for a
project Dine-In Only Delco Restaurant Based
Delivery Other To Be Determined Note If "Other"
or "To Be Determined " is selected at the
beginning of a project, you must change this to
one of the other choices prior project completion.
A Facility Type may be selected for a
project Freestanding (FS) In-Line (IL) Food
Court (FC) Kiosk (KIO) Unknown Note If "Unknown"
is selected at the beginning of a project, you
must change this to one of the other choices
prior to project completion.
A Location Type may be selected for a
project Urban Corner Urban Midblock Suburban
Corner Suburban Midblock Shopping
Center/Mall Airport/Transport Center Retail Leisur
e Retail Leisure Residential Roadside Other Unkn
A Delivery must be selected for a
project Yes No To Be Determined Note It must be
"Yes" or "No" before project completion.
Property Ownership may be selected for a
project Building Lease (BL) Fee/Freehold
(OWN) Ground and Building Lease (GBL) Ground
Lease (GL) Yum! To Franchisee Lease (TL) Unknown
If the unit is an express unit, select this
Facility Size may be entered for a project.
If this unit contains a drive thru, select this
Site Size may be entered for a project.
Why does the New Project Template require so much
information? We request that you complete the red
outlined boxes and fill in as much site
information as possible in the New Project
Template. This enables you to have a complete
record of each store. Also, at times, users will
choose to run a specialized report. The more
information recorded in the system, the more
thorough the reporting.
Capacity Counts may be entered for a project,
including Seat Counts, Parking Space Counts, and
Curb Cuts.
Project Milestones
  • Tab 2 Milestone data user templates notes
    attached documents
  • User enters milestone Plan and Forecast dates
    at the initiation of a project, forecasting all
    the way through to a forecast opening date
  • Users should update the Forecast column as the
    project progresses and the predicted timeframes
  • As milestones are completed, the user checks the
    Completed box and confirms the date in the
    Forecast/Actual column

Project Milestones (cont.)
  • The Current Milestone is the most recent
    milestone which has been completed in FITS
    (i.e., marks the beginning of a set of activities
    which is currently being worked on)
  • Notes about each milestone (especially the
    Current Milestone) may be entered. The note for
    the Current Milestone will be reflected on many
    reports this is where you can keep reminders
    about next steps
  • Documents may be attached in this section (CAPEX,
    CAD drawings, lease documents, photos). Photos
    can be attached for the Site Located milestone
    and for the Construction Commenced milestone.

The Project ID will be displayed for a project.
For the project, the Current Milestone is the
last milestone which has been completed.
The Site Name will be displayed for a project.
Why Must We Input a Plan Date in Addition to a
Forecast Date? By inputting plan dates at the
onset of a project, users can track their
progress throughout the project. Most likely,
the dates originally planned will change. By
updating dates in the forecast columns, users can
reexamine the difference between the original
plan dates and actual completion dates at the end
of each project. In doing this, Development
teams can measure their performance and, in the
future, aim to better forecast or hit plan dates.
The user will initiate a project by entering
planned completion dates for all milestones. A
project is initiated when the Site Located date
is chosen. If necessary, Plan dates may be
adjusted until SITE/CAPEX approval but Plan dates
should not be changed thereafter. Note Where an
individual site has not been identified, (e.g.
INQ or WORK,) it is not necessary to forecast the
dates for the other milestones. If a site has
been located and the SITE milestone is completed,
you must forecast milestone dates for the entire
project. Trade Zones without an identified site
maybe recorded by using INQ or WORK.
Different milestone names are available for
NEW/RELOCATE project, CLOSURE projects, and
REMODEL projects.
Forecast dates should be entered for all
milestones at the initiation of a project. These
forecast dates should be updated during the life
of the project as the forecast dates change.
The duration between milestones is calculated
automatically using forecast dates.
When a milestone is marked Complete, the date in
the forecast column becomes the Actual date.
The cumulative duration from the initiation of
the project is also calculated automatically.
Supporting Documents can be uploaded for each
milestone. The number of documents are shown
here. Access for uploading a document, click on
the button. Work, Excel, JPEG, CAD, PowerPoint,
Why Would I Want To Record Notes on the Milestone
Tab? Recording notes alongside the milestone
enables all members working on the same project
to follow each action during the process. Also,
the notes entered at the Current Milestone will
be displayed on certain reports, therefore the
user should enter the most current activity tasks
in this field. This field will expand as you
enter text.
Why Are Some Milestones Required and Some Not? It
is encouraged that all users populate each
milestone with dates. However, in the system,
some are required while others are optional. In
order for Development teams to measure
performance and improve forecasting, it is vital
that they know the number of days that have
lapsed in-between milestones. In FITS there is a
report entitled Cycle Time. This report
calculates the number of days in-between each
milestone, comparing one project to another. In
order to accurately asses a BMU/FBUs performance
and create a thorough report, the most vital
milestones (those in bold) must be populated.
Milestones in gray are optional.
Bolded Milestones are required.
Bold-Italic Milestones need approval.
New and Relocation Milestones
Inquiry (INQ) -- request received to consider
development project. Trade areas without an
identifiable site may be entered using the INQ or
WORK milestone.
Working on Site (WORK) -- development team
looking for suitable real estate
Site Located (SITE) -- a suitable location has
been identified.
Site/CAPEX Approved (APP) YRI has approved the
site for Franchise projects or the CAPEX for
equity projects
Site Secured (SEC) -- the site is legally secured
through a lease or purchase agreement
New and Relocation Milestones
YRI Construction and Design Approval (DES) --
Construction and design plans have been approved
by YRI
Permits Submitted (PER) -- Applications for
zoning and other permits have been submitted to
local authorities for approval
Construction Commenced (UC) -- The site is now
under construction
Equipment Ordered (EQU) -- Kitchen equipment and
décor have been ordered
Handover Over to Operations (OPS) -- Construction
has finished and Operations is given the keys to
the restaurant
Restaurant Opening (OPEN) -- The official opening
of the restaurant
A forecast date must be entered for either INQ,
WORK, or SITE milestone in order to save the
project. If a forecast date is entered for SITE a
forecast date must be entered for OPEN.
New and Relocation Milestones
If you enter or update a forecast date for a
particular project milestone, the application
will ask if you would like for the system to
update subsequent forecast dates automatically
for that particular project. The update will be
based on the durations of your previous forecasts.
Remodel Milestones
Permits Submitted (PER) Applications for zoning
and other permits have been submitted to local
authorities for approval
Restaurant Identified (ID) a suitable location
has been identified.
Project Approved (APP) - CAPEX Approved for
Equity projects, Internal Approval for Franchise
Construction Commenced (UC) The site is now
under construction
Construction/Design Approval (DES) Construction
and design plans have been approved by YRI
Handover to Ops (OPS) Construction has finished
A forecast date must be entered for ID and OPEN
Restaurant Opening (OPEN) The project is
complete and the restaurant is trading as normal
Lease Termination Negotiated (NEG) Lease
termination has been agreed with the landlord
Closure Milestones
Restaurant Identified (ID) an existing
restaurant has been identified.
Restaurant Closure (CLO) Restaurant is closed
and trade ceases
YRI Approval YRI has given closure approval
Deidentification (DEID) Signage, logos, and
trade dress is removed from the building
Handover of Building (HAND) Building is turned
over to the landlord
A forecast date must be entered for ID and CLO
For each milestone you can enter a standard
duration. This duration will be used to
automatically fill in your forecast milestone
dates for your project. You have the ability to
modify or delete these entries before saving the
new project.
Milestone Templates
You can open the Milestone Template screen by
selecting the Milestone Templates item under
the Planning menu.
What Is The Point of the Milestone Template? The
Milestone Template is a function that simplifies
the process of inserting dates every time a
project is commenced. Once a user knows the
average number of days it takes to complete
milestones, they can populate the Milestone
Template. By inserting the average duration
between milestones, the template will
automatically insert the plan and forecast dates
after the first plan date is manually put in the
system. As users become more comfortable with
the project process, they can update their
milestone template accordingly.
Once you are comfortable with your template, you
may save it using the OK button.
Data Integrity
  • Project Completion
  • When the final milestone is completed for a
    particular project, the project is archived and
    used in company reporting
  • 10 days after the close of each period, completed
    projects may not be modified.
  • Similarly, 10 days after the close of each
    period, you will no longer be able to add a new
    completion for the previous period (no
  • Exceptions to this control will need to be
    approved and entered by the Dallas administrator.
  • Changing a completed project in the past might
    mean that results will need to be re-stated for
    past periods this is an important issue!
  • It is important to keep your project milestone
    forecasts and
  • completed milestones up-to-date, for accurate

Organizing Your Projects
  • Project Tree
  • Project Search
  • Personalizing FITS
  • My Projects
  • Reminders
  • Working off-line
  • Reminders and Updates

Project Tree
Every Project is located in the Project Tree. The
tree is sorted by Fiscal Year, BMU, MiniBMU,
Country, Market and then Project. If you
double-click on a particular project, the project
information will be displayed in the FITS screen
at the right.
To create a new project, click the ltNew
Projectgt link.
To expand a particular folder completely, first
highlight the folder and then click the /-
button at the top of the tree.
To open a project, click on a project name. New
Builds are in blue, Relocations are in Green,
Closures are in Red
You can also have the project tree project names
displayed in the local format when the Show
Local Name checkbox is checked.
Project Search
You can search for projects by clicking the
Search button, or selecting the Project
Search item under the Edit menu.
You can search for projects by Site Name, Local
Site Name, or Project Number.
If you do not know the name or number completely,
you have the option to search for partial matches.
Enter your search criteria here.
Once you have entered your criteria, you can
search for projects by clicking the Search
Your search results will be displayed below the
criteria. To open a project, double click on the
project name.
Organizing Your Projects
  • My Projects
  • This allows you to visually display your most
    important projects at the top of the screen in
    the Project Tree, apart from the rest of the
    projects in FITS, for easy access.

You may display important projects here for easy
access and viewing
Projects may be copied to My Projects by
right-clicking on a project and selecting Move
to My Projects
Projects may be removed from My Projects by
right-clicking the project and selecting Remove
from My Projects
Working Off-Line with FITS
  • Some team members may choose to view or edit
    project information in FITS while they are not
    connected to the internet
  • FITS allows users to DOWNLOAD projects to VIEW
    while off-line
  • These projects may not be edited while off-line,
    but the information can be viewed
  • Other functions such as Milestone Analysis are
    also available off-line, using the projects which
    have been downloaded
  • FITS allows users to CHECK OUT projects to VIEW
    or EDIT while off-line
  • Projects which have been checked out may be
    modified by the user while off-line
  • If a project has been checked out, other users
    may view the original data, but may not edit that
    project until the project has been checked back
  • When the user checks the project back in, updates
    are automatically made to the database
  • Any updates made while off-line will not be
    included in the database or COGNOS reports until
    the project has been checked back in
  • In order to start FITS offline, double click on
    the Java Web Start icon on your desktop, then
    double-click the FITS icon. Select Work
    Offline when entering your ID and password.

To DOWNLOAD a project or group of projects to
your laptop, select the project or folder and
right click. Select Download The project can
now be viewed if you are working offline.
To CHECK OUT a project, right-click on the
project and select, Check Out. The project
will be displayed under My Projects and a red
square is placed next to the project in the main
project tree a s place-holder. When a project is
CHECKED OUT, you may only modify it while
offline. Updates will not be recorded in the
database until you check it back in. Other users
will not be able to modify the project while you
have it checked out.
To check a project back in, select it,
right-click, and select CHECK IN. Your updates
will be saved to the database at this point.
Organizing Your Projects
  • Reminders
  • View projects with upcoming milestone forecast
  • View projects with overdue milestone forecast
  • Reminders are a great way to aggressively manage
    multiple projects
  • Users may view project reminders for all projects
    which they have access to, or any subset of those
  • This is a useful tool for team managers to keep
    abreast of all team projects with upcoming

Project reminders may be found by clicking the
Reminders button
Select the appropriate projects from the
selection menus
If you would like to see projects with overdue
milestones, select here
If you would like to see reminders of upcoming
milestone forecasts, select here, and select the
Projects which are shaded yellow have an upcoming
milestone. Note the Next Milestone and Next
Milestone Forecast dates.
Projects which are shaded pink have an overdue
FITS Management Planning Tools
  • FITS will also track your YRI plan and updated
    forecast (Best Guess outlook) numbers
  • The Plan (AOP) is only entered once, at the
    beginning of the year
  • The Best Guess numbers should be updated by the
    Director of Development at least once a month,
    immediately following the close or the end of
    each period
  • This function will also calculate store weeks
    based on your AOP and Best Guess entries

AOP Planning
You can view and enter AOP planning data by
selecting the AOP Planning item under the
Planning menu.
To run a specific report, select the criteria
In order to print this report, you may click the
Send to Excel button and an excel file will be
created. Note The excel file will contain AOP
and Best Guess data for all project types, on
separate tabbed worksheets in the excel file.
Click the Run Query button to bring up the
AOP/Best Guess data.
You can narrow the display results based on
Project Type. Note This selection will not run a
new report, but will just hide projects that
dont match your criteria.
If you have edited the data, you will need to
save it by clicking the Save All Tables
button. Note You can edit any of the four
project types prior to saving, without loosing
any data.
The screen will display the counts of completed
projects per period as well as the store weeks
and average store weeks calculated for all NEW
Why Does the System Lock for Past Periods Ten
Days After a Period End? The system is designed
to lock ten days after a period end so that past
period projects can not be revised. This is due
to the fact that following each period end,
numbers are reconciled with Finance and reported
to Senior Management.
You can edit your best guess counts by selecting
Best Guess from the Forecast Type drop down
menu. The Directors of Development should update
their Best Guess outlooks at the end of each
You can choose to edit your Best Guess based on
Project Type.
Best Guess
You will only be able to edit periods after the
last period, e.g. If it is period 12, you will be
able to edit 12 and 13. For all past periods,
best guess numbers will automatically correspond
to your actual counts.
Why Do We Have To Update Best Guess Numbers
Monthly? Best Guess numbers are the clearest
manner by which the BMU/FBU and Dallas can see if
the project goal will be met. For past periods,
Best Guess numbers automatically update to the
actual numbers of projects completed. If a
BMU/FBU completed fewer/more projects than
forecasted, they must update future periods so
that the Best Guess reflects the true forecast
number for the end of the year.
Data Security (continued)
  • The AOP and Best Guess data entry will be
    restricted to Directors of Development or their
  • However, all YRI team members will be able to
    track their pipeline against these plan numbers,
    using the COGNOS or FITS reports
  • Certified franchisees will soon be given the
    capability to enter an AOP and Best Guess
    forecast for their markets (will be called
    Franchise AOP and Franchise Best Guess)
  • These plan numbers will be for internal
    franchisee planning purposes only
  • The COGNOS and FITS reports viewed or printed by
    franchisees will show their own AOP and Best
    Guess numbers

Other FITS Analysis Tools
  • Milestone Analysis
  • Cycle Time
  • Construction Costs
  • Pipeline Summary

Milestone Analysis
  • FITS allows you to view information about
    multiple projects in the section labeled
    Milestone Analysis
  • User may select any subset of projects
  • The user may choose to select only those projects
    which have been updated since a certain date
  • The user will then see which data has been
    updated recently and by whom
  • There are sophisticated audit capabilities
    available if there are questions about who has
    updated a particular project
  • This information can be downloaded to Excel for
    further manipulation or printing

Milestone Analysis
You can run Milestone Analysis by clicking the
MS Analysis" button or by selecting the
Milestone Analysis item under the Planning
To run a report, select the criteria from the
criteria selection screen. First select a BMU,
then Mini BMU, then Country. Then select any
other criteria to narrow the report. You may only
select one Project Type per report.
Once you have selected your criteria, click the
Run Query button to run your report.
After the report has run, you may choose to hide
certain fields including Plan Dates, Forecast
Dates, Actual Dates. You can also show Local
Names and Terminated Projects.
In order to print this report, you may click the
Send to Excel button and an excel file will be
Gantt Chart
After the Milestone Analysis report has been run,
you may choose to show the dates in Gantt Chart
for by checking the Show Gantt Chart checkbox
Cycle Time
  • Time Money
  • Reviewing your historical durations for different
    phases of your projects can help you benchmark
    for improvements
  • For example, you can work toward a shorter
    average construction duration restaurants can
    open (or re-open) for trade earlier with shorter
    construction times
  • The FITS Cycle Time function helps you calculate
    average cycle times between key milestones from
    your completed projects
  • For example, for New or Relocate Projects
  • Site Located to Site/CAPEX Approval
  • Site/CAPEX Approval to Site Secured
  • Site Secured to Design Approval
  • Design Approval to Permits Submitted
  • Permits Submitted to Construction Commenced
  • Construction Commenced to Open
  • Site Located to Open (total project time)
  • Site/CAPEX Approval to Open

Construction Costs vs. Budget
  • Construction cost Pro-Formas may be established
    in each country
  • Different Pro-Formas may be established for
    different project or asset types
  • Usually, these will be established or updated
    once a year.
  • We will use FITS to track summary-level
    construction costs and budgets for every project
  • The Pro-Forma is used as the basis for the Budget
  • Adjustments can be made to the budget for each
    specific project
  • The Budget is fixed at the time of the CAPEX
  • A Forecast is made and updated as the project
  • After costs are actually incurred (i.e., when the
    project is completed), they are summarized in the
    Forecast column, and the column becomes the
    Actual totals
  • There is a Construction Cost vs. Budget report
    to summarize performance
  • Compares the Actual costs for multiple projects
    vs. the Budget and vs. the Pro-Forma

Pipeline Summary
  • FITS now has a new reporting platform which shows
    all projects forecast to complete during a given
    fiscal year
  • This pipeline summary shows each project
    graphically over the various periods during the
    year a good tool for team meetings!

FITS Reporting Suggestions
  • Print or view AOP or Best Guess reports once
    every month
  • These will also show updated store week
  • Use for discussions with BMU Management or Dallas
  • Print or view project information using the
    Milestone Analysis function to use at team
    meetings. Focus on upcoming or overdue
    milestones and the Notes (next steps) during
    the discussions
  • Print or view the Pipeline Summary monthly
  • Print Cycle Time reports quarterly or
    semi-annually to benchmark performance
  • Print or view Capital Costs weekly during the
    construction process, and quarterly to review

Using FITS to Track The Development Balanced
Scorecard Tracking KPIs
  • Gross Openings multiple reports in FITS, COGNOS
  • Closures multiple reports in FITS, COGNOS
  • Net Openings multiple reports in FITS, COGNOS
  • Store Weeks AOP and Best Guess Planning
    reports, Pipeline Summary, various COGNOS reports
  • Average Store Weeks same as Store Weeks
  • Construction Costs vs. Budget Construction Cost
    function in FITS
  • Cycle Times Cycle Time function in FITS
  • of Estate at Current Image Tracked separately
  • Facility Renewal Cycle -- Tracked separately
  • New Partner Sourcing Tracked separately
  • Hit-Rate Tracked using NUTS system

COGNOS ReportNet Reports
  • In addition to the reports which you can generate
    directly from FITS using Excel, you may also
    generate pre-formatted reports from the Cognos
    reporting function.
  • The Plan/Forecast/Actual reports are a good way
    to view data which compares your current pipeline
    with your AOP, Actual YTD, and current Best
    Guess forecasts.
  • The Project Profile reports are a good way to
    show all information for a particular project
  • The Project Listing report shows the basic
    milestone planning information for all projects
    selected. This report is similar in style and
    content to the Milestone Analysis tab in FITS.
  • Pipeline Counts will give you summary-level
    counts of projects by milestone
  • Summary-level reports (e.g., Restaurant Opening
    Report) can help list openings, closures or
    remodels which have been completed or which are
    planned for a particular period

COGNOS ReportNet Reports
  • Note The data shown in Cognos reports is only
    updated every six hours. Therefore, there may be
    some lag time before data which you have saved in
    FITS shows up in your Cognos reports.
  • Please reference the separate FITS Reporting
    Manual for instructions on using these reports

You can go to the Cognos Reports clicking the
Reports button or by selecting the Reports
item under the Planning menu.
Cognos Reports
How Should We Leverage FITS?
  • FITS should be used as often as there are changes
    to projects
  • You are responsible for your projects -- keep
    them up-to-date in the system
  • Use the reports to communicate your progress with
    supervisors and other functions
  • Keep the Current Milestone note up-to-date for
    each project. This is the note that appears in
    any report and the key views
  • Use FITS as the platform for team meetings, so
    that you can review projects with the others on
    your team
  • Use FITS to study and learn from your past
    experience to shorten cycle time and improve
    forecasting capability

How Should We Leverage FITS?
  • Laura Molnar in Dallas is the YRI FITS
    administrator. Forward any questions to him
  • Remember, users have different levels of access
    to FITS data. Most development team members and
    other YRI users have access to their BMU data
    only. Franchisees have access only to their
    project information, and summary-level reports
  • FITS is your tool -- your ideas for improvements,
    better reports, etc. will be used for future
    improvements. Forward all suggestions to Laura
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