Particle Aerodynamics S P Chap 9. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Particle Aerodynamics S P Chap 9.


Particle Aerodynamics S+P Chap 9. Need to consider two types of motion Brownian diffusion thermal motion of particle, similar to gas motions. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Particle Aerodynamics S P Chap 9.

Particle AerodynamicsSP Chap 9.
  • Need to consider two types of motion
  • Brownian diffusion thermal motion of particle,
    similar to gas motions.
  • Direction is random, leads to diffusion
  • Directly involves the molecular nature of the gas
  • Forces on the particle
  • Body forces Gravity, electrostatic
  • Direction follows force field
  • Surface forces Pressure, friction
  • Direction opposes motion of particle with respect
    to the fluid
  • Treats the gas as a continuous fluid
  • Relevant Scales
  • Diameter of particle vs. mean free path in the
    gas Knudsen
  • Inertial forces vs. viscous forces Reynolds

Brownian Motion Review
  • We have looked at Brownian motion from both
    Einsteins and Langevins points of view
  • Einstein came up with
  • Where D BkT
  • And B is particle mobility
  • Multiply times x2 and do an average ltgt, and you
  • and then convert to 3-D space, noting x2 x2
    y2 z2
  • Langevin looked at the problem stochastically and
    came up with

Using Brownian Diffusion
  • Problem
  • Consider the DMA. If it takes 20 seconds for air
    to flow from the top of the column to the bottom,
    what is the rms lateral distance an uncharged
    particle of mobility B will travel during
    transit. Hint This is diffusion in 1 direction

Gaussian Plumes
  • Random walk ? binomial distribution
  • Binomial distribution at large N ? Gaussian
  • We have seen for diffusion that ltxgt 0 and ltx2gt
    2Dt in 1 dimension.
  • Thus our Gaussian plume looks like
  • You can show that this satisfies the continuous
    diffusion equation

Drag and Mobility
  • 3 drag force results so far
  • vt BFG
  • FD -v / B
  • ltvgt ltv0gtexp(-t/mB) If no external force
  • t mB ? relaxation time for a particle
  • 1st two are equilibrium results
  • Third is the approach towards equilibrium for an
    arbitrary initial velocity.
  • All three presume that the air is not moving, or
    rather that the particle velocity is expressed in
    the reference frame of the air.
  • The next step is to link the particle mobility to
    the properties of the particle and the air.

Stokes Drag
  • This is the simplest case for drag.
  • Think of the air flowing around the particle at
    speed u
  • There are two drag stresses that must be
    integrated over surface
  • Pressure drag
  • Friction drag stress GF n(du/dr)
  • In the Stokes regime, these drag effects are
    equal in magnitude, producing a Stokes Drag Force
  • FS 6pnRu

Mobility Vs. Diameter
  • Using Stokes drag with our definition of
    mobility, we have
  • FS 6pnRu
  • FD -v / B u/B
  • BS 1/(6pnR)
  • As Particle radius goes up, mobility goes down.
  • This is how the DMA works it finds the mobility
    of a particle based on its drift velocity, and
    then infers the diameter from the assumed drag.
  • Stokes drag doesnt work at all sizes and
    velocities, however. Other factors are at play

Relaxation Time and Stop Distance
  • ltvgt ltv0gtexp(-t/mB) No external force
  • t mB ? relaxation time for a particle
  • We can integrate this to see how far a particle
    gets that starts at x 0 with v v0

Flow Around A Corner
  • Key to this problem is variable gas velocity and
    variable particle velocity
  • Drag force on particle takes more general form
  • FD -(v-u)/ B
  • Solve for particle trajectory in x and y

l mean free path of air molecule Dp particle
Gas molecule self-collision cross-section
Gas concentration
  • Quantifies how much an aerosol particle
    influences its immediate environment
  • Kn Small Particle is big, and drags the air
    nearby along with it
  • Kn Large Particle is small, and air near
    particle has properties about the same as the gas
    far from the particle

Free Molecular Regime
Continuum Regime
Transition Regime
Slip Correction for low Kn
Relaxation Time and Start Distance
  • Now consider a particle starting at rest, but
    suddenly feeling an external force Fe
  • We can integrate this to see how far a particle
    gets that starts at x 0 with v v0
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