Title: About NIJOS
1Drøbak, 22nd 23rd October, 2001
Deriving Indicators from Earth Observation
Data - Limitations and Potential for Landscape
2Workshop Aim
- To identify and explore the limitations and
potential for using earth observation data to
derive indicators for use in monitoring at a
landscape scale.
3What is a landscape?
Land use
Photo O. Puschmann
Tourism, trade and industry
Population development
4Topics for discussion
- What interests and values in the landscape do we
want to monitor? - What are the demands from decision-makers?
- What are the criteria for successful indicators?
- How do actual indicators fulfil these criteria?
- What are the limitations to producing indicators
from image data? - How should we express indicator results to
different users?
5 MONDAY - 22nd October 1100 Welcome -
workshop plan and aims (Wendy) 1115 NordLaM
background (Geoff) 1130 Using landscape
indicators for monitoring the challenges
(Gary) 1215 Discussion 1245 Lunch 1345 The
potential of landscape metrics from Remote
Sensing data as indicators in forest
environments (Niels) 1430 Questions and
discussion 1515 Break with coffee/tea 1545 Indic
ators in use in the 3Q monitoring programme
(Wendy) 1615 Integrating field and landscape
data in the Swedish Landscape Monitoring
Programme - SLÖ (Anders) 1645 Questions and
discussion 1800 Dinner TUESDAY - 23rd
October 0900 European Landscape Mapping
(Dirk) 0945 Discussion 1030 Break with
coffee/tea 1100 Task/discussion 1200 Lunch 1300
Task/discussion continues 1400 Summary/
Conclusions 1430 Close of workshop