Title: RFE/RL Technological Overview
1What is new In Pangea 6.10
Pangea 6.10
2HTML 5 Photo Gallery
- The HTML version supports the same functionality
as the flash Photo galleries - Auto-play
- Rating images
- Captions
- Film Strip
- Enlarge Image
The benefit of it is that it allows you to reach
the audience of devices that dont support Flash
(Iphone, IPad etc.) to get full access to the
3Pangea Report
- Its a reporting tool it provides
- an executive report on how much content a service
produces. - Reports can be filtered by
- Service
- Content Type
- User(s)
- You can get the report as HTML or Export as CSV
(Excel format) or print it right from Pangea.
4Mailer Statistics
- The report will give you the following
options - View sample of the email set by clicking the
mailing preview icons - Analyze mailing by clicking the icon with the
blue bars - Tracking options
- Total Recipients
- Sent Successfully
- Sent Unsuccessfully
- Temporary Failed
- Bounced
- Total Opens
5Pangea Video
Encoding of FLV files into MP4 This step will
help us to improve the video viewing experience
for users that have mobile devices that do not
support Flash. Please note that old FLV files
will still be playable on the sites.
CMS Video Edit - improved UI for copied
videos Videos copied from other sites will now be
marked on the Video Edit page, in order to
explain why some operations are not possible
(e.g. re-upload of video file or change of
6Article content republishing
- Website users can republish articles (same way
as they share videos and photogalleries). - Article embed code includes livetracker tag to
count shared article page views on external
websites. - Article content republish functionality can be
enabled for individual articles.
7Multi-language Contact Us widget
Contact Us widget has new checkbox, Use default
(English) localization in the widget that allows
to skip site localization and display the widget
in English.
8Split News/Split Article widget - refactoring
- Widget reorganized in CMS
- A new feature with Link Text
- if the Link is not filled in, but there is a Link
created, the default key More Articles displays
on page.
9Marking registered web commentators
- All forum comments from logged in users are
marking by new icon. - New configuration key Forum.ShowRegisteredUserIco
n was developed to distinguish registered users
from anonymous comments.
10Review the membership account verification
After release, new registered user will be
informed about expiration time and assist to
reset his password, if he missed the time. If
you use Membership,please localize these
configuration keys 1. Signup.MailTemplate.Signu
pBody Please use this link Link to verify your
account.NewLineThe confirmation link will
expire in Hours hours. 2. Signup.Error.ConfirmC
onfirmationExpired Your account verification
expired, please lta href"/passwordrecovery.html"
class"passwordrecovery-link"gtresetlt/agt your
11Authors unified emails linking generated
content to Author Page
- We fixed checkbox Display email and unify email
for authors
- In order to get author name linking to the Author
Bio Page, you need to enable the following
options on Author Edit Page - check-box named Highlight Author
- check-box Generate content
- To get to the Author Bio Page, you can navigate
to Settings/Authors - If you are highlighting an author make sure you
add short description, this content would be used
at the footer of any article that highlights the
12Authors unified emails linking generated
content to Author Page
Author Bio Page in CMS
13Global News Dashboard
- GND is and aggregator website
- Will aggregate content from
- RFE/RL English
- VOA English
- RFA English
- RFE/RL and VOA English sites will have new set of
settings for GND
Discussion / Comments