Menkiti Slide Show - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Menkiti Slide Show


Menkiti Slide Show HMXP 102 Dr. Fike Ifeanyi A. Menkiti Menkiti s Life Menkiti was born in Onitsha, Nigeria. He came to the United States to attend Pomona ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Menkiti Slide Show

Menkiti Slide Show
  • HMXP 102
  • Dr. Fike

Ifeanyi A. Menkiti
Menkitis Life
  • Menkiti was born in Onitsha, Nigeria. He came to
    the United States to attend Pomona College and
    went onto Columbia and New York universities for
    further studies. He earned a Ph.D. in philosophy
    from Harvard and has taught at Wellesley for more
    than 30 years. He teaches courses in the area of
    medical ethics, philosophy of law, philosophy and
    literature and African philosophy. He has
    produced two previous collections of poetry,
    Affirmations (1971) and The Jubilation of Falling
    Bodies (1978). Published widely in African and
    American journals, including Philosophical Forum,
    Harvard Educational Review and Journal of the
    American Academy of Religion, his poetry has been
    read on National Public Radio and has received an
    award from the National Endowment for the Arts.
  • Source http//

  • perduring (3)
  • dictum
  • ontology (re. being)
  • epistemology (re. knowledge)
  • plenitude (5)
  • ontological progression (7)
  • ontological status (9)
  • circumscribe (22)
  • sine qua non (23)
  • metaphysics (re. reality)
  • atomic (27)

Activity 7 minutes
  • On the following slide there are seven concepts
    from Menkitis essay.
  • In groups of 2-3 persons, work together to
    understand one of these concepts.
  • As you do so, find one or more quotations to
    support your answer. You will report to the whole
  • If you finish your groups concept in the time
    provided, move on to one of the other concepts.

Key Concepts
  1. Society ?? Persons (esp. 28)      
  2. The role of language (3-11)
  3. Minimal and maximal views of the person (6)
  4. "the processual nature of being" (5)
  5. "a qualitative difference...between old and
    young" (7)
  6. ethical maturitya key difference (14-17)
  7. personal immortality vs. collective immortality

Two More Concepts
  • Existentialism
  • Community

  • Sartre was the only self-declared existentialist
    among the major thinkers. For him the central
    idea of all existential thought is that existence
    precedes essence. For Sartre there is no God and
    therefore no fixed human nature that forces one
    to act. Man is totally free and entirely
    responsible for what he makes of himself. It is
    this freedom and responsibility that, as for
    Kierkegaard, is the source of man's dread.
  • Source http//

Existentialisms Key Points
  • There is no God at the core of existence.
  • The universe is indifferent to human beings.
  • The ultimate reality is not consciousness
    (Descartes) but existence.
  • Existence precedes essence (meaning).
  • We are completely free to determine own meaning
    through decision and action.
  • We make decisions based on what brings meaning,
    not necessarily on what is rational.
  • We are completely responsible for creating our
    lives meaning.

Existentialism vs. Africa
  • Similarities
  • Both view "personhood, or selfhood, as something
    acquired" (21)
  • and "existence does precede essence" (22).
  • Existentialism 
  • "emphasis on individuals solely constituting
    themselves into selves" (22)
  • "man's freedom...from all determining factors,
    including even reason" (22). 
  • Infant/child and adult have equivalent
    ontological status.
  • African thought 
  • Developing selfhood is related to life in
  • infants and children are NOT equal to
    adultsthere is "a qualitative difference" (7).
  • Summary next slide.

Summary Existentialism vs. Africa
  • In the light of the foregoing observations, I
    take it then that the African view of human
    personhood and the Existentialist view should not
    be conflated. Even though both views adopt a
    dynamic, non-static approach to the problem of
    definition of human selfhood, the underpinning
    metaphysical assumptions diverge significantly.
    Above all, whereas in the African understanding
    human community plays a crucial role in the
    individuals acquisition of full personhood, in
    the Sartrean existentialist view, the individual
    alone defines the self, or person, he is to
    become. Such collectivist insistences as we find
    in the African world-view are utterly lacking in
    the Existentialist tradition (25).

  • Albert Camus is an existentialist.

  • It is a story about the choice Sisyphus can make
    between melancholy and happiness (par. 7).
    True, it is absurd to be happy in the face of
    eternal torment, but existentialisms point is
    that one makes meaning as one goes along.
    Meaning, happiness, and well-being are not
    external constructs they arise from within us.
    We choose thema function of point of view.

More on Camus
  • Absurdity arises from accomplishing nothing
    (par. 4).
  • Heroism relates to joy, happiness, and meaning.
  • One is an absurd hero for concluding that all is
    well despite failure.
  • Absurdity and happiness lead to each other and
    reinforce each other.
  • Consciousness makes Sisyphus tragic, but it also
    marks his triumph.
  • Sisyphuss actions make his fate it is created
    by him (par. 9).
  • Existentialism the wholly human origin of all
    that is human is a matter of individual acts of
    creation, not a societal function as in Menkitis

  • What is the difference between the African and
    the Western conceptions of community?
  • See pars. 26-27.

  • Western thought
  • Community is a mere collection of
    self-interested persons
  • a community is the aggregated sum of individuals
    comprising it (26).
  • A community is a random collection of
    individuals and a non-organic bringing together
    of atomic individuals into a unit more akin to an
    association (27).
  • The emphasis is on individual rights.
  • African thought
  • Communities are collectivities that have an
    organic dimension to the relationship between the
    component individuals (27).
  • The emphasis is on duty.

Three Types of Communities
  • How would you illustrate each type?
  • random collections of individuals
  • constituted human groups a non-organic
    bringing together of atomic individuals into a
    unit more akin to an association than to a
  • collectivities there is assumed to be an
    organic dimension to the relationship between the
    component individuals

Large-group Discussion
  • We now need to evaluate Menkitis stark
    distinction between Western culture and African
  • Is the difference as stark as he believes? In
    other words, do some of the characteristics that
    he attributes to African culture also
    characterize American culture? See next slide.

Do you find any of these supposedly African
characteristics in America?
  • language and its associated social rules (3)
  • a long process of social and ritual
    transformation (5)
  • rituals of incorporation (6)
  • the older an individual gets the more of a
    person he becomes (7)
  • initiation at puberty time (10)
  • Ethical maturity as a part of personhood (14)
  • Animal rights challenge to personhood (19)
  • Society ? personhood (29)

Please Note
  • The items on the previous slide can help you
    generate paper topics.

Final Question
  • Could it be that Menkiti takes a binary
    (either/or) approach to cultural difference when
    it would be more appropriate to suggest
    difference in degree as in a continuum? In other
    words, is it possible that he has produced a
    cultural version of the fallacy of false
    dichotomy? Isnt it possible to take a
    maximalist view of personhood and still have
    rituals of incorporation?
  • END
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