AP Calculus AB - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AP Calculus AB


WELCOME AP Calculus AB Mr. Smith – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Richa392


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AP Calculus AB

  • AP Calculus AB
  • Mr. Smith

Basic Information
  • AP Calculus AB
  • Mr. Smith
  • Room S306, office is S315
  • Email TLSmith2_at_wsfcs.k12.nc.us
  • Phone 336-727-8181
  • Website http//wsfcs.k12.nc.us/tonysmith or

Who am I?
  • Hobbies Playing tennis, reading
  • Love to watch most sports
  • Family wife, two sons and a guinea pig
  • Graduated from UNC-Greensboro as a Mathematics
  • Have worked in computers for my entire career
    (25 years)
  • Programmed in several languages
  • Fifth year as a teacher at Career Center

What will you be doing this year?
  • Advanced Placement Calculus AB
  • Comparable to a first-year college level
    Calculus 1 course
  • Build on your Pre-Calculus knowledge
  • Improve your problem-solving skills using
  • Learn Calculus by doing
  • You will become prepared for a successful outcome
    when you take the College Board Advanced
    Placement Calculus AB exam

Course Requirements
  • What do you need to be successful?
  • What are the rules in this classroom?
  • What are the consequences for not following a
  • How will you be graded?
  • What are the classroom procedures?

What do you need to be successful?
  • FOCUS - Take careful notes during class. Be in
    attendance and on time for class every day.
    Listen and learn.
  • BE INQUISITIVE Dont be afraid to experiment and
    make mistakes (you sometimes learn more from
    mistakes). Ask questions and learn from each
    other share knowledge
  • PREPARE - Read the textbook section relevant to
    the days work. Prepare for tests prior to the
    night before.
  • FOLLOW THROUGH - Do your homework everyday. Use
    the supplemental web resources to complete
    homework and enhance your understanding of the

Other helpful hints to be successful
  • Seek extra help before school, after school, or
    during the day and
  • Always be a proactive learner.
  • Keep your work organized put your name, date,
    and class period on everything
  • Nothing can substitute for doing problems
  • Buy an AP Calculus AB Exam Review book (Barrons,

What are the rules in this classroom?
  • Career Center rules and discipline procedures
    need to be followed
  • Everyone in the classroom deserves respect
  • Cell phones need to remain hidden and not used
    during class
  • Be respectful of the classroom
  • No cheating

What are the consequences for not following a
  • If you choose to break a classroom rule, one or
    more of the
  • following consequences will be used
  • I will ask you to correct the inappropriate
  • I will conference with you (either in the hall
    during class time or at my convenience). Parents
    may be contacted at this point.
  • Parents/administrators/guidance counselors are
    made aware of the problem that you are having
    trouble correcting.
  • You are asked to serve a detention at my
    convenience either before or after school. I
    will give you 24 hours notice.
  • You are removed from my classroom to the In
    School Suspension (ISS) room for the remainder of
    class period.
  • You are referred to an administrator and they
    will discipline you.

Other Items
  • You are encouraged to take notes.
  • No writing in the textbooks
  • Any test or quiz will require a pencil
  • Any closure of school on the day of a test or
    quiz reschedules it for the first day back.
  • Homework is critical more on this later
  • I will dismiss the class dont pack up or leave
    your seat early.

How will you be graded?
  • GRADING POLICY (7 point scale)
  • Homework Checks and Classwork 10
  • Quizzes and Assignments 10
  • Participation 10
  • Tests 70

Classroom Procedures
  • Come into classroom and have a seat before the
    bell rings
  • When you are tardy, come in, fill out the tardy
    sheet and have a seat. Let me know after class
    why you were tardy. Give me a note if it is an
    excused tardy.
  • Pay attention and take notes during class
  • Bathroom breaks during class are discouraged but
    granted for emergencies (use the hall pass)
  • Clean up your work area before you leave

When You Are Absent
  • When you are absent, please provide me with a
    signed/dated note the day you return to class
  • NEW THIS YEAR If you do not have a note, you
    will be asked to fill out a Violation of
    Attendance Policy Report, and your parents will
    be called by Administration.
  • You will be responsible for making up homework
    during your absence
  • Look on my website to review lectures and to get
    your homework
  • If you missed a quiz or test because of your
    absence, arrange a time with me to make up the
    test during non-class time.

Homework Checks and Classwork
  • If you miss my class, please check the days
    lesson plan on my website for the days homework
  • Effort will be based on the percentage of the
    assigned problems legitimately attempted
  • All attempted 100,
  • At least one-half attempted 50,
  • Less than one-half attempted 0

Quizzes and Assignment Sheets
  • Quizzes will be announced.
  • include homework problems, previous class work or
    fundamental algebra and trigonometry concepts
  • If you are absent the day of a quiz, you are
    expected to take the missed quiz the day you
    return to school
  • Assignment sheets will involve concepts
    previously discussed
  • You will generally have a week to complete the
    assignment sheets
  • If you know you are going to be absent on the
    date an assignment sheet is due, turn it in early

Class Participation
  • This grade is given subjectively and will be the
    result of participation in class, presenting
    problems on the board (a different predetermined
    number per quarter) and small group discussions.
  • It also includes bringing necessary materials
    (such as calculators, pencils, etc.) to class
    each day.
  • Grade will be awarded at the end of each quarter

Unit Tests
  • Will be given three per quarter, for the first
    three quarters.
  • If a student misses a unit test during the
    quarter, that test may not be made up .
  • A cumulative quarter test will be administered at
    the end of each of the first three quarters that
    includes questions on topics from the entire
  • The quarter test grade will be used as a
    replacement for any missing test grade from that
  • If a student has not missed any tests during the
    quarter, the quarter test will replace the lowest
    test grade
  • During the fourth quarter, the grade weights will
    be changed to reflect the emphasis placed on
    review material for the AP exam.

Seating Chart
  • Initially the seating chart will be alphabetized
    by last name (to help me learn your names)
  • Periodically, I will scramble the seating chart
    (using a Java program I created)
  • If you have any special needs (i.e. hearing or
    seeing issues) that could affect where you need
    to sit, please let me know.

AP Calculus AB Website
  • http//wsfcs.k12.nc.us/tonysmith or
  • OR go to Career Center website (http//www.wsfcs.k
    12.nc.us/cc) and pick me from the Faculty/Staff

Most Importantly
  • Remember
  • I truly believe in your potential!
  • Have an awesome year!
  • -Mr. Smith
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