Title: Patent Offices and SDOs cooperation development
1Patent Offices and SDOs cooperation development
Document No GSC17-IPR-06
Source European Patent Office
Contact Michel Goudelis, EPO (mgoudelis_at_epo.org) Ged Owens, EPO (gowens_at_epo.org)
GSC Session IPR WG
Agenda Item 5.1
- Dr Michel Goudelis,
- Director Telecommunications, EPO
- Ged Owens,
- Coordinator Public Policy,
- Importance of cooperation between patent and
standardisation systems - High quality of EPO patent examination process
- EPO cooperation with Standards Development
Organisations - Future outlook and next steps
3Importance of cooperation between patent and
standardisation systems
- More interaction between traditional technical
areas - especially incorporation of ICT into all aspects
of life - More competition and higher value of intangible
assets - Shorter life cycles, accelerated pace of
technological development - More sophisticated digital technology in
Telecommunications, Audio Video and Electronics - Increased competition in the Telecommunications
market - Standards linked more and more to patents
4Quality of EPO patent process
- EPO has considerable collections of patent and
non-patent literature across many technical areas - Standards documents acquired via public databases
or through individual agreements with SDOs - Specific needs of EPO led to agreements with
providers and SDOs - Patent Offices' main interest are early drafts,
more than final resulting standards.
5Granting high quality patents
- Critical EPO requirements
- Patent applications must meet all patentability
criteria, including novelty, inventive step, but
also clarity and conciseness - EPO should have efficient search services updated
with the most pertinent patent documents, as well
as published literature and standardisation
documents, searchable as much as possible by a
uniform search engine - Entrusted examiners are aware of new technical
developments - Entrusted examiners (specialised in field) are
aware of importance of standards documentation
6EPO Cooperation Agreements with SDOs
- In 2012 and 2013 EPO renewed MoUs with ETSI and
IEEE-SA, widening the scope of cooperation in
both new agreements. - Cooperation Agreement in place with ITU since
2011 cooperation intensifying - First agreement concluded with IEC 2012 gives EPO
access to IEC documentation for the purposes of
the patenting process in all its phases - Meetings and discussions with a number of
international and national SDOs - Contribution to international fora on
interrelations between Patents and Standards - Informing applicants and other patent system
stakeholders of EPO approach
7Standards documents available for EPO examination
- Standards and contributions from
- 3GPP
- To be added in 2013
- 3GPP2 Standards and contributions
- OMA Standards and contributions
- Cryptography and Data Security Standards and
Directives (IACR later also USENIX, BSI, NIST,
ARXIV), expected in 2013/2014
8Strategic directions for the cooperation with SDOs
- Promote and expand current policy concerning
patents and standards - Conclude agreements with further SDOs in priority
areas, including new and expanding technologies - Priority areas Telecommunications, Audio Video
and Computer technologies - Priorities in standards documents acquisition
defined by the patent examination experts in
technical fields - Cooperate with SDOs to standardise format of
standards documentation (bibliographic data for
searching, XML format, templates) to increase
efficiency and effectiveness of searches - Promote linking of SDO essential patent
declaration databases in real time to EPO
publically available patent document databases,
to increase overall transparency.
9Challenges for the EPO cooperation with SDOs
- Despite proliferation of IPR in standards and
increased reference to standards in patent
applications, approach by SDOs still varies
widely - Advantages of cooperation with some SDOs still
not on favourable terms and conditions for EPO,
despite a win-win situation - Considerable cost of acquisition and processing
of standards documentation and necessary
bibliographic data for EPO - Awareness of all stakeholders of importance, and
status of standards documentation as relevant
prior art
10Results of EPO cooperation with SDOs
- In many technical areas with high number of
industrially and commercially important patent
applications, a high proportion of pertinent
prior art comprises standards documentation - quality and legal security of granted patents in
these areas without search in standards documents
would not be acceptable - Importance of standards documentation still
increasing - MoU and cooperation agreements make commitment to
cooperation and exchanges irrevocable - Legal security encourages innovators to
participate with security in standards developing
11Following Actions/Goals
- Extend and ameliorate cooperation with SDOs where
agreements exist - Establish new agreements where appropriate,
especially in further ICT sectors and/or new
important geographical areas - Work with SDOs to standardise documentation to
optimise efficiency and effectiveness of searches
12Supplementary Slides
13Key facts about the unitary patent
- Basic principles
- a European patent granted under the EPC
- unitary effect for the territories of the 25 EU
member states currently participating, at the
applicant's request - co-existence with the existing European patent
and national patents - validated in one single administrative step by
the EPO for all the participating states in the
language in which it was granted - language regime being finalised transition
measures foreseen - ObjectiveEuropean Council Presidency andEU
Commission intend to havethe first unitary
patent granted in 2014
- For inventors
- protection in one single step for the 25 states
currently participating - significant cost savings (translation,
validation, administration) - simplified validation procedure (instead of up to
25 different procedures) - simplified and more cost-efficient renewal
procedure - increased legal certainty due to uniform
litigation system - For Europe
- optimal protection in the participating states as
a whole - better framework conditions for innovative
companies and organisations - simplified European protection mechanism for
companies from outside Europe - improved competitiveness of the European patent
15The unitary patent as a European patent
Same grant procedure as for classic European
Appeal proceedings
Refusal or withdrawal of application
Limitation/ revocation/ opposition proceedings
European patent application
UNITARY PATENT for the territories of the 25
participating states
At the request of the patent proprietor
Filing and formalities examination
Grant of European patent
Substantive examination
Search report with preliminary opinion
on patentability
The unitary patent replaces the individual
effects of the European patent in the 25
participating states