Title: Woodcock-Johnson
1Woodcock-Johnson III Normative Update (WJ III
- Materials designed to emphasize
- Quality Durability Portability
3WJ III NU Authors
4WJ III NU Organization
5WJ III NU Standardization
- Original standardization based on the same sample
for both test batteries - Over 8,800 participants
- Ages 2-90 years
- More than 100 geographically and
socioeconomically diverse communities - 2006 Normative Update (details later in the
6WJ III NU Norming Sites
7WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
8WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Tests of Achievement Kit Components
- WJ III Normative Update Kit
- WJ III NU Compuscore and Profiles Program
- WJ III NU Technical Manual
- WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Form A Standard and Extended Test Books
- 25 Record Forms and Subject Response Booklets
- Examiners Manual
- Examiners Training Workbook
- Audio Recording
9WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Extended Battery
- Test 13 Word Attack
- Test 14 Reading Vocabulary
- Test 15 Picture Vocabulary
- Test 16 Oral Comprehension
- Test 17 Quantitative Concepts
- Test 18 Editing
- Test 19 Academic Knowledge
- Test 20 Spelling of Sounds
- Test 21 Sound Awareness
- Test 22 Punctuation and Capitalization
- Standard Battery
- Test 1 Letter-Word Identification
- Test 2 Reading Fluency
- Test 3 Passage Comprehension
- Test 4 Story Recall
- Test 5 Understanding Directions
- Test 6 Calculation
- Test 7 Math Fluency
- Test 8 Applied Problems
- Test 9 Spelling
- Test 10 Writing Fluency
- Test 11 Writing Samples
- Test 12 Story Recall - Delayed
10WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
Meets All Eight Areas of Learning Disability
Eligibility Criteria
- Oral Expression
- Listening Comprehension
- Written Expression
- Basic Reading Skills
- Reading Comprehension
- Reading Fluency
- Mathematics Calculation
- Mathematics Reasoning
- WJ III Test/Cluster
- Oral Expression
- Listening Comprehension
- Written Expression
- Basic Reading Skills
- Reading Comprehension
- Reading Fluency
- Math Calculation Skills
- Math Reasoning
11WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
12Order of Administration
- In most cases, follow the order of tests as they
are presented in the easels. - If you change the order, do not administer two
timed tests, two listening tests, or two tests
involving writing in a row. -
13Basal and Ceiling Rules
- Purpose to limit the span of items administered
- The basal level is the point below which a person
has essentially a 100 chance of responding
correctly to all items. - The ceiling is the point above which he/she
essentially has a 0 chance of responding
correctly to any items. - Criteria for basal and ceilings are at the
beginning of each test.
14Basal and Ceiling Rules
- If examinee reaches a ceiling in the middle of a
test page and there is no stimulus materials on
their side of the easel, you may discontinue
testing. - If no basal gets established, Item 1 serves as
the basal. - When a ceiling is not reached, the last item
serves as a ceiling.
15Requests for Information by the Examinee
- In general, you will be able to tell whether it
is appropriate to supply requested information. - When you cannot supply information, you should
state Im not supposed to help you with that.
16Tests Requiring the Subject Response Booklet (SRB)
- Test 2 Reading Fluency
- Test 5 Calculation
- Test 6 Math Fluency
- Test 7 Spelling
- Test 8 Writing Fluency
- Test 11 Writing Samples
- Tests where examinee can use the worksheet on
front of SRB - Test 10 Applied Problems
- Test 18 Quantitative Concept
17Timed Tests
- Test 2 Reading Fluency (3 minutes)
- Test 6 Math Fluency (3 minutes)
- Test 8 Writing Fluency (7 minutes)
- Depending on performance, testing may be
discontinued prior to the time limit - Reading Fluency 2 or less correct on Samples C-F
- Math Fluency 3 or less correct after 1 minute
- Writing Fluency 0 on Samples B through D or 3 or
fewer correct after 2 minutes
18Audio-Recorded Tests
- Test 3 Story Recall (pause or stop the
recording after each story) - Test 4 Understanding Directions (pause or stop
the recording between each picture administered
to allow time for response) - Test 15 Oral Comprehension
- Test 20 Spelling of Sounds
- Test 21 Sound Awareness
- Method examinee should look away from the
examinee when a test item is presented.
Immediately after the beep, he or she should look
at the examinee to encourage a response.
19Audio-Recorded Tests
- You may pause or stop on any recorded test if
additional time is needed. - Method to use examinee should look away from
the examinee when a test item is presented.
Immediately after the beep, he or she should look
at the examinee to encourage a response.
20Behavioral Observations
- Noting the examinees reaction to the tests as
well as how he/she responds to items as they
increase in difficulty, provides valuable
insights for interpreting the results and making
instructional recommendations. - Record errors for further analysis after testing
is completed - Error analysis often provides important
information for instructional planning.
21WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 1 Letter Word Identification
- Select an appropriate starting point by
consulting the Suggested Starting Points table. - Requires identifying and reading isolated letters
and words, primarily a sight recognition task - Know exact pronunciation of words
- Responses must be pronounced as a complete word
to receive credit - Do not penalize for articulation errors or
regional/dialectical speech differences
22Key Administration Points Letter Word
- Materials needed
- Standard Battery Test Book
- Test Record
- Begin at Suggested Starting Points
- Basal and Ceiling 6 consecutive
correct/incorrect - Only accept correct responses that are pronounced
as a complete word.
23Key Administrative Points Letter-Word
- Do not
- Tell examinee any words or letters
- Ask the examinee to repeat a specific word
- Complete the page, even after ceiling has been
reached. - If the examinee gives a correct answer after the
ceiling but while completing the page, test until
you reach a new ceiling AND complete a page - Record errors for later analysis.
24Key Administrative Points Letter-Word
- Scoring
- Score each correct response with 1
- Score each incorrect response with 0
25Key Administrative Points Letter-Word
- Common Examiner Errors
- Having the examinee repeat a specific word
- Failing to complete a page
- Accepting responses that are sounded out but not
blended back together - Telling the examinee letters or words on the test
26WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
27WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 2 Reading Fluency
- Requires reading and comprehending simple
sentences rapidly (uses SRB and a pencil) - Time limit of 3 minutes
- Skipped items are not scored
- Score the number correct minus the number
incorrect of those attempted - All students begin this test with the sample
items. - If student has less than three correct answers on
Practice Exercises C through F, discontinue
testing and record a score of 0.
28Key Administration Points Reading Fluency
- Remind examinees to try to read the sentences if
it seems as though they are simply circling
answers randomly. - Do not help student with any words.
- Remind student to continue working if they stop
at the bottom of a page. - Remind examinees to quickly cross out (rather
than erase) responses they wish to change - Score 1 for correct and 0 for incorrect
29Key Administration Points Reading Fluency
- Common Examiner Errors
- Failing to record exact starting or finish times
in minutes and seconds when not using a stopwatch - Failing to provide appropriate guidance during
the test - Providing help on words or sentences
30WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
31WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 3 Story Recall
- Immediate Delayed (30 min. to 8 days)
- Requires listening to story on audio recording
and recalling elements - Use examinees present level of oral
comprehension skills as an estimate of where to
begin testing. - Consult the table in the Test Book to choose
appropriate starting point. - Scoring guidelines in test book and on test
records - Do not repeat stories
32Key Administration Points Reading Fluency
- Materials
- Standard Battery Test Book
- Test Record
- Student Response Booklet
- Two pencils
- Stopwatch or watch with second hand
- Administer sample items to all examinees.
- Do not administer test if the examinee has less
than three correct on Practice Exercises C
through F.
33Key Administration Points Reading Fluency
- Materials needed
- Standard Battery Test Book
- Test Record
- Audio Recording and audio equipment
- Pause or stop recording after each story to allow
the examinee to recall elements - Do not repeat or replay any stories
- Do not penalize for mispronunciation, dialect
variations or regional speech patterns
34Key Administration Points Reading Fluency
- After playing each story, pause recording and
look at examinee to elicit a response (cue them). - If they do not respond, say, Tell me the story.
- In rare cases, you may present the items orally.
35Key Administration Points Reading Fluency
- The examinee must recall elements in bold type
exactly - Accept synonyms or paraphrase responses if
elements are not in bold - In test record
- Place a check mark over each element the student
correctly recalls - Elements may be recalled in any order
- Follow the continuation rules
36Key Administration Points Reading Fluency
- Scoring
- Slashes (/) separate the story elements.
- Place a check mark (v) over each element recalled
correctly. - The elements may be recalled in any order.
- When words are in bold type, the examinee must
recall the specific information exactly. - Two exceptions
- If the student gives a derivation of the bold
word, allow credit for the element (e.g., blew
for blowing) - If the examinee uses a synonym very close in
meaning (e.g., afraid for scared), allow
37Key Administration Points Reading Fluency
- Scoring
- Elements that are not bold indicate that the
examinee just needs to recall the general
information or concept and may paraphrase the
information in any way - Continuation rules are presented after each set
of two stories
38Key Administration Points Reading Fluency
- Common Examiner Errors
- Not using the audio recording
- Not scoring the elements correctly
- Not reading the story as it sounds on the tape
(if administering orally) - Not following the continuation rules
39WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
Elements that are bold must be recalled exactly.
Other elements can be synonyms or paraphrased
40WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
Mary / has a dog./ He loves to ride / in the
car,/ but he hates to take a bath./
Story 2
Score these responses (5 points
- He doesnt like taking baths.
- Marys dog loves to ride in the car.
- Her dog hates baths but he loves riding in the
41WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 4 Understanding Directions
- Requires listening to instructions and then
pointing to objects in pictures - Consult Starting Points table for the three
suggested points - Picture 1 (preschool)
- Pictures 2 and 3 (K grade 4)
- Pictures 4 5 (grade 5 through adult)
- Administer all items for each picture.
- Let subject review picture for 10 seconds prior
to administering items - Do not repeat or replay an item unless examinee
did not hear it because of some type of noise.
In this case, finish the picture and
re-administer the specific item. - In rare cases you may present the items orally.
42Key Administration Points Understanding
- Materials needed
- Standard Battery Test Book
- Test record
- Audio recording and requipment
- Do not allow examinee to begin pointing until the
word go is stated for each item - Complete all questions for each picture
administered - The examinee must complete all steps to receive
credit on an item - You must know the pictures and items in order to
facilitate scoring
43Key Administration Points Understanding
- Scoring
- Each correct response gets 1 and incorrect
response is 0. - For an item to be correct, all of the steps of
the directions must be completed. - Many items require student to point in a certain
44Key Administration Points Understanding
- Common Examiner Errors
- Not using the audio recording
- Not scoring the items correctly
- Not allowing the examinee to review the picture
for 10 seconds before administering the items - Not reading the directions as presented on tape
if administering the test orally
45WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
1. Point to the frog and then the bear. Go. 7.
First point to the log, then the deer, and then
the campfire. Go. 9. Point to the cloud farthest
to the left, and then the cloud farthest to the
right. Go.
46WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 5 Calculation
- Requires calculation of problems ranging from
simple addition facts to calculus (uses SRB) - Use Suggested Starting Points table
- If examinee misses both sample items, you may
discontinue testing and score the test a 0. - Administer the test following the basal and
ceiling rules (6 consecutive) - Skipped items are scored as a 0
- Do not point out signs
- Accept reversals but not transposed numbers
47Key Administration Points Calculation
- Materials needed
- Standard Battery Test Book
- Test Record
- Two pencils
- Complete all appropriate queries
- Do not provide additional guidance, such as
pointing out the signs - Score skipped items 0
- Score transposed numbers as 0
48Key Administration Points Calculation
- Item Scoring
- Each correct answer is scored 1 and incorrect 0
- Any items skipped before the last completed items
is scored 0 - Do not penalize for poorly formed or reversed
numbers - Score transposition of numbers (e.g., 13 for 31)
as incorrect
49Key Administration Points Calculation
- Common Examiner Errors
- Failing to complete queries
- Failing to establish a basal or ceiling
- Providing inappropriate guidance
50WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
51WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 6 Math Fluency
- Requires rapid calculation of single-digit
addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts
(uses SRB) - All examinees begin this test with Item 1
- If examinee has three or less correct after 1
minute, discontinue testing and record a time of
1 minute in the Test Record. - Time limit of 3 minutes
- Skipped items are not counted
- Once testing has started, do not point to the
signs - Scoring overlay is provided
- If examinee finishes in less than 3 minutes or
you inadvertently exceed the 3 minutes, record
the exact finishing time in minutes and seconds
52Key Administration Math Fluency
- Materials needed
- Standard Battery Test Book
- Test Record
- Two pencils
- Stopwatch or watch with second hand
53Key Administration Math Fluency
- Item Scoring
- Score each correct response 1 and incorrect 0
- Score any items skipped prior to the last item as
incorrect - A scoring guide overlay is provided to facilitate
54Key Administration Math Fluency
- Common Examiner Errors
- Providing inappropriate guidance during the test,
such as pointing out the signs
55WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
56WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 8 Writing Fluency
- Requires formulating and writing simple sentences
rapidly (uses SRB) - Begin with Item 1/End with 7-minute time limit
- If examinee scores 0 on Samples B through D,
discontinue testing and record a score of 0 for
the test - If examinee has three or fewer correct within the
first two minutes, testing may be discontinued
and record a time of 2 minutes and enter number
correct (0-3). - If the examinee finishes before the 7 minute time
limit or you inadvertently exceed 7 minutes,
record the actual finishing time in minutes and
seconds in Test Record - Any stimulus words may be read upon request
- 3 stimulus words may not be changed in any way
57Key Administration Points Writing Fluency
- Materials Needed
- Standard Battery Test Book
- Test Record
- Two pencils
- Stopwatch or watch with second hand
- Complete sample items with all examinees
- Discontinue testing if examinee has a 0 on
Samples B through D - To receive credit the examinee must use three
stimulus words and may not change them
58Key Administration Points Writing Fluency
- Item Scoring
- Score each correct response 1 and incorrect
response 0 - Score any items skipped prior to the last item as
incorrect - Do not penalize for errors in spelling,
punctuation, or capitalization or for poor
handwriting, unless the writing is illegible
59Key Administration Points Writing Fluency
- Sometimes it may not be clear as to whether an
item is correct or not. To receive credit he
write must - Use the three stimulus words in a complete
sentence - Not change the stimulus words in any way
- Provide a response that is a reasonable sentence
- Awkward sentences (if the meaning is clear) and
sentences with the understood subject you are
scored as correct - Sentences that use alternate characters such as
an ampersand () or plus sign () for the word
and or an abbreviation like w/ are scored as
60Key Administration Points Writing Fluency
- If the examinee omits a word that is critical to
the sentence meaning, score the response as
incorrect - Do not penalize for an accidental omission of a
less meaningful word (a, the, an) in a
sentence - If it is still unclear how to score one or more
items, balance the scores given to these
61Key Administration Points Writing Fluency
- Common Examiner Errors
- Being too lenient or too stringent on scoring the
sentences and failing to note that the examiner
has changed or not included a stimulus word
62WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
A. Look at this picture and the words good,
cake, and is. A short sentence that tells
about the picture and uses these words is The
cake is good. B. Now look at this picture and
the words pig, fat, and is. Use these three
words and any other words you need to write a
short sentence about the picture. You may put the
words in any order.
A. good cake is
B. pig fat is
63WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
He is dropping a dime in the bank.
They are running the race again.
I want to use the toy truck.
64WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 9 Passage Comprehension
- Requires reading a short passage and supplying a
key missing word - Accept responses that differ in tense or number
- Score responses that are different parts of
speech as 0 - Begin with the Introduction for examinees
believed to be functioning at preschool or
kindergarten level - Use Suggested Starting Points
65WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test by complete pages until examinee correctly
answers the six lowest-numbered items
administered or until you have administered the
page with Item 1. - Continue testing by complete pages until the
examinee misses the six highest-numbered items
administered or until you have administered the
page with the last item.
66Key Administration Points Passage Comprehension
- Materials needed
- Standard Battery Test Book and Test Record
- The passages should be read silently
- When necessary, remind examinee to read silently
- If they continue to read aloud, do not insist on
silent reading - If they read a passage aloud, the word that
belongs in the blank must be identified separately
67Key Administration Points Passage Comprehension
- Do not help examinee with any words on this test
- The student needs only to identify the specific
word that goes in the blank - If the student reads the sentence aloud with the
correct answer say, Tell me the one word that
should go in the blank. If they cannot provide
the word, score the response as incorrect.
68Key Administration Points Passage Comprehension
- Item Scoring
- Score each correct response 1 and each incorrect
response 0 - Unless noted, only one-word responses are
acceptable - If a person gives a two-word or longer response,
ask for a one-word answer - Responses can differ only in verb tense or number
and be correct - Do not penalize for mispronunciation resulting
from articulation errors, dialects or regional
speech patterns
69Key Administration Points Passage Comprehension
- Common Examiner Errors
- Providing help with words
- Not completing queries
- Penalizing for responses that differ only in verb
tense or number - Accepting responses that substitute a different
part of speech
70WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
Something is on the chair.
It is a .
The drums were pounding in the distance.
We could them.
It is one thing to demonstrate that modern war is
harmful to the species. It is another thing to
do something about it.
71WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 10 Applied Problems
- Requires comprehending the nature of a problem,
identifying relevant information, performing
calculations, and stating solution - Use table in Test Book to select a starting point
- No reading is required
72WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 10 Applied Problems
- Test by complete pages until the student
correctly answers the six lowest-numbered items
administered, or until you have administered the
page with Item 1. - Continue testing by complete pages until examinee
misses the six highest-numbered items
administered or the last item. - Upon request by student, any item may be repeated
73Key Administration Points Applied Problems
- Materials needed
- Standard Battery Test Book
- Test Record
- SRB and two pencils
- Follow basal/ceiling rules (6 consecutive)
- Test by complete pages
- Provide SRB and pencil when prompted, or earlier
if needed
74Key Administration Points Applied Problems
- Item Scoring
- Score each correct response 1 and incorrect
response 0 - Common Examiner Errors
- Forgetting to test by complete pages or not
repeating items upon request
75WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
15. If Maria ate one of these suckers, how many
suckers would be left? _________________________
______ 30. Jays car holds fifteen gallons of
gas. Yoshis car holds ten gallons of gas and
Ellens car holds twenty gallons of gas. How many
more gallons does Jays car hold than Yoshis car?
Jay 15 gallons Yoshi 10 gallons Ellen
20 gallons
76WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 11 Writing Samples
- Requires writing sentences in response to a
series of demands that increase in difficulty
(uses SRB) - Select a starting point based on an estimate of
examinees present level of writing ability. - Administer the appropriate Block of Items
indicated on table in Test Book. - Administer additional block of items if score
falls in shaded area of scoring table - You may read any words during this test or repeat
instructions if requested. - If a student asks if spelling is important or how
to spell a word, encourage them just to do their
77Key Administration Points Writing Samples
- Materials needed
- Standard Battery Test Book
- Test Record
- SRB and two pencils
- Score the items after testing is complete
- Administer additional items if the examinees
score falls within a shaded area on the table in
the Test Record. - Encourage the student to attempt a response to
each item in the block.
78Key Administration Points Writing Samples
- Item Scoring
- Score after testing is completed.
- Items may be scored 0, .5, 1, 1.5, or 2 points
using a modified holistic procedures that
requires judgment - Use Appendix B in Examiners Manual
- If the students raw score falls within one of
the shaded areas in the scoring table, administer
the additional items indicated.
79Key Administration Points Writing Samples
- Item Scoring
- 2 points superior response. Excluding beginning
items it is a complete sentence that satisfies
task demands and includes additional descriptive
words and embellishments - 1.5 borderline response that does not fit the
exact pattern of the Scoring Guide. If it is not
clear whether a response is superior (2 points)
or standard (1 point), credit the response with a
score of 1.5 points.
80Key Administration Points Writing Samples
- Item Scoring
- 1 point standard response. Excluding beginning
items, it is a complete sentence with adequate
content - 0.5 points borderline response that does not fit
the exact pattern of the Scoring Guide. If it is
not clear whether a response is standard (1
point) or inadequate (0 points), ask
demandscredit the response with a score of 0.5
points - 0 points a no-credit response is an inadequate
response. It may be an incomplete sentence, a
sentence with minimal content, an illegible
response, or a sentence that does not follow - NOTE for scores ending in .5 round to nearest
even number when calculating raw scores -
81Key Administration Points Writing Samples
- Common Examiner Errors
- Failing to administer the appropriate block of
items - Scoring the items incorrectly
- Being too lenient or harsh when evaluating
responses - Failing to administer additional items when
necessary - Calculating the raw score incorrectly
- Asking the examinee to read his/her response for
scoring purposes -
82WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- 1. This says, My name is . Write
your name here. - 7. This woman is a queen. Write a sentence that
tells what this man is. - 13. Write one good sentence that tells what is
happening in this picture and what could happen
next. - 19. Write one sentence about a boy finding a lost
dog. Include the words who found the in the
middle of your sentence. - 30. Write a good sentence using the words
despite her anger.
83WJ III NU Tests of AchievementEXTENDED BATTERY
- Test 13 Word Attack
- Requires pronouncing phonically regular
pseudowords - Know pronunciation prior to administering test
- Responses must be pronounced as a complete word
to receive credit - Use the table in Test Book to select a starting
point based on the students present level of
reading skill. - Test by complete pages until the examine has
missed 6 consecutive items or you have
administered the last item.
84Key Administration Points Word Attack
- Materials needed
- Extended Battery Test Book
- Test Record
- Follow basal/ceiling rules (6 consecutive
correct/incorrect) - Test by complete pages
- Do not tell the examinee any letters or words
- Only accept correct responses that are pronounced
as a complete word
85Key Administration Points Word Attack
- Do not ask the examinee to repeat a specific
word. Instead, have them repeat entire page and
re-score only the item in question - Record errors for analysis after testing is
completed - Score the last response given on each item
- If the student pronounces the word phoneme by
phoneme or syllable by syllable instead o reading
it in a natural and fluent way, score the item 0
and suggest they first read the word silently
and then say the word smoothly. Give this
reminder only once.
86Key Administration Points Word Attack
- However, if the examinee first sounds out the
stimulus word and then pronounces it correctly,
score the item 1. - Score the last response given. Record incorrect
responses for error analysis. - Item Scoring
- Score each correct response 1
- Score each incorrect response 0
- Do not penalize for mispronunciations resulting
from articulation errors, dialects, or regional
speech patterns
87Key Administration Points Word Attack
- Common Examiner Errors
- Failing to know the correct pronunciation of the
items - Accepting responses that are sounded out and not
blended back together - Failing to have examinee repeat an entire page
when one response was not heard
88WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
tayed saist doitibility paraphonity apertuate
16. 26. 30. 31. 32.
tiff zoop nan rox lish ep
4-9 Read each of these words to me. Dont go
too fast.
89WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 14 Picture Vocabulary
- Requires naming pictures (familiar to less
familiar) - Point to picture or part of picture as directed
- Test by complete pages
- Use Suggested Starting Points
- Select a starting point based on an estimate of
the individuals present level of oral language
90Key Administration Points Picture Vocabulary
- Materials Needed
- Extended Battery Test book
- Test Record
- Know the pronunciation of all items
- Follow basal/ceiling rules (6 consecutive
correct/incorrect) - Test by complete pages
- Complete all queries as indicated in Test Book
- Be sure to point to the picture or picture part
as directed - Record errors for further analysis
91Key Administration Points Picture Vocabulary
- Item Scoring
- Score each correct response 1
- Score each incorrect response 0
- Do not penalize for mispronunciations resulting
from articulation errors, dialects, or regional
speech patterns - Common Examiner Errors
- Failing to know the correct pronunciation of the
items - Accepting responses that are sounded out and not
blended back together - Failing to have examinee repeat an entire page
when one response was not heard
92WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
2. Point to picture and say What is
this? 19. Point to picture and say
What are these called?
93WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 15 Oral Comprehension
- Requires listening to a short passage and
providing the missing final word - Administer Sample Item A and B to all examinees
and then select a starting point based on an
estimate of the examinees present oral language
skill. - Present Sample Items A and B orally.
- Present Sample Items C and B and all test items
using audio recording. - In rare cases you may present the items orally.
94Key Administration Points Oral Comprehension
- Materials needed
- Extended Battery Test Book
- Test Record
- Audio Recording and equipment
- Follow basal/ceiling rules six consecutive
correct/incorrect - Test by complete pages
95Key Administration Points Oral Comprehension
- Accept only one-word responses if examinee gives
longer responses - Do not penalize for articulation errors or
regional/dialectical speech differences - Do not penalize for responses that differ in
tense or number - Do not accept responses that are a different part
of speech
96Key Administration Points Oral Comprehension
- Item Scoring
- Score each correct response 1
- Score each incorrect responses 0
- Unless noted, only one-word responses are
acceptable - If a person gives a two-word or longer response,
ask for a one-word response - Responses are correct when they differ from the
correct response only in verb tense or number
(singular/plural) - A response is incorrect if the answer is a
different part of speech, such as a noun for a
97Key Administration Points Oral Comprehension
- Common Examiner Errors
- Failing to use the test audio recording
- Failing to ask for one-word responses when a
longer response is given - Failing to imitate the tape when (in rare cases)
administering the test orally
98WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
Now you are going to listen to this audio
recording. After you hear the two beeps, tell
me one word that finishes the sentence.
- 1. Water looks blue and grass
looks____________. - 17. Carrots can be eaten cooked. They also can
be eaten___________. - 34. Observation of behavior when errors are made
can lead to hypotheses regarding learning
characteristics. Some people become so frustrated
that their emotions cause them to quit. The rigid
persist with a strategy that has ____________.
99WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 17 Reading Vocabulary
- Requires reading words and providing synonyms,
antonyms, or completing analogies - Review the correct pronunciation of all items
while learning to administer the test. - Broken into three subtests
- Administer samples for each subtest to all
subjects - After administering sample items, do not read any
other items or tell the examinee any other word - Select an appropriate starting point for each
subtest based on the examinees current reading
100Key Administration Points Reading Vocabulary
- Materials needed
- Extended Battery Test Book
- Test Record
- Administer all three subtests
- Make note of oral reading errors for error
analysis - Follow the basal/ceiling rules for each subtest
(4 consecutive correct/incorrect) - Test by complete pages
- Do not tell the examinee any words in the test
items - Unless noted, only one-word responses are
101Key Administration Points Reading Vocabulary
- Item Scoring
- Score each correct response 1
- Score each incorrect 0
- If a person gives a two-word or longer response,
ask for a one-word answer - Responses are correct when they differ from the
correct response only in verb tense or number
(singular/plural) - A response is incorrect if the student
substitutes a different part of speech, such as a
noun for a verb - If the student responds to an antonym item by
giving the stimulus word preceded by non or
un, ask for another answer unless otherwise
indicated by the scoring key - Do not penalize for mispronunciations resulting
from articulation errors, dialects, or regional
speech patterns
102Key Administration Points Reading Vocabulary
- Common Examiner Errors
- Reading items to examinees
- Failing to administer all three subtests
- Failing to apply the basal/ceiling rules to each
subtest - Miscalculating the total score
103WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
17A Synonyms
17B Antonyms
Read each of these words out loud and tell me
another word that means the same. 1.
puppy 12. entire 25. fallow
Read each of these words out loud and tell me
another word that means the opposite. 1.
on 12. distant 25. enervate
104WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
17C Analogies
Finish what I say-- a dog walks a bird...
dogwalks bird...
A. 1. 10. 20.
climbup fall plantseed bird discophilep
hilatelist records...
105WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 18 Quantitative Concepts
- Requires applying mathematical concepts and
analyzing numerical relationships (use Subject
Response Booklet) - Broken into two subtests both subtests must be
administered to obtain a raw score for this test - For each subtest, select a starting point based
on an estimate of the students present level of
math skill - Each item in 18B Number Series has a 1-minute
time limit
106Key Administration Quantitative Concepts
- Materials needed
- Extended Battery Test Book
- Test Record
- SRB and two pencils
- Follow the basal/ceiling rules for each subtest
- 18A four consecutive correct/incorrect
- 18B three consecutive correct/incorrect
- Test by complete pages
- Repeat any item upon request
- On items with multiple-part answers, be sure all
parts of the answer are given to score item 1
107Key Administration Quantitative Concepts
- Item Scoring
- Score each correct response 1
- Score each incorrect response 0
- Do not penalize for mispronunciation resulting
from articulation errors, dialects, or regional
speech patterns - Common Examiner Errors
- Mispronouncing items
- Failing to administer all three parts
- Failing to apply basal/ceiling rules to each part
of the test
108WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
18A Concepts
3. What number is this? 6. Point to the
largest star. Now point to the smallest star.
109WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
18B Number Series
110WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
- Test 22 Punctuation and Capitalization
- Requires using correct punctuation and
capitalization in orally dictated words and
phrases (use SRB) - Know pronunciation of all test items
- Do not penalize for spelling errors as long as
response is legible
111Notations for Recording Responses
- 1 correct response
- 0 incorrect or no response
- Q indicates a query
- DK indicates the response of Dont Know
- NR indicates No Response
- SC indicates a self-correction
112WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
10. (P) Make an exclamation point. Correc
t ! 14. (P,C) Write the following city and
state Dayton, Ohio. Correct Dayton, Ohio
(must have comma between city and state both
D and 0 must be capitalized) (misspellings
113WJ III NU Tests of Achievement
114WJ III Normative Update
- Updated norms based on 2005 census figures
- Changes in census figures changed weighting used
to develop norms - Increased statistical precision
- Bootstrap Resampling
- A computational method for estimating the
precision of an estimate of a (statistic)
parameter. A random sample of n
observations is taken, and from this, a number of
other samples of equal size are obtained by
sampling with replacement - Used to estimate the uncertainty of a statistic,
via the provision of a bootstrap standard error
(confidence band) - Used to estimate the variability and possible
bias in sample statistics
APA Dictionary of Psychology, 2007
115WJ III Normative Update
- Four new achievement clusters
- Brief Reading
- Brief Writing
- Brief Math
- Brief Achievement
- Two new reports
- Parent Report
- Summary Report with narrative based on
proficiency level (Relative Proficiency Index)
116WJ III Normative Update
- WJ III NU Compuscore and Profiles Program
117WJ III Normative Update
- Five reports, each customizable with the scores
most relevant to a referral - Score Report
- Summary with Score Report
- Age/Grade Profiles
- Standard Score/Percentile Rank Profiles
- Parent Report
- Export to a word processor for additional
118WJ III Normative Update
- Begin by choosing report, and selecting tests for
reporting - Facilitative Navigation. Step-by-step orientation
advances users through reporting options with
greater care.
Summary and Score Report. Reporting options vary
by report.
119WJ III Normative Update
Summary and Score Report. Reporting options vary
by report.
120WJ III Normative Update
- Step 2 Select scores to report
Summary and Score Report. Reporting options vary
by report.
121WJ III Normative Update
- Step 3 Select variation procedures
Summary and Score Report. Reporting options vary
by report.
122WJ III Normative Update
- Step 4 Select discrepancy procedures
Summary and Score Report. Reporting options vary
by report.
123WJ III Normative Update
- Step 5 Select narrative type and language
Summary and Score Report. Reporting options vary
by report.
124WJ III Normative Update
Summary and Score Report. Reporting options vary
by report.
125(No Transcript)