Topic II The Efficient Frontier - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Topic II The Efficient Frontier


Topic II The Efficient Frontier Expected return and risk The minimum variance frontier The efficient frontier with riskless lending and borrowing – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Topic II The Efficient Frontier

Topic II The Efficient Frontier
  • Expected return and risk
  • The minimum variance frontier
  • The efficient frontier
  • with riskless lending and borrowing
  • with no riskless borrowing
  • when the riskless borrowing rate is greater than
    the lending rate
  • Maximizing Expected Utility
  • Risk Aversion
  • Absolute Risk Aversion
  • Relative Risk Aversion
  • Mean-Variance Analysis

Expected Return and Risk on a Two Asset Portfolio
  • The Minimum Variance Frontier shows the minimum
    risk for a given expected return.
  • In order to derive the minimum variance we need
    to examine all feasible combinations of assets in
    expected return and risk space.
  • We will examine the two asset portfolio case for
  • The average return and risk on a two asset
    portfolio is

Example II.1Average Return and Riskon a Two
Asset Portfolio
  • Suppose that you have data on the mean, variance
    and covariance of returns
  • R1 R2 var(R1) var(R2) cov(R1 R2)
  • 10 5 3 2 1
  • and you have invested in a portfolio with the
    following weights
  • X1 X2
  • 0.7 0.3
  • Then the average return on this portfolio is
    given by
  • 0.710 0.35 8.5
  • Then the variance of the return on this portfolio
    is given by
  • 0.70.73 0.30.32 20.70.31 2.07

The Minimum Variance Frontier
  • Equations (1) - (3) imply a non-linear
    relationship between Rp and ?p.
  • Substitute for X2 from (3) into (1), solve for X1.
  • Substitute X1 into (2).
  • This relationship will be a hyperbola (in

The Minimum Variance Frontier
  • Rather than solving algebraically plot (1) and
    the square root of (2) in risk-return space for
    different percentage shares and different
    correlations between return.

The Minimum Variance Frontier (cont.)
  • One point (portfolio) on the minimum frontier
    will have minimum risk.
  • We can find what the Xi are that achieves minimum
    risk by differentiating ?p in (2) with respect
    to, say, X1 and solving for X1.
  • We will examine the effects on risk as we change
    X1 under four possible correlations between the
    return on asset 1 and the return on asset 2 (1,
    -1, 0, 0.5).

Expected Return and Risk
  • We now have four equations to examine the two
    asset portfolio case.
  • The first three give a relationship in risk and
  • The fourth equation allows us to work out the
    portfolio on the minimum variance frontier that
    has the minimum variance of all portfolios.
  • Thus we can draw the minimum variance frontier
    for different values of the inputs (the means,
    variances and correlations among returns)

Example II.2The Minimum Variance Frontier
Correlation Between Returns1
  • The risk on a two asset portfolio is
  • Equations (1) and (5) imply a linear relationship
    between Rp and ?p.
  • We will switch to an Excel file called corpfin.xls

Example II.3The Minimum Variance Frontier
Correlation Between Returns-1
  • The risk on a two asset portfolio is

Example II.3 (cont.)The Minimum Variance
Frontier Correlation Between Returns-1
  • Equations (1) and (6) imply two linear
    relationships between Rp and ?p.
  • Note since risk is always positive there is
    always a unique solution.
  • Risk is at a minimum using (4) when X1?2/ (?1
  • In this case risk is zero!!!
  • We will switch to an Excel file called corpfin.xls

Example II.4The Minimum Variance Frontier
Correlation Between Returns0
  • Using (2) The risk on a two asset portfolio is
  • Equations (1) and (7) imply a non-linear
    relationship between Rp and ?p.
  • We can calculate the X1 that minimizes risk by
    using (4).
  • We will switch to an Excel file called corpfin.xls

Example II.5The Minimum Variance Frontier
Correlation Between Returns0.5
  • Equations (1)-(3) imply a non-linear relationship
    between Rp and ?p.
  • We can calculate the X1 that minimizes risk by
    using (4).
  • In general, if short sales are not allowed, there
    is some value of ?12 such that the risk on a
    portfolio can no longer be reduced below the risk
    on the least risky asset.
  • This occurs when ?12?2/?1 (3/60.5 in the
    example used in lectures.)
  • In this case only the least risky asset (Asset 2
    in the example) is held.
  • Consider extreme cases in one graph.
  • The minimum variance frontier is always bounded
    by the triangle.
  • We will switch to an Excel file called corpfin.xls

The Shape of theMinimum Variance Frontier
  • When there are many assets the minimum variance
    frontier is still bounded by the triangle.
  • Consider the top half of the Minimum Variance
  • We consider three possible shapes (a), (b), and
    (c) below.
  • A line connecting two points on the MVF should
    result in more risk for a given expected return.
    Thus the MVF should be a concave curve above the
    minimum variance point. This rules out panels
    (b) and (c).

The Shape of theMinimum Variance Frontier
  • Consider the bottom half of Minimum Variance
  • We consider three possible shapes (a), (b), and
    (c) below.
  • The line connecting two points on the MVF should
    result in more risk for a given expected return.
    The MVF should be a convex curve BELOW the
    minimum variance point. This rules out panels
    (b) and (c).
  • Thus the shape of the MVF is both panels (a).

The Efficient Frontier
  • The Efficient Frontier gives maximum return for a
    given risk.
  • It is the top half of the MVF hyperbola (See the
    figure below).
  • In terms of return the bottom half of the MVF is
    dominated by the top half.

The Efficient Frontierwhen Short Sales are
  • Suppose that the efficient frontier is MVP-A in
    the figure below.
  • Allowing for short sales extends the efficient
    frontier infinitely beyond A.

  • We will switch to an Excel file called corpfin.xls

The Efficient Frontier with Riskless Lending and
  • What is the shape of the efficient frontier if an
    investor can lend or borrow at a risk free rate
    of interest, RF?
  • We can lend all our investment funds and receive
    an expected return RF at no risk.
  • Or we can invest all our investment funds in a
    risky portfolio, A, and receive an expected
    return E(RA) with risk ?A.
  • Or we can invest some fraction, X, of our
    investment funds in A and receive expected return
    and risk of

The Transformation Line
  • We derive a relationship between E(Rp) and ?p by
    solving for X in (9) and substituting into (8) to
  • This is a straight line in (E(R p), ?p) space and
    is referred to as the transformation line and
    is illustrated in figure on slide 19.
  • The slope of this line is called the Sharpe

Example II.6 The Sharpe Ratio and Transformation
  • Suppose that E(RA)8, ?A4 and RF 5 then the
  • Sharpe Ratio (8-5)/4 0.75
  • And the transformation line is given by
  • E(RP) 5 0.75?P

The Transformation Line
back to slide 17
  • At RF we have X0.
  • Between RF and A an investor lends and 0ltXlt1.
  • At A we have X1.
  • After A then an investors borrows and Xgt1 (1-Xlt0).

The Efficient Frontier with Riskless Lending and
  • The efficient frontier is obtained by finding the
    tangency point between the transformation line
    and the minimum variance frontier when only risky
    assets are included (on the upper half of the MVF
  • This occurs at point B, The Optimum Portfolio,
    which dominates portfolio A.
  • Along this line an investor holds some percentage
    of funds in portfolio B which can be comprised on
    many risky assets.

The Efficient Frontier with Riskless Lending and
  • Investors with the same beliefs about expected
    returns, risks and correlations will all hold B
    in the figure on the last slide.
  • All the investor has to do is choose according to
    preferences along RFB and beyond.
  • The ability to determine the optimum portfolio of
    risky assets without having to know anything
    about investors preferences is called the
  • Two Fund Separation Theorem.
  • If short sales are allowed some of the Xi that
    make up portfolio B may be negative.
  • Later in this course (Topic IV) it will be
    demonstrated how an investor can solve for
    optimal Xi mathematically.

Drawing the Minimum Variance Frontier
  • The minimum variance frontier will be a hyperbola
    (in general).
  • The tangency from E(Rmvp) to the MVF is at
  • The tangency from E(Rlow) is correct. MAIN SLIDE

The Efficient Frontierwith no Riskless Borrowing
  • The efficient frontier is obtained by finding the
    tangency point between the transformation line
    and the minimum variance portfolio at point A.
  • However the transformation line ends at A.
  • The rest of the efficient frontier is the the
    minimum variance frontier AB.
  • If an investor wants to choose somewhere between
    AB, an investor invests 100 of funds in risky
    assets. MAIN SLIDE

The Efficient Frontier with Different Borrowing
and Lending Rates
  • The efficient frontier is RLABC.
  • If an investor wants to choose somewhere between
    RLA, an investor LENDS and invests LESS THAN 100
    of funds in risky portfolio A.
  • If an investor wants to choose somewhere between
    AB, a 100 of funds is invested in risky assets.
  • If an investor wants to choose somewhere between
    BC, an investor BORROWS and invests MORE THAN
    100 of funds in risky assets. MAIN SLIDE

Maximizing Expected Utility
  • The material discussed in the course up to this
    point have been concerned with calculating the
    efficient frontier.
  • Since all points on the efficient frontier
    represent the maximum expected return give a
    level of risk how does an investor choose among
  • One assumption is that investors care about
    wealth, W, and that this can be mathematically
    represented by a utility function U(W).

Maximizing Expected Utility (cont.)
  • We make standard assumptions about U(W)
  • - More is preferred to less (marginal utility is
    positive ?U/?Wgt0)
  • - Investors are risk averse (diminishing
    marginal utility ?2U/?W2lt0)
  • We assume that since the future is uncertain
    investors choose a point on the efficient
    frontier so as to maximize the Expected Utility
    of future wealth.
  • Before considering expected utility we will
    review what we mean by an expected value of a
    random variable.

Example II.7Expected Returns
  • The expected returns is given by ?PiRi where Pi
    is the probability of return Ri.
  • The expected returns from Investments A and B are
  • 1/3(15) 1/3(10) 1/3(5) 10 and 1/3(20)
    1/3(12) 1/3(4) 12 respectively.

Expected Utility
  • Expected utility from N outcomes is calculated as
  • where P is the probability of an outcome.
  • Suppose that the utility function is quadratic
    (more on its properties later)
  • Now consider the data in the Table on the
    following slide.

Example II.8Expected Utility
  • The expected utilities of investments A, B and C
    are 36.3, 27.0, 34.4 respectively.
  • Example of calculating utility U(WB) U(19)
    419 - 0.1(19)2 39.9
  • Example of calculating utility E(U(WB))
    39.91/5 302/5 17.52/5 27.0

Risk Aversion
  • Consider a fair gamble (investment opportunity)
    where there is a 50/50 chance of winning either
    2 or nothing. It costs 1.
  • The alternative is to keep the certain 1 and do
    not take the gamble.
  • A definition of risk aversion is an investor who
    would not accept a fair gamble.
  • This means that U(1) gt 0.5U(2) 0.5U(0)
  • or U(1) - U(0) gt U(2) - U(1) implies ?2U/?W2lt0
  • The utility from the additional unit increase in
    wealth is less valuable than the last unit
    increase for a risk averse investor.
  • Replace the inequality signs with an equality
    sign for a risk neutral investor.
  • Reverse the inequality signs for a risk loving

Utility Functions
  • Utility function of a risk loving investor is 1.
  • Utility function of a risk neutral investor is 2.
  • Utility function of a risk averse investor is 3.

Utility Functions (cont.)
  • Utility function of a risk loving investor is 1.
  • Utility function of a risk neutral investor is 2.
  • Utility function of a risk averse investor is 3.

Measures of Risk AversionAbsolute Risk Aversion
  • One measure of risk aversion is absolute risk
  • Algebraically it is defined as
  • If an investor decreases the amount invested as
    wealth increases, the investor is said to show
    increasing absolute risk aversion, ARA(W)gt0.
  • If an investor held the same amount invested as
    wealth increases, the investor is said to show
    constant absolute risk aversion , ARA(W)0.
  • If an investor increases the amount invested as
    wealth increases, the investor is said to show
    decreasing absolute risk aversion , ARA(W)lt0.

Example II.9Absolute Risk Aversion
  • Below we calculate ARA(W) for a commonly assumed
    utility function, namely, log-utility

Example II.10Absolute Risk Aversion
  • Below we calculate ARA(W) for another commonly
    used utility function, namely, quadratic-utility
    (U(W)aW-bW2, a,bgt0)

Measures of Risk AversionRelative Risk Aversion
  • One measure of risk aversion is relative risk
  • Algebraically it is defined as
  • If an investor decreases the percentage invested
    as wealth increases, the investor is said to show
    increasing relative risk aversion, RRA(W)gt0.
  • If an investor held the same percentage invested
    as wealth increases, the investor is said to show
    constant relative risk aversion , RRA(W)0.
  • If an investor increases the percentage invested
    as wealth increases, the investor is said to show
    decreasing relative risk aversion , RRA(W)lt0.

Example II.11 Relative Risk Aversion
  • Below we calculate RRA(W) for log-utility

Example II.11 Relative Risk Aversion
  • Below we calculate RRA(W) for quadratic-utility
    (U(W)aW-bW2, a,bgt0)

Mean-variance Analysisand Quadratic Utility
  • One bad point about assuming quadratic utility is
    that it produces increasing absolute risk
    aversion which is unlikely.
  • One good point about assuming quadratic utility
    is that it leads to mean-variance analysis to be
    optimum in expected utility terms (see below).
  • The expected value of a quadratic-utility
    function is
  • which is in terms of mean and variance. MAIN
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