Title: 95-702 Distributed Systems
195-702 Distributed Systems Lecture 14 Securing
Web Services
2XML Web Services
- Hot topic
- Foundation of Service Oriented Architectures
- Interoperable
- Remote Method Invocation
- Messaging
- Supported by all the big players
- Notes adpated from the required reading Web
Services Security, - Bilal Siddiqui
3Existing XML Web Services
- Google
- EBay
- Amazon
- XIgnite (financial computations)
- Many others in the cloud!
- See www.xmethods.com
- But remember, many are not public.
- An SOA would have many in house web
- services.
4XML Web Services Cryptography
- Bob and Alice want to exchange SOAP messages.
- Eve and Mallory need to be taken
- seriously.
5Whats going on?
- Web Services Security (WSS) specification from
OASIS. - Adds message confidentiality to SOAP.
- Adds message Identification, authentication,
authorization, and non-repudiation to SOAP. - Why not simply use SSL?
- SSL is cool but point to point.
- An end-to-end approach carries the encrypted data
and signatures and permits persistence. - SSL may be used along with WSS.
6The WS Cryptography Stack
XML Web Services Security SAML (Security
Assertion ML),XKMS (XML Key Management
Specification), XACML (eXtensible Access Control
Markup Language)
.NET Crypto APIs
Java Security APIs
7Interoperable Web Services
- We need application integration within the
enterprise. - We need application integration across enterprise
boundaries - customers
- partners
- suppliers
- A Service Oriented Architecture may be built on a
web service foundation, using services within the
enterprise and in the cloud.
8A Tourism Supply Chain
Tour Operator
Car Rental
Car Rental
Anyone may call
Restricted callers
9Service Oriented Architecture
SOAP Server
10Listing 1 SOAP Request
POST /Vendors HTTP/1.1Host www.myHotel.comConte
nt-Type text/xmlCharsetutf-8Content-Length
350SOAPACtion"" lt?xml version'1.0'?gt Â
ltSOAP-ENVEnvelope      xmlnsSOAP-ENV'http//s
chemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' gt    Â
ltSOAP-EnvBodygt        ltsGetSpecialDiscountedBo
okingForPartners            xmlnss'http//www.
MyHotel.com/partnerservice/' gt       Â
lt!--Parameters passed with the method
call--gt        lt/sGetSpecialDiscountedBookingFo
rPartnersgt     lt/SOAP-EnvBodygt
11Listing 2 SOAP Response
HTTP/1.0 200 OKContent-Type text/xml
charsetutf-8Content-Length 1474lt?xml
version"1.0"gtltSOAP-ENVEnvelope  Â
velope/' gt  ltSOAP-ENVBodygt    Â
rvice/" gt          lt!-- Booking
confirmation details--gt     lt/mGetSpecialDiscou
ntedBookingForPartnersResponsegt Â
121st Generation Web Services
SOAP Server
Hotel Class
SOAP Client
132ND Generation Web Services
SOAP Server
Hotel Class
SOAP Server
Tour Planning Class
SOAP Client
143RD Generation Web Services
SOAP Server
Plane Class
SOAP Server
Hotel Class
SOAP Server
Tour Planning Class
SOAP Client
SOAP Server
Tour Planning Class
15WS Security
SOAP Server
Hotel Class
SOAP Client
- SOAP Server (SOAP Aware Firewall)
- inspect SOAP message
- match user roles with access lists
- XML Signature
- XML Encryption
- WSS (SOAP specific use of XMLEnc and XMLDsig)
- Security Access Markup Language (SAML) for
- single sign on replacing HTTP cookies
- XACML (extensible Access Control Markup
Language) - to express authorization and access policies
16XML SignatureAn IETF/W3C Recommendation
17XML Digital Signatures
- Quick Review
- Message Digest
- message digest algorithm -gt hash value
- transmit (message,hash value) pair
- useful for checking if errors occurred
- Problem
- Mallory might replace the message, hash value
pair with her own message, hash value pair.
18XML Digital Signatures
- Solution (1) get a symmetric key
- involved in the calculation of the hash.
- Solution (2) Given a message m,
- compute a hash of m and encrypt the
- hash with an asymmetric private key.
- Mallory doesnt know the keys. So, she
- cant forge the signature.
- But how do we do this in XML?
19XML Signature
- XML Signatures are digital signatures used in XML
transactions - May be used to sign only a portion of an XML
document. The document might have - a long history with different parts holding
different signatures - The signature may apply to XML or non-XML data
20Referencing What is Signed
- The XML Signature may hold a URI.
- This allows to point to a signed entity that may
reside elsewhere. - Or, the signed content may be available in the
XML document holding the signature.
21XMLDsig General Form
The Components of an XML Signature
22The ltReferencegt Element
- Each signed resource is specified with
- a ltReferencegt element
- A typical ltReferencegt element will contain
- - a pointer to what is signed
- - a digest method (for example SHA1)
- - and a digest value of the signed data in
- base 64 notation
23The ltReferencegt Element
This is the location of the document being signed.
- ltReference URI http//.../po.xmlgt
- ltDigestMethodgt.lt/DigestMethodgt
- ltDigestValuegt calculated digest of
- po.xml
- lt/DigestValuegt
- lt/Referencegt
24We may have many references
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, digest method,
digest value - lt/Referencegt
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, digest method,
digest value - lt/Referencegt
25Place Within a SignedInfo Element
- ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethodgt algorithm used
on -
SignedInfo -
element - ltSignatureMethodgt for example dsa-sha1
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, digest
method, digest value - lt/Referencegt
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, digest
method, digest value - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
26Compute Digest of SignedInfo
- ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethodgt algorithm used
on -
SignedInfo element - ltSignatureMethodgt for example dsa-sha1
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, digest
method, digest value - lt/Referencegt
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, digest
method, digest value - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
27Sign the digest and place value in a
SignatureValue element
- ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethodgt algorithm used
on SignedInfo element - ltSignatureMethodgt for example dsa-sha1
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, digest
method, digest value - lt/Referencegt
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, digest
method, digest value - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
- ltSignatureValuegtBase 64 signature of the
SignedInfo Element - lt/SignatureValuegt
28Enclose in a Signature Element
- ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethodgt algorithm used
on SignedInfo -
element - ltSignatureMethodgt for example dsa-sha1
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, method,
digest value - lt/Referencegt
- ltReferencegt
- pointer, method,
digest value - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
- ltSignatureValuegtBase 64 signature of the
SignedInfo Element - lt/SignatureValuegt
29We may include KeyInfo
- ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationgt
- ltSignatureMethodgt
- ltReferencegt
- ltReferencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
- ltSignatureValuegtBase 64 signature of the
SignedInfo Element - lt/SignatureValuegt
- ltKeyInfogt
- ltX509Datagt
- ltX509SubjectNamegtCNCristina
McCarthy, OCMU, - ltX509Certificategt base 64 public
key and identity signed by a CA - lt/X509Certificategt
- lt/X509Datagt
- lt/KeyInfogt
30KeyInfo Element in XMLDsig
- Optional element
- Holds key information required to validate the
signature or - Points to that key information
- May have children such as
- ltPGPDatagt ltSPKIDatagt ltX509Datagt
31What Can Mallory Do?
- Can she modify the CA signed certificate so that
someone else appears to have signed the document? - Can she modify what is being pointed by the
reference element? - Can she change the canonicalization method?
- Can she change the contents of the signature
method tag?
- 1. Canonicalize the SignedInfo element.
- 2. Compute the digest of the SignedInfo
- element using the method described within it
- 3. Compare the above value with that value
- got from applying the signers public key
- to the value in the SignatureValue element
- 4. Compute digests of referenced items (after any
- transformations) and compare those digests
- found within each reference tag
33Using IBMs XML Security Suite
34Sign a grade book
- Gradebook.xml
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltGradeBookgt
- ltStudentgt
- ltScoregt100lt/Scoregt
- ltScoregt89lt/Scoregt
- lt/Studentgt
- lt/GradeBookgt
35We need keys
- D\..\95-804\IBMXMLSecuritySuite\SampleSign2gt
- keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keystore
test.keystore - -dname "CNMike McCarthy, OUHeinz School,
- OCMU, LPgh, SPA, CUS" -alias mjm
- -storepass sesame -keypass sesame
Creates test.keystore holding keys and a
self-signed certificate
36Run XSS4Js SampleSign2
- D\...\95-804\IBMXMLSecuritySuite\
- SampleSign2gtjava SampleSign2 mjm
- sesame sesame
- -embxml gradebook.xml gt signature.xml
- Key store test.keystore
- Sign 851ms
37Examine Signature.xml
- ltSignature xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsi
g"gt - ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethod Algorithm"http//www.
zationMethodgt - ltSignatureMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/
2000/09/xmldsigrsa-sha1"gtlt/SignatureMethodgt -
38We are signing resource 0
Transforms Prior to hashing
- ltReference URI"Res0"gt
- ltTransformsgt
- ltTransform Algorithm"http//www.w3.
org/TR/2001/REC-xml- -
c14n-20010315"gt - lt/Transformgt
- lt/Transformsgt
- ltDigestMethod
- Algorithm"http//www.w3.org
/2000/09/xmldsigsha1"gt - lt/DigestMethodgt
- ltDigestValuegtm6f9xhOc4iEXokD/29V9EsdY3yI
- lt/DigestValuegt
- lt/Referencegt
39- lt/SignedInfogt
- ltSignatureValuegt
- Gll1H/uplOwfaX3j7ST6UqQlc92Hx2nsCdN2KWz32CW0
36nVN8GVfnFl1M86WQd19/RsAnA -
- lt/SignatureValuegt
40- ltKeyInfogt
- ltKeyValuegt
- ltRSAKeyValuegt
- ltModulusgt
- 7V5eyhVaw0clED11H6PTPoKQA1VxrLAugU3QxKA0
hbbUOiavFbqCdc6ZFe9JZFMkS - IqdlkhwWwdAIsRyrN4V2DWm1fxyYQf6bdZgCa
VVgkST1BpQxBTgNKRcS5VbLrXf - 4MXb5TbhAeo1Qbr2IjlV10aLbVhUk/gylagk
- lt/Modulusgt
- ltExponentgtAQABlt/Exponentgt
- lt/RSAKeyValuegt
- lt/KeyValuegt
41- ltX509Datagt
- ltX509IssuerSerialgt
- ltX509IssuerNamegtCNMike
McCarthy,OUHeinz - School,OCMU,LPgh,STPA,CUS
- lt/X509IssuerNamegt
- ltX509SerialNumbergt1049138061
- lt/X509SerialNumbergt
- lt/X509IssuerSerialgt
- ltX509SubjectNamegtCNMike
McCarthy,OUHeinz - School,OCMU,LPgh,STPA,CUS
- lt/X509SubjectNamegt
- ltX509Certificategt
- DEoDSFttQ6Jq8VuoJ1zpn4V70lkUyRIip2X6SHBbB34AixHKs3
hXYN - bV/7HJhB/pt1mAJpVWCRJPUGlDEFOA0pFxLlVsutd/gxdvl
- 8d9W1fR4veqhKz8L88864bNS5Wih1oEC5k/da23QicpTdXf
UyA1c - 9Zu3cGU4ulUfhFPWv0IgdpI63KQt9QwsuTxWck5dAta2KWWTv
85I - ByHXgoaDlvJ65JjT87nAPAI3
43The resource 0 object
- lt/X509Certificategt
- lt/X509Datagt
- lt/KeyInfogt
- ltdsigObject xmlns""
- Id"Res0"gt
- ltGradeBookgt
- ltStudentgt
- ltScoregt100lt/Scoregt
- ltScoregt89lt/Scoregt
- lt/Studentgt
- lt/GradeBookgt
- lt/dsigObjectgt
- lt/Signaturegt
44Lets change the low grade!
- ltdsigObject xmlns"" xmlnsdsig"http//www.w3.o
rg/2000/09/xmldsig" Id"Res0"gt - ltGradeBookgt
- ltStudentgt
- ltScoregt100lt/Scoregt
- ltScoregt100lt/Scoregt
- lt/Studentgt
- lt/GradeBookgtlt/dsigObjectgt
45And run verify
- D\McCarthy\www\95-804\IBMXMLSecuritySuite\SampleS
ign2gtjava VerifyCUI lt signature.xml - The signature has a KeyValue element.
- The signature has one or more X509Data elements.
- Checks an X509Data
- 1 certificate(s).
- Certificate Information
- Version 1
- Validity OK
- SubjectDN CNMike McCarthy, OUHeinz
School, OCMU, LPgh, STPA, CUS - IssuerDN CNMike McCarthy, OUHeinz
School, OCMU, LPgh, STPA, CUS - Serial 0x3e88938d
- Time to verify 521 msec
- Core Validity NG
- Signature Validity OK
- 0 "Res0" NG Digest value mismatch
calculated tfVyHns8wRB6l/HDU2dXZkzf7Q - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeExcept
ion Core Validity NG - at dsig.VerifyCUI.main(VerifyCUI.java137)
46Another Example PO.XML
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltPurchaseOrder xmlns"urnpurchase-order"gt
- ltCustomergt
- ltNamegtRobert Smithlt/Namegt
- ltCustomerIdgt788335lt/CustomerIdgt
- lt/Customergt
- ltItem partNum"C763"gt
- ltProductIdgt6883-JF3lt/ProductIdgt
- ltQuantitygt3lt/Quantitygt
- ltShipDategt2002-09-03lt/ShipDategt
- ltNamegtThinkPad X20lt/Namegt
- lt/Itemgt
- lt/PurchaseOrdergt
47PO After Signing
- lt?xml version'1.0' encoding'UTF-8'?gt
- ltSignedPurchaseOrdergt
- ltPurchaseOrder id"id0" xmlns"urnpurchase-o
rder"gt - ltCustomergt
- ltNamegtRobert Smithlt/Namegt
- ltCustomerIdgt788335lt/CustomerIdgt
- lt/Customergt
- ltItem partNum"C763"gt
- ltProductIdgt6883-JF3lt/ProductIdgt
- ltQuantitygt3lt/Quantitygt
- ltShipDategt2002-09-03lt/ShipDategt
- ltNamegtThinkPad X20lt/Namegt
- lt/Itemgt
- lt/PurchaseOrdergt
48- ltSignature xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsi
g"gt - ltSignedInfogt
- ltCanonicalizationMethod Algorithm"http//www
.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/gt - ltSignatureMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/
2000/09/xmldsigrsa-sha1"/gt - ltReference URI"id0"gt
- ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2
000/09/xmldsigsha1"/gt - ltDigestValuegtUfeiscUCL7QkhZtRDLWDPWLpVlAlt/D
igestValuegt - lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
49- ltSignatureValuegt
- Ptysg8WdHI2mxwryOOt5I9r9qZm/2gNFNOJyH1Wak4nCUe
gRpe72tWnsigAKZyopmgUSH3TG - aGGQF1BTSvk3JUUY/ljrw5FpTpf3hgZBi7GSWf6WtXqZvM
YGUKIlvR/421MZg7P9XRUyy37 - ZUzQHtmCYkBorEkEx1J4CYB0G2c
- lt/SignatureValuegt
50- ltKeyInfogt
- ltX509Datagt
- ltX509Certificategt
UAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCvnFQiPEJnUZnkmzoc - MjsseD8ms9HBgasZR0VOAvsby5aajsm9CtB18dDCem
DXZ2YjBdprXepfF4SLNP5ankfphhr9QXA - NJdCKpyF3jPoydckle7E7gI9w3Q4NDa4ryVOuIS2q
4EFgQUYapFv9MvQ9NNn1Q7zgzqka4XORsw - gYgGA1UdIwSBgDBgBR7FuT9bLBj3vVsgAzIeYa4hB
pEgxEqr1BNlgSVqA6nyvjHsVIvgBfwx37D - hJ5hz4azpWu1X22XqyU9fUqoQUtEAdM/MlLekBkprk
51WSS XMLDSig Listing 1
- lt?xml version1.0?gtltSOAP-ENVEnvelope    x
elope/gt    ltSOAP-ENVBodygt        ltsGetSpecial
DiscountedBookingForPartners            xmlnss
http//www.MyHotel.com/partnerservice/gt        Â
       lt!--Parameters passed with the method
call--gt        lt/sGetSpecialDiscountedBookingFo
rPartnersgt    lt/SOAP-ENVBodygtlt/SOAP-ENVEnvelop
From Web Services Security, Bilal
Siddiqui There is no XMLDS in this example.
52Sign The SOAP Request
- lt?xml version1.0?gtltSOAP-ENVEnvelope   Â
velope/Â Â Â Â xmlnsdshttp//www.w3.org/2000/09/x
mldsiggt    ltSOAP-ENVHeadergt        ltdsSigna
turegt lt! wraps all other XMLDS
elements?             ltdsSignedInfogt
lt! note the ds prefix ?             lt/dsSignedI
nfogt lt! note three children of Signature
?             ltdsSignatureValuegt             lt/
dsSignatureValuegt             ltdsKeyInfogt    Â
        lt/dsKeyInfogt        lt/dsSignaturegt   Â
lt/SOAP-ENVHeadergt    ltSOAP-ENVBodygt        lts
GetSpecialDiscountedBookingForPartners         Â
gt                lt!--Parameters passed with the
method call--gt        lt/sGetSpecialDiscountedBo
okingForPartnersgt    lt/SOAP-ENVBodygtlt/SOAP-ENV
53After Signing (1)
lt?xml version1.0?gtltSOAP-ENVEnvelope    xmlns
e/Â Â Â Â xmlnsdshttp//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsi
ggt    ltSOAP-ENVHeadergt        ltdsSignaturegt
             ltdsSignedInfogt                Â
ltdsCanonicalizationMethod                    Â
"/gt                 ltdsSignatureMethod       Â
/xmldsigrsa-sha1"/gt                Â
ltdsReference URI"GetSpecialDiscountedBookingFor
Partners"gt                    Â
ltdsTransformsgt                        Â
ltdsTransform                            Â
"/gt                     lt/dsTransformsgt      Â
54After Signing (2)
ltdsDigestMethod            Â
xmldsigsha1"/gt                    Â
ltdsDigestValuegt                        Â
BIUddkjKKo2...                    Â
lt/dsDigestValuegt                Â
lt/dsReferencegt             lt/dsSignedInfogt   Â
         ltdsSignatureValuegt                 halH
Jghyf765....             lt/dsSignatureValuegt  Â
          ltdsKeyInfogt lt! the key name for
signature verification ?                 ltdsKeyN
amegtMyKeyIdentifierlt/dsKeyNamegt             lt/ds
KeyInfogt lt! application dependent, perhaps
a symmetric key ID?         lt/dsSignaturegt    lt
55After Signing (3)
    ltSOAP-ENVBodygt        ltsGetSpecialDiscounte
dBookingForPartners            xmlnsshttp//ww
w.MyHotel.com/partnerservice/Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ID"Get
SpecialDiscountedBookingForPartners"gt           Â
    lt!--Parameters passed with the method
call--gt        lt/sGetSpecialDiscountedBookingFo
rPartnersgt    lt/SOAP-ENVBodygtlt/SOAP-ENVEnvelo
56XML Encryption
- W3C Recommendation 10 December 2002
- Notes from
- http//www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-e
ncrypt/index.html - by Bilal Siddiqui
- And Secure XML by Eastlake and Niles
Addison Wesley
57General Form 1
- ltEncryptedDatagt
- ltCipherDatagt
- ltCipherValuegt
- cipher text in Base 64
- lt/CipherValuegt
- lt/CipherDatagt
- lt/EncryptedDatagt
58General Form 2
- ltEncryptedDatagt
- ltCipherDatagt
- ltCipherReferencegt
- pointer (URL) to cipher text
- lt/CipherReferencegt
- lt/CipherDatagt
- lt/EncryptedDatagt
59EncryptedData is the core element
- Replaces the encrypted element or
- Serves as the new document root
- May contain a KeyInfo element that describes the
key needed for decryption (borrowed from XML
Digital Signature) or - signature verification
60General Example (1)
- ltMedInfogt
- ltIDgt
- ltNamegt
- ltAddressgt
- lt/IDgt
- ltMedicalgtlt/Medicalgt
- ltFinancialgtlt/Financialgt
- lt/MedInfogt
61General Example (2)
- ltMedInfogt
- ltIDgt.lt/IDgt
- ltEncryptedDatagt
- ltKeyInfogt
- ltKeyNamegtMedical
- lt/KeyInfogt
- ltCipherDatagt
- ltCipherValuegt cipher text
- lt/EncryptedDatagt
62General Example (3)
- ltFinancialgt
- ltEncryptedDatagt
- ltKeyInfogt
- ltKeyNamegtPay
- lt/KeyInfogt
- ltCipherDatagt
- ltCipherValuegt cipher text
- lt/EncryptedDatagt
- lt/Finacialgt
- lt/MedInfogt
63Detailed Example (Listing 1)
- ltpurchaseOrdergt
- ltOrdergt
- ltItemgtbooklt/Itemgt
- ltIdgt123-958-74598lt/Idgt
- ltQuantitygt12lt/Quantitygt
- lt/Ordergt
- ltPaymentgt
- ltCardIdgt123654-8988889-9996874lt/CardI
dgt - ltCardNamegtvisalt/CardNamegt
- ltValidDategt12-10-2004lt/ValidDategt
- lt/Paymentgt
- lt/purchaseOrdergt
64Encrypting the Entire File (Listing 2)
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltEncryptedData xmlns'http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xm
lenc' Type'http//www.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assi
gnments/media-types/text/xml'gt - ltCipherDatagt
- ltCipherValuegtA23B45C56lt/CipherValuegt
- lt/CipherDatagt
- lt/EncryptedDatagt
IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority a
function of The Internet Corporationfor
Assigned Names and Numbers
65Encrypting The Payment (Listing 3)
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltPurchaseOrdergt
- ltOrdergt
- ltItemgtbooklt/Itemgt
- ltIdgt123-958-74598lt/Idgt
- ltQuantitygt12lt/Quantitygt
- lt/Ordergt
- ltEncryptedData
- Type'http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xm
lencElement' - xmlns'http//www.w3.org/2001/04/
xmlenc'gt - ltCipherDatagt
- ltCipherValuegtA23B45C564587lt
/CipherValuegt - lt/CipherDatagt
- lt/EncryptedDatagt
- lt/PurchaseOrdergt
One element
66Encrypting Only the CardId (Listing 4)
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltPurchaseOrdergt
- ltOrdergt
- ltItemgtbooklt/Itemgt
- ltIdgt123-958-74598lt/Idgt
- ltQuantitygt12lt/Quantitygt
- lt/Ordergt
- ltPaymentgt
- ltCardIdgt
- ltEncryptedData
- Type'http//www.w3.org/2001/04/x
mlencContent' - xmlns'http//www.w3.o
rg/2001/04/xmlenc'gt - ltCipherDatagt
- ltCipherValuegtA23B45C564587lt
/CipherValuegt - lt/CipherDatagt
- lt/EncryptedDatagt
- lt/CardIdgt
- ltCardNamegtvisalt/CardNamegt
- ltValidDategt12-10-2004lt/CardNamegt
Element content
67Encrypting Non-XML Data (Listing 5)
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltEncryptedData xmlns'http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xm
len' - Type'http//www.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assig
nments/media-types/jpeg' gt - ltCipherDatagt
- ltCipherValuegtA23B45C56lt/CipherVal
uegt - lt/CipherDatagt
- lt/EncryptedDatagt