Jim Demmel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jim Demmel


Title: Optimizing Matrix Multiply Author: Kathy Yelick Description: Based on s by Jim Demmel and others Last modified by: Nicola Mastronardi Created Date – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jim Demmel

Minimizing Communication in Numerical Linear
n Lower Bounds for Direct Linear Algebra
  • Jim Demmel
  • EECS Math Departments, UC Berkeley
  • demmel_at_cs.berkeley.edu

  • Recall Motivation
  • Lower bound proof for Matmul, by
  • How to generalize it to linear algebra without
    orthogonal xforms
  • How to generalize it to linear algebra with
    orthogonal xforms
  • Summary of linear algebra problems for which the
    lower bound is attainable
  • Summary of extensions to Strassen

  • Grey Ballard, UCB EECS
  • Ioana Dumitriu, U. Washington
  • Laura Grigori, INRIA
  • Ming Gu, UCB Math
  • Mark Hoemmen, UCB EECS
  • Olga Holtz, UCB Math TU Berlin
  • Julien Langou, U. Colorado Denver
  • Marghoob Mohiyuddin, UCB EECS
  • Oded Schwartz , TU Berlin
  • Hua Xiang, INRIA
  • Kathy Yelick, UCB EECS NERSC
  • BeBOP group, bebop.cs.berkeley.edu

Motivation (1/2)
  • Two kinds of costs
  • Arithmetic (FLOPS)
  • Communication moving data between
  • levels of a memory hierarchy (sequential case)
  • over a network connecting processors (parallel

Motivation (2/2)
  • Running time of an algorithm is sum of 3 terms
  • flops time_per_flop
  • words moved / bandwidth
  • messages latency
  • Exponentially growing gaps between
  • Time_per_flop ltlt 1/Network BW ltlt Network Latency
  • Improving 59/year vs 26/year vs 15/year
  • Time_per_flop ltlt 1/Memory BW ltlt Memory Latency
  • Improving 59/year vs 23/year vs 5.5/year
  • Goal reorganize linear algebra to avoid
  • Between all memory hierarchy levels
  • L1 L2 DRAM network, etc
  • Not just hiding communication (speedup ? 2x )
  • Arbitrary speedups possible

Direct linear algebra Prior Work on Matmul
  • Assume n3 algorithm (i.e. not Strassen-like)
  • Sequential case, with fast memory of size M
  • Lower bound on words moved to/from slow memory
    ? (n3 / M1/2 ) Hong Kung (1981)
  • Attained using blocked or recursive
    (cache-oblivious) algorithm
  • Parallel case on P processors
  • Let NNZ be total memory needed assume load
  • Lower bound on words communicated
    ? (n3 /(P NNZ )1/2 )
    Irony, Tiskin Toledo (2004)
  • When NNZ 3n2 , (2D alg), get ? (n2 / P1/2 )
  • Attained by Cannons Algorithm
  • For 3D alg (NNZ O(n2 P1/3 )), get ? (n2 /
    P2/3 )
  • Attainable too (details later)

Direct linear algebra Generalizing Prior Work
  • Sequential case words moved
  • ? (n3 / M1/2 ) ? (flops / (fast_memory_size)1/
    2 )
  • Parallel case words moved
  • ? (n3 /(P NNZ )1/2 ) ? ((n3 /P) / (NNZ/P)1/2
  • ? (flops_per_proc / (memory_per_processor)1/2
  • (true for at least one processor, assuming
    balance in either flops or in memory)
  • In both cases, we let M memory size, and write

words_moved by at least one processor ?
(flops / M1/2 )
Lower bound for all direct linear algebra
  • words_moved by at least one processor
  • (flops / M1/2 )
  • messages_sent by at least one processor
  • (flops / M3/2 )
  • Holds for
  • Matmul, BLAS, LU, QR, eig, SVD
  • Need to explain model of computation
  • Some whole programs (sequences of these
    operations, no matter how they are interleaved)
  • Dense and sparse matrices (where flops ltlt n3 )
  • Sequential and parallel algorithms
  • Some graph-theoretic algorithms

Proof of Communication Lower Bound on C AB
  • Proof from Irony/Toledo/Tiskin (2004)
  • Original proof, then generalization
  • Think of instruction stream being executed
  • Looks like add, load, multiply, store,
    load, add,
  • Each load/store moves a word between fast and
    slow memory, or between local memory and remote
    memory (another processor)
  • We want to count the number of loads and stores,
    given that we are multiplying n-by-n matrices C
    AB using the usual 2n3 flops, possibly
    reordered assuming addition is commutative/associa
  • Assuming that at most M words can be stored in
    fast memory
  • Outline
  • Break instruction stream into segments, each with
    M loads and stores
  • Somehow bound the maximum number of flops that
    can be done in each segment, call it F
  • So F segments ? T total flops 2n3 ,
    so segments ? T / F
  • So loads stores M segments ? M T /

Illustrating Segments, for M3
Proof of Communication Lower Bound on C AB
  • Proof from Irony/Toledo/Tiskin (2004)
  • Original proof, then generalization
  • Think of instruction stream being executed
  • Looks like add, load, multiply, store,
    load, add,
  • Each load/store moves a word between fast and
    slow memory
  • We want to count the number of loads and stores,
    given that we are multiplying n-by-n matrices C
    AB using the usual 2n3 flops, possibly reordered
    assuming addition is commutative/associative
  • Assuming that at most M words can be stored in
    fast memory
  • Outline
  • Break instruction stream into segments, each with
    M loads and stores
  • Somehow bound the maximum number of flops that
    can be done in each segment, call it F
  • So F segments ? T total flops 2n3 ,
    so segments ? T / F
  • So loads stores M segments ? M T /

Proof of Communication Lower Bound on C AB
  • Given segment of instruction stream with M loads
    stores, how many adds multiplies (F) can we
  • At most 2M entries of C, 2M entries of A and/or
    2M entries of B can be accessed
  • Use geometry
  • Represent n3 multiplications by n x n x n cube
  • One n x n face represents A
  • each 1 x 1 subsquare represents one A(i,k)
  • One n x n face represents B
  • each 1 x 1 subsquare represents one B(k,j)
  • One n x n face represents C
  • each 1 x 1 subsquare represents one C(i,j)
  • Each 1 x 1 x 1 subcube represents one C(i,j)
    A(i,k) B(k,j)
  • May be added directly to C(i,j), or to temporary

Proof of Communication Lower Bound on C AB
C face
B face
  • If we have at most 2M A squares, 2M B
    squares, and 2M C squares on faces, how many
    cubes can we have?

A face
Proof of Communication Lower Bound on C AB
(i,k) is in A shadow if (i,j,k) in 3D set
(j,k) is in B shadow if (i,j,k) in 3D set
(i,j) is in C shadow if (i,j,k) in 3D
set Thm (Loomis Whitney, 1949) cubes in
3D set Volume of 3D set (area(A shadow)
area(B shadow) area(C shadow)) 1/2
cubes in black box with side lengths x, y
and z Volume of black box xyz ( xz zy
yx)1/2 (A?s B?s C?s )1/2
Proof of Communication Lower Bound on C AB
  • Consider one segment of instructions with M
    loads, stores
  • Can be at most 2M entries of A, B, C available in
    one segment
  • Volume of set of cubes representing possible
    multiply/adds in one segment is (2M 2M
    2M)1/2 (2M) 3/2 F
  • Segments ? ?2n3 / F?
  • Loads Stores M Segments ? M ?2n3 / F?
  • ? n3 / (2M)1/2 M
    ?(n3 / M1/2 )
  • Parallel Case apply reasoning to one processor
    out of P
  • Adds and Muls ? 2n3 / P (at least one proc
    does this )
  • M n2 / P (each processor gets equal fraction of
  • Load Stores words moved from or to
    other procs ? M (2n3 /P) / F M (2n3 /P) /
    (2M)3/2 n2 / (2P)1/2

Proof of Loomis-Whitney inequality
  • T 3D set of 1x1x1 cubes on lattice
  • N T cubes
  • Tx projection of T onto x0 plane
  • Nx Tx squares in Tx, same for Ty, Ny, etc
  • Goal N (Nx Ny Nz)1/2
  • T(xi) subset of T with xi
  • T(xi y ) projection of T(xi) onto y0
  • N(xi) T(xi) etc
  • N ?i N(xi) ?i (N(xi))1/2
  • ?i (Nx)1/2 (N(xi))1/2
  • (Nx)1/2 ?i (N(xi y ) N(xi z )
  • (Nx)1/2 ?i (N(xi y ) )1/2 (N(xi
    z ) )1/2
  • (Nx)1/2 (?i N(xi y ) )1/2 (?i
    N(xi z ) )1/2
  • (Nx)1/2 (Ny)1/2 (Nz)1/2

  • Prove more general statement of Loomis-Whitney
  • Suppose T is d-dimensional
  • N T d-dimensional cubes in T
  • T(i) is projection of T onto hyperplane x(i)0
  • N(i) d-1 dimensional volume of T(i)
  • Show N ?i1 to d (N(i))1/(d-1)

How to generalize this lower bound (1/4)
  • It doesnt depend on C(i,j) being a matrix entry,
    just a unique memory location (same for A(i,k)
    and B(k,j) )
  • It doesnt depend on C and A not overlapping (or
    C and B, or A and B)
  • Some reorderings may change answer still get a
    lower bound for all reorderings
  • It doesnt depend on doing n3 multiply/adds
  • It doesnt depend on C(i,j) just being a sum of

C(i,j) ?k A(i,k)B(k,j)
For all (i,j) ? S Mem(c(i,j))
fij ( gijk ( Mem(a(i,k)) , Mem(b(k,j)) ) for k ?
Sij , some other arguments)
How to generalize this lower bound (2/4)
  • It does assume the presence of an operand
    generating a load and/or store how could this
    not happen?
  • Mem(b(k,j)) could be reused in many more gijk
    than (P) allows
  • Ex Compute C(m) A (B.m) (Matlab notation)
    for m1 to t
  • Can move many fewer words than ? (flops / M1/2 )
  • We might generate a result during a segment, use
    it, and discard it, without generating any memory
  • Turns out QR, eig, SVD all may do this
  • Need a different analysis for them later

How to generalize this lower bound (3/4)
  • Need to distinguish Sources, Destinations of
    each operand in fast memory during a segment
  • Possible Sources
  • S1 Already in fast memory at start of segment,
    or read at most 2M
  • S2 Created during segment no bound without
    more information
  • Possible Destinations
  • D1 Left in fast memory at end of segment, or
    written at most 2M
  • D2 Discarded no bound without more information
  • Need to assume no S2/D2 arguments at most 4M of

How to generalize this lower bound (4/4)
  • Theorem To evaluate (P) with memory of size M,
  • fij and gijk are nontrivial functions of their
  • G is the total number of gijks,
  • No S2/D2 arguments
  • requires at least G/ (8M)1/2 M slow
    memory references
  • Simpler words_moved ? (flops / M1/2 )
  • Corollary To evaluate (P) requires at least
    G/ (81/2 M3/2 ) 1
    messages (simpler ? (flops / M3/2 ) )
  • Proof maximum message size is M

Some Corollaries of this lower bound (1/4)
words_moved ? (flops / M1/2 )
  • Theorem applies to dense or sparse, parallel or
  • MatMul, including ATA or A2
  • Triangular solve C A-1X
  • C(i,j) (X(i,j) - ?klti A(i,k)C(k,j)) / A(i,i)
    A lower triangular
  • C plays double role of b and c in Model (P)
  • LU factorization (any pivoting, LU or ILU)
  • L(i,j) (A(i,j) - ?kltj L(i,k)U(k,j)) / U(j,j),
    U(i,j) A(i,j) - ?klti L(i,k)U(k,j)
  • L (and U) play double role as c and a (c and b)
    in Model (P)
  • Cholesky (any diagonal pivoting, C or IC)
  • L(i,j) (A(i,j) - ?kltj L(i,k)LT(k,j)) / L(j,j),
    L(j,j) (A(j,j) - ?kltj L(j,k)LT(k,j))1/2
  • L (and LT) play triple role as a, b and c

Some Corollaries of this lower bound (2/4)
words_moved ? (flops / M1/2 )
  • Applies to simplified operations
  • Ex 1 Compute ABF where A(i,k) f(i,k) and
    B(k,j) g(k,j), so no inputs and 1 output
    assume each f(i,k) and g(k,j) evaluated once
  • Ex 2 Compute determinant of A(i,j) f(i,j)
    using LU
  • Apply lower bound by imposing reads and writes
  • Ex 1 Every time a final value of (AB)(i,j) is
    computed, write it every time f(i,k),
    g(k,j) evaluated, insert a read
  • Ex 2 Every time a final value of L(i,j), U(i,j)
    computed, write it every time f(i,j)
    evaluated, insert a read
  • Still get ? (flops / M1/2 3n2) words_moved,
    by subtracting imposed reads/writes (sparse
    case analogous)

Some Corollaries of this lower bound (3/4)
words_moved ? (flops / M1/2 )
Some Corollaries of this lower bound (4/4)
words_moved ? (flops / M1/2 )
  • Applies to some graph algorithms
  • Ex All-Pairs-Shortest-Path by Floyd-Warshall
  • Matches (P) with gijk and fij min
  • Get words_moved ? (n3 / M1/2) , for dense
  • Homework state result for sparse graphs how
    does n3 change?

Initialize all path(i, j) length of edge from
node i to j (or ? if none) for k 1 to n
for i 1 to n for j 1 to n
path(i, j) min ( path(i, j),
path(i, k) path(k, j) )
3D parallel matrix multiplication C C A B
  • p procs arranged in p1/3 x p1/3 x p1/3
  • grid, with tree networks along fibers
  • Each A(i,k), B(k,j), C(i,j) is n/p1/3 x n/p1/3
  • Initially
  • Proc (i,j,0) owns C(i,j)
  • Proc (i,0,k) owns A(i,k)
  • Proc (0,j,k) owns B(k,j)
  • Algorithm
  • For all (i,k), broadcast A(i,k) to proc (i,j,k) ?
  • comm. cost log p1/3 ? ? log p1/3
    ? n2 / p2/3 ?
  • For all (j,k), broadcast B(k,j) to proc(i,j,k) ?
    j same comm. cost
  • For all (i,j,k) Tmp(i,j,k) A(i,k) ? B(k,j)
    cost (2(n/p1/3)3) 2n3/p flops
  • For all (i,j), reduce C(i,j) ?k Tmp(i,j,k)
    same comm. Cost
  • Total comm. cost O(log(p) ? n2 / p2/3 ?
    log(p) ? ?)
  • Lower bound ?((n3/p)/(n2/p2/3)1/2 ?
    (n3/p)/(n2/p2/3)3/2 ?) ?(n2/p2/3 ? ?)
  • Lower bound also attainable for all n2/p2/3 ? M
    n2/px ? n2/p Toledo et al

So when doesnt Model (P) apply?
words_moved ? (flops / M1/2 )
  • Ex for r 1 to t, C(r) A (B.(1/r))
    Matlab notation
  • (P) does not apply
  • With A(i,k) and B(k,j) in memory, we can do t
    operations, not just 1 gijk
  • Cant apply (P) with arguments b(k,j) indexed in
    one-to-one fashion
  • Can still analyze using segments, Loomis-Whitney
  • flops/segment ? 8(tM3)1/2
  • segments ? (t n3 ) / 8(tM3)1/2
  • words_moved ? (t1/2 n3 / M1/2 ), not ? (t
    n3 / M1/2 )
  • Attainable, using variation of usual blocked
    matmul algorithm
  • Homework! (Hint need to recompute (B(j,k))1/r
    when needed)

Lower bounds for Orthogonal Transformations (1/4)
  • Needed for QR, eig, SVD,
  • Analyze Blocked Householder Transformations
  • ?j1 to b (I 2 uj uTj ) I U T UT where U
    u1 , , ub
  • Treat Givens as 2x2 Householder
  • Model details and assumptions
  • Write (I U T UT )A A U(TUT A) A UZ
    where Z T(UT A)
  • Only count operations in all A UZ operations
  • Generically a large fraction of the work
  • Assume Forward Progress, that each successive
    Householder transformation leaves previously
    created zeros zero Ok for
  • QR decomposition
  • Reductions to condensed forms (Hessenberg,
  • Possible exception bulge chasing in banded case
  • One sweep of (block) Hessenberg QR iteration

Lower bounds for Orthogonal Transformations (2/4)
  • Perform many A UZ where Z T(UT A)
  • First challenge to applying theorem need to
    collect all A-UZ into one big set to which model
    (P) applies
  • Write them all as A(i,j) A(i,j) - ?k U(i,k)
    Z(k,j) where k index of
    k-th transformation,
  • k not necessarily index of column of A it comes
  • Second challenge All Z(k,j) may be S2/D2
  • Recall S2/D2 means computed on the fly and
  • Ex An x 2n Qn x n Rn x 2n where 2n2 M so A
    fits in cache
  • Represent Q as n(n-1)/2 2x2 Householder (Givens)
  • There are n2(n-1)/2 ?(M3/2) nonzero Z(k,j), not
  • Still only do ?(M3/2) flops during segment
  • But cant use Loomis-Whitney to prove it!
  • Need a new idea

Lower bounds for Orthogonal Transformations (3/4)
  • Dealing with Z(k,j) being S2/D2
  • How to bound flops in A(i,j) A(i,j) - ?k
    U(i,k) Z(k,j) ?
  • Neither A nor U is S2/D2
  • A either turned into R or U, which are output
  • So at most 2M of each during segment
  • flops ( U(i,k) ) ( columns A(,j) present
  • ( U(i,k) ) ( A(i,j) / min
    nonzeros per column of A)
  • h O(M) / r
    where h O(M)
  • How small can r be?
  • To store h U(i,k) Householder vector entries
    in r rows, there can be at most r in the
    first column, r-1 in the second, etc.,
  • (to maintain Forward Progress) so r(r-1)/2 ?
    h so r ? h1/2
  • flops h O(M) / r O(M) h1/2 O(M3/2) as

Lower bounds for Orthogonal Transformations (4/4)
  • Theorem words_moved by QR decomposition using
    (blocked) Householder transformations ?( flops
    / M1/2 )
  • Theorem words_moved by reduction to Hessenberg
    form, tridiagonal form, bidiagonal form, or one
    sweep of QR iteration (or block versions of any
    of these) ?( flops / M1/2 )
  • Assuming Forward Progress (created zeros remain
  • Model Merge left and right orthogonal
  • A(i,j) A(i,j) - ?kLUL(i,kL) ZL(kL,j) -
    ?kRZR(i,kR) UR(j,kR)

Robust PCA (Candes, 2009)
Decompose a matrix into a low rank component and
a sparse component
Homework Apply lower bound result
Can we attain these lower bounds?
  • Do conventional dense algorithms as implemented
    in LAPACK and ScaLAPACK attain these bounds?
  • Mostly not
  • If not, are there other algorithms that do?
  • Yes
  • Several goals for algorithms
  • Minimize Bandwidth (? (flops/ M1/2 )) and
    latency (? (flops/ M3/2 ))
  • Multiple memory hierarchy levels (attain bound
    for each level?)
  • Explicit dependence on (multiple) M(s), vs cache
  • Fewest flops when fits in smallest memory
  • What about sparse algorithms?

Recall Minimizing latency requires new data
  • To minimize latency, need to load/store whole
    rectangular subblock of matrix with one message
  • Incompatible with conventional columnwise
    (rowwise) storage
  • Ex Rows (columns) not in contiguous memory
  • Blocked storage store as matrix of bxb blocks,
    each block stored contiguously
  • Ok for one level of memory hierarchy, what if
  • Recursive blocked storage store each block
    using subblocks

Recall Blocked vs Cache-Oblivious Algorithms
  • Blocked Matmul C AB explicitly refers to
    subblocks of A, B and C of dimensions that depend
    on cache size

Break Anxn, Bnxn, Cnxn into bxb blocks labeled
A(i,j), etc b chosen so 3 bxb blocks fit in
cache for i 1 to n/b, for j1 to n/b, for
k1 to n/b C(i,j) C(i,j) A(i,k)B(k,j)
b x b matmul another level of
memory would need 3 more loops
  • Cache-oblivious Matmul C AB is independent of

Function C MM(A,B) If A and B are 1x1 C
A B else Break Anxn, Bnxn, Cnxn into
(n/2)x(n/2) blocks labeled A(i,j), etc for
i 1 to 2, for j 1 to 2, for k 1 to
2 C(i,j) C(i,j) MM( A(i,k), B(k,j)
) n/2 x n/2 matmul
Summary of dense sequential algorithms attaining
communication lower bounds
  • Algorithms shown minimizing Messages assume
    (recursive) block layout
  • Many references (see reports), only some shown,
    plus ours
  • Older references may or may not include
  • Cache-oblivious are underlined, Green are ours,
    ? is unknown/future work

Algorithm 2 Levels of Memory 2 Levels of Memory Multiple Levels of Memory Multiple Levels of Memory
Words Moved and Messages Words Moved and Messages
BLAS-3 Usual blocked or recursive algorithms Usual blocked or recursive algorithms Usual blocked algorithms (nested), or recursive Gustavson,97 Usual blocked algorithms (nested), or recursive Gustavson,97
Cholesky LAPACK (with b M1/2) Gustavson 97 BDHS09 Gustavson,97 Ahmed,Pingali,00 BDHS09 (?same) (?same)
LU with pivoting LAPACK (rarely) Toledo,97 , GDX 08 GDX 08 Toledo, 97 GDX 08? GDX 08?
QR LAPACK (rarely) Elmroth,Gustavson,98 DGHL08 Frens,Wise,03 DGHL08 Elmroth, Gustavson,98 DGHL08 ? Frens,Wise,03 DGHL08 ?
Summary of dense 2D parallel algorithms
attaining communication lower bounds
  • Assume nxn matrices on P processors, memory per
    processor O(n2 / P)
  • Many references (see reports), Green are ours
  • ScaLAPACK assumes best block size b chosen
  • Recall lower bounds
  • words_moved ?( n2 / P1/2 ) and
    messages ?( P1/2 )

Algorithm Reference Factor exceeding lower bound for words_moved Factor exceeding lower bound for messages
Matrix multiply Cannon, 69 1 1
Cholesky ScaLAPACK log P log P
LU GDX08 ScaLAPACK log P log P log P log P N / P1/2
QR DGHL08 ScaLAPACK log P log P log3 P log P N / P1/2
Sym Eig, SVD BDD10 ScaLAPACK log P log P log3 P N / P1/2
Nonsym Eig BDD10 ScaLAPACK log P log P P1/2 log3 P log P N
Recent Communication Optimal Algorithms
  • QR with column pivoting
  • Cholesky with diagonal pivoting
  • LU with complete pivoting
  • LDL with complete pivoting
  • Sparse Cholesky
  • For matrices with good separators
  • For most sparse matrices (as hard as dense case)

Homework Extend lower bound
  • To algorithms using (block) Givens rotations
    instead of (block) Householder transformations
  • To QR done with Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
  • CGS and MGS
  • To heterogeneous collections of processors
  • Suppose processor k
  • Does ?(k) flops per second
  • Has reciprocal bandwidth ?(k)
  • Has latency ?(k)
  • What is a lower bound on solution time, for any
    fractions of work assigned to each processor
    (i.e. not all equal)
  • To a homogenous parallel shared memory machine
  • All data initially resides in large shared memory
  • Processors communicate by data written to/read
    from slow memory
  • Each processor has local fast memory size M

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