??????????? ???? Notes on the Text - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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??????????? ???? Notes on the Text


Notes on the Text Ding Feifei line (3) 01 02 03 04 (4) 07 (5) 08 09 10 11 (6) 13 14 15 16 (7) 16 17 18 (8) 19 20 21 (9 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ??????????? ???? Notes on the Text

???????????????Notes on the Text
  • Ding Feifei

  • (3) 01 02 03 04 (4) 07 (5) 08 09 10 11 (6) 13 14
    15 16 (7) 16 17 18 (8) 19 20 21 (9) 21 22 23 24
    25 26 (10) 28 29 30 31 32 (11) 33 34 35 (12)36 37
    38 (13) 38 39 (14) 40 41 42 43 44 45 (15) 47 (16)
    48 49 (17) 49 50 51 52 (18) 52 53 (19) 56 57 58
    59 (20) 61 62 63 64 (21) 67 68 69 (22) 70 71 72
    (23) 73 74 (24) 75 76 77 78 79 (25) 80 81 82 83
    84 (26) 85 86 87 88 89 (27) 89 90 91 92 (28) 92
    93 94 (29) 95 96 (30) 96 97 (31) 98 99 (32) 101
    102 103 104 105 (33) 106 107 108 (34) 110 111

Line 1-4
  • 1 coastguardsman a member of a coast guard
  • 2 under way (esp of a ship) mover through the
  • 3 hold the space in a ship in which goods are
  • 4 be loaded with be carried by a vehicle

Line 7
  • 7 quite the same as for folk ashore just like
    people on the land
  • Thanksgiving celebrated in the US on the
    fourth Thursday in November, it is the most
    important holiday apart from Christmas for many
    Americans. Thanksgiving is associated with the
    time when Europeans first came to North America.
    It is observed as a legal holiday in the United
    States to honor the feast held at Plymouth in
    1621 by the Pilgrims and local Indians and marked
    by the giving of thanks to God for harvest and
    health. Today people celebrated Thanksgiving to
    remember those early days. The most important
    part of the celebration is a traditional dinner
    with foods that come from North America. The meal
    includes turkey, sweet potatoes and cranberries.
    On Thanksgiving there are special television
    programmes and sports events.

Line 8-11
  • 8-9 Thanksgiving morning had seen us busily
    preparing a traditional dinner featuring roast
    turkey On Thanksgiving morning, we were busily
    preparing a traditional dinner with roast turkey
    as the main dish
  • 9 feature have sth as an important part
  • 11 clean up remove the dirt from sth or

Line 13-16
  • 13 afterdeck the part of a ship's deck past
    amidships toward the stern
  • 14 made my way out there went out there
  • draught a current of unpleasantly cold air
    blowing through a room
  • 16 get to sth/ doing sth begin to give serious
    attention to or deal with

Line 16-18
  • 16-17 the Pilgrims, Indians, wild turkeys,
    pumpkins, corn on the cob The Pilgrims refer to
    the English colonists who settled in America in
    1620. Indians refer to the Native American
    peoples. Wild turkeys, pumpkins and corn on the
    cob are typical of the food eaten on Thanksgiving
  • 17 and the rest and so on
  • 18 in quest of seeking

Line 19-21
  • 19 personally as far as oneself is concerned
  • 20 to sense to realize
  • to result from to happen or exist because of
    something else. If something results from an
    event or activity, it is caused by that event or
    activity. If something results in a particular
    situation, it causes that situation to happen.
  • 21 reverse turn around to the opposite direction

Line 21-26
  • 21-22 at least that suggested a verbal direction
    at least by reading the word from the opposition
    direction, we could better understand it in the
    form of word.
  • 23 to pray to utter or address a prayer or
    prayers to God, a god, or another object of
  • 25 to turn over to think about, consider
  • 26 after a while shortly, soon

Line 28-32
  • 28 repay pay back, reward
  • embarrassing feeling anxious or uncomfortable
  • 29 take for granted to take a fact for granted
    is to believe it to be the truth without even
    thinking about it
  • 30 bother take trouble to do
  • sincere not pretending, honest
  • 32 particularly to a great degree especially
  • lastingly for a long time without any stop

Line 33-35
  • 33 swallowing hard To swallow is to use the
    muscles of your throat, as if moving something
    from your mouth into your stomach, because you
    are nervous or frightened, or are about to say
    something. Here the author tried to control his
    sad emotions by doing it.
  • 33-34 so they were forever beyond any possible
    expression of gratitude from me so they could no
    longer accept my expression of gratitude
  • 34 gratitude being thankful, thankfulness
  • 35 ashamed feeling shame or guilt
  • pictured thought of

Line 36-38
  • 36 cabin a room in a ship used as living
    quarters by an officer or a passenger
  • 38-39 I tried composing genuine statements of
    heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to my dad I
    tried to write to my dad, by using honest words,
    to express my sincere gratitude and thankfulness.

Line 38-39
  • 38 compose create or produce (a literary or
    musical piece)
  • genuine true sincere honestly felt
  • statement something that is said, esp.
    formally and officially
  • heartfelt deeply or sincerely felt earnest
  • appreciation an expression of gratitude
  • 39 agricultural of or relating to agriculture

Line 40-45
  • 40 mechanical of or relating to machines or
  • 41 Rev. Reverend Used as a title and form of
    address for certain clerics in many Christian
    churches. In formal usage, preceded by the the
    Reverend Jane Doe Reverend John Jones.
  • 42 principal one who holds a position of
    presiding rank, especially the head of an
    elementary school or high school
  • 45 at sea during a ships voyage on the sea
  • I find my thoughts upon I think of

Line 47
  • 47 briefly in a simple way
  • And briefly I recalled for each of them
    specific acts performed on my behalf And in a
    simple way, I recollected some particular acts
    that they had done in the interest of me
  • to recall to remember recollect
  • specific relating to one thing and not others
  • on ones behalf/ on the behalf of sb for the
    benefit of in the interest of
  • to perform to begin and carry through to
    completion do

Line 48-49
  • 48 uppermost most important
  • 49 impressed upon me made me understand or be
    aware of the importance of value of something
  • boyhood the period of being a boy

Line 49-52
  • 49-51 this graduated into a family habit of
    after-dinner quizzes at the table our family
    gradually formed a habit of doing some short oral
    or written test after dinner at the table
  • to graduate to change gradually or by degrees
  • quiz a short oral or written test
  • 51 recently lately
  • 51-52 diminish make smaller or less

Line 52-55
  • 52-55 So many times I have felt a sadness when
    exposed to modern children so immersed in the
    electronic media that they have little or no
    awareness of the marvelous world to be discovered
    in books I often fell sad when I see modern
    children so absorbed deeply in the electronic
    media that they do not or little know what a
    wonderful world one can find in a book.
  • to expose to leave uncovered make accessible
  • immerse absorb deeply
  • media a means of mass communication, such as
    newspapers, magazines, radio, or television
  • awareness knowledge
  • marvelous causing wonder, excellent

Line 56-59
  • 56 remind cause to remember
  • 57 prayer a reverent petition made to God, a
    god, or another object of worship
  • assemble bring or call together into a group or
  • 58 positive hopeful and confident, or giving
    cause for hope and confidence
  • 59 influence produce an effect on by
    imperceptible or intangible means
  • in part partly

Line 61-64
  • 61 to forgive to excuse for a fault or an
    offense pardon
  • 62 considerate (of) thoughtful of the rights and
    feelings of others
  • 63 equal one that is equal to another
  • 64 sprinkled my life with stardust given me many
    pleasant dreams and romantic feelings in my life
  • sprinkle scatter (drops or particles of sth) on
    (sth) scatter in small drops
  • stardust a pleasant dream or romantic feeling

Line 67-69
  • 67 unload remove (the load or cargo) from a
    ship, car, etc.
  • cargo the freight carried by a ship, an
    aircraft, or another vehicle
  • reload put the load or cargo again on a ship,
    car, etc.
  • 67-68 put to sea leave (the shore)
  • 68 routine a habitual or fixed way of doing
  • familiar to common
  • 69 recede become fainter move back or away from
    a point

Line 70-72
  • 70 rendezvous assemble at a prearranged time and
  • 70-71 we accorded topmost priority we took it as
    the most important thing
  • accord grant
  • topmost highest, uppermost
  • priority something that must be dealt with as
    soon as possible and before other less important
  • 72 rasp make a harsh, grating sound

Line 73-74
  • 73-74 hundred-odd shipmates came pounding up the
    deck and clustered about the two seamen somewhat
    more than a hundred sailors serving on the same
    ship as another moved along noisily up to the
    deck and grouped around the two sailors on the
    mail ship
  • pound move along heavily and noisily
  • cluster form a close group around
  • 74 bulge to (cause to) curve outward

Line 75-79
  • 75 alternately in a way that happens or follows
    in turns
  • fistfuls the amount that a fist can hold
  • bark utter in a loud, hard voice
  • successive following one after the other
  • 76 in turn one after the other in an agreed
  • amid in the middle of, among
  • 77 response a reply or an answer
  • 79 humble to cause to be modest in spirit

Line 80-84
  • 80 rather than instead of
  • previously existing or occurring before
    something else in time or order
  • 81 for Petes sake for Gods sake
  • 82 exceptional well above average extraordinary
  • 84 sentimental affectedly emotional. If you are
    sentimental, you are strongly influenced by
    emotional feelings, esp. about happy memories of
    past events or relations with other people,
    rather than by careful thought and judgement
    based on facts.

Line 85-89
  • 85 educate stimulate or develop the mental or
    moral growth of
  • 87 decade a period of ten years
  • 88 undergo go through, experience
  • swift rapid, prompt
  • 89 self-doubt a lack of trust about oneself

Line 89-92
  • 89-90 I heard more of what I had done wrong than
    what I did right I heard more people say what I
    did was wrong than they say what I did was right
  • 90 welcome giving pleasure or satisfaction
    agreeable or gratifying
  • 91 reassurance things said to comfort somebody
  • appreciate to recognize the quality,
    significance, or magnitude of
  • 92 bring back cause to return to the mind

Line 92-94
  • 92 in a flash instantly in an instant
  • 93 alongside by the side of
  • 93-94 settin down setting settin down here
    means writing
  • 94 character one of a set of symbols, such as
    letters or numbers, that are arranged to express
  • character by character one letter after the

Line 95-96
  • 95 accomplish succeed in doing complete
  • 95-96 a finished page would consume hours she
    would spent hours to finish writing one page
  • 96 consume to expend

Line 96-97
  • 96-97 I wept over the page representing my
    Grandmas recent hours invested in expressing her
    loving gratefulness to me When I read the letter
    my Grandma had recently taken time to writing to
    express her loving thanks to me, I cried.
  • weep shed (tears), cry because of
  • represent stand for symbolize
  • invest to spend time or energy doing sth
  • loving affectionate

Line 98-99
  • 98 diaper to put a diaper on
  • 99 the United States Coast Guard the US military
    service that is controlled by the US Department
    of Transportation but becomes part of the US Navy
    during a war. It was established in 1915. the
    Coast Guard stops ships suspected of carrying
    drugs and other illegal goods, and can make
    arrests. It also keeps watch to see that other
    laws of the sea are obeyed, rescues ships in
    danger and has a weather service.

Line 101-105
  • 101 insight (the ability to have) a clear, deep
    and sometimes sudden understanding of a
    complicated problem or situation
  • go about move around behave in society
  • long for thirst for
  • in secret secretly, privately
  • 103 approach to come near or nearer, as in space
    or time
  • 105 quote to repeat or copy the words of
    (another), usually with acknowledgment of the

Line 106-108
  • 106 mightily to a great degree, very much
  • merely and nothing else or more only
  • 107 achieve to attain with effort or despite
  • 107-108 that being paramount for the very
    survival of our kind for the realization of
    world peace is very important for the survival of
    our human being
  • paramount of chief concern or importance
  • survival the act or process of surviving

Line 110-111
  • 110 stationery writing paper and envelopes,
    writing materials and office supplies
  • good something that is good goodness virtue
  • 111 praise to honour, worship and express
    admiration for
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