System Configuration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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System Configuration


System Configuration Definitions – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: System Configuration

System Configuration
  • Definitions

Chapter Objectives
  • After completing this chapter you will
  • Understand the different ways to configure a
  • Understand how to replace a battery.
  • Understand and be able to identify system
    resources such as interrupts, DMA channels,
    memory addresses, and I/O addresses.
  • Understand how different architectures and local
    bus adapters are configured.
  • Understand the effects of plug and play, Windows
    9x, NT, 2000, and XP on configuring adapters.

Configuration Overview
  • Setup program Used to configure a computer
  • It indicates
  • How much RAM is installed.
  • The type and number of hard drives and floppy
  • Where the boot disk is located.
  • Date and time, etc.
  • Displays an error message if information in the
    setup program doesnt match the hardware or if a
    specific device fails to operate properly.

Setup Software
  • Most computers require Setup software to access
    the Setup program that is often built into the
    BIOS chip and accessed by specific keystrokes.
  • Sometimes BIOS requires updating and this can
    require replacing one or more chips on the
    motherboard or using an executable file.
  • Computers may need a BIOS upgrade for supporting
    more floppy drives, higher capacity hard drives,
    virus protection, password protection, or to
    solve problems with the current BIOS.

Setup Software
Setup Keystrokes
Configuration Table 1
Flash BIOS
  • Flash BIOS A type of memory that allows the
    BIOS to be changed without installing a new chip.
    The BIOS is updated via files that have been
    downloaded from the Internet.
  • Viruses can infect the Flash BIOS. Keep the BIOS
    write-protected until you need to update it.

CMOS Memory
  • CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
    chip A special type of static memory on the
    motherboard that holds the setup configuration
    information. CMOS holds the computers current
    configuration information.
  • Part of the BIOS software routine that runs after
    power on checks CMOS for information about which
    components are supposed to be installed. After
    the information is read from CMOS, these
    components are tested. This the POST that runs
    whenever the computer cold boots.
  • A small battery on the motherboard keeps the CMOS
    memory from losing the setting information. If
    the battery dies, the information is lost and
    must be reentered.
  • The wrong configuration information causes POST
    error codes or error messages that might indicate
    a hardware problem.
  • The correct Setup information should be kept by a
    technician for each computer. The wrong
    information entered into the Setup program may
    cause the computer to operate improperly or fail
    to boot.

Advanced Configuration Information
  • Many computers have an Advanced Setup with the
    following options
  • Boot Sequence This option determines if the
    computer looks first to the floppy drive, the
    hard drive, CD, or DVD drive for the operating
  • System BIOS Shadow or System BIOS Cacheable
    This setting puts a copy of the software
    contained in the BIOS into RAM.
  • PNP/PCI Configuration Setup This option is used
    to configure the PCI slots, configure the
    computer for a PNP operating system, and allow
    the BIOS to control IRQ and DMA assignments.
  • Power Saver This option turns the system off
    after a period of non-use.
  • When installing a new system, use the default
    BIOS settings until all components are tested.
  • Passwords that have been set and forgotten can be
    cleared by jumpering pins together to clear
    either the power-on password or all of the CMOS

  • Computer batteries come in various shapes and
    sizes, the most common today being a lithium
    battery about the size of a nickel (see Fig. 1).
    They slide into a special holder making them easy
    to change.
  • Older computers also used a cylindrical battery
    about 1.5 inches long that was soldered to the
    motherboard, but these batteries usually failed
    in a few years and were difficult to change.
  • Other computers use a 3.6 volt cylinder of
    lithium batteries or alkaline 4.5 volt batteries.
  • AA flashlight batteries were also used in a
    special holder and mounted inside the computer
    using velcro.
  • Other manufacturers use their own version of a
    battery pack.

Motherboard with Lithium Battery
Configuration Figure 1
Computer Batteries
Configuration Figure 2
Laptop and Device Batteries
  • Up until 1996, the most popular laptop battery
    was the NiCad (Nickel Cadmium) battery.
  • NiMH (Nickel-Metal Hydride) batteries replaced
    the NiCad. These were lighter and stored 50 more
  • Li-Ion (Lithium Ion) batteries are replacing the
    NiMH, which are very light and can hold a charge
    longer than any other type of battery, but are
    also expensive.
  • Li-Ion Polymer batteries are similar to Li-Ion,
    but are packed in pouched cells, allowing for
    smaller batteries and more efficient use of
  • Zinc-Air battery is environmentally friendly and
    hold a charge for extended amount of time.
  • Fuel Cells an upcoming technology that can hold
    a charge for 5 to 10 hours when used with a

Replacing a Battery
  • Computer batteries last 7 to 10 years, with
    Li-Ion batteries currently lasting the longest.
  • Some users will change a battery with the power
    on to prevent the loss of configuration
  • The only way to ensure the settings arent lost
    is that setup configurations must be printed or
    written down before replacing a battery.
  • Always refer to the motherboard documentation for
    the proper battery specifications and follow all
    manufacturer instructions for the proper way to
    change the battery.

Plug and Play
  • PnP (or Plug and Play) A specification that
    allows automatic configuration of an adapter.
  • There are 3 conditions that must be met for plug
    and play to work. The following items must
    support plug and play
  • The motherboard BIOS
  • The adapter thats being installed
  • The operating system
  • Adapters that are PnP may still need a device
    driver loaded due to the operating system or an
    updated version of the driver being available.

Configuration Through Switches
  • Some older computers do not have batteries or
    CMOS memory to store the configuration
    information, instead they are configured using
    special switches on the motherboard called DIP
  • DIP switches Used to set the computers
    configuration and located on the motherboard (or
    sometimes ISA adapters).
  • There are two basic models of DIP switches slide
    and rocker.

Slide DIP Switch
  • With a slide DIP switch, a sliding tab sticks up
    out of the switch bank for each switch that can
    be turned either on (closed or 1) or off (open or
  • Switch bank A group of DIP switches located
    together on the motherboard.
  • There are many different ways to label DIP
    switches and these are determined by the
    manufacturer of the particular switch or switch

Slide DIP Switch
Slide Type DIP Switch
Configuration Figure 5
Rocker DIP Switch
  • Rocker DIP switch Has a rocker switch in each
    switch position that presses down to either the
    On or Off position.
  • CAUTION Never use a pencil to change a DIP
    switch. The pencil lead may break and damage the
    switch. A small screwdriver is recommended.

Rocker DIP Switch
Rocker Type DIP Switch
Configuration Figure 6
Other Configuration Parameters
  • System Resources Parameters that are assigned
    to adapters and ports, known as Interrupt
    Requests (IRQs), I/O (Input/Output) addresses,
    DMA (Direct Memory Access) channels, and memory
  • These parameters are assigned to devices like
  • Individual adapters and ports such as disk
  • Serial, parallel, mouse, and keyboard ports
  • These are not the same as system resources used
    when discussing Windows operating systems.

IRQ (Interrupt Request)
  • IRQ (Interrupt ReQuest) A number assigned to
    expansion adapters for communication between the
    device or port and the microprocessor.
  • Cascaded Interrupts The two interrupt
    controller chips use IRQ 2 and IRQ 9 to bridge or
    cascade to the other controller chip.
  • Non-cascaded Interrupts When two interrupt
    controller chips are not bridged together. Each
    chip handles eight interrupts that connect
    directly with the microprocessor.
  • Interrupts are set through the systems Setup
    program, an adapter or devices setup program,
    switches or jumpers, Device Manager (in Windows
    9x/2000/XP), or NT Diagnostics (NT Workstation).
  • MSINFO (System Information) Shows interrupt
    conflicts in Windows 98 and Windows 2000.
  • Ports that support multiple devices only require
    one interrupt per port.

IRQ (Interrupt Request)
Cascaded Interrupts
Configuration Figure 8
IRQ (Interrupt Request)
Common Interrupt Assignments
Configuration Table 5
IRQ (Interrupt Request)
IRQs in Device Manager
Configuration Figure 9
PCI Interrupts
  • PCI devices use interrupts called INTA, INTB,
    INTC, INTD, etc. PCI devices share interrupts,
    but must still be mapped to one of the
    traditional IRQ addresses. However, using PCI
    interrupts extends the range of interrupts
    through the use of this sharing ability.
  • IRQ Steering Allows multiple PCI adapters to be
    mapped to the same traditional interrupt.
  • Some PCI cards do not share well, however it
    works reliably in most cases. If you suspect a
    resource conflict with a PCI card, move the card
    to another slot.

PCI Interrupts
IRQ Steering Window
Configuration Figure 10
I/O (Input/Output) Addresses
  • I/O addresses (Input/Output addresses) Also
    known as port addresses allow the device and the
    microprocessor to exchange data.
  • Most computers have 65,535 different I/O
  • Each device must have a unique I/O address in
    order for the microprocessor to distinguish
    between the devices and communicate with them.

I/O (Input/Output) Addresses
Decimal, Binary, and Hexadecimal Numbers
Configuration Table 6
I/O (Input/Output) Addresses
Common I/O Addresses
Configuration Table 7
I/O (Input/Output) Addresses
System Informations I/O Addresses
Configuration Figure 11
DMA (Direct Memory Access) Channels
  • DMA channel (Direct Memory Access) Allows
    adapters to bypass the microprocessor and
    communicate directly with the RAM chips.
  • This technique speeds transfers by allowing
    transferring data directly to memory.
  • A drawback is that sometime the processor must be
    put on hold for a DMA data transfer to complete.
  • Each device or adapter must have a unique DMA
    channel assigned.
  • A better and more efficient method than DMA is

DMA (Direct Memory Access) Channels
Common DMA Channel Assignments
Configuration Table 5
Memory Addresses
  • Memory Address A unique address assigned to the
    BIOS, ROM chips installed on adapters, and RAM
    chips installed in the system. The memory
    address is used by the microprocessor when it
    accesses information inside the chip. Conflicts
    can prevent an adapter or device from functioning
  • Memory addresses are shown in hexadecimal
    numbers. An example is the memory address range
    for all ROM chips is usually A00000h to FFFFFh.
  • System resources for integrated ports and
    motherboard connectors are configured through the
    BIOS Setup program.

Memory Addresses
Common Memory Address Assignments
Configuration Table 9
Memory Addresses
System Informations Memory Addresses
Configuration Figure 12
  • Utility programs Computers will use their own
    utility programs to display the interrupt, DMA,
    and I/O address information.
  • Refer to the computer documentation for
    information on how to access and use these
  • There are external utility programs such
    Symantecs System Works and others. Because of
    the many utility programs that come with
    operating systems and support for plug and play,
    these are not as necessary for technicians as in
    the past.

Configuration Overview
  • ISA, EISA, PCI, and AGP adapters must be
    configured with the proper IRQ, I/O address,
    memory address, and DMA channel.
  • Methods of configuration differ and normally
    depend on the system architecture.
  • There are standards, but manufacturers have the
    final say, so refer to documentation for the
    correct configuration.

Configuration of ISA Adapters
  • Configuration methods for ISA adapters varies and
    may be done manually through jumper and switches,
    and/or through software.
  • Configuration is determined by the manufacturer
    of the adapter and the documentation should be
    consulted for the specific instructions.

Configuration of EISA Adapters
  • EISA adapters are configured with software, very
    similar to MicroChannel adapters. The file
    extension .CFG is used for EISA configuration
  • Sometimes manufacturers recommend that all ISA
    adapters are removed during the initial
    configuration of EISA adapters. Just remember not
    to remove the video adapter.

More About Plug and Play
  • Fully supported by Windows 95, 98, 2000
    Professional, and XP.
  • Windows NT only provides minimal support and may
    require extra steps for plug and play
  • Older adapters must still be configured manually.
  • If a plug and play adapter is required to boot
    the computer (such as a video adapter), it starts
    up in an active mode with a power-on default
    configuration that allows startup and must be
    customized for the system. Conflicts with other
    adapters can occur.
  • Other adapters that dont activate during boot-up
    will stay inactive until the operating system
    activates them.
  • Again, different vendors handle the process
    different ways consult the documentation and
    dont assume anything.

Configuration of PCI and AGP Adapters
  • Easiest adapters to configure.
  • Dont have interrupt conflicts because of the
    interrupt sharing of the PCI standard.
  • Configured through the BIOS and system Setup
    software, as well as with software that comes
    with the adapter.
  • In the Windows environment, the operating system
    detects the PCI adapter and add the configuration
    information to the registry.
  • Registry A central database that holds hardware
    information and other information.

Configuration of Adapters Using Windows 9x, 2000
Professional, and XP
  • Each version of Windows operating system, whether
    its 9X, NT Workstation, 2000, or XP have
    software utilities called wizards that assist
    with configuring adapters, both manually and
    through plug and play.
  • Refer to the specific operating system
    documentation for the appropriate method of
    installing and configuring adapters.
  • Always use the specific operating system device
    driver provided with the adapter when installing
    new hardware devices. If the driver is missing,
    check the adapter manufacturers website for the
    latest version of the device driver.

Configuration of PC Cards
  • Socket Services Allow each PC Card type to
    co-exist in the same system. It also allows the
    detection of PC Card insertion and removal.
  • Device Driver A small piece of software that
    allows an operating system to access a piece of
  • Card Services The second software layer that
    allows PC Cards to operate.
  • Hot Swapping Allows the PC Card to be inserted
    into the slot when the computer is powered on.

Configuration of PC Cards
  • Generic enabler A driver that can operate with
    different PC Cards and allows assignment of
    interrupts and I/O addresses.
  • Vendor-specific enablers A driver that operates
    with one specific PC Card and requires socket
    services and card services software.
  • Point enabler Similar to vendor-specific
    enabler, but doesnt require socket services or
    card services software. This a good feature if
    memory management is a problem.

Configuration of PC Cards
PC Card Software Overview
Configuration Figure 13
Installing a USB Device
  • In order to use USB devices you must
  • Have an operating system that supports USB
    (Windows 95 OSR2, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or
    Windows XP.
  • Have a USB port on the computer (adapters can be
    added with USB ports if the are not already
    integrated into the motherboard).
  • Once connected, USB devices act like plug and
    play adapters and are configured in similar
    fashion. Have the devices driver disk handy and
    follow all onscreen directions.
  • Many USB devices require the driver to be
    installed prior to connecting the device.
  • USB allows up to 127 devices to be connected
    together using hubs. USB hubs have two types of
    ports upstream and downstream. The Upstream
    port is used to connect to the computer or
    another hub. The Downstream port is used to
    connect a USB device.

Installing a USB Device
USB Hub Connectivity
Configuration Figure 15
USB Troubleshooting
  • To troubleshoot USB device problems, always check
    the obvious first cabling, connection, and
  • Restart the computer and retest the USB device.
  • Swap the USB device with a known working device.
  • A list of other USB troubleshooting tips can be
    found on 3-41

Installing an IEEE 1394 (FireWire) Device
  • IEEE 1394 devices can connect to a port built
    into the motherboard, an IEEE 1394 port on an
    adapter, another IEEE1394 device, or a hub.
  • Always follow the manufacturers instructions
    when connecting a FireWire device.
  • If one or more FireWire devices connect to a
    FireWire port, the devices use one IRQ and I/O
  • Installation steps for a FireWire adapter can be
    found on 3-42

IEEE 1394 Troubleshooting
  • Use the Device Manager to verify the IEEE 1394
  • If a question mark appears by the host
    controller, remove the driver and reinstall.
  • If a yellow or red symbol appears by the host
    controller, the driver is corrupt or is using the
    wrong driver. A resource conflict could also be
    causing the problem.
  • FireWire has two types of connectors a 4-pin
    and a 6-pin.

Infrared Devices
  • Infrared Port a small dark window that uses
    infrared light to perform wireless communication.
    Infrared is used in intrusion detection,
    cordless microphones, and home entertainment
    control devices.
  • Infrared communication requires an infrared
    transceiver that can be integrated into the
    motherboard or attached to the computers serial
  • Infrared ports should be placed six inches apart,
    but not more that three feet away from each other.
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