Title: The Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX)
1The Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment
- Karl Gebhardt, Gary Hill, Phillip MacQueen
- Eiichiro Komatsu, Niv Drory, Povilas Palunas
- McDonald Observatory Department of Astronomy,
University of Texas - Peter Schuecker, Ralf Bender, Uli Hopp, Claus
Goessl, Ralf Koehler - MPE and Uni-Sternwarte Munich
- Martin Roth, Andreas Kelz
- AIP, Potsdam
2Hobby-Ebery Telescope (9.2m)
HET Mt. Fowlkes west Texas
3Goals for HETDEX
- HETDEX measures redshifts for about 1 million
LAEs from 2ltzlt4 - Wavelength coverage 340-550 nm at R800
- Baryonic oscillations determine H(z) and Da(z)
to 1 and 1.4 in 3 redshift bins - Constraints on constant w to about one percent
- Tightest constraints on evolving w at z0.4 (to
a few percent)
4Ly-a emitters as tracers
- Properties of LAEs have been investigated through
NB imaging - Most work has focused on z 3 4, little is
known at z 2 - Limiting flux densities few e-17 erg/cm2/s
- They are numerous
- A few per sq. arcmin per Dz1 at z3
- But significant cosmic variance between surveys
- 5000 10000 per sq. deg. Per Dz1 at z3
- Largest volume MUSYC survey still shows
significant variance in 0.25 sq. degree areas - Bias of 2 3 inferred
- Basic properties of LAEs would make them a good
tracer if they could be detected with a large
area integral field spectrograph units (IFUs) - Has the advantage of avoiding targeting
- Visible IFU Replicable Unit Spectrograph
- Prototype of the industrial replication concept
- Massive replication of inexpensive unit
spectrograph cuts costs and development time - Each unit spectrograph
- Covers 0.22 sq. arcmin and 340-550 nm wavelength
range, R850 - 246 fibers each 1 sq. arcsec on the sky
- 145 VIRUS would cover
- 30 sq. arcminutes per observation
- Detect 14 million independent resolution elements
per exposure - This grasp will be sufficient to obtain survey in
110 nights - Using Ly-a emitting galaxies as tracers, will
measure the galaxy power spectrum to 1 - Prototype is in construction
- Delivery in April
6Layout of 145 IFUs w/ 1/9 fill
New HET wide field corrector FoV
0.22 sq. arcmin
(20 dia field)
- Layout with 1/9 fill factor is optimized for
HETDEX - IFU separation is smaller than non-linear scale
size - LAEs are very numerous so no need to fill-in
want to maximize area (HETDEX is sampling
variance limited) - Well-defined window function
- Dithering of pointing centers removes aliasing
- 145 VIRUS units will be housed in two saddle
bags on the HET frame - Fiber feed allows offloading of the mass of the
instruments to this location
8VIRUS on HET (detail)
- HET will be upgraded with a new wide field
corrector with 22 arc-minute field of view - Substantial upgrade 3.5 arc-minutes ? 22
arc-minutes - New tracker and control system
9Optical design of VIRUS module
Flat mirror
- Science driver requires coverage of 340-550 nm at
R800 - Very few elements, simple to set up
- Image quality easily meets spec
- With dielectric mirror coatings (340-680 nm)
expect 70 thorughput - Complexity of internal focus camera
Spherical collimator mirror
VPH Grating 115 mm beam
f/1.33 Camera 2kx2k CCD
10VIRUS Prototype Unit Spectrograph
- Will be completed this summer
- Tests the design and performance of the
instrument - Refines the cost estimate for replicating VIRUS
- Will be used for a 50 night pilot survey of LAEs
on the McDonald 2.7 m
11Lyman-a Emitters
- There are ever increasing number of observations
on LAE - Compilation of the recent data and GALFORM
modeling by Delliou et al. (2005) - Most recent data very consistent
- Theory and data matching well
- Not very reliable, but useful starting point to
design surveys - More accurate number counts will be obtained from
VIRUS proto-type.
12Predicted Number Counts
- Sensitivity of VIRUS (5-s)
- 2e-17 erg/cm2/s at z2
- 1e-17 erg/cm2/s at z3
- 0.8e-17 erg/cm2/s at z4
- Detected LAEs approximately constant with
redshift - sensitivity tracks distance modulus
- predict 5 / sq. arcmin 18,000 / sq. deg. per
Dz 1 - With Dz1 and 1/9 fill factor, expect 3,000
LAEs/sq. degree - 0.6 million in 200 sq. degrees
- Sufficient to constrain the position of the BO
peaks to lt1 - HETDEX will require 1100 hours exposure or 110
good dark nights - Needs 3 Spring trimesters to complete (not a
problem HET is OUR telescope!)
13Experimental Requirements
- A LAE DE survey reaching lt1 precision requires
- large volume to average over sample variance
- 200-500 sq. degrees and Dz 2
- this is 6-15 Gpc3 at z2-4
- surface density 3000 per sq. degree per Dz1 1
M galaxies - LAEs have 18,000 /sq. deg./Dz1 at line flux
1e-17 erg/cm2/s - only require a fill factor of 1/9 to have
sufficient statistics - so we can trade fill factor for total area
- lowest possible minimum redshift (bluest
wavelength coverage) - z 1.8 at l3400 A is a practical limit
- ties in well with high redshift limit of SNAP and
other experiments - These science requirements determined the basic
specifications of VIRUS
14Status of HETDEX
- The prototype VIRUS unit is being built and will
be on the McDonald 2.7m in Aug 2006, with 50
night observing campaign - Pilot run on Calar Alto in Dec saw 4 hrs data in
8 nights, but we will go back - Full VIRUS is in design phase with full funding
expect completion 2008-2009 - HETDEX will then take 3 years, finishing
2011-2012 - 30M project (including operation cost and data
analysis) 15M has been funded.
15HETDEX Uncertainties
Current HETDEX design
- HETDEX is sampling variance limited thus, the
exact number of objects does not matter too much. - Volume is more essential.
16H(z), Da(z), and w(z)
Point The integral dependence of H on w allows
low-z constraints from high-z observations
17HETDEX Measures w(z) at z0.4
Popular parameterization is
It is important to choose the appropriate pivot
point to overcome degeneracies.
18Beyond wa Non-parametric Estimate of w(z)
19From data to w(z)
HETDEX and SNAP (2x) for a cosmological constant
and Planck priors
20H(z) more powerful than Da(z)
21From data to w(z)
Two different evolving models (made-up)
22Non-linearity in BAO
E. Komatsu
23Modeling Non-linearity 3rd-order Perturbation
Suto Sasaki (1991) Makino, Sasaki Suto (1992)
Does this analytical formula fit N-body
simulations at lt1 level?
24Linear Theory
PM code, 2563 particles
Jeong Komatsu (to be submitted)
256/h Mpc box
(22 sims averaged)
3PT prediction
512/h Mpc box
(70 sims averaged)
PeacockDodds 96
Errorlt1 at zgt2!!
3PT is much better than PD96 even at z1
25Kaiser Effect 3PT
- Since we are measuring redshifts, the measured
clustering length of galaxies in z-direction will
be affected by peculiar velocity of galaxies. - Also known as the redshift space distortion.
- Angular direction is not affected by this effect.
- The clustering length in z-direction appears
shorter than actually is.
In the linear regime, Pdd(k)Pdq(k)Pqq(k), which
gives the original Kaiser formula in the linear
regime. (qvelocity divergence field)
z direction
angular direction
No peculiar motion
Peculiar motion
26Work in progress (2) Non-linear Bias
- The largest systematic error is the effect of
galaxy bias on the shape of the power spectrum. - It is easy to correct if the bias is linear
however, it wont be linear when the underlying
matter clustering is non-linear. - How do we correct for it?
27Non-linear Bias 3rd-order Perturbation Theory
28Powerful Test of Systematics
Work in progress (3) Three-point Function
29Status and Plans
- VIRUS prototype is in construction
- Will be used for pilot survey to establish
properties of LAEs this fall - HET wide field upgrade is mostly funded
- Private fundraising for VIRUS is continuing
- 30M total funding goal with 15M in hand
- 2009 start for survey with funding
- 3 years to complete
30Why LAEs?
- Target-selection for efficient spectroscopy is a
challenge in measuring DE with baryonic
oscillations from ground-based observations - LRGs selected photometrically work well to z0.8
- High bias tracer already used to detect B.O. in
SDSS - Higher redshifts require large area, deep IR
photometry - Probably cant press beyond z2
- Spectroscopic redshifts from absorption-line
spectroscopy - OII and Ha emitters can work to z2.5 with IR
MOS - But difficult to select photometrically with any
certainty - Lyman Break Galaxies work well for zgt2.5
- Photometric selection requires wide-field U-band
photometry - Only 25 show emission lines
- Ly-a emitters detectable for zgt1.7
- Numerous at achievable short-exposure detection
limits - Properties poorly understood (N(z) and bias)