Part I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Part I


Antonio Vallecillo Universidad de M laga Dpto. Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computaci n – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Part I

Part I Viewpoint Modeling
  • Antonio Vallecillo
  • Universidad de Málaga
  • Dpto. Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación
  • http//

  • Viewpoint Modeling
  • ODS, Enterprise Architecture, Viewpoints, Models
  • Modeling approaches and standards
  • Model Driven Development and UML
  • Use of UML for ODP system specifications
  • ODP in MDA system specifications
  • Conclusions

Large distributed systems
  • A system is distributed when it executes spread
    over a set of computers
  • Properties of distributed systems
  • Concurrency (efficiency, total execution time)
  • Scalability and ordered growth
  • Allow for mobility, replication,
  • Problems of distributed systems
  • No global view of the system
  • Complex design, management, maintenance and
  • Communication delays and errors, possible QoS
  • No global clock (difficult synchronization among
  • Compatibility and interoperability problems
  • Event races, asynchrony,
  • Distributed systems are more difficult to verify
    and test

Examples of large distributed systems
  • Client-server systems
  • Web applications (3-4 tiers)
  • Yahoo!, Google, Airlines portals, Banks portals,
  • Most commercial systems for retail shops
  • Include several POS in a shop, shop servers,
    business server, warehouse computers, connection
    to financial services (banks, credit cards),
    suppliers, etc.
  • Process farms
  • SETI_at_home, folding_at_home
  • P2P systems
  • (Napster), Emule, KaZaA
  • Avionics and space systems
  • Large and heterogeneous systems, many
    participants, many kinds of devices, embedded
    computers, critical operations

Open systems
  • A system is open if its specifications are
  • This include making available information about
  • The standards it conforms to (international or
  • The software architecture of the system
  • The interfaces required to interoperate with the
    system, exchange information with it, and extend
  • Open systems are independently extensible
  • Open systems are different from open source
  • None of these implies the other
  • Open systems are not necessarily distributed
  • But here we will deal with Open and Distributed

Goals of ODS
  • Portability of services and applications
  • Interoperability between systems and services
    from different providers and parties
  • Reusability
  • Transparencies
  • Access (invocation mechanisms and languages)
  • Failure
  • Location, Migration, Relocation
  • Replication
  • Transactions
  • Extensibility and evolution
  • Modularity and decoupling

Viewpoint modeling
  • Different stakeholders see the system from
    different perspectives
  • Managers, developers, maintainers, users, owner
  • There are too many different concerns that need
    to be addressed in the design of an ODS
  • Functionality, security, distribution,
  • Viewpoint modeling is commonly used in other
    (more mature) engineering disciplines
  • Different maps for a building (floor plants,
    electricity, water conductions, heating system,
  • Different maps for a city (physical, metro,
    buses, etc.)

Viewpoint modeling initiatives
  • Based on IEEE Std. 1471
  • This standards defines the main concepts and sets
    the global picture
  • Commonly used in most modeling approaches
  • UML (structural view, behavioural view)
  • Web Engineering (Navigation, Presentation, Data,
    Process, etc.)
  • Main proposals for Enterprise Architecture
  • Kruchtens 41 views
  • Zachmans framework
  • DoDs TOGAF

IEEE Std. 1471 (2000)
  • IEEE Recommended Practice for Architectural
    Description of Software-Intensive System
  • Scope
  • Expression of the system and its evolution
  • Communication among the system stakeholders
  • Evaluation and comparison of architectures in a
    consistent manner
  • Planning, managing, and executing the activities
    of system development
  • Expression of the persistent characteristics and
    supporting principles of a system to guide
    acceptable change
  • Verification of a system implementations
    compliance with an architectural description
  • Recording contributions to the body of knowledge
    of software-intensive systems architecture
  • Purpose
  • To facilitate the expression and communication
    of architectures and thereby lay a foundation for
    quality and cost gains through standardization of
    elements and practices for architectural

IEEE 1471 Main concepts
  • Architect The person, team, or organization
    responsible for systems architecture.
  • Architectural description A collection of
    products to document an architecture.
  • Architecture The fundamental organization of a
    system embodied in its components, their
    relationships to each other, and to the
    environment, and the principles guiding its
    design and evolution.
  • System A collection of components organized to
    accomplish a specific function or set of
  • View A representation of a whole system from the
    perspective of a related set of concerns.
  • Viewpoint A specification of the conventions for
    constructing and using a view. A pattern or
    template from which to develop individual views
    by establishing the purposes and audience for a
    view and the techniques for its creation and

IEEE 1471 conceptual model of architectural
IEEE 1471 viewpoints
  • An AD shall identify the viewpoints selected for
    use, and include a rationale for the selection of
    each viewpoint
  • Each viewpoint shall be specified by
  • a) A viewpoint name,
  • b) The stakeholders to be addressed by the
  • c) The concerns to be addressed by the viewpoint,
  • d) The language, modeling techniques, or
    analytical methods to be used in constructing a
    view based upon the viewpoint,
  • e) The source, for a library viewpoint (the
    source could include author, date, or reference
    to other documents).
  • A viewpoint specification may include additional
  • Formal or informal consistency and completeness
    tests to be applied to the models making up an
    associated view
  • Evaluation or analysis techniques to be applied
    to the models
  • Heuristics, patterns, or other guidelines to
    assist in synthesis of an associated view

Viewpoint completeness and consistency
  • An architectural description is consistent if
    none of its views imposes contradictory
    requirements on the rest of the viewpoints
  • An architectural description is complete if it
    contains all the information required by the
    different kinds of stakeholders

Viewpoint examples
  • UML views
  • Requirements, Structure, Behaviour, Deployment
  • Web Engineering viewpoints
  • Navegation (hypertext)
  • Presentation (and adaptation)
  • Business Logic (processes)
  • MDA
  • Computation Independent Viewpoint (CIMs)
  • Platform Independent Viewpoint (PIMs)
  • Platform Specific Viewpoint (PSMs)

Krutchens 41 view model
Krutchen views
  • The logical view is the object model of the
    design (when an object-oriented design method is
  • The process view captures the concurrency and
    synchronization aspects of the design,
  • The physical view describes the mapping(s) of the
    software onto the hardware and reflects its
    distributed aspect,
  • The development view describes the static
    organization of the software in its development
  • The scenarios illustrate the system requirements
    and its basic functionality by means of use cases
  • Scenarios are used at the beginning to capture
    the system requirements, to identify the mayor
    elements of the system, and at the end to
    illustrate and validate the system design
  • Correspondences show how elements in one view
    relate to elements in other views

Considerations about the 41 view model
  • It prescribes the viewpoints that should compose
    the architectural description of a system
  • Not all views are required in all cases
  • E.g., for small systems
  • It is methodology-independent
  • Although IBM used it as the basis for RUP (v1)
  • It is also notation-independent
  • UML supports well its views (apart from the
    development view)

Zachmans framework
Considerations about the Zachman Framework
  • It prescribes the viewpoints that should compose
    the architectural description of a system
  • It is very detailed
  • Probably too much!
  • It means at least 36 high-level models for an
  • Zachman thinks all views are required in all
  • Even for small systems
  • It is methodology-independent
  • The Popkin process tries to fill this gap
  • It is also notation-independent
  • Sowa tried to formalize some of the views

ODP Framework
  • The Reference Model of ODP (ITU-T Rec X.901-904
    ISO/IEC 10746) defines a framework for system
    specification, covering all aspects of open
    distributed systems
  • enterprise context, data, functionality,
    distribution, technology
  • It comprises
  • A structure for system specifications in terms of
  • A set of object-oriented foundation modeling
    concepts common to all viewpoint languages
  • A language (concepts and rules) for expressing
    each viewpoint specification
  • A set of correspondences between the viewpoints
  • A set of common functions
  • A set of transparencies
  • A set of conformance points
  • A framework for ODP standards

ODP Viewpoints
  • Different abstractions of the same system
  • each abstraction focuses on different concerns
  • each abstraction achieved using a set of
    viewpoint concepts and rules
  • A viewpoint specification
  • Is a specification of a system from a specific
  • is expressed in terms of the viewpoint concepts
    and rules (the viewpoint language) to describe
    the concerns and decisions covered by the
    viewpoint specification
  • Is related to, and consistent with, other
    viewpoint specifications (correspondences)

ODP Viewpointsdifferent concerns
An ODP system specification
- and correspondences between specifications
ODP Correspondences
The enterprise specification
  • Specifies the roles played by the system in its
    organizational environment
  • An object model of, for example, part of some
    social/commercial organization in terms of
  • Communities (of enterprise objects)
  • Objectives
  • Enterprise objects
  • Behaviour
  • Roles (fulfilled by enterprise objects in a
  • Processes (leading to Objectives)
  • Policies
  • Accountability
  • The system is just another object

Example A Bank Information System
  • A bank is composed of branches, spread all over
    the country
  • The banks central office manages and coordinates
    the branches activities
  • Each branch has a manager and is responsible to
    provide banking services to its customers
  • Branches may interact with each other and with
    the bank central office
  • Each branch will have an ATM and a main server,
    and each branchs employee will have a computer
    and a printer
  • The Bank information system (BIS) will manage all
    IS-related issues

BIS Enterprise specification
  • Each branch, and will be specified by a community
  • Its goal is to provide banking services to its
  • Its objects model the branch entities people
    (Joe Smith, Lucy Brown), computers (PC
    123-45, printer xyz), concrete bank accounts,
  • Its roles are branch manager, controller,
    customer (active),, or bank account, money, etc.
  • Assignment policies (e.g., the requirements of a
    person to become a customer)
  • Policies
  • Permissions what can be done, e.g. money can be
    deposited into an open account
  • Prohibition what must not be done, e.g.
    customers must not withdraw more than 600 Euros
    per day
  • Obligations what must be done, e.g. the bank
    manager must advise customers when the interest
    rate changes, customers must present some ID for
    withdrawing money.
  • Authorizations accounts of some VIP customers
    are allowed to have overdrawn.

BIS Enterprise specification (ctd)
  • Environment contracts e.g., transactions
    performed using other banks ATMs should have
    effect within at most 24 hours information about
    a branchs customers cannot be disclosed to other
  • Accountability e.g., the branch manager is
    responsible for authorizing an overdrawn, but can
    delegate to the branchs controller officer
  • The banks central office will be specified by
    another community
  • Its goal is to manage and coordinate the
    branches activities
  • Its objects are
  • Its roles are
  • Its assignment policies are
  • Its policies are
  • Environment contracts
  • Accountability.
  • Branches may interact with each other and with
    the bank central office

The information specification
  • Specifies system behavior to fulfill its
    enterprise roles, abstracted from implementation
  • An object model of the system describing the
    semantics of information and of information
    processing in the system, in terms of
  • Information objects
  • Invariant schema predicates on information
    objects that must always be true
  • Static schema state of information objects at
    some location in time
  • Dynamic schema allowable state changes of
    information objects

BIS Information specification
  • Describes a model with the information types,
    their relationships, and constraints on these
    types and relationships
  • e.g., a bank account consists a balance and the
  • Static schema captures the state and structure of
    a object at some particular instance
  • e.g., at midnight, the amount-withdrawn-today is
  • An invariant schema restricts the state and
    structure of an object at all times
  • e.g., the amountwithdrawn-today is less than or
    equal to 600.
  • A dynamic schema defines a permitted change in
    the state and structure of an object
  • e.g. a withdrawal of X from an account decreases
    the balance by X and increases the
    amount-withdrawn-today by X.
  • Static and dynamic schema are always constrained
    by invariant schemata
  • 400 could be withdrawn in the morning but an
    additional 200 could not be withdrawn in the
    afternoon as the amount-withdrawn-today cannot
    exceed 500.
  • Schemas can also be used to describe
    relationships or associations between objects
  • e.g., the static schema owns account could
    associate each account with a customer.

The computational specification
  • Specifies computational structure of the system
    in terms of units of functionality (distribution
    and technology independent)
  • An object model of the system describing the
    structure of processing in terms of
  • Computational objects
  • Interfaces (of computational objects) functions
  • Invocations (by computational objects) functions
  • Computational bindings
  • Environment contracts (e.g., QoS constraints)

BIS Computational specification
  • Objects in a computational specification can be
    application objects (e.g. a bank branch) or ODP
    infrastructure objects (e.g. a type repository or
    a trader)
  • Objects interact at well defined interfaces,
    using signals, operations or flows.
  • BankTeller Interface Type
  • operation Deposit (c Customer, a Account, d
  • returns OK (new_balance Dollars)
  • returns Error (reason Text)
  • operation Withdraw (c Customer, a Account, d
  • returns OK (new_balance Dollars)
  • returns NotToday (today Dollars, daily_limit
  • returns Error (reason Text)

BIS Computational specification
  • Interfaces allow subtyping
  • Environment contracts capture non functional
  • Security,
  • performance,
  • availability,
  • etc.

The engineering specification
  • Specifies the mechanisms and services that
    provide the distribution transparencies and QoS
    constraints required by the system, independent
    of platform and technology
  • An object model of the system describing the
    infrastructure supporting the computational
  • Basic engineering objects
  • (Infrastructure) Engineering objects
  • Clusters, capsules, nodes
  • Channels
  • Functions
  • Highly dependent on the CV
  • BEOs correspond to comp. objects
  • Channels correspond to Bindingobjects

Grouping concepts
Channel structure
Multi-endpoint channel
The technology specification
  • Specifies the H/W and S/W pieces from which the
    system is built
  • An object model of the system
  • defining the configuration of technology objects
    that comprise the ODP system, and the interfaces
    between them
  • identifying conformance points

BIS Technology specification
  • Technology object types
  • Types of PCs, servers, ATMs, printers
  • Types of Operating Systems and Applications (text
    editors, etc)
  • Types of connections (LANs, WANs, Intranets,
  • Technology selection process
  • Providers selection and contracts
  • Conformance points
  • Compliance tests
  • Implementation, deployment, maintenance,
  • Deployment plans
  • Configuration guides
  • Evolution plans

ODP Correspondences, Common Functions and
  • Correspondences
  • An ODP specification of a system is composed of
    five views and a set of correspondences between
  • Correspondences do not belong to any view
  • ODP distinguishes two kinds of correspondences
  • Required correspondences
  • Correspondence statements
  • Common functions
  • An ODP specification can make use of some of the
    common functions defined by the RM-ODP. They are
  • Transparencies
  • An ODP specification can implement some of the
    transparencies defined by the RM-ODP
  • The specification should state which ones are
    used, and how they are implemented

Part II Models, UML and DSLs
  • Antonio Vallecillo
  • Universidad de Málaga
  • Dpto. Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación
  • http//

Model Driven Development (MDD)
  • An approach to software development in which the
    focus and primary artifacts of development are
    models (as opposed to programs) and model
  • (compare with current language-driven approaches,
    whose first-class entities are programs and
  • MDD implies the (semi) automated generation of
    implementation(s) from models
  • Modeling languages are key to MDD
  • Model transformation languages are also modeling
  • Models conform to meta-models
  • MDA is the OMGs proposal for MDD, using OMG
  • MOF y UML allow the definition of new families of

What is a Model?
  • A description of (part of) a system written in a
    well-defined language. (Equivalent to
    specification.) Kleppe, 2003
  • A representation of a part of the function,
    structure and/or behavior of a system MDA,
  • A description or specification of the system and
    its environment for some certain purpose. A model
    is often presented as a combination of drawings
    and text. MDA Guide, 2003
  • A set of statements about the system. Seidewitz,
  • (Statement expression about the system that can
    be considered true or false.)

What is a Metamodel?
  • A model of a well-defined language Kleppe,
  • A model of models MDA, 2001
  • A model that defines the language for expressing
    a model MOF, 2000
  • A meta-metamodel is a model that defines the
    language for expressing a metamodel. The
    relationship between a meta-metamodel and a
    metamodel is analogous to the relationship
    between a metamodel and a model.
  • A model of a modelling language Seidewitz, 2003
  • That is, a metamodel makes statements about what
    can be expressed in the valid models of a certain
    modelling language.

Four-layers metamodel hierarchy
Four-layers metamodel hierarchy (example)
OMG standards for modeling
  • MDA is MDD using OMG standards
  • MOF
  • Meta Object facility
  • UML
  • Unified Modeling Language
  • OCL
  • Object Constraint Language
  • XMI
  • Metadata Interchange
  • Query/View/Transformation

MOF Metamodel (simplified)
UML (2.0)
  • The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a
    general-purpose visual language for specifying,
    constructing and documenting the artifacts of
  • UML (2.0) defines
  • Thirteen types of diagrams, for representing
  • The static application structure
  • class, object, component, deployment, composite
  • Different aspects of dynamic behavior
  • use case, statechart, activity, interaction
    (collaboration, sequence, communication,
    interaction overview, timing)
  • Three ways for organizing and managing the
    application modules
  • models, packages, subsystems
  • Plus a set of extension mechanisms (UML Profiles)

UML 2.0 Four parts
  • Infrastructure UML internals
  • More precise conceptual base
  • Superstructure User level features
  • New capabilities for large-scale systems
  • Consolidation of existing features
  • Alignment with mature modeling languages (e.g.
    SDL, HMSC)
  • Better extension capabilities (profiles)
  • OCL 2.0 Constraint Language
  • Full conceptual alignment with UML
  • A general purpose query language
  • Diagram interchange
  • For exchanging graphical information (model
  • Size and relative position of diagrams elements

OCL (Object Constraint Language)
  • A formal language used to describe expressions on
    UML models.
  • Expressions typically specify
  • invariant conditions that must hold for the
    system being modeled,
  • queries over objects described in a model,
  • pre and post-conditions on actions and operations
  • constraints on model elements.
  • When the OCL expressions are evaluated, they do
    not have side effects i.e. their evaluation
    cannot alter the state of the corresponding
    executing system.
  • OCL expressions can however be used to specify
    operations / actions that, when executed, do
    alter the state of the system.
  • OCL expressions are all typed

OCL expressions
context c Company inv enoughEmployees
c.numberOfEmployees gt 50
OCL expressions (I)
  • context Company inv OnlyOneOver50
  • self.employee-gtselect(p Person p.age gt
  • context Personincome Integer
  • init parents.income-gtsum() 1 -- pocket
  • derive if underAge
  • then parents.income-gtsum() 1 -- pocket
  • else job.salary -- income from regular job
  • endif
  • context PersongetCurrentSpouse() Person
  • pre self.isMarried true
  • body self.mariages-gtselect(m not
  • context Job
  • inv self.employer.numberOfEmployees gt 1
  • inv self.employee.age gt 21

OCL expressions (II)
  • context Person inv
  • let income Integer self.job.salary-gtsum() in
  • if isUnemployed then income lt 100 else income gt
    100 endif
  • context Person
  • def income Integer self.job.salary-gtsum()
  • def nickname String Little Red Rooster
  • def hasTitle(t String) Boolean
    self.job-gtexists(title t)
  • context Personincome (d Date) Integer
  • post result age 1000
  • context PersonbirthdayHappens()
  • post age age_at_pre 1
  • context CompanyhireEmployee(p Person)
  • post employees employees_at_pre-gtincluding(p)
  • stockprice() stockprice_at_pre() 10

New (improved) alignments in 2.0
Language definition mechanisms
UML 2.0 Profiles
  • Profiles specialize UML for specific domains
  • When there is no need to change UML 2.0 metamodel
    and semantics, just to extend or customize them
  • A Profile is a metamodel concept
  • Defined on metamodel
  • Used on model
  • Excellent mechanism for defining MDA Platforms
  • Examples
  • OMG standards
  • EAI Enterprise Application Integration
  • EDOC Enterprise Distributed Object Computing
  • Schedulability, Performance and Time
  • Proprietary
  • UML-RT UML for Real Time

UML 2.0 Extension mechanisms
  • Stereotypes
  • A stereotype defines how an existing metaclass
    may be extended
  • It enables the use of platform or domain specific
    terminology or notation in place of, or in
    addition to, the ones used for the extended
  • UML already defines some of them (ltlttracegtgt,
  • Tag definitions and tagged values
  • Just like a class, a stereotype may have
    properties (tag definitions)
  • When a stereotype is applied to a model element,
    the values of the properties are referred to as
    tagged values
  • They are pairs label/value label value
  • Constraints
  • A profile may define a set of (OCL) constraints
    on the stereotyped elements (well-formedness
    rules of the models defined by the extension)

You may want to use a UML Profile to
  1. Give a terminology that is adapted to a
    particular platform or domain (e.g. capturing
    some of the EJB terminology home interfaces,
    enterprise java beans, archives)
  2. Give a syntax for constructs that do not have a
    notation (such as in the case of actions)
  3. Give a different notation for already existing
    symbols (e.g., use a picture of a computer
    instead of the ordinary node symbol)
  4. Add semantics that is left unspecified in the
    metamodel (e.g., assign priorities to signals in
    a statemachine)

You may want to use a UML Profile to
  1. Add semantics that does not exist in the
    metamodel (such as defining a timer, clock, or
    continuous time)
  2. Add constraints that restrict the way you may use
    the metamodel and its constructs (such as
    disallowing actions from being able to execute in
    parallel within a single transition)
  3. Add information that can be used when
    transforming a model to another model or code
    (such as defining mapping rules between a model
    and Java code)

Example of a UML 2.0 Profile
  • A profile that allows to assign colors and
    weights to some elements of a model

-- Constraint -- connected elements should
-- be colored in the same color context
Colored inv self.baseClass.connection-gt
forAll(c (c.extensionColored-gtnotEmpty())
Another example
  • We want to model the connections of a system
    that follows a star-shaped topology
  • context MyTopologyMainNode
  • inv self.localnodes -gtforAll (n Node
    n.location self.location)
  • inv -gtforAll(n MainNode
    n.location ltgt self.location)

Steps to define a Profile
  • Define the conceptual model of the platform or
    domain for which we want to define the profile
  • For each element (concept, association) in the
    conceptual model
  • Choose one (or more) UML elements that can be
    used to represent the element
  • Define a stereotype
  • Define the tag definitions of the sterotypes,
    using the attributes of the elements of the
    conceptual model
  • Define the Profile constraints, based on the
    conceptual model constraints and invariants
    (association multiplicities, OCL constraints)

Profile for the Star Topology
Profile constraints definitions
context Node -- Connected to exactly one local
edge and to no edges inv self.baseClass.conn
ze()1 and self.baseClass.connection-gtselect(exte
nsionEdge-gtnotEmpty())-gtisEmpty() context
LocalEgde -- all nodes it connects should have
the same location inv
nnection-gt select(participant.extensionNode-gtnotE
mpty())-gt collect(participant.extensionNode.locat
ion)-gt union(select(participant.extensionMainNode
-gtnotEmpty())-gt collect(participant.extensionMain
Node.location))-gt forAll(l1, l2 l1 l2)
inv -- a local edge connects exactly one main
node self.baseAssociation.connection-gt
and multiplicity.min1 and
multiplicity.max1)-gtsize()1 context Egde -- an
edge only connects main nodes inv
self.baseAssociation.connection-gt select(partic
ipant.extensionNode-gtnotEmpty())-gtisEmpty() and
)-gt collect(participant.extensionMainNode.locatio
n)-gtforAll(l1, l2 l1 ltgt l2)
Use of a UML Profile
MOF extensions vs. Profiles
  • Choose a MOF extension if
  • The domain is well defined, with widely accepted
  • You do not need to combine applications from
    different domains
  • Yo need to break the semantics of UML to
    represent the domain concepts
  • Choose a Profile if
  • The domain is not standard or not stable
  • Applications from the domain can be combined with
    applications from other domains
  • You can just extend the semantics of UML to
    represent the domain concepts

UML 2.0 Profile Example EJB Platform
Part IIIUML for ODP system specification
  • Antonio Vallecillo
  • Universidad de Málaga
  • Dpto. Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación
  • http//

  • ITU-T X.906 ISO/IEC 19793 Use of UML for ODP
    system specifications
  • A standard defining
  • a set of UML Profiles for expressing a system
    specification in terms of viewpoint
  • possible relationships between the resultant ODP
    viewpoint specifications and how they are
  • the structure of a system specification expressed
    as a set of UML models using ODP viewpoint
  • A standard that enables the use of MDA tools in
    developing and maintaining ODP system

  • Why?
  • RM-ODP is notation- and methodology- independent
  • Which is an advantage (a-priori) ...
  • ...but hampers its widespread adoption and use
  • Target audiences
  • UML Modelers
  • who need to structure (somehow) their LARGE
    system specifications
  • ODP Modelers
  • who need some (graphical) notation for expressing
    their ODP specifications and tool support
  • Modeling tool suppliers
  • who wish to develop UML-based tools that are
    capable of expressing RM-ODP viewpoint

  • This Recommendation International Standard
  • a UML based notation for the expression of ODP
  • an approach for structuring of them using the
    notation, thus providing the basis for model
    development methods
  • It provides
  • The expression of a system specification in terms
    of RM-ODP viewpoint specifications using defined
    UML concepts and extensions
  • A set of UML 2.0 profiles (one for each
  • A way of using these profiles (structuring rules)
  • relationships between the resultant RM-ODP
    viewpoint specifications
  • A way of modelling ODP correspondences
  • A profile for correspondences
  • A way for modelling conformance of
    implementations to specifications
  • A profile for conformance (reference points,
    conformance staments, etc.)
  • relationships between RM-ODP viewpoint
    specifications and model driven architectures
    such as the OMG MDA

UML4ODP Document structure
  • Foreword
  • 0 Introduction
  • 1 Scope
  • 2 Normative references
  • 3 Definitions
  • 4 Abbreviations
  • 5 Conventions
  • 6 Overview of modelling and system specification
  • 7 Enterprise Specification
  • 8 Information Specification
  • 9 Computational Specification
  • 10 Engineering Specification
  • 11 Technology Specification
  • 12 Correspondences specification
  • 13 Modelling conformance in ODP system
  • 14 Conformance and compliance to this document
  • Annex A UML profiles for ODP languages using
    ITU-T guidelines for UML profile design
  • Annex B An example of ODP specifications using
  • Annex C Relationship with MDA

UML4ODP Clause 6
  • 6 Overview of modelling and system specification
  • 6.1 Introduction
  • 6.2 Overview of ODP concepts (extracted from
  • 6.3 Overview of UML concepts
  • 6.4 Universes of discourse, ODP specs and UML
  • 6.5 General principles for expressing and
    structuring ODP system specifications using UML
  • 6.6 Correspondences between viewpoint

UML4ODP Clause 6.4 (UoD, ODP specifications and
UML models)
UML4ODP Clause 6.5(Principles for expressing and
structuring ODP specs using UML)
  • The DSLs used to represent the viewpoint
    languages are defined using the UML lightweight
    extension mechanism (UML Profiles)
  • The ODP system specification will consist of a
    single UML model stereotyped as ODP_SystemSpec,
    that contains a set of models, one for each
    viewpoint specification, each stereotyped as
    ltXgt_Spec, where ltXgt is the viewpoint concerned
  • Stereotypes are used to represent domain specific
    specializations of UML metaclasses in order to
    express the semantics of the RM-ODP viewpoint
    language concerned
  • Each viewpoint specification uses the appropriate
    UML profile for that language, as described in
    Clauses 7 to 11

ODP System specification structure
Enterprise metamodel (excerpt 1)
Enterprise metamodel (excerpt 2)
Enterprise Profile Classifiers (excerpt)
Information Language metamodel
Information Profile
UML4ODP Clause 6.6(Correspondences)
  • Correspondences are key to viewpoint modeling
  • They form part of the ODP specification of a
  • Correspondences are not part of any viewpoint
  • Correspondences are expressed in UML too

UML4ODP Clauses 7-11
  • X ltViewpointgt Specification
  • X.1 Modelling concepts
  • A brief description of the ltviewpointgt language
  • Summary of the ltviewpointgt MOF-metamodel
  • X.2 UML Profile
  • Description on how the language concepts are
    mapped to UML, by extending the appropriate
  • UML specification of the profile
  • X.3 ltViewpointgt specification structure (in UML
  • UML packages and grouping rules
  • X.4 Viewpoint correspondences for the
    ltViewpointgt language
  • Description of the correspondences to other
  • Not in UML (clause 12)

UML4ODP Clauses 12-14
  • 12 Correspondences specification
  • 12.1 Modelling concepts
  • 12.2 UML Profile
  • 13 Modelling conformance in ODP system
  • 13.1 Modelling concepts
  • 13.2 UML profile
  • 14 Conformance and compliance to this document
  • 14.1 Conformance
  • 14.2 Compliance

Correspondence metamodel
Correspondence Profile
Conformance Profile
UML4ODP Annexes
  • Annex A
  • UML profiles for ODP languages using ITU-T
    guidelines for UML profile design
  • Annex B
  • An example of ODP specifications using UML
  • Annex C
  • Relationship with MDA
  • Annex D
  • Architectural Styles

Annex C Relation with MDA
  • An approach to system development using models as
    a basis for understanding, design, construction,
    deployment, operation, maintenance and
  • Three essential elements
  • specifying a system independently of the platform
    that supports it,
  • specifying platforms,
  • transforming the system specification into one
    for a particular choice of platform.
  • Goals portability, interoperability and
  • Prescribes the kinds of model to be used in
    specifying a system, how those models are
    prepared and the relationships between them

What MDA does
  • Identifies different viewpoints on a system
  • different abstractions - reflecting different
  • providing a way of dealing with system complexity
  • Specifies 3 kinds of viewpoint model for a
  • a computation independent model (CIM) a view of
    a system that specifies its function without
    specifying details of its structure
  • a platform independent model (PIM) a view of a
    system that specifies its computational structure
    independent of any specific platform - usable
    with different platforms of similar type.
  • a platform specific model (PSM) a view of a
    system that combines the specifications in the
    PIM with a specification of the use of a
    particular type of platform.
  • Specifies types of transformations between models

What MDA does not do
  • MDA does not offer
  • a definition of the concerns and design decisions
    to be covered by each MDA model
  • language constructs to express the concerns and
    decisions covered by each MDA model
  • but ODP can offer
  • a definition of the concerns and design decisions
    to be covered by each MDA model
  • language constructs to express the concerns and
    decisions covered by each MDA model

ODP Specifications and the MDA
ODP and MDA together offer
An IT based approach to system development that
provides a framework for
  • separating and integrating different system
  • combining skills and experience
  • assigning responsibilities
  • automating development

Progress and Targets
  • Start of Project May 2003
  • SC7 WD May 2004 SC7 meeting
  • 1st CD Dec 2004
  • 2nd CD May-Oct 2005 SC7 meeting
  • FCD May 2006 WG19 meeting
  • FDIS? Dec 2006 WG19 meeting

Current WD is available as ISO-stds/04-06-01
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