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Systematicity and Cognitive Architecture


Systematicity and Cognitive Architecture In Connectionism and Cognitive Architecture: A Critical Analysis (1988), Fodor and Pylyshyn pose several challenges for ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Systematicity and Cognitive Architecture

Systematicity and Cognitive Architecture
  • In Connectionism and Cognitive Architecture A
    Critical Analysis (1988), Fodor and Pylyshyn
    pose several challenges for any connectionist
    theory of cognitive architecture.

The Systematicity Challenge
  • One is to explain the systematicity of thought
    without implementing a classical cognitive

The Language of Thought (LOT)
  • By a classical cognitive architecture they mean
    a Language of Thought (LOT) architecture.

  • A LOT architecture includes a mental symbol
    system with a compositional semanticsso that the
    semantic value of a molecular mental symbol is a
    function of the semantic values of the atomic
    mental symbols that are its constituents together
    with the syntactic structure of the molecular
    symbol, and includes computational operations
    that molecular symbols participate in in virtue
    of their syntactic and other formal properties.

  • By the LOT hypothesis, lets mean the hypothesis
    that the cognitive architecture of beings with
    the ability to think includes a kind of LOT

A Dilemma
  • The systematicity challenge presents a dilemma.
  • If connectionism cannot explain the systematicity
    of thought, then it fails to offer an adequate
    theory of cognitive architecture and
  • if it explains the systematicity of thought by
    implementing a LOT architecture, then it fails to
    offer an alternative to the LOT hypothesis.

  • Given that thought is systematic, connectionism
    can offer an adequate alternative to the LOT
    hypothesis only if it can meet this challenge.

Critical Reaction
  • Critical reaction to the challenge was divided.
  • Some critics tried to meet the challenge.
  • Some argued that it need not be met since thought
    is not in fact systematic.
  • And some claimed not to even understand the claim
    that thought is systematic.

  • What Ill do today is defend the challenge by
    explicating the notion of systematicity in a way
    that I hope makes clear that thought is indeed

  • In their 1988 paper, Fodor and Pylyshyn claim
    both that thoughts and that linguist abilities
    are systematic, but they did not state
    non-circular necessary and sufficient conditions
    for the property of being systematic nor has
    either of them offered such in any subsequent

A Complaint
  • Matthews (1994), Niklasson and van Gelder (1994),
    van Gelder and Niklason (1994), Hadley (1997),
    Johnson (2004) and others have complained about
    the lack of a definition of systematicity.

No Definition
  • I think that no definition is to be had.

  • However, that is no objection to the
    systematicity challenge.
  • How often can something a scientific theory is
    challenged to explain be characterized by
    non-circular necessary and sufficient conditions?

  • Still the locution the systematicity of thought
    is a technical one, and the absence of a
    definition has led to much speculation about what
    the claim that thought is systematic means.

  • Ill now begin to spell that out.
  • Then, I will discuss a misguided attempts to
    spell the thesis out by Kent Johnson (2004).
  • Ill conclude with an explication of the
    systematicity challenge.

Issue Not Computational Power
  • It should be noted first of all that the
    systematicity challenge is not generated by
    skepticism about the computational powers of
    multi-layered connectionist networks.

  • Such networks are Turing-equivalent.
  • Computational power is thus not the issue.
  • The challenge is thus not, as some respondents
    have mistakenly thought (e.g., Chalmers 1990), to
    show that a connectionist network can compute
    certain functions, such as, for instance,
    linguistic functions.

  • Further, as is not doubt already obvious from how
    the systematicity challenge is stated,
    implementational connectionism is not at issue.
  • (It is worth noting that Turing machines and
    production systems have been implemented by
    connectionist architectures.)

Explaining Laws
  • The challenge is, rather, generated by skepticism
    about the prospects for explaining certain
    psychological laws by appeal to a connectionist
    architecture that does not implement a LOT

  • By a psychological law I mean here simply a
    psychological generalization that is true (at
    least ceteris paribus) and counterfactual
  • Explaining the systematicity of thought is just
    matter of explaining the psychological laws in

Systematicity Laws
  • Lets call the laws in question systematicity
  • The thesis that thought is systematic amounts to
    the thesis that there is a family of
    systematicity laws.
  • The task of characterizing the systematicity of
    thought is thus that of saying what laws are
    systematicity laws.

  • Systematicity laws are correlation laws.
  • They assert the co-possession of the members of
    certain pairs of thought abilities.
  • They are all laws to the effect that ceteris
    paribus, a cognizer has a certain thought ability
    if and only if the cognizer has a certain other
    thought ability.

  • The thought abilities in question are abilities
    to think certain thoughts.
  • There are, however, no non-circular necessary and
    sufficient conditions for a pair of abilities to
    think certain thoughts being one of the pairs in
    question as least none that would not be
    regarded by some as question-begging in the
    present dialectical context and so there are no
    non-circular necessary and sufficient conditions
    for being a systematicity law.

  • But I think that enough can be said by way of
    indicating the sorts of laws in question for the
    purpose of posing the systematicity challenge.
  • Of that, more later.

Productivity of Thought
  • Fodor and Pylyshyn (1988) pose the systematicity
    challenge after posing the productivity
    challenge the challenge to explain the
    productivity of thought by appeal to a
    connectionist architecture that does not
    implement a LOT architecture.
  • The claim that thought is productive is the claim
    that a thinker is, in principle, able to think an
    unbounded number of thoughts.

Constituent Structures
  • Fodor and Pylyshyn press the productivity
    challenge to make apparent the need to postulate
    mental representations with constituent

  • But the claim that thought is productive involves
  • A human, being a finite creature, cant actually
    think an unbounded number of thoughts.

  • Acknowledging that some connectionists (e.g.,
    Rumelhart and McClelland (1986, p. 191)) reject
    idealizations to unbounded cognitive abilities,
    Fodor and Pylyshyn claim that appeal to the
    systematicity of thought, which involves no such
    idealization, suffices to make the case that
    mental representations have constituent

  • The idea of thought-productivity is that any
    being able to have a thought would in principle
    be able to have an unbounded number of thoughts.
  • The kernal of the idea that thought is systematic
    is that any being able to have a thought would be
    able to have a family of other thoughts, whose
    members have related (though non-equivalent)

  • Abilities to have thoughts come in clusters, so
    that there are no cognizers with punctuate
    thought abilities or the ability to think, say,
    27 semantically unrelated thoughts.

  • The idea that thought abilities come in clusters
    can be captured by saying that they come in
    pairs, where it is understood that a given
    thought ability can be a member of more than one
  • The pairs are such that ceteris paribus, a
    cognizer has one member if and only if the
    cognizer has the other.

A Paradigm
  • A paradigm example from the literature of a pair
    of systematically related thought abilities is
    the ability to think the thought that John loves
    Mary and the ability to think the thought that
    Mary loves John.
  • One can of course think that John loves Mary
    without thinking that Mary loves John.
  • But the idea is that ceteris paribus, anyone able
    to think the one thought would be able to think
    the other.

A Schema
  • This idea can be generalized by appeal to a
    predicate logic sentence schema Ceteris
    paribus, a cognizer is able to think the thought
    that aRb if and only if the cognizer is able to
    think the thought that bRa.
  • The claim is that generalizations that are
    instances of this schema are true and
    counterfactual supporting, and so are in that
    sense psychological laws.
  • Instances of this schema are members the family
    of systemacity laws, and so are among the
    psychological laws that connectionism is being
    challenged to explain.

  • Other laws of systematicity are, like the
    instances of this of schema, quite low-level
  • They all specify what it is the thought abilities
    they cite are abilities to think, rather than
    quantifying over what the thought abilities are
    abilities to think.
  • They are laws, to repeat, in the sense that they
    are true, counterfactual supporting

  • I have here employed a strategy common in the
    literature for identifying systematicity laws.
  • The strategy is to identify them by appeal to
    sentence schemata the instances of which are
    systematicity laws.

  • In their 1988 paper, Fodor and Pylyshyn appealed
    to a schema only once in their discussion of the
    systematicity of thought (p.30).

  • But schemata are widely used elsewhere in the
    literature on systematicity see, for example,
    McLaughlin (1987), Fodor and McLaughlin (1990),
    Fodor and Lepore (1992), McLaughlin (1993a),
    (1993b), (1997), and Aizawa (2003).
  • I will state further such schemata later.

  • I have here also followed Fodor and Pylyshyns
    practice of characterizing the thought abilities
    in question as abilities to think certain

  • Use of the locution think the thought that has,
    however, led to misunderstandings in some
  • This expression suggests the ability to
    occurently think something or to believe
  • But in fact that is not what is intended.

Representational Theory of Mind
  • Fodor and Pylyshyn embrace a representational
    theory of mind.
  • According that theory, believing that p,
    occurrently thinking that p, desiring that p,
    intending that p, imagining, hoping, wishing,
    fearing, considering whether p, as well as simply
    entertaining the thought that p, all involve
    mentally representing that p.

  • By think the thought that p Fodor and Pylyshyn
    mean mentally represent that p.
  • And they take mentally representing that p to
    involve having a mental representation that means
    that p.
  • What makes the type of representation in question
    a mental representation is that it can function
    in the cognizers cognitive economy in such a way
    that its content is the content of a
    propositional attitude of the cognizer.

  • The relevant thought abilitiesthe ones that are
    systematically related, related by systematicity
    lawsare thus abilities to have mental
    representations with propositional contents
    (contents expressible by that-clauses) that are
    the contents of propositional attitudes the
    cognizer is able to have.

  • Failure to appreciate that thinks the thought
    that is to be understood as mentally represent
    that has led to some misguided objections to the
    schema stated earlier, namely
  • Ceteris paribus, a cognizer is able to think
    the thought that aRb if and only if the cognizer
    is able to think the thought that bRa.

  • Matthews (1994) claims that someone can think
    that x is the sole member of x yet be unable to
    think that x is the sole member of x.
  • Here think that is used to mean believe that
    (or occurrently think that), rather than to mean
    mentally represent that.

  • But given how thinks the thought that is to be
    understood, the relevant schema is actually this
    Ceteris paribus, anyone able to mentally
    represent that aRb is able to mentally represent
    that bRa.

  • Even where Tom is, say, the name of a person,
    the sentence Ceteris paribus, a cognizer is able
    to mentally represent that Tom is the sole member
    of Tom if and only if the cognizer is able to
    mentally represent that Tom is the sole member
    of Tom is an instance of this schema.
  • And that generalization is true and
    counterfactual supporting.

  • One mentally represents that Tom is the sole
    member of Tom when one disbelieves that Tom is
    the sole member of Tom (perhaps taking it to be
    necessarily false that Tom even has members in
    the sense in question).
  • Disbelief differs of course from non-belief.
  • One disbelieves that p if and only if one
    believes that not-p.

  • Given the reading that thinks the thought that
    naturally invites, the misunderstanding in
    question is perhaps understandable (though I
    believe that typically surrounding texts in the
    relevant literature should have made the intended
    interpretation clear).
  • As well see later, however, some other
    misunderstandings of such schemata in the
    literature are harder to understand, and seem to
    be the result of misunderstandings of how
    schemata are used.

  • Connectionists that deny that there are mental
    representations will of course reject the
    systematicity challenge on the grounds that there
    are no mental representations to be
    systematically related.

  • But the systematicity challenge is aimed at
    connectionists that posit mental representations,
    whether they take a mental representation to be
    an activated unit in a connectionist network (and
    so local) or instead to be a pattern of
    activation over a groups of units in a network
    (and so distributed).

  • The systematicity challenge is thus aimed at
    connectionists that are realists about mental
    representations, not at connectionists that are
    eliminativists about mental representations.

  • The main challenge to eliminativist connectionism
    is different.
  • It is to provide an adequate theory of cognition
    without positing mental representations.
  • But Ill say no more about that issue.

Intrinsic Connections
  • Although Fodor and Pylyshyn (1988) offer no
    canonical formulation of the general thesis that
    thought is systematic, one way they characterize
    systematicity is in terms of intrinsic
    connections among thought abilities.
  • Their idea seems to be that thought abilities
    come in clusters because members of the clusters
    are intrinsically connected.

  • Some critics regard appeal to intrinsic
    connections among thought abilities in the very
    characterization of systematicity as
    question-begging in the context of the
    connectionism/LOT debate (Matthews 1994).

  • On a natural reading of intrinsically related,
    what it is for thought abilities to be
    intrinsically related is for them to be complex
    abilities that are constituted by some of the
    same abilities.

Conceptual Abilities
  • The natural suggestion is that the abilities in
    question are conceptual abilities.
  • The ability to think that John loves Mary and the
    ability to think that Mary loves John both
    involve the ability to think about Mary, the
    ability to think about John, and the ability to
    think about one individual loving another.
  • These are conceptual abilities.

  • The intrinsic relatedness idea thus seems to be
    that the thought abilities in question are
    constituted by conceptual abilities.

  • Given that thinking the thought that p is to be
    understood as mentally representing that p and
    that thinking about X is to be understood as
    mentally representing X, the intrinsic
    relatedness idea thus seems to be that the
    ability to mentally represent that John loves
    Mary and the ability to mentally represent that
    Mary loves John both consist in the ability to
    represent Mary, the ability to represent John,
    the ability to represent one individual as loving
    another, and a second-order conceptual ability to
    jointly exercise these abilities to represent
    that John loves Mary and to represent that Mary
    loves John.

  • This has raised the concern that the very claim
    that thought is systematic presupposes that there
    is a system of mental representation that is a
    language of thought (Matthews 1994).
  • The systematicity challenge is posed for
    connectionists that posit a system of mental
  • But the concern is that if such connectionists
    concede that thought is systematic in the sense
    in question, they would in effect be conceding
    that the system of mental representation is a LOT.

The Conceptual Constitution Thesis
  • Let us call the thesis that abilities to think
    thoughts are constituted by conceptual abilities
    the conceptual constitution thesis.

  • In their intrinsic connection discussion, Fodor
    and Pylyshyn (1988) dont explicitly appeal to
    the conceptual constitution thesis.
  • They do not even appeal to the idea of conceptual
  • But, as I noted above, that discussion invites
    the interpretation that thought abilities are
    constituted by conceptual abilities.

  • Suppose, however, that that is the intended
    interpretationthat Fodor and Pylyshyn intend to
    be asserting the conceptual constitution thesis.
  • Some points are worth noting.

  • First, the conceptual constitution thesis does
    not imply the LOT thesis.
  • The claim that thought abilities are constituted
    by conceptual abilities does not imply that there
    is a language of thoughta mental symbol system
    with a compositional semantics and types of
    computational operations that molecular symbols
    participate in in virtue of their syntactic and
    other formal properties.
  • It does not, for instance, even imply that
    concepts are mental symbols.

  • Second, connectionism faces a formidable
    challenge indeed if it aims to explain, for
    instance, why anyone able to think that John
    loves Mary would be able to think that Mary loves
    John, and vice versa, without invoking the
    conceptual constitution thesis.

  • Third, the claim that a thought ability involves
    conceptual abilities does not imply that the
    thought ability is constituted, even in part, by
    the conceptual abilities in question.

  • It would in no way be question begging for LOT
    theorist to characterize systematicity laws as
    laws concerning the co-possession of thought
    abilities involving the same conceptual abilities.

  • Everyone should agree that a cognizer can
    mentally represent that John loves Mary only if
    the cognizer can mentally represent John.
  • That claim does not even imply that there are
    mental representations, let alone that a mental
    representation of John is a constituent of the
    mental representation that John loves Mary.

  • Thus, it would not be question-begging for LOT
    theorists to characterize systematically related
    thought abilities as distinct thought abilities
    that involve all the same conceptual abilities.

  • From my experience with the literature, I expect,
    though, that some will reject the claim that the
    ability to think that John loves Mary and the
    ability to think that Mary loves John involve all
    the same conceptual abilities.
  • I also expect that some will claim not to know
    what thought abilities I am claiming involve all
    the same conceptual abilities, beyond the
    specific example that I have just cited.

  • The systematicity of thought can be
    characterized, however, without assuming the
    conceptual constitution thesis.
  • In fact, it can be characterized without replying
    even on the assumption that there are conceptual

  • I have labeled the laws that connectionism is
    being challenge to explain systematicity laws.
  • What is at issue is what laws are systematicity

  • In partial answer to that question instances of
    the schema that I stated earlier are.
  • Using the schema, I have identified a family of
    systematicity laws without appeal to the
    conceptual constitution thesis, the idea of
    intrinsic connections among thought abilities, or
    even the assumption that there conceptual
  • In due course, I will identify further families
    of systematicity laws by appeal to further
    schemata, and will do so without appealing to any
    of the matters in question.

  • Since I will employ schemata, I want first to
    turn to a misguided would-be characterizations of
    systematicity that has been offered in the
  • I will point out how it results from
    misunderstandings of how schemata are used to
    characterize systematicity, and, in some
    instances, simply from misunderstandings of how
    schemata are used.

Johnson (2004)
  • Kent Johnson (2004) tells us that although many
    have claimed that thought and/or language are/is
    systematic, there has been no adequate statement
    of what systematicity is.
  • To remedy the situation, he offers a definition
    of systematicity, and then argues that neither
    natural language nor thought is systematic.

  • He correctly cites Matthews (1994) and Cummins
    (1996) as maintaining that linguistic abilities
    are systematic, while denying that thought is
  • Let it suffice to note that the question for
    anyone who accepts that linguistic abilities are
    systematic yet denies that thought abilities are
    systematic is this how can linguistic abilities
    be systematic and the mental representational
    abilities of language users fail to be?

  • In any case, Johnston focuses on the
    systematicity of language, rather than the
    systematicity of thought, because, he says, it
    is easier to study overtly realized phenomena
    like language (2004, p.112).
  • In fact, of course, in the linguists sense of
    sentences as tree-structures (the sense in which
    Johnson uses sentence), sentences are overtly
    realized by sounds, marks on pages, or hand
    movements only by virtue of how the sounds,
    marks, or hand movements are causally related to
    cognitive representations of language users.

  • Johnson makes it clear that it is not his concern
    to defend the view that cognitive architecture is
    connectionist, but only to remove the
    systematicity challenge.
  • After making his case that neither language nor
    thought is systematic, he says
  • Have I just vindicated connectionism?
    Absolutely not. In fact, I have not altered the
    evidential status of connectionism at all. I
    have simply shown that whatever problems
    connectionists models of language and cognition
    may face, systematicity is not one of them.
    (2004, p.137)

  • We should note that Johnson (2004) thinks that
    language is productive.
  • He says There areinfinitely many words in the
    typical speakers repertoire, because there are
    recursive word-forming devices, for example,
    great-grandmother, great-great-grandmother,
    great-great-great-grandmother (2004, p.114).
  • Presumably, then, he thinks as well that at least
    the systems of mental representation possessed by
    language users are productive.

  • Johnson makes no mention of the productivity
    challenge to connectionism.
  • Anyway, as should become clear later, any
    productive system would be systematic in the
    intended sense (it would be governed by
    systematicity laws).

  • Johnson defines systematicity for a language as
  • A language L is systematic if and only if (S)
    holds for all A (S) A is a constituent of L only
    if for all B of the same linguistic kind as A,
    and all things C, C can compose with A (in a
    certain way) to form a sentence if and only if C
    can compose with B (in that same way) to form a
    sentence. (2004, p.14)

  • Linguistic kinds are linguistic categories.
  • Johnsons definition is equivalent to the
  • a language is systematic if and only if the
    members of its grammatical categories are
    intersubstitutable salva congruitatethat is,
    without loss of grammaticality.
  • Let us call this (S)-systematicity.

  • The languages of propositional logic and
    first-order quantification theory are
  • But not all artificial languages are

  • For example, the classical computer language LISP
    is not.
  • Thus, (CONS 'A 'B) is grammatical, but (CAR 'A
    'B) is ungrammatical, even though CONS and CAR
    fall under a common grammatical category.
  • A LISP sentence with CONS in the head is
    grammatical if and only if the second term is an
    atom and the third is either an atom or a list.
  • One cannot substitute CAR (or CDR, for that
    matter) for CONS salva congruitate.

  • It is very well known that natural languages are
    not (S)-systematic.
  • It is thus completely unsurprising that Johnson
    says the only truly systematic systems of any
    complexity that I know of are the languages of
    logic and mathematics (p.132).

  • Johnson offers counterexamples for a number of
    categories, including the categories of verb and
  • Here is an example of his for the category of
    verb (2004, p.117)
  • (3) Alice showed Martha the book.
  • (4) Alice described Martha the book.

  • Examples for the category of verb, the category
    of adjective, and for other categories abound.
  • As Johnson himself notes (2004, p.113), examples
    of the sort that he gives can be found scattered
    throughout the linguistics literature.

  • Here is an example from Fodor and Pylyshyn (1988,
    p.29) concerning the category noun phrase that
    suffices to show that English fails to be
  • (1) John and Mary are friends.
  • (2) John are friends.
  • Both John and Mary and John a members of the
    category noun phrase.
  • But they are not intersubstitutable salva

  • Now given that Fodor and Pylyshyn (1988) use this
    example and also claim that natural languages are
    systematic, one wonders where Johnson got the
    idea that systematicity should be defined by (S).
  • That is a matter I will return to shortly.

  • Of course, John and Mary is a plural noun
    phrase, while John is not.
  • So, although they are both members of the
    category noun phrase, the first is, but the
    second is not a member of the category plural
    noun phrase.

  • Although natural languages are not
    (S)-systematic, it is the case is that if two
    constituents are members of all and only the same
    grammatical categories, then they are
    intersubstitutable salva congruitate.
  • In other words, if two constituents A and B fail
    to be intersubstitutable salva congruitate, then
    one of the two is a member of a grammatical
    category of which the other is not a member.
  • But that, notice, is true by definition of
    grammatical category.

  • Johnston notes as much. He asks us to consider
    the following definition
  • A language L is systematic if and only if (S)
    holds for all A (S) A is a constituent of L
    only if for all B of all the same linguistic
    kinds as A, and all things C, C can compose with
    A (in a certain way) form a sentence if C can
    compose with B (in the same way) to form a
    sentence. (2004, p.126)

  • He then says The problem with (S) is that it
    is a tautology. The sum total of linguistic
    kinds that a word belongs to exhausts its
    grammatical properties by the very definition of
    the linguistic kinds (2004, p.126).
  • It is certainly true that no one disputes that
    natural languages are systematic in the sense of

  • On the other hand, it is, as I said, well known
    that natural languages are not (S)-systematic.
  • The Fodor-Pylyshyn (1988) example suffices to
    show that English isnt.

  • To return to the systematicity of thought, I know
    of no reason whatsoever to think that the
    language of thought is (S)-systematic but, to
    the best of my knowledge, no proponent of the LOT
    hypothesis has ever even suggested that it might
    be, let alone claimed that it is.

  • Of course, if our system of mental representation
    is a language, then (S) will hold for it.
  • But it would be dialectically utterly useless in
    the context of the LOT/connectionism debate for
    LOT theorists to appeal to (S) in posing the
    systematicity challenge.
  • The reason isnt that it is a tautology that
    languages are (S)-systematic.
  • The reason is that the question at issue is
    whether our system of mental representation is a

  • Of course, for the very same reason, it would be
    dialectically useless to appeal to (S).
  • Only a language could be (S)-systematic.
  • How, then, could anything like (S) be relevant to
    posing the systematicity challenge for thought?

  • This takes us back to the question I raised
  • Why Johnson does think that (S) is an appropriate
    characterization of systematicity?

  • In defense of this characteriziation, he cites
    (2004, p.113) the following proposal by Robert
  • A system is said to exhibit systematicity if,
    whenever it can process a sentence s, it can
    process systematic variants of s, where
    systematic variation is understood in terms of
    permuting constituents or (more strongly)
    substituting constituents of the same grammatical
    category. (1996, p.594)
  • Johnson says of the very few explicit
    characterizations of systematicity, Robert
    Cummins offers one that gets really close to the
    heart of the matter (2004, p.113).

  • Unfortunately, he doesnt tell us why he thinks
    that it gets really close to the heart of the
  • In any case, Johnsons (S) is mainly intended to
    capture this notion of Cummins.
  • Johnson shifts from sentence processing to the
    grammaticality of a sentence, he tells us,
    because we may well be able to understand (and so
    process) ungrammatical sentences, and he takes
    grammaticality, rather than sentence
    understanding to be the heart of the matter
    (2004, p.113).

  • But Cumminss notion of a systems exhibiting
    systematicity is not invoked by any LOT theorists
    in the characterization of systematicity.
  • It is Cumminss own idea and presented by him as

  • Any formulation of systematicity along these
    lines would be utterly useless to LOT theorists
    since the point of appealing to linguistic
    systematicity is to make a case that sentences
    have constituent structures, and the
    characterization of systematicity in question
    implies that they do.

  • Anyway, the main point to note is that Johnston
    gets the idea for (S)-systematicity specificially
    from Cumminss remark or (more strongly)
    substituting constituents of the same grammatical
    category (1996, p.594).
  • Johnson picks up this ball dropped by Cummins and
    then runs with it.

  • It is worth mentioning that I think that Johnson
    reads Cummins uncharitably.
  • A charitable reading would have plugged in the
    words in any way that preserves grammaticality
    at the end of the remark.
  • One would think that that would capture Cumminss

Evans Generality Constraint
  • Johnson also cites as inspiration for (S), Gareth
    Evanss formulation of the Generality Constraint
    on thoughts, which is intimately related to the
    hypothesis that thought is systematic (see Davis
  • It is a spelling out of what I called the
    conceptual constitution thesis.

Evans Quotes
  • Johnston cites the following passages from Evans
  • It seems to me that there must be a sense in
    which thoughts are structured. The thought that
    John is happy has something in common with the
    thought that Harry is happy, and the thought that
    John is happy has something in common with the
    thought that John is sad (p.100).
  • The Generality constraint requires us to see the
    thought that a is F as lying at the intersection
    of two series of thoughts the thoughts that a is
    F, that a is G, that a is H,, on the one hand,
    and the thoughts that a is F, that b is F, that c
    is F,., on the other (p.209 cf. p.104, fn.21).

  • Johnson says
  • although Evans is primarily concerned with
    thought, he illustrates the Generality Constraint
    with language (1982, pp.101-03). Others have
    discussed it in a linguistic context. Thus, (S)
    captures a property that is often believed to
    hold of language. (2004, p.115)

  • Johnson says that Evans illustrates the
    Generality Constraint with language, I take it,
    because Evans illustrates the sort of thing he
    has in mind by claiming that the ability to have
    the thought that Harry is happy is a complex
    ability by analogy to the sort of thing we have
    in mind when we say that the understanding of a
    sentence such as Harry is happy is a complex

  • As I noted, though, rather than it being often
    believed that (S) holds of natural languages, it
    is very well known that (S) fails for natural
  • As I also noted, the sorts of counterexamples
    Johnson gives to the claim that English is
    (S)-systematic are rife in the linguistic
    literature, as he himself acknowledges.

  • Presumably, then, Johnson means just that it is
    often believed by philosophers of mind and
    language, or something of that sort.
  • In my experience, however, that is not true.
  • And could Johnson have actually thought that
    Fodor and Pylyshyn think languages are
  • As we saw, their paper includes a counterexample
    to that claim.

  • Moreover, so far as I know, no contemporary
    philosopher has maintained that (S) holds for our
    system of mental representation.
  • It is puzzling why Johnson thought that the
    passages from Evans indicated that Evans was
    presupposing that (S) is true of natural
    languages or of thought.

  • The following remarks by Johnson, which appear in
    a footnote twenty one pages after he states (S),
    gives a clue

  • Some philosophers (for example, Evans in the
    quote at the beginning of this article) have
    simply assumed that the structure of thought has
    no interesting or restrictive structure. They
    assume, for example, that the structure of Mary
    loves John has simply the form of a two-place
    relation LmjBut adopting such a position
    requires making some extremely strong empirical
    assumptions about the structure of thought. I am
    unaware of any empirical evidence that supports
    these assumptions. (2004, p.135)
  • The Evans quote Johnson mentions in the
    parenthetical remark in first sentence above is
    the one we cited above from Evans.

  • It is, I believe, deeply uncharitable of Johnson
    to read Evans as claiming that thoughts are
    structured like sentences of first-order logic
    (what I have been calling predicate logic).

  • Evans, I believe, uses the first-order logic
    schemata in question simply as a way of
    indicating the sorts of generalizations about
    thought that he thinks make the case that
    thoughts have structures, in the sense that
    thought abilities are constituted by conceptual
  • The philosophical literature is rife with uses of
    sentence schemata to indicate relevant
    generalizations, without that being made

  • Evans is not claiming, nor is he presupposing,
    that the structures of mental representations are
    or are very much like (Johnston (2004, p.135))
    those of sentences in the formal language of
    first-order logic.
  • Indeed Evans is not even presupposing that there
    is a language of thought, let alone one with that
    has a grammar like the grammar of first-order

  • In the passage from Johnson quoted above,
    Johnston may be using Mary loves John to name a
    mental representation.
  • It is hard to tell since italicization is the
    device he uses in the paper to name English
  • But, in any case, his discussion suggest that he
    thinks that to take the English sentence Mary
    loves John to be an instance of the schema Lmj
    is to take it as having simply the form (2004,
    p.135) of Lmj.

  • If he does not think that, then it becomes all
    the more puzzling why he thinks taking the mental
    representation Mary loves John as an instance of
    the schema requires taking it to simply have the
    form of Lmj.
  • If taking natural language sentences to be
    instances of the schema does not require taking
    them to have the form Lmj, why would taking
    mental representations to be instances of the
    schema (something I think Evans does not do)
    require taking them to simply have the form

  • It is, however, is a simple misunderstanding of
    what it is for a sentence to be an instance of a
    predicate logic schema to think that taking Mary
    loves John to be an instance of Lmj requires
    taking the sentence to simply have the form of

  • If for a sentence to be an instance of a
    predicate logic schema, the schema had to
    represent all or virtually all or even much of
    the structure of the sentence, predicate logic
    schemata would have no instances in natural
  • It is controversial exactly how predicate logic
    schemata and the natural language sentencesthe
    tree structuresthat are their instances of them
    are related.
  • But everyone thinks that such schemata leave a
    lot of structure unrepresented.

  • Johnson gives us no reason to doubt that
    predicate logic schemata have instances in
    natural language.

  • Moreover, for our present purposes, we could, if
    we liked, avoid appeal to predicate logic
    schemata like aRb yet still identify vast
    families of systematicity laws using schemata.

  • As Johnson reminds us, we still dont have the
    final theory of the grammar of English.
  • It is, however, to put it mildly, hardly
    contentious to claim that we know enough about
    the English sentences Mary loves John and John
    loves Mary, for instance, to know that they lack
    any truth-functional structure.
  • Given that, they are instances of the ps and
    qs of propositional logic.

  • Here is a schema whose application to a natural
    language sentence requires only the assumption
    that the antecedents and consequents of the
    conditionals contained in them lack any truth
    functional structure
  • A cognizer is able mentally represent that if p
    then q if and only if the cognizer is able to
    mentally represent that if q then p.
  • Instances of this schema too are systematicity

  • Before concluding the discussion of Johnsons
    paper, we should note that given what it is (by
    stipulation) for something to be an instance of a
    sentence schema, only grammatical sentences can
    be instances of sentence schemata.

  • Under appropriate stipulations for a, R, and
    b, the sentence John bakes bread is an
    instance of the predicate logic schema aRb.
  • But even under those stipulations, the
    ungrammatical string of words Bread bakes John
    is not.
  • Indeed Bread bakes John is not an instance of
    any predicate logic schema.

  • Thus, it would be simply a mistake to think, for
    instance, that the string of words
  • Ceteris paribus, a cognizer is able to mentally
    represent that John bakes bread if and only if
    the cognizer is able to mentally represent that
    bread bakes John
  • is an instance of the schema
  • Ceteris paribus, a cognizer is able to mentally
    represent that aRb if and only if the cognizer is
    able to mentally represent that bRa.
  • It is not and so the ungrammatical string of
    words in question is irrelevant to the issue of
    whether all instances of the schema are true.

  • I suspect that no single sentence schema could be
    formulated that is such that it could be claimed
    that all systematicity laws are instances of it,
    at least without raising issues about the
    structures of natural language sentences that are
    controversial in the context of the
    LOT/connectionism debate.

  • But we can make do with less by doing with more.

  • Unlike the grammar of English or any other
    natural language, the grammar of predicate logic
    (which includes the grammar of propositional
    logic) is completely understood.
  • If we avoid using the horseshoe (using instead
    the English ifthen), we can appeal to
    predicate logic schemata to identify families of
    systematic laws without making any particularly
    controversial assumptions about the structures of
    natural language sentences.

  • Moreover, it should be noted that using such
    schemata in this way by no means presupposes that
    the rules of inference of predicate logic are
    among the correct rules of inferences.
  • The reason is that no use whatsoever is made of
    those rules of inference.
  • We rely only on the grammar, on what counts as a
    well-formed formula, not on any of the rules of

  • I have already so employed two such predicate
    logic sentence schemata, which, when fully and
    properly ticketed, are
  • (SG1) Ceteris paribus, a cognizer is able to
    mentally represent that aRb if and only if the
    cognizer is able mentally represent that bRa.
  • (SG2) Ceteris paribus, a cognizer is able
    mentally represent that if p then q if and only
    if the cognizer is able to mentally represent
    that if q then p.

  • Instances of these schemata are systematicity
  • They are among the psychological laws that must
    be explained to meet the systematicity challenge.

Some Further Schemata
  • (SG3) Ceteris paribus, a cognizer is able to
    mentally represent that if (P and Q) then R if
    and only if the cognizer is able to mentally
    represent that if P then (Q and R).
  • (SG4) Cetreris paribus, a cognizer is able to
    mentally represent that P and not-Q if and only
    if the cognizer is able to mentally represent
    that not-P and Q.
  • (SG5) Ceteris paribus, a cognizer is able to
    mentally represent that ((P and Q) or R) if and
    only if the cognizer is able to mentally
    represent that (P and (Q or R)).

  • LOT theory offers a unified account of the laws
    that are instances of (SG1)-(SG5) as well as the
    vast numbers (an unbounded number if language is
    productive) of other systematicity laws.

  • Anyone familiar with the grammar of predicate
    logic could, with a little thought, expand the
    above list to identify some further families of
    systematicity laws.
  • Hint In thinking about how to expand the list,
    one can of course rely on ones intuitions about
    what sorts of thought abilities involve the same
    conceptual abilities if (like me) one has such

  • But if connectionists claim not see how to expand
    the list and that they remain in the dark about
    what laws are systematicity laws, no matter.
  • Each of the above schemata suffices to identify a
    truly vast body of psychological laws that
    connectionism must explain, and explain without
    implementing a LOT architecture, in order to meet
    the systematicity challenge.

  • Connectionists can begin to try to meet the
    systematicity challenge by explaining the laws
    identified by (SG1)-(SG5) without implementing a
    LOT architecture.
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