Title: Statistics for Linguistics Students
1Statistics for Linguistics Students
- Michaelmas 2004
- Week 7
- Bettina Braun
- www.phon.ox.ac.uk/bettina/teaching.html
- Problems from last assignment
- Correlation analyses
- Repeated measures ANOVA
- One-way (one IV)
- Two-way (two IVs)
- Transformations
3Chi-square using SPSS
4Chi-square using SPSS
5Chi-square using SPSS
- How to interpret the output
Table similar to ours
Result sign. interaction (x25.7, df1, p0.017
6More on interactions
No effect of region, nor gender, no interaction
Effect of region and gender and interaction
North South
No effect of gender, effect of region, no
North South
Effect of region and gender and interaction
North South
Effect of region and gender no interaction
North South
North South
7Correlation analyses
- Often found in exploratory research
- You do not test the effect of an independent
variable on the dependent one - But see what relationships hold between two or
more variables
8Correlation coefficients
- Scatterplots helpful to see whether it is a
linear relationship
r -1Neg. corr.
r 0no corr.
r 1pos. corr.
9Bivariate correlation
- Do you expect a correlation between the two
variables? - Try line-fitting by eye
10Pearson correlation
- T-test is used to test if corr. coefficient is
different from 0 ( gt data must be interval!) - If not, use Spearmans correlation (non-parametric)
11Pearson correlation
- Correlation coefficient
- For interval data
- For linear relationships
- r2 is the proportion of variation of one variable
that is explained by the other - Note even a highly significant correlation does
not imply a causal relationship (e.g. There might
be another variable influencing both!)
12Repeated measures ANOVA
- Recall
- In between-subjects designs large individual
differences - repeated measures (aka within-subjects) has all
participants in all levels of all conditions - Problems
- Practice effect (carry-over) effect
13Missing data
- You need to have data for every subject in every
condition - If this is not the case, you cannot include this
subject - If your design becomes inbalanced by the
exclusion of a subject, you should randomly
exclude a subject from the other group as well
(or run another subject for the group with the
14Requirements for repeated measures ANOVA
- Same as for between-subjects ANOVA
- You can have within- and between-subject factors
(e.g. boys vs. girls, producing /a/ and /i/ and
/u/) - Covariates
- factors that might have an effect on the
within-subjects factor - Note covariates can also be specified for
between-subjects designs!
15Covariates example
- You want to study French skills when using 2
different text-books. Students are randomly
assigned to 2 groups. If you have the IQ of these
students, you can decrease the variability within
the groups by using IQ as covariate - Problem if the covariate is correlated with
between-groups factor as well, F-value might get
smaller (less significant)! - You can also assess interaction between
covariates and between-groups factors (e.g. one
textbook might be better suited for smart
16One-way repeated measures ANOVA in SPSS
1. Define new name and levels for within-subject
17One-way repeated measures ANOVA in SPSS
- Factor-name
- Four levels of the within-subjects variable
- Enter between-subjects and covariates (if
18Post-hoc tests for within-subjects variables
- SPSS does not allow you to do post-hoc tests for
within-subjects variables - Instead do Contrasts and define them
as Repeated
19Post-hoc tests for within-subjects variables
- You can also askfor a comparsonof means
20SPSS output test of Sphericity
- Test for homgeneity of covariances among scores
of within-subjecs factors - Only calculated if variable has more than 2 levels
If test is significant, you have to reject the
null-hypothesis that the variances are homogenious
21SPSS output within-subjects contrasts
- Post-hoc test for within-subjects variables
223 x 3 designs
Factor B (between) Factor B (between) Factor B (between)
B1 B2 B3
A1 Group1 Group2 Group3
A2 Group4 Group5 Group6
A3 Group7 Group8 Group9
233 x 3 designs
Factor B (witin) Factor B (witin) Factor B (witin)
B1 B2 B3
A1 Group1
243 x 3 designs
Factor B (witin) Factor B (witin) Factor B (witin)
B1 B2 B3
Factor A (between) A1 Group1
Factor A (between) A2
Factor A (between) A3
25Data transformation
- If you want to caculate an ANOVA but your
interval data is not normally distributed (i.e.
skewed) you can use mathematical transformations - The type of transformation depends on the shape
of the sample distribution - NOTE
- After transforming data, check the resulting
distribution again for normality! - Note that your data becomes ordinal by
transforming it!! (but you can do an ANOVA with
26What kind of tranformation?