Title: Diversity Mgt Defined
1Diversity Mgt Time for a new approach Ivancevich
Gilbert, 2000
- Diversity Mgt Defined
- Prevalence and Effects of Diversity Mgt
- Issues in Research on Diversity Mgt
2Definitions of Diversity Mgt
- Using demographic necessity as a business case
- Assumes access will lead to advancement
- Focuses on visible minority and females
- Broad defn is to recruit, hire, retain, reward
promote a heterogeneous (vms, females, disabled,
gays?, whites) workforce - Moral/Ideology based business cases will not
survive in times of economic hardship
3Does Diversity Mgt have an effect?
- Perceived effect vs. Real Effects vs Claims made
by popular books
4Perceived effects of Diversity Mgt
- 92 believed diversity mgt policies affected
profitability Towers Perrin 92 - Perceived success of diversity training predicted
by Rynes Rosen, 95 - Top mgt support for diversity, mandatory
attendance, long-term eval of training results,
rewards to mgrs for increasing diversity,
inclusionary defn of diversity
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5Prevalence of Diversity Mgt
- Among top 50 companies, 72 had diversity progs
AT Kearney, 1995 - 8 were developing progs, 8 had scattered progs
- Predictors of the use of diversity training
- Top mgt support for diversity, Top mgts positive
beliefs about diversity, high strategic priority
to diversity compared to other objectives,
presence of diversity mgt officer, other
diversity supportive policies Org size Rynes
Rosen, 95
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6Prevalence of Diversity Mgt
- Case examples
- Xerox
- 16 organizations case study Morrison, 92
- 13 emphasized recruitment
- 12 used diversity related criteria for perf
evaluation - 6 linked accomplishment of diversity goals to
special bonuses or merit pay increases (cf
Stephan Stephan) - 11 had most admired corporation ranking in
Fortune - 3 had awards for TQM
7Effects of Diversity Training
- Increased perceptions about managerial concern
for diversity Ellis Sonnenfeld - Decreased perceptions that vms received too much
attention Ellis Sonnenfeld
8Effects of Diversity Mgt
- Improved org culture, fairer treatment of VMs
women in large corporation Jew 1995 - Increased understanding of diverse customers,
increased creativity, increased commitment,
better retention attendance in 55 companies in
CA Tsui Porter
9Effects of Diversity Mgt
- Increased cooperation in ethnically diverse
groups Cox et al - VMs have more positive perceptions of career
advancement programs (Intl Survey Research
Company) - Identity-conscious HR structures (i.e.,
recruitment, hiring goals, promotion vs.
termination ratios, grievance rates) were
positively associated with positive employment
status outcomes for vms women Konrad Linehan
10Effects of Diversity Management (Wright et al)
- Stock price changes were
- NEGATIVE after firms publicly announced
settlements in discrimination lawsuits - POSITIVE for those firms winning awards for Equal
employment opportunity
11Effects of Diversity Mgt
- Those Fortune 500 firms with the best record of
promoting women to senior positions were more
profitable (ROA 18 ROI 69 higher than the
median in industry) Adler - Firms with 2 or more women on boards were more
likely to be industry leaders in revenues
profits 6 yrs later Conference Board
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12Effects of Diversity Mgt
- Companies with the highest representation of
women in top mgt teams had better financial
performance (ROE 35.1 TRS 34 higher) than
those with the lowest representation Catalyst
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13Issues in Research on Diversity Mgt
- Cf Issues in Diversity Training (Stephan
Stephan) - Demographic vs. Attitudinal defn of diversity
- 1. Over time, effect of demographic diversity
weakened whereas that of attitudinal diversity
strengthened Harrison et al - Inter-group interactions became less
stereotypical as members learned about one another
Carpenter Radhakrishnan
Perceptions of groups features
Not in article
14Issues in Research on Diversity Mgt
- Lack of research could be due to
- fewer number of researchers in the area
- Poor quality research
- Bias of reviewers editors
- Encouragement of doctoral students
- Gaining access to organizations
15Issues in Research on Diversity Mgt
- Better research based on
- Improved research designs,
- Better theories
- More diverse samples
- Time-based studies
- Better statistical analyses (Radhakrishnan, in
16Issues in Research on Diversity Mgt
- Better Diversity training research (cf Stephan
Stephan chp) - Identify important program based criteria
- Assess changes in criteria
- Determine whether changes in criteria
- Are due to diversity training
- Will replicate with diff employees of same firm
- Will replicate with different firm
(generalization) - Assess Affective, cognitive, skill based outcomes
- Use utility estimation procedures to estimate
economic benefits
17Diversity Mgt Time for a new approach Ivancevich
Gilbert, 2000
- Diversity Mgt Defined
- Prevalence and Effects of Diversity Mgt
- Issues in Research on Diversity Mgt