Structured Programming - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Structured Programming


Structured Programming Defn: This is an approach to program development that produces programs of high quality that are easy to test, debug, modify and maintain. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Structured Programming

Structured Programming
Defn This is an approach to program development
that produces programs of high quality that are
easy to test, debug, modify and maintain. This
technique emphasizes the modular approach to
program development.
Modular Programming Using this approach a large
complex problem is broken up into sub-problems,
and if necessary these are further divided until
the tasks to be solved are simpler or easier for
programming code to be developed. Top Down
Structured Programming
  • Defn A structure chart is ideally a map of your
    program which shows how variables pass data
    between modules in a program. It helps the
    programmer to produce a top-down design of the
  • Steps
  • Place the main module as the root of an
    upside-down tree
  • Determine the set of tasks necessary for solving
    the problem.
  • Place these below the root and connect the root
    to each task
  • Break down each task into even smaller tasks if
  • Eventually the program is broken down to a point
    where the leaves of the structure chart tree
    represent simple modules that can be coded with
    just a few statements.

Structure Charts
Automatic Teller
Activate Customer Accounts
Handle transactions
Validate Customer
Pull customer record
Check Transactions
Savings Transactions
Exit Transactions
Get Valid Card
Get Valid Code
Handle Queries
Handle Deposits
Handle withdrawals
Fig 2. A structure chart,. Each box (node) in the
chart represents a block of code called a module.
The root node (box at the top) represents the
main section of the program. Each connecting line
represents a call to a module. The connecting
lines could be variables (data) which are passed
to and from modules.
Structured Programming
  • Most of the programs written at the ordinary and
    advanced level courses are likely to be short
    however, in the IT arena most problems will
    require thousands, if not millions of lines of
    code. (Windows 2000 over 35 millions lines of
    code). The importance of splitting a problem into
    a series of self-contained modules then becomes
    obvious. A module should not exceed 100 lines,
    and preferably short enough to fit on a single
    page or screen.
  • Allows a problem to be split in stages and for a
    team of programmers to work on the problem, also
    enabling a faster solution.
  • Senior programmers can be given the more complex
    modules to write, and the junior programmers the
    simpler ones.
  • Program modification is easier since changes can
    be isolated to specific modules.
  • Modules can be tested and debugged independently.
  • Since a module performs a specific well defined
    task, it is possible to develop and place
    commonly used modules in a user library so that
    they can be accessed by different programs. (e.g.
    Validation, Uppercase, Text colorPascal)
  • If a programmer cannot continue through the
    entire project, it is easier for another
    programmer to continue working on self contained

Structured Programming
  • In the Pascal programming language the concept of
    structured programming is expressed using
    Procedures and Functions.
  • Procedures are portions of code that perform a
    specific task such as draw a square on screen,
    prompt a user to enter values, display results on
    screen etc. They can exist as independent
    statements e.g. textcolor(red), inc(x), clrscr
  • Functions are also portions of code that perform
    a specific task. However, they return a value or
    result, such as an integer, a real number, a
    string , etc. Consequently, they can only be used
    as components of statements e.g. chupcase (ch)
    y abs(z)
  • Consider the following simple example.
  • Program Example1
  • Procedure open_screen
  • Begin
  • writeln( Welcome to Cyber Core.)
  • end
  • Begin
  • open_screen
  • End.

Program header
Procedure header
End of Procedure
Start of main program
Calling the procedure open_screen
End of program
Structured Programming
Examine the Pascal program below which prompts a
user for two names and outputs the one that is
alphabetically smaller. The program uses a
procedure which creates a border (of 20
asterisks) before and after the output. Note also
that the procedure is called twice from the main
program and that procedures and functions are
written before the main program. Program
smaller_name Var name1,name2string Procedure
Border Var iinteger Begin for i 1
to 20 do write()
writeln End Begin writeln(
Enter two names )readln(name1,name2)
Border If (name1ltname2) then
writeln(name2) Border End.
Program header
Global Variables
Local Variable
End of Procedure
Start of main program
Call Procedure
Call Procedure again
Structured Programming
  • Notice that the procedure will only print 20
    asterisks, no more and no less. If 10 or even 40
    asterisks are required then the same procedure
    can be used, though some modification will be
    required. This can be achieved with the use of a
    parameter list with one variable, say
    Num_asterisks . The procedure now looks as
  • Procedure Border(Num_asterisksinteger)
  • Var iinteger
  • Begin
  • for i 1 to Num_asterisks do
  • write()
  • writeln
  • End
  • On examining the new format the number of
    asterisks is passed to the procedure through the
    parameter list in the procedure header.
    Consequently, when the procedure needs to be
    called, the value of the parameter is placed in
    brackets. So calls in the main program would
    look like Border(10) or Border(40) for
    printing 10 or 40 asterisks respectively.
  • Global variables exist throughout the scope of a
    program. They are declared at the start of the
    program and values may be accessed at any time
    and position during the execution of the program.
  • Local Variables are declared within a procedure
    or function. They are created when the subroutine
    is started and only exist when that portion of
    code is executed. When the procedure or function
    is exited the memory space which was reserved for
    the local variables is released for other use.
  • N.B to minimize the constraints for the running
    of a program more local declarations should be
    made where possible.

Parameter List
Structured Programming
In the Pascal programming language Functions are
very similar to Procedures except that they
return a value. The golden rule is that if a
value is not to be returned then a procedure
should always be used. When programming the
reserved word Function is used instead of the
word Procedure and the data type of the
returning value must be stated. Format of a
Pascal Function Function Name _of _function
(parameter_listing) datatype Var
any_local_variables Begin
statement1 statement2
Name_of_Function value
End Function is_even (num
integer)boolean Begin if (num
mod 2 0) then
is_eventrue else
is_even false end
Integer, string, char, boolean
Must be given a value consistent with the data
type stated
Structured Programming
  • Consider the Pascal program below and answer
    the questions that follow.
  • Program test1
  • Var ans, numinteger
  • Procedure cubed(num integer var ansinteger)
  • Begin
  • ans num num num
  • End
  • Begin
  • Writeln(Enter number )
    readln (num)
  • cubed(num , ans)
  • Writeln(Number Cubed ,ans)
  • readln
  • End.
  • What is the name of the program?
  • Write the names of the global and local
  • State the parameter list in the procedure.
  • For each parameter , identify whether it is a
    variable or value parameter and why.
  • What will be the output if the following numbers
    are entered (a) 4 (b) 3.2 ?

Structured Programming
  • Consider writing a program where a user is
    required to enter integer values M and N and to
    calculate and output M raised to the power N. In
    analyzing the problem, three cases need to be
  • the case of N being Zero
  • the case of N being positive and
  • finally the case of N being negative
  • The modular breakdown of the problem now looks as

Power Raising
M n
M -n
It is now possible to focus on one module at a
time and to develop the internal workings
(stepwise refinement). For the Zero case the
body of the module would need only contain the
statement setting the answer to 1 (Any number
raised to the power of Zero equals 1!) For the
Positive Case the following portion of code could
be used
ans 1 for
i 1 to N do
ans ans M For the Negative Case
it is observed that M n is equal to that of
1/ M n. Thus, use could be made of previously
written code for the positive case. (all that is
necessary is for the procedure to be
appropriately called)
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