Return values - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Return values


Return values Efficiency in Coding – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Return values

  • Return values
  • Efficiency in Coding

Learning Objectives
  • By the end of this lecture, you should be able
  • Be able to apply an object literal when setting
    multiple CSS properties
  • Using an example, explain how an object literal
    can be an efficient way of coding
  • Describe what is meant by being efficient in
    your coding
  • Describe what is meant when a function returns
    a value and what you can do with returned values
  • Describe what happens to a returned value if the
    programmer doesnt write code to do something
    with it
  • Describe how to distinguish a command in
    JavaScript from a command in jQuery.
  • Describe a way that you can view your rendered
    source code

Object Literals
  • Not surprisingly, we will often want to apply
    multiple styles to a single tag. For example,
    suppose you wanted to change the hyperlinks to
    all powerpoint files so that they were blue, at
    75 size, and in Arial font. You could do this by
    applying 3 separate commands like so
  • ('ahref".ppt"').css('color' , 'blue')
  • ('ahref".ppt"').css('font-size' , '75')
  • ('ahref".ppt"').css('font-family' ,
  • However, if you think about this, it is somewhat
    inefficient. (Programmers who are cognizant of
    issues such as efficiency are highly sought after
    and tend to make the most ! ) The reason this
    code is relatively inefficient is that the
    browser has to parse the entire page three
    separate times looking for that particualr
    selector (anchor tags that link to Powerpoint
    files). Wouldnt it be nice if we could do all of
    them at once? Fortunately we can using a
    technique called object literals.
  • The syntax for object literals may be a little
    confusing initially, but it is something you will
    get used to with a little bit of practice!
  • An object literal is a list of propertyvalue
  • It is different from the version shown above in
    that each property is separated from its value by
    a colon not a coma. (Just like the original way
    you learned to set property/value pairs in plain
    old CSS!)
  • However, between each propertyvalue pair, you DO
    place a comma. This is DIFFERENT from the way you
    change styles directly in CSS. In jQuery, you
    need a comma between each pair, NOT a semicolon.
  • The last propertyvalue pair does NOT have a
    comma after it!
  • Finally, the entire object literal must be placed
    inside braces.
  • 'color''blue', 'font-size''75',
  • Finally, this entire object literal is then
    provided as the argument to (i.e. inside the
    parentheses) the CSS function
  • ('ahref".ppt"').css( 'color''blue','font-si
  • 'font-family''Arial' )

  • Can you find the bug or bugs in the following
    line of code?
  • ('a.hover').css( 'color''blue','font-size''75
  • 'font-family''Arial',
  • Answer
  • There is a comma after the last property value
  • There is also a second bug We are missing the
    closing parenthesis ) of the css() function. It
    should appear immediately after the closing brace
  • KEY POINT / IMPORTANT LESSON When there is more
    than one bug, debugging can become a nightmare!
    Thats why you should do your coding in very
    small pieces and constantly save and refresh your
    browser. For example, in this case, Id probably
    start with only ONE propertyvalue pair in the
    object literal and make sure it works. Because
    there is much less code to that line, spotting a
    bug is MUCH MUCH easier! Once youre confident
    that it works, add the next pair, do a quick
    test, and then another, etc.
  • Incidentally, you might be tempted to think that
    the new line in the middle of the object literal
    could be a problem. However, using extra lines in
    a situation such as this is not only acceptable,
    it is frequently ideal as it makes the code that
    much easier to read.

Performance and Efficiency
  • We will periodically touch on issues relating to
    making your code as efficient as possible. This
    is a huge issue in programming. Programmers who
    are skilled at writing code that is maximized for
    speed and efficiency are extremely valued.
  • Another example on improving performance touches
    on the object literal example. Recall that the
    performance benefit of the object literal is that
    the parser only has to look for the selector once
    instead of 3 separate times for each
    propertyvalue pair.
  • Well, this is, in fact, the second time we have
    discussed a technique for making our code more
    efficient. If you recall, jQuery has the ability
    to chain functions. In other words, if you want
    to apply multiple different functions to a single
    selector, you can improve the performance of your
    code by chaining them.
  • Suppose you wanted to
  • Modify anchor tags to be in a different color
  • Have them start invisible
  • Fade in over 3 seconds
  • You could write this as 3 separate jQuery
    commands. However, once again, the engine would
    have to parse your page 3 separate times
    searching for the a selector. Instead, lets
    just search for the selector once and each time
    we find that selector, apply all three different
  • ('a').css('color', 'red').hide().fadeIn(3000)

Quick Review Using the css() function to find
the value of a property
  • Recall that one use of the css() function is its
    ability to tell us the value of a css property.
    To do so, we simply pass the CSS property we are
    wondering about as the argument to the function,
    WITHOUT following the property by a comma and
  • For example, if you wanted to find out which font
    your anchor tags are currently set to, you could
  • ('a').css('font-family')
  • Suppose in a stylesheet somewhere, you had set
    the font of anchor tags to Arial. Then the
    function call above will return the string
    Arial .
  • The idea of functions returning a value is an
    extremely important one. Lets discuss this
    concept now.

Functions that return a value
  • Suppose that in a stylesheet somewhere, you had
    styled a tags as follows
  • a font-familyArial colorred
  • Now suppose that in some other part of your
    document, inside a script tag somewhere, you have
    the following statement
  • ('a').css('font-family')
  • What do you think would happen if you were to
    type out this code in your page? The answer is
    NOTHING! There would NOT be any errors
    generated, but at the same time, absolutely
    nothing would happen. And yet, this is an
    entirely legitimate statement. So, what is going
  • The answer is that the job of some functions is
    not necessarily to make anything happen, but
    rather, is to return a piece of information. In
    the example above, the function call
    ('a').css('font-family') will return the value
    of the font-family attribute that was applied to
    the anchor tag.
  • Here it is in admittedly low-tech animation
  • PROGRAMMER Hey, computer, what is the value of
    the font-family attribute for anchor tags?
  • COMPUTER Let me check. Here ya go the value
    is Arial
  • So the computer program will simply return the
    String Arial.
  • Question What exactly did we (as the
    programmer) DO with that returned value?
  • Answer In the example just discussed,
    ('a').css('font-family') we did NOTHING!

Functions that return a value
  • ('a').css('font-family')
  • //will return the String Arial
  • When a function returns a value, it is up to us
    as programmers to do something with that value.
    If we dont do anything with the returned value,
    then that value simply goes away.
  • Note We do NOT get an error. In the code above,
    there is absolutely no problem. Rather, the
    returned value, the string Arial simply flies
    away and is gone forever.
  • So what are some things that we programmers can
    do with a value that has been returned by a
  • Answer
  • Output it (e.g. to an alert box or document.write
  • Store it in a variable
  • Pass the value to a different function
  • Etc

Returning a value, contd.
  • Example of storing the returned value in a
  • var currentAnchorFont ('a').css('font-family')
  • You could then use this variable anywhere such
    as, as the argument to an alert() function
  • alert('The current font for anchor tags is '
  • Example of outputting a returned value
  • The Math.sqrt() function returns the square root
    of the argument (the value we pass inside the
    parentheses). In this example, we will simply
    output the returned value
  • document.write('The square root of 25 is '
    Math.sqrt(25) )

  • Recall that the Math.sqrt() function returns the
    square root of its argument. What would you
    expect to happen if you typed the following
    somewhere in a script?
  • Math.sqrt(16)
  • Answer
  • Nothing! The function will indeed return a 4.0.
    However, we did not do anything with that value!
    There is no bug in the code and no errors will be
    generated. However, because we didnt do anything
    with the returned value, we ended up with a
    completely useless line of code!
  • See file returned_values.htm

Mix n Match JavaScript with jQuery
  • Question What would expect to happen if you
  • alert('hello')
  • Answer You would see an alert box that simply
    says hello.
  • Question What about
  • alert('hello')
  • Answer This would be an error. The reason is
    that alert() is a JavaScript function. It is NOT
    a jQuery function. While you absolutely CAN mix
    and match JS with jQuery, the way we as
    programmers let the scripting engine know that
    you we are currently using a jQuery function is
    to precede the command with the dollar sign.
  • This is why for functions like alert() ,
    document.write() , Math.sqrt() all of which are
    JavaScript (not jQuery) functions - we do NOT
    precede those particular function names by a
    dollar sign.

How to view the real source code
  • By now you have surely found the View Source
    button on your browser. It allows you to view
    the source code of the page that is currently
    displayed. When you are doing basic,
    straight-forward HTML and CSS, this is not a
    problem. However, once you start using JS or any
    other scripting language to modify your code,
    things can get confusing. The reason is that the
    source displayed by View Source may well be
    different once the scripting code has made
    modifications. In other words, the source you see
    is the code that was present before any scripts
    went to work.
  • For example, suppose the user clicks a button
    that results in a series of document.write
    statements that introduce a whole bunch of new
    HTML code into the page. The view source window
    will NOT show this new HTML code.
  • All of the major browsers (IE9, Firefox, Safari,
    Chrome, Opera) typically offer some kind of
    Rendered Source or Rendered HTML window. This
    is a window that shows you the source present
    after the script has completed.
  • Accessing this window varies from browser to
    browser and from version to version. Therefore, I
    will not delve into a list of them here. However
    an online search should give quickly you the
    proper method for your preferred browser.
  • There are many choices here, but a popular one
    among developers is the Firebug plug in for the
    Firefox browser. https//
  • At this point, you should install one of these on
    your browser.

Viewing Rendered Source Code
  • Using the modifying_attributes.htm page as an
    example, view the source of your page before
    clicking on the Add Class button. Youll see
    that no class has been applied to the random text
    paragraph. Then click on the Add Class button
    and view the source again. Youll note that the
    HTML source gives no indication that the class
    was applied. This is why you need a way of
    viewing the rendered source.
  • A plugin such as Firebug (for Firefox) can show
    you the rendered source. All of the major
    browsers have plugins available that allow you to
    do things like view rendered source code, debug
    code, etc.
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