Mr. Adolfo Costa, Principal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mr. Adolfo Costa, Principal


AdvancED Self-Assessment Summary Mr. Adolfo Costa, Principal Dr. Nestor Diaz, APC Ms. Jean Baril, AP Mr. Joseph Evans AP – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mr. Adolfo Costa, Principal

AdvancED Self-AssessmentSummary
  • Mr. Adolfo Costa, Principal
  • Dr. Nestor Diaz, APC
  • Ms. Jean Baril, AP
  • Mr. Joseph Evans AP

Overall Self-Assessment of Standards

  • Artifacts Policy manuals Improvement plans
    Governing body minutes Agendas Handbooks
    Surveys School Improvement Plan (SIP)
    Certification Master Calendar Workshop
    attendance Professional Development Plans
    Multiple methods of using and reporting data
    Observational protocols Organizational charts
    Student Projects Documentation of numbers of
    disruptive events-increase/decrease Behavioral
    policies Committee agendas and minutes Examples
    of English Language Learner student/parent
    communication Meeting minutes Calendars, logs

  • Curriculum with a broad and balanced range of
    subjects and activities
  • Focus on intellectual, physical, spiritual, moral
    and social development
  • A curriculum that prepares young people for adult
    and working life
  • Emphasis on pupils' achievement of attainment
  • High but realistic expectations
  • Continuous assessment of learners performance
  • Optimal use of teaching and learning time
  • Well-organized teaching and learning through
    effective classroom management
  • Varied teaching methodology
  • Effective and supportive timetabling
  • Climate or atmosphere of trust and cooperation
  • Contribution of the school to active citizenship
  • Respect for human rights in the school and the
  • Participation of learners in responsibility and
  • Partnership with parents
  • Partnership with a supportive, participative and
    accountable governing body
  • Partnership with external institutions and
  • Good relations with the local community

  • Collective responsibility of all stakeholders
  • Clear observance of professional boundaries
  • Positive approach to health and safety
  • Conducive physical environment for teaching and
  • Effective deployment of staff
  • Monitoring and evaluation of policies
  • Clear plans, policies and procedures
  • Effective communication and consultation channels
  • Multi-directional communication structures
  • Sensitive management to implement policies
  • Emphasis on job satisfaction among staff
  • Shared vision and mission statement
  • Adaptability to the changing needs of society
  • Leadership of the principal and school management
  • Collegiality among staff

  • Limited financial resources
  • Old building not conducive to expansion of
  • Teachers sharing classrooms because of space
  • Budget costs resulting in less school support
  • Only one computer tech for a very large school
  • Difficult to schedule common planning
  • A large ELL and SPED population
  • Too much testing
  • No Child Left Behind Legislation
  • Lack of strict enforcement of the Student Code
    of Conduct
  • Little or no training on schoolwide budget
  • Lack of enforcement of uniform and ID policy
  • Open campus
  • Need for more security cameras
  • Gaps between CURRENT and DESIRED performance

STANDARD 2 Governance and Leadership
Definition of the Standard The school provides
governance and leadership that promote student
performance and school effectiveness. In
fulfillment of this standard the school 2.1
Establishes policies and procedures that provide
for the effective operation of the school 2.2
Recognizes and preserves the executive,
administrative, and leadership prerogatives of
the administrative head of the
school 2.3 Ensures compliance with applicable
local, state, and federal laws, standards and
regulations 2.4. Employs a system that provides
for analysis and review of student performance
and school effectiveness 2.5 Fosters a
learning community 2.6 Provides teachers and
students opportunities to lead 2.7 Provides
stakeholders meaningful roles in the
decision-making process that promote a culture of
participation, responsibility, and
ownership 2.8 Controls curricular and
extracurricular activities that are sponsored by
the school 2.9 Responds to community
expectations and stakeholder satisfaction 2.10
Implements an evaluation system that provides for
the professional growth of all personnel
  • 2.1 Establishes policies and procedures that
    provide for the effective operation of the school
  • What process is in place to add, remove or revise
    governing body policies and procedures for the
    effective operation of the school?
  • Operational The governing body acts
    proactively to develop policies and procedures to
    address a variety of situations and updates them
    on a regular basis.
  • How do school teachers ensure full compliance
    with governing body policies and procedures?
  • Operational School leaders collectively
    review and plan for implementation and monitoring
    of governing body procedures on an as-needed
    basis. Policies are consulted to support actions
    and decisions
  • How do school-based policies and procedures
    ensure equity of learning opportunities and
    support of innovation in the school?
  • Highly Functional The schools written
    policies procedures, and organizational
    conditions ensure equity of learning
    opportunities support for innovation, and are
    systematically embedded in the way the school

  • 2.2 Recognizes and preserves the executive,
    administrative, and leadership prerogatives of
    the administrative head of the school
  • What kinds of autonomy does school leadership
    have to make operational choices about how to
    implement policy?
  • Operational The governing body uses policies to
    establish parameters within which school leaders
    are allowed and encouraged to make operational
    choices about how to accomplish their goals.

  • 2.3 Ensures compliance with applicable local,
    state, and federal laws, standards and
  • How do school leaders assure that all legal
    compliance requirements are met?
  • Highly Functional Leadership systematically
    aligns school programs and initiatives with state
    , federal, or governing body accountability
    systems. Required reports are completed on time
    by persons qualified for and responsible for the
    practice being described. Time and resources are
    allocated for data collection and reflection
    about and comparison of findings from internal
    and external reviews.

  • Employs a system that provides for analysis and
    review of student performance and school
  • 2.4 In what ways do school leaders advocate for a
    culture that is interested in, and reliant on
  • Highly Functional School leaders are seen
    in the interpretation of data required by
    governing bodies. Leaders model the use of data
    to improve the effectiveness of their own
    organizational administrative work. Staff
    members are proficient in the application of
    data, and work in collaborative teams to use
    results to formulate programmatic and
    instructional recommendations.

  • 2.5 Fosters a learning community
  • How do adult learning principles shape
    professional development for instructional staff
    members, so that it takes into account their
    expertise, learning style, and needs?
  • Operational Staff members are consulted about
    their needs in
  • the process of designing an ongoing series of
  • development opportunities that enhance their
    content knowledge
  • and ability to implement the schools chosen
  • strategies. They demonstrate that they are
  • applying the new knowledge in the classroom.
  • How do adult learning principles shape
    professional development for the community of
    learners so that it takes account their
    expertise, learning style, and needs?
  • Operational Most non-instructional staff
    members and
  • stakeholders actively participate in
    professional growth
  • opportunities that are congruent with the
    overall school
  • improvement plan and vision, on-site or
    off-campus, attend
  • job-alike meetings, share information with peers
    , and have
  • opportunities to demonstrate their efforts to
    implement new

  • 2.6 Provides teachers and students the
    opportunities to lead
  • How do teachers participate in decisions that
    shape the school?
  • Operational Teachers serve in leadership
    capacities that guide the schools instructional,
    programmatic, and fiscal practices.
  • How do students participate in decisions that
    shape the school?
  • Operational School leaders provide
    opportunities for students to serve in a variety
    of leadership capacities that guide the schools
    instructional and programmatic practices.
    Students are consulted in determining school
    priorities and policies. Student leadership
    forums are convened and input about the school is
    solicited and used.
  • How do teachers and students lead the school to
    ensure a safe, orderly environment in which
    behavior management is consistent school-wide?
  • Operational All staff members demonstrate that
    they share the responsibility for student
    discipline both adults and students can be
    observed supporting and encouraging respectful
    and collaborative behavior throughout the school.

  • 2.7 Provides stakeholders meaningful roles in
    the decision-making process that promote a
    culture of participation, responsibility, and
  • In what ways do stakeholders actively participate
    in and contribute to the school improvement
    process and other meaningful decision-making
  • Operational Leaders ensure collaboration and
    shared responsibility for school improvement
    among stakeholders by including a number of
    stakeholder groups that meet on a scheduled
    basis. Stakeholder input regarding student
    performance and school effectiveness is gathered
    and used during an ongoing collaborative planning

  • 2.8 Controls curricular and extracurricular
    activities that are sponsored by the school
  • How are decisions made regarding equity, level or
    participation, leadership roles, and allocation
    of resources in curricular and co-curricular
  • Operational There is a conscious effort on the
    part of school staff members to take into account
    the needs of students of differing cultures,
    abilities, and primary languages. Efforts are
    made to provide equal access to curricular and
    extracurricular activities for all students.

  • 2.9 Responds to community and stakeholder
  • How does the school learn about and respond to
    stakeholder questions, concerns and satisfaction
  • Operational Stakeholders opinions are gathered
    through periodic surveys. Concerns are
    documented and acted upon in a timely way.

  • 2.10 Implements an evaluation system that
    provides for the professional growth of all
  • What process do school leaders use to monitor
    instructional practices, provide feedback,
    encourage reflection, and make available
    opportunities for professional development that
    support instructional staff members needs?
  • Highly Functional School leaders frequently
    visit classrooms to monitor classrooms practices.
    Leaders provide feedback to staff members
    regarding instructional practices and strategies
    in use.
  • What process do school leaders use to monitor and
    support non-instruction al staff members needs?
  • Highly Functional School leaders have a constant
    visible presence throughout the entire school. A
    process is in place for monitoring and evaluation
    of non-instructional staff members. Leaders
    provide feedback regarding specific job-related
    tasks and suggestions for professional
  • What process is in place to monitor and support
    school leaders needs?
  • Highly Functional A formal, comprehensive
    process for supporting school leaders needs and
    assessing their performance is in place, but is
    not thoroughly understood. Leaders report that
    some of the feedback they receive is helpful for
    improving their practice. Opportunities are
    provided for professional development.

STANDARD 3 Teaching and Learning
Definition of the Standard The school provides
research-based curriculum and instructional
methods that facilitate achievement for all
students. In fulfillment of this standard, the
school 3.1 Develops and implements curriculum
based on clearly-defined expectations for student
learning 3.2 Promotes active involvement of
students in the learning process, including
opportunities for them to explore application of
higher order thinking skills and
investigative new approaches to applying their
learning 3.3 Gathers, analyzes, and uses data and
research in making curricular and instructional
choices 3.4 Designs and uses instructional
strategies, innovations, and activities that are
research-based and reflective of best
practice 3.5 Offers a curriculum that challenges
each student to excel, reflects a commitment to
equity, and demonstrates an appreciation
of diversity 3.6 Allocates and protects
instructional time to support student
learning 3.7 Provides for articulation and
alignment between and among all levels of
schools 3.8 Implements interventions to help
students meet expectations for student
learning 3.9 Monitors school climate and takes
appropriate steps to ensure that it is conducive
to student learning 3.10 Provides comprehensive
information and media services that support the
curricular and instructional programs 3.11.Ensures
that all students and staff members have regular
and ready access to instructional technology and
a comprehensive materials collection
that supports the curricular and instructional
  • 3.1 Develops and implements curriculum based on
    clearly-defined expectations for student learning
  • How does the school ensure that current written
    curriculum documents are aligned to state and
    national standards/expectations for all subject
    matter areas?
  • Operational The school has created documents in
    multiple formats that illustrate the alignment of
    the curriculum with required standards/expectation
    s in core subject areas (English Language Arts,
    mathematics, science , social studies).
  • How does the school ensure effective
    implementation of the curriculum so that teachers
    know what they are expected to teach in each
    grade level or course?
  • Operational Local curriculum documents contain
    a scope and sequence providing a continuum of
    skills that demonstrates purposeful spiraling of
    content and skills throughout grade levels in
    all four core subject areas. Alignment of the
    standards/expectations includes detailed
    information that allows teachers to understand
    how their work fits into the curriculum of the
    entire school.
  • How is the curriculum evaluated and revised on a
    regular basis?
  • Operational The school has collaboratively
    developed and implemented a coherent, rigorous
    curriculum derived from research based
    standards/expectations in all four core subject
    areas (English Language Arts, Mathematics,
    science, social studies) that provides
    opportunities for all students to acquire
    requisite knowledge, skills , and attitudes
  • How does the school ensure that its curriculum is
    based on clear measurable expectations for
    student learning?
  • Operational Curriculum is evaluated and revised
    when required standards/expectations are modified
    with the participation of staff members and
    stakeholders. The chief criterion for evaluating
    effectiveness of achievement.

  • 3.2 Promotes active involvement of students in
    the learning process, including opportunities for
    them to explore application of higher-order
    thinking skills and investigate new approaches to
    applying their learning
  • How are students taught to use feedback from the
    formative assessment process to guide their own
  • Operational Teachers conduct high quality
    formative assessments during the course of a
    lesson or unit to provide themselves and their
    students with concrete information on how to
    guide learning and improve individual student
  • How do teachers provide students with
    opportunities to focus on higher order thinking
    skills such as critical and creative thinking,
    problem solving, and inquiry as learning
  • Operational Teachers understand higher order
    thinking skills as an essential part of student
    achievement opportunities exist for teachers to
    collaborate and exchange information about how
    they incorporate these skills into their
    classrooms. Students are provided with
    opportunities to apply their learning in tasks
    that call for inquiry, decision-making, and
    problem solving,.
  • How do teachers provide students with
    opportunities to apply, practice, and deepen
    their understanding using authentic content and
  • Operational Teachers provide students with
    opportunities to reflect and participate in
    thought-provoking active learning in order to
    deepen their understanding of new knowledge and
    apply their learning in meaningful real life

  • 3.3 Gathers, analyzes, and uses data and in
    making curricular and instructional choices
  • How does the school ensure that classroom
    assessments align with the standards/expectations?
  • Operational The instructional staff
    consistently evaluates as monitors student
    learning through the systematic use of multiple
    types of summative and formative assessments that
    are aligned with the standards/expectations in
    all four core subject areas. A process is in
    place that assures the development of assessments
    of student learning is based on a clear
    definition of the type of achievement to be
    assessed and alignment with the
  • To what extent are achievement data and teacher
    input used when developing or modifying
    curriculum or instructional programs, practices,
    or processes?
  • Operational Teacher input and achievement data
    has helped to inform, develop, and implement
    evaluations of curriculum or instructional
    programs, practices, or processes in order to
    assess the effectiveness of teaching strategies,.
  • How does the school support teachers in
    developing high quality assessments?
  • Operational Formal professional development
    opportunities are provided to dialogue and learn
    about assessment development, including
    approaches that are formative and summative,
    authentic, and well matched to the kind of
    learning task. Teachers use this learning to
    develop and use high quality assessments.
  • What kind of collaborative, reflective analysis
    of student work has been conducted by teachers?
  • Operational Teacher teams within grade levels
    or content areas analyze and reflect on student
    work to enhance the achievement of individual
    students, as well as analyze and improve the
    instructional program,

  • 3.4 Designs and uses instructional strategies,
    innovations, and activities that are
    research-based and reflective of best practice
  • How do teachers use current research and the
    strengths and characteristics of their students
    to design instruction?
  • Operational Most instructional plans have
    components built from insights on learning
    research such as activities that activate prior
    student understanding, teaching of meta
    cognition, addressing student learning styles,
    and application of innovative teaching styles.
    School leaders assure that all staff members are
    kept up to date on current theory of best
    instructional practice and topics.
  • How has the whole school planned and developed
    research-based instructional reform strategies to
    strengthen the core academic program, increase
    amount and quality of learning time, and provide
    additional supports to all students?
  • Operational Several research-based methods and
    strategies aim to increase the quality and
    quantity of instruction. The school provides an
    enriched and accelerated curriculum for select
    students and plans to expand toward all students.
    A needs assessment guides the choice of
    strategies, and the school has a way to
    determine if these needs are met. The
    schoolwide program serves all students in the
    school, including those who are low achieving.
    The school is moving toward meeting the needs of
    all major subgroups.
  • What is the process teachers use to prioritize
  • Operational Peer learning communities at each
    grade level and/or content area provide
    opportunities for staff to meet and identify
    highest priority standards/expectations for which
    deep mastery is likely to contribute to other
    objectives. Essential content to be taught at
    each grade level is identified.
  • How do teachers vary instructional delivery
    methods to meet diverse learning needs?
  • Highly Functional Teachers in the school are
    consistent in the use of developmentally
    appropriate instructional practice. This
    includes the use multiple strategies when
    differentiating instruction in respect to
    cultural differences, learning styles and
    individual learner abilities., and providing
    active learning opportunities. Frequent review
    and re-teaching is built into lesson design.

  • 3.5 Challenges each student to excel, reflects a
    commitment to equity, and demonstrates an
    appreciation of diversity
  • How does the school ensure that all staff members
    hold high expectations for each student they work
    with, and encourage all students to achieve their
    full potential?
  • Operational Professional development topics
    include information about how to teach
    challenging content in ways that engage students
    with diverse gifts and needs. The school has a
    system to identify students who are most at risk
    of not achieving their full potential and develop
    strategies to encourage and support them.
  • How does the school support students with special
    needs to fully participate in all aspects of its
  • Operational Students with differing needs are
    fully integrated into mainstream classrooms. All
    students (including those with special needs)
    have equal access to the full curriculum and to
    activities that focus on higher order thinking.
    The curriculum includes a variety of aligned
    teaching strategies, materials, and assessments
    designed to meet individual needs and abilities.
  • In what ways does the school assure that
    differing cultures and languages of students and
    families are taken into account?
  • Operational Diverse cultures, languages, and
    backgrounds of all students are respected. All
    students (including those acquiring English
    language skills have equal access to all
    curriculum and to activities that focus on higher
    order thinking. Appropriate interventions are
    made available. Important parent communications
    are translated into the most prevalent second

  • 3.6 Allocates and protects instructional time to
    support student learning
  • In what ways does the school maximize the use of
    time for instruction?
  • Operational School leaders base decisions about
    the allocation of instructional time on student
    achievement data, policy compliance, and related
    research. Staff members coordinate instructional
    practice and scheduling to maximize student

  • 3.7 Provides for articulation and alignment
    between and among all levels of schools
  • How do teachers, interact, plan, and share with
    others teaching similar subjects across grade
    levels and between schools?
  • Operational Teachers at different grade levels
    in each subject area use student achievement
    results data to analyze learning expectations at
    each level, and agree on instructional

  • 3.8 Implements interventions to help students
    meet expectations for student learning
  • How does the system of support individualize
    interventions and differentiate instruction for
    identified students whose pace/style of learning
    differs in some way?
  • Operational Most teachers use pre-assessment as
    a basis for differentiation of instruction in
    reading, writing, and mathematics.
    Differentiation of research-based instruction is
    observable in a majority of classroom programs.
    Review and reteaching occur through
    individualized interventions.
  • How has the school planned and implemented
    schoolwide research-based instructional
    strategies that provide timely additional
    instruction for those who are experiencing the
    greatest degree of difficulty mastering the
    governing bodys academic achievement
  • Operational The school has a process in place
    to identify students experiencing the greatest
    degree of difficulty mastering the governing
    bodys academic achievement standards/expectations
    . Additionally timely, effective,
    research-based, and differentiated assistance
    is provided to these students

  • 3.9 Monitors school climate and takes appropriate
    steps to ensure that it is conducive to student
  • What evidence shows that a sense of belonging and
    self-esteem exist in the school?
  • Operational Generally, the interaction of staff
    members with students is caring, responsive,
    supportive and respectful. Most students trust
    staff members. Staff members and students feel
    they are respected and valued. Parents and the
    community perceive the school as trustworthy and
    helpful. Morale is high among staff members.
  • How does the school ensure that its classrooms
    are safe and orderly?
  • Operational Most teachers have clearly
    established behavioral expectations and routines.
    Staff members demonstrate that they have
    responsibility for student discipline, and both
    adults and students can be observed supporting
    and encouraging respectful behavior throughout
    the school.

  • 3.10 Provides comprehensive information and media
    services that support the curricular and
    instructional programs
  • In what ways does the school provide
    comprehensive resources, technology, multimedia,
    and other learning tools to support the
  • Operational Comprehensive resources, materials,
    and learning tools ( e.g. technology,
    multi-media) that address a variety of learning
    styles are aligned with the written curriculum of
    the school.

  • 3.11 Ensures that all students and staff members
    have regular and ready access to instructional
    technology and a comprehensive materials
    collection that supports the curricular and
    instructional program
  • To what extent is technology integrated into the
    instructional program in all classrooms to meet
    the needs of all learners?
  • Operational School leaders provide technology
    and related resources to instructional staff
    members to support curriculum, instruction, and
    assessment. Staff members use technology
    resources to enhance their instruction and
    provide opportunities for students to use
    technology. Some classes teach students to
    evaluate the credibility of information from the
  • What expectations does the school hold for the
    level of technological sophistication and comfort
    adults should be able to model for students?
  • Operational School leaders provide updated
    professional development training focused on
    technology use most teachers use technology in
    their own work.

Standard 4 Documenting and Using Results
  • Definition of the Standard
  • The school enacts a comprehensive assessment
    system that monitors and documents performance
    and uses these results to improve
  • student performance and school effectiveness.
  • In fulfillment of this standard, the school
  • 4.1 Establishes performance measures for student
    learning that yield information that is reliable
    , valid and bias free
  • 4.2 Develops and implements a comprehensive
    assessment system for assessing progress toward
    meeting the expectations for student learning
  • 4.3 Uses student assessment data for making
    decisions for continuous improvement of teaching
    and learning processes
  • 4.4 Conducts a systematic analysis of
    instructional and organizational effectiveness
    and uses the results to improve student
  • 4.5 Communicates the results of student
    performance and school effectiveness to all
  • 4.6 Uses comparison and trend data of student
    performance from comparable schools in evaluating
    its effectiveness
  • 4.7 Demonstrates verifiable growth in student
  • 4.8 Maintains a secure, accurate, and complete
    student record system in accordance with state
    and federal regulations

  • 4.1 Establishes performance measures for student
    learning that yield information that is reliable,
    valid and bias free
  • To what extent has the school agreed upon
    assessments that measure progress toward its
    established learning expectations in each core
    subject area?
  • Operational All four core subject areas have
    assessments that have been explicitly aligned to
    the schools written expectations.
  • What performance measures has the school
    established to determine the effectiveness and
    efficiency of its governance, support, and
    administrative functions?
  • Operational The school applies the same
    principles of continuous improvement to its
    governance, support, and administrative functions
    as to its core mission of student learning. It
    has undertaken at least one systematic
    improvement in an non-academic area.
  • How does the school ensure reliability, validity,
    and freedom from bias in the data collected to
    measure performance?
  • Operational The school has a process for
    examining the technical quality of its measure
    it has confidence that or is implementing an
    improvement strategy designed to ensure thatany
    technical concerns are being remedied.

  • 4.2 Develops and implements a comprehensive
    assessment system for assessing progress toward
    meeting the expectations for student learning
  • To what extent does the schools data system
    incorporate all types of datastudent records,
    demographics, results data, and perception data?
  • Student achievement data and organizational
    effectiveness data are gathered over time,
    analyzed, and used for the schools self-defined
    continuous improvement purposes. Demographic
    data are maintained for each student, and used to
    identify significant subgroups of students in
    need of assistance. Process data track program
    and administrative activity designed to generate
    results in order to determine what worked and
    what needs to be changed. Perception data are
    gathered and used to understand stakeholder
    concerns and satisfaction with programs,
    improvement efforts, and results. Student
    records associate achievement results with
    program/process history.
  • How broad a range of stakeholders have been
    involved in the design and utilization of the
    schools data system?
  • Operational The schools information system is
    designed to meet needs of both school-level and
    district-level users, including teachers, school
    leaders, central office personnel, and support
    professionals (i.e. guidance counselors, school
    psychologists, social workers). Usage data
    indicate that these potential users are aware of
    and active in tapping the data gathered for their

  • 4.3 Uses student assessment data for making
    decisions for continuous improvement of teaching
    and learning processes
  • To what extent are classroom assessments
    developed and shared school-wide, so that results
    can be analyzed across classrooms?
  • Operational Some formative and summative
    classroom assessments are shared, and results are
    informally discussed. There is a plan to
    collaboratively develop assessments and analyze
    results in grade level/subject groups across the
  • How do overall achievement results drive
    decision-making about teaching and learning in
    the school?
  • Operational Data are used to support and shape
    key decisions about students, classroom
    practices, and school-wide processes and

  • 4.4 Conducts a systematic analysis of
    instructional and organizational effectiveness
    and uses the results to improve student
  • To what degree does the school maintain and
    implement a process for analyzing data and
    turning it into useful information?
  • Highly Functional The schools protocol for
    analyzing data begins with using criteria to
    select strategically important results from
    achievement and organizational effectiveness
    data. It includes collaborative efforts to probe
    for further information, to identify and test
    assumptions, and to propose interpretations of
    the data. Implications that could be drawn from
    the data are widely discussed, understood, and
    generally agreed upon before actions are taken in
    response to the conclusions.
  • Do staff members have the skills to analyze and
    use data?
  • Operational The majority of staff members are
    skilled in the analysis and interpretations of
    multiple types of data and in making comparisons
    across groups.
  • To what extent do school staff members process
    the collaborative skills necessary to undertake
    difficult self-examination and make meaningful
    information out of data?
  • Operational All teachers and many other staff
    members are engaged in collaborative teams that
    structure and facilitate dialogue about the
    meaning of data many staff members have skills
    and are gaining experience in difficult dialogue
    so that challenging topics can quite often be
    explored productively. Shared group norms for
    deep conversations exist.

  • 4.5 Communicates the results of student
    performance and school effectiveness to all
  • How easily can stakeholders and decision-makers
    get access to data that is appropriate for their
  • Operational Internal stakeholders, including
    teachers, have direct access to the data system
    as appropriate for their use there is a shared
    understanding of which types of data are
    appropriate and accessible to which users.
  • How are successes celebrated and feedback
    provided to students?
  • Highly Functional Students receive
    individualized results from all local and
    governing body achievement assessments. Reward
    systems provide acknowledgment of outstanding
    performance and include incremental successes
    that are recognized and celebrated in creative
    ways. Students feel valued and important and
    extraordinary efforts are made by the school to
    honor their work.

  • 4.6 Uses comparison and trend data of student
    performance from comparable schools in evaluating
    its effectiveness
  • What can be learned about the schools
    effectiveness and student achievement by looking
    at trends across time and at other comparable
    schools in the community/region?
  • Operational The school has analyzed its own
    longitudinal performance, and the school
    community has a shared story about what
    improvement strategies have been tried over time
    and with what success. The school has drawn
    useful conclusions from this analysis and has
    identified viable strategies from comparison with
    schools it considers to be serving comparable

  • 4.7 Demonstrates verifiable growth in student
  • Do student achievement results regularly show
    improvement across all core subject areas?
  • Operational The schools achievement results
    have maintained or improved in two out of the
    last three years in at least two core subject
    areas .
  • Do student achievement results for all grade
    levels show improvement?
  • Operational The schools achievement results
    have maintained or improved in two out of the
    last three years in half of the grade levels.
  • Do student achievement results for all subgroups
    show improvement?
  • Emerging Achievement results for fewer than half
    of the schools subgroups including gender,
    ethnic minority, special needs, and economically
    disadvantaged students have maintained or
    improved in two of the last three years,

  • 4.8 Maintains a secure, accurate, and complete
    student record system in accordance with state
    and federal regulations
  • Describe the policies that exist to regulate the
    security of data systems, student records, and
    their authorized users
  • Highly Functional Policies exist and are
    enforced that ensure that authorized users (and
    only those users) have access to data for which
    they have permission. The ability to edit data
    or make changes is carefully defined, controlled,
    and monitored.

STANDARD 5 Resources and Support Systems
  • Definition of the Standard
  • The school has the resources and services
    necessary to support its vision and purpose
  • and to ensure achievement for all students.
  • In fulfillment of this standard, the school
  • 5.1 Recruits, employs, and mentors qualified
    professional staff that are capable of fulfilling
    assigned roles and responsibilities
  • 5.2 Assigns professional staff responsibilities
    based on their qualifications (i.e. professional
    preparation, ability, knowledge, and experience)
  • 5.3 Ensures that all staff participate in a
    continuous program of professional development
  • 5.4 Provides and assigns staff that are
    sufficient in number to meet the vision and
    purpose of the school
  • 5.5 Budgets sufficient resources to support its
    educational programs and to implement its plans
    for improvement
  • 5.6 Monitors all financial transactions through
    a recognized, regularly audited accounting system
  • 5.7 Maintains the site, facilities, services,
    and equipment to provide an environment that is
    safe and orderly
  • 5.8 Possesses a written security and crisis
    management plan with appropriate training for
  • 5.9 Ensures that each student has access to
    guidance services that include, but are not
    limited to, counseling , and , appraisal,
    mentoring, staff consulting, referral, and
    educational and career planning
  • 5.10 Provides appropriate support for students
    with special needs

  • 5.1 Recruits, employs, and mentors qualified
    professional staff that are capable of fulfilling
    assigned roles and responsibilities.
  • What is the process for attracting highly
    qualified teachers to this school?
  • Highly Functional All instructional staff
    members are certified as Highly Qualified under
    the No Child Left Behind in any area in which
    they teach. The school/governing body has a
    comprehensive recruitment program in place to
    attract and retain highly qualified teachers.
  • How do school leaders ensure that staff members
    meet governing body requirements and possess
    appropriate expertise for their role in the
  • Highly Functional The qualifications of all
    staff meet governing body certification
    requirements in the content areas and grade
    levels. All teaching staff demonstrate
    competency in their content area and/or grade
    level through documented teaching practices,
    collaborative planning, and shared materials
  • What is the process for induction, mentoring, and
    coaching of new staff members?
  • Operational A structured and substantive
    induction program for all new instructional staff
    occurs prior to the formal teaching experience.
    Each new staff member is assigned a mentor chosen
    from the experienced teachers of the school for
    at least a three-year period during which the
    mentor provides modeling and feedback on the
    mentees instructional practice.

  • 5.2 Assigns professional staff responsibilities
    based on their qualifications (i.e., professional
    preparation, ability, knowledge, and experience)
  • What criteria are used to ensure that staffing
    assignments match staff qualifications to student
    needs and the school improvement plan?
  • Operational School leaders base their
    allocation of human resources primarily upon data
    that maximizes the contribution the staff member
    can make to the student achievement goals.

  • 5.3 Ensures that all staff members participate in
    a continuous program of professional development
  • How do school leaders encourage collaboration
    reflection, investigation, and inquiry about
    teaching practices?
  • Operational The school is organized into
    collaborative teams that meet at least on a
    weekly basis. The majority of staff members
    participate in inquiry practices such as
    classroom action research study teams and peer
    coaching. Periodic collaboration occurs across
    grade levels and content areas.

  • 5.4 Provides and assigns staff that are
    sufficient in number to meet the vision and
    purpose of the school
  • In what ways are data used to evaluate the
    sufficiency of student to staff ratios?
  • Operational School leaders work with staff to
    determine appropriate staffing levels based on
    data gathered about student needs. Use of space,
    fiscal resources, and number and type of staff
    are key factors addressed.

  • 5.5 Budgets sufficient resources to support its
    educational programs and to implement its plan
    for improvement
  • How do school leaders ensure that the allocation
    of financial resources is supportive of the
    schools vision, educational program, and plans
    for school improvement?
  • Operational The improvement of student
    achievement is the primary determinant of the
    allocation of fiscal resources. Data are
    gathered on a yearly basis that inform decisions
    to reallocate these resources. Decisions on
    fiscal resource allocation are made at least
    yearly. There is an ongoing effort to seek
    supplemental funds to support student achievement

  • 5.6 Monitors all financial transactions through
    a recognized , regularly audited accounting
  • How does the school ensure that a regularly
    audited accounting system is used?
  • Operational There is an established accounting
    and budgeting system for allocating and managing
    fiscal resources. Records are audited on a
    regular basis and internal controls are
    consistently followed.
  • What is the process for ensuring that all funds
    are spent in accordance with regulations?
  • Highly Functional A process is in place that
    assures that on a regular basis school leaders
    collectively review and plan for implementation
    and monitoring of all funds in the light of
    mandates, regulations and rules. The school
    ensures compliance with all regulations.

  • 5.7 Maintains the site, facilities, services,
    and equipment to provide an environment that is
    safe and orderly for all occupants
  • How does the leadership ensure that the
    facilities, services, and equipment are safe and
    orderly for students and staff?
  • Operational Policies and procedures are in
    place to ensure the safety and orderliness of the
    school. The schools physical plant is well
    maintained and areas considered unsafe are
    upgraded and continually monitored.
  • How are decisions made about the use of space?
  • Operational School leaders have a process in
    place that uses data about the safety of the
    facility and instructional goals from the school
    improvement plan as drivers for assigning space
    usage. Changes occur when needed to meet the
    needs of plan priorities.

  • 5.8 Possesses a written security and crisis
    management plan with appropriate training for
  • How comprehensive and well understood is the
    schools crisis management plan?
  • Operational Staff members, students, parents,
    and community agencies/organizations are
    consulted on a periodic basis to inform policy
    and procedural decisions regarding security and
    crisis management plans at the school The school
    has detailed written security and crisis
    management plans in place and has developed
    relationships with law enforcement and other key
    agencies in the community. Staff and students
    have received training and information about the
    schools security and crisis management plans.

  • 5.9 Ensures that each student has access to
    guidance services that include, but are not
    limited to, counseling, appraisal, mentoring,
    staff consulting, referral and educational and
    career planning
  • What process is used to ensure and monitor that
    each student gets the counseling, appraisal,
    mentoring, staff consulting, referral, and
    educational and career planning s/he needs?
  • Operational A suitable variety of social and
    support services is made available through the
    school and partnering agencies and organizations
    within the community. The availability of
    services is communicated to staff members,
    students, and stakeholders. Teachers and staff
    members make referrals as appropriate.
    Stakeholder surveys indicate satisfaction with
    access to and quality of services provided.

  • 5.10 Provides appropriate support for students
    with special needs
  • What process is in place to identify students
    with special needs?
  • Operational Teachers regularly conduct formative
    assessments during the course of a lesson or
    unit to help target instruction and diagnose
    student performance challenges. Teachers use the
    results of these assessments along with student
    behavior patterns to identify students in need of
    additional intervention. A system for tracking
    and communicating assessment results to students
    and parents is in place. In cases where students
    with special needs have been identified for
    intervention, a team of the student, his/her
    parents and guardians, and teachers is convened
    to develop a customized plan for addressing the
    students needs.
  • How does the school ensure that the appropriate
    interventions are selected?
  • Operational Instructional plans have components
    built from insights on modern learning research
    that is differentiated, documented, and developed
    by teachers and staff working in consultation
    with the student, parent, and other key
    individuals. A system is in place to monitor and
    evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions
  • How are the interventions monitored and
  • Operational Individual plans for student
    intervention include success measures and plans
    fro evaluation. School leaders are involved in
    monitoring implementation of teacher-led
    interventions through systematic record keeping
    and review of data. School leaders provide
    periodic feedback to staff and students regarding
    data gathered during their monitoring efforts.

STANDARD 6 Stakeholder Communication and
  • Definition of the Standard
  • The school fosters effective communications and
    relationships with and among its stakeholders.
  • In fulfillment of this standard, the school
  • 6.1 Fosters collaboration with community
    stakeholders to support student learning
  • 6.2 Has formal channels to listen to and
    communicate with stakeholders
  • 6.3 Solicits the knowledge and skills of
    stakeholders to enhance the work of the school
  • 6.4. Communicates the expectations for student
    learning and goals for improvement to all
  • 6.5 Provides information about students, their
    performance, and school effectiveness
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