Title: Emergence in Quantitative Systems
1Emergence in Quantitative Systems towards a
measurable definition
R C Ball, Physics Theory Group and Centre for
Complexity Science University of Warwick R S
MacKay, Maths M Diakonova,
2(No Transcript)
3Emergence in Quantitative Systems towards a
measurable definition
Input ideas Shannon Information -gt Entropy
transmission -gt Mutual
Information Crutchfield Complexity lt-gt
Information MacKay Emergence system
evolves to non-unique state
Emergence measure Persistent Mutual Information
across time.
Work in progress . still mostly ideas.
4Emergent Behaviour?
- System Dynamics
- Many internal d.o.f. and/or observe over long
times - Properties averages, correlation functions
- Multiple realisations (conceptually)
Emergent properties -
behaviour which is predictable (from prior
observations) but not forseeable (from previous
5Strong emergence different realisations (can)
differ for ever MacKay non-unique Gibbs phase
(distribution over configurations for a dynamical
system) Physics example spontaneous symmetry
- system makes/inherits one of many equivalent
choices of how to order - fine after you have achieved the insight that
there is ordering (maybe heat capacity anomaly?)
and what ordering to look for (no general
6Entropy Mutual Information Shannon 1948
7MI-based Measures of Complexity
8Measurement of Persistent MI
- Measurement of I itself requires converting the
data to a string of discrete symbols (e.g. bits) - above seems the safer order of limits, and
computationally practical - The outer limit may need more careful definition
9Examples with PMI
- Oscillation (persistent phase)
- Spontaneous ordering (magnets)
- Ergodicity breaking (spin glasses) pattern is
random but aspects become frozen in over time
Cases without with PMI
- Reproducible steady state
- Chaotic dynamics
10Logistic map
11Issue of time windows and limits
PMI / log2
Length of past, future
r3.58, PMI / log2 2
Length of present
12First direct measurements
PMI / ln2
13Discrete vs continuous emergent order parameters
This suggests some need to anticipate
information dimensionalities
14A definition of Emergence
- System self-organises into a non-trivial
behaviour - there are different possible instances of that
behaviour - the choice is unpredictable but
- it persists over time (or other extensive
coordinate). - Quantified by PMI entropy of choice
- Shortcomings
- Assumes system/experiment conceptually repeatable
- Measuring MI requires deep sampling
- Appropriate mathematical limits need careful
- Generalisations
- Admit PMI as function of timescale probed
- Other extensive coordinates could play the role
of time