Title: Past Tense
1Past Tense
- Preterite
- Imperfect
- Preterite vs Imperfect
2Preterite conjugation
- Regular Verb Endings
- ___-ar__ _ ____-er/-ir___
- -é -amos -í -imos
- -aste -asteis -iste -isteis
- -ó -aron -ió -ieron
3Preterite conjugationIrregular Yo
- Yo spelling changes
- -car -qué
- -gar -gué
- -zar -cé
4Otros verbos car
- acercarse (to come near, approach) buscar (to
look for) - arrancar (to pull out, start (engine) chocar (to
crash) - colocar (to place, put) complicar (to
complicate) - comunicar (to communicate) criticar (to
criticize, critique) - dedicar (to dedicate, devote) educar (to
educate) - embarcarse (to board, go on board) marcar (to
dial, mark) - equivocarse (to make a mistake) masticar (to
chew) - fabricar (to make, manufacture) pescar (to fish)
- justificar (to justify, give a reason
for) platicar (to chat) - practicar (to practice) secar (to dry)
- explicar (to explain)
- sacar (to take out, remove, receive grades)
5Otros verbos gar
- agregar (to add) ahogarse (to drown)
- apagar (to turn off) cargar (to carry, load)
- castigar (to punish) despegar (to take off, peel
off) - pagar (to pay) pegar (to hit, glue)
- tragar (to swallow) llegar (to arrive)
- encargar (to put in charge, order goods)
- Stem changers
- colgar (ue) (to hang up) fregar (ie) to wash
dishes, scrub) - negar (ie) (to deny) regar (ie) (to water
plants) - jugar (ue) (to play a game, sports)
- rogar (ue) (to beg)
6Otros verbos zar
- almorzar (to eat lunch) abrazar (to hug)
- aterrizar (to land) cruzar (to cross)
- comenzar (ie) (to begin) empezar (ie) (to begin)
- especializarse en (to specialize in, major in)
- garantizar (to guarantee) gozar (to enjoy)
- lanzar (to throw) rezar (to pray)
- realizar (to carry out, attain, realize)
- tranquilizar (to calm down)
- tropezar (ie) (to trip, stumble) utilizar (to
use, make use of)
7Preterite Irregular Conjugation -uve group
- andar- to walk
- anduve, anduviste, anduvo, anduvimos,
anduvisteis, anduvieron - tener- to have
- tuve, tuviste, tuvo, tuvimos, tuvisteis, tuvieron
- estar- to be
- estuve, estuviste, estuvo, estuvimos,
estuvisteis, estuvieron
8Preterite Irregular Conjugation I group
- hacer- to do, to make
- hice, hiciste, hizo, hicimos, hicisteis, hicieron
- venir- to come
- vine, viniste, vino, vinimos, vinisteis, vinieron
- querer- to want
- quise, quisiste, quiso, quisimos, quisisteis,
9Preterite Irregular Conjugation J group
- traer- to bring
- traje, trajiste, trajo, trajimos, trajisteis,
trajeron - decir- to have
- dije, dijiste, dijo, dijimos, dijisteis, dijeron
- traducir- to translate
- (all -ucir verbs like conducir to drive)
- traduje, tradujiste, tradujo, tradujimos,
tradujisteis, tradujeron
10Preterite Irregular Conjugation supe, pu-, pu-
- saber- to know
- supe, supiste, supo, supimos, supisteis, supieron
- poner- to put
- puse, pusiste, puso, pusimos, pusisteis, pusieron
- poder- to be able
- pude, pudiste, pudo, pudimos, pudisteis, pudieron
11Preterite Irregular ConjugationOther Verbs
- caber- to fit
- cupe, cupiste, cupo, cupimos, cupisteis, cupieron
- satisfacer-
- satisfice, satisficiste, satisfizo, satisficimos,
satisficisteis, satisficieron
12Preterite Irregular Conjugation
- Ser- to be and ir- to go.
- (You know which verb it is by using context of
the sentence) - fui fuimos
- fuiste fuisteis
- fue fueron
13Dar and Ver
- dar- to give ver- to see
- di dimos vi vimos
- diste disteis viste visteis
- dio dieron vio vieron
14Preterite Stem Changers
- Stem changes occur in ir verbs only.
- Stem changes occur in él/ella/Ud. and
ellos/ellas/Uds only. - Stem changes are
- e i
- o u
15Preterite Stem Changers
- sentir (ei, i) (to feel) advertir
(ei, i) (to warn) - convertir (ei, i) (to convert)
convertirse (ei, i) (to become) - divertir (ei, i) (to amuse) mentir
(ei, i) (to lie) - divertirse (ei, i) (to amuse oneself)
preferir (ei, i) (to prefer) - sentir (ei, i) (to feel, be sorry)
sentirse (ei, i) (to feel) - dormir (ue, u) (to sleep) morir (ue,
u) (to die) - dormirse (ue, u) (to fall asleep)
16Preterite Stem Changers
- servir (i, i) (to serve) medir (i, i) (to
measure) - repetir (i, i) (to repeat) seguir
(i, i) (to continue) - despedir (i, i) (to fire someone)
vestir (i, i) (to dress) - pedir (i, i) (to ask for, request) reír (i, i)
(to smile) - conseguir (i, i) (to get, obtain)
sonreír (i, i) (to laugh) - vestirse (i, i) (to dress oneself) freír (i,
i) (to fry) - despedirse de (i, i) (to say good-bye to)
17Preterite conjugationi to y change (not uir)
- Verbs that end in er or ir whose stem ends in
a vowel, change i to y in the 3rd person forms,
él/ella/Ud. and ellos/ellas/Uds only. - leer
- leí leímos
- leíste leistéis
- leyó leyeron
- caerse (to fall down), creer (to believe), oír
(to hear), poseer (to posess)
18Preterite conjugation-uir verbs (not guir verbs)
- Verbs ending in uir also change i to y.
- (Note there are no accents on tú, nosotros, y
vosotros) - concluir- (to conclude)
- concluí concluimos
- concluiste concluisteis
- concluyó concluyeron
19Preterite conjugation Other uir Verbs
- atribuir (to attribute)
- construir (to build)
- contribuir (to contribute)
- distribuir (to distribute)
- huir (to flee)
- incluir (to include)
- The English Translation for the preterite is
- Yo hablé- I spoke
21Preterite Trigger Words
- ayer anteayer
- una vez luego
- entonces de repente
- cuando anoche
- hace años que ...
- la semana pasada
- el mes/año pasado
22Preterite Uses
- Specific Action
- Happened Once
- Specific Point in Time
- Sequential Actions
- Narration (AKA telling a story)
- Interrupting Action
- Beginning or End of an action in past
23Imperfect Regular Verb Endings
- __-ar__ -er/-ir_ _
- -aba -ábamos -ía -íamos
- -abas -abais -ías -íais
- -aba -aban -ía -ían
24Imperfect 3 irregular verbs
- __ir__ __ser__ __ver__
- iba íbamos era éramos veía veíamos
- ibas ibais eras erais veías veíais
- iba iban era eran veía veían
25Imperfect Translation
- The English Translation for the imperfect is
- I used to speak
- Yo hablaba- I was speaking
- I would speak
- I spoke
26Imperfect Trigger Words
- algunas veces generalmente
- muchas veces todos los días
- a menudo siempre
- frecuentemente a veces
- mientras de vez en cuando
- cada (día, año, etc.) los lunes/los martes
27Imperfect Uses
- Repeated Action
- Continuous Action
- Habitual Actions (aka Used to)
- Descriptions/ Physical Appearance/ Emotional
State - Background Info
- Day/Date/Weather/Age
- 2 Actions Occurring at the Same Time
- An ongoing action interrupted by another action
(2nd action is preterite)
28Comparing Usage
- Preterite
- Specific Action
- Happened Once
- Specific Point in Time
- Sequential Actions
- Narration (AKA telling a story)
- Interrupting Action
- Beginning or End of an action in past
- Imperfect
- Repeated Action
- Continuous Action
- Habitual Actions (aka Used to)
- Descriptions/ Physical Appearance/ Emotional
State - Background Info
- Day/Date/Weather/Age
- 2 Actions Occurring at the Same Time
- An ongoing action interrupted by another action
(2nd action is preterite)
29Preterite vs Imperfect verbs that change meaning
- Verb Preterite Imperfect
- Conocer Conocí- I met Conocía- I knew
- (to know a person or place)
- saber Supe- I found out Sabía- I knew
- (to know a fact or
- how to do something)
- pensar Pensé- It dawned on me Pensaba- I
thought - (to think) I realized
- poder Pude- I managed Podía- I could
- (to be able, can) I
was able
30Preterite vs Imperfect verbs that change meaning
- Verb Preterite Imperfect
- no poder No pude- I couldnt (failed to) No
podía- I couldnt - (to not be able) (a specific effort and
(No reference to specific - failure implied) effort or failure)
- querer Quise- I tried Quería- I wanted
- (to want)
- no querer No quise- I refused No quería- I
didnt - (to not want) want to
- tener Tuve- I got Tenía- I had
- (to have)
31Preterite vs Imperfect verbs that change meaning
- Verb Preterite Imperfect
- tener que Tuve que...- I had to... Tenía
que...- I was - (to have to...) supposed to...
- costar Costó- It cost Costaba- It cost
- (to cost) (and I bought it (implies
that I didnt buy it)