Precarity: A Genealogy of a Concept - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Precarity: A Genealogy of a Concept


Precarity: A Genealogy of a Concept Maribel Casas-Cortes + Sebastian Cobarrubias Post-Doctoral Fellows Geography Department, UNC-CH – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Precarity: A Genealogy of a Concept

Precarity A Genealogy of a Concept
  • Maribel Casas-Cortes Sebastian Cobarrubias
  • Post-Doctoral Fellows
  • Geography Department, UNC-CH

  • Precarity gt to pray, to plead
  • Precarious literally means unsure, uncertain,
    difficult, delicate.
  • Instead of the neutral sounding flexible labor,
  • precarity has a critical connotation referring to
    living and working conditions without guarantees.


Precariedad Précarité Precarietá
  • It is a term of everyday usage in a number of
    European countries, where it refers to the
    widespread condition of temporary, flexible,
    contingent, casual, intermittent work, brought
    about by the neoliberal labor market reforms that
    have strengthened the right to manage and the
    bargaining power of employers since the late

Precarity is a general term to describe how large
parts of the population are being subjected to
flexible exploitation or flexploitation (low pay,
high blackmailability, intermittent income,
etc.), and existential precariousness (high risk
of social exclusion because of low incomes,
welfare cuts, high cost of living, etc.)
  • The condition of precarity is said to affect all
    of service sector labor in
  • a narrow sense, and the whole of society in a
    wider sense, but particularly youth,
  • women, and immigrants

Precarity analysis politics
  • Critical analysis of current trends in the new
  • Political rethinking of heterogenous class
  • Precarity is used both as an analytical tool and
    as a strategic point of departure to produce
    political subjectivities and re-invent different
    alliances and ways of struggle.
  • Precarity is a political proposition more than
    a sociological category
  • MayDay organizer

Conceptual developments
  1. Worsening of Labor Conditions
  2. Qualitative Transformations of Labor
  3. Labor and Migration
  4. Vulnerability in Everyday Life

Cartography of the conceptual development of
precarity European precarity struggles
  • Loss of labor rightsQualitative transformations
    of laborLabor and MigrationVulnerability in
    Everyday life

Loss of labor rightsQualitative transformations
of laborLabor and MigrationVulnerability in
Everyday life
  • The use of the term precarity emerged as response
    to the legalization of temporal, part-time and
    training contracts. The generalization of these
    atypical types of contracts were associated with
    an unstable labor
  • relationship, normally a lower salary and
    lessened protections against firing.
  • Precarity means increasing loss of labor rights
    historically won by historical workers movements
    in certain European countries. Including
    quantitative transformations in labor conditions
    and labor contracts such as
  • from full-time to part-time, from permanent job
    to temp job, from full labor protections to less
    acquisitive power, less security measures, easier
    layoffs or less unemployment benefits.
  • This loss includes other welfare protections such
    as health insurance.

worksite based struggles against
flexplotationgeneral strikes, anti-privatization,
interns unemployed movements
  • Defensive struggle to prevent the erosion of
    labor conditions and welfare rights
  • New demands of free services

Loss of labor rightsQualitative shifts of
laborLabor and MigrationEveryday vulnerability
  • While the first bubble focuses on precarity as
    insecurity, as a quantitative deviation that
    workers should fight to correct back this second
    round of responses looks at precarious labor as
    qualitatively different, with distinct
    characteristics, that will make it spread as a
    general tendency beyond workspaces. This
    conceptual wave advanced two new qualities of
    labor 1) intermittency and 2) immateriality.

1. intermittency Temporary work as permanent
  • 2. immaterial labor Growing use of
    communicative, affective and intellectual skills
    during production

Loss of labor rightsQualitative shifts of
laborLabor and MigrationVulnerability in
Everyday Life
  • Special vulnerability of undocumented workers
  • The becoming migrant of labor mobility as
    fundamental trait of all laborers

Loss of labor rightsQualitative shifts of
laborLabor and MigrationVulnerability in
Everyday Life
  • A general tendency that affects the overall
    everyday existence (questions of care, body,
    city, etc...)

Towards a Precarious Workers Day

    CONCEPT I. Precarity as Loss of Labor
    Rights a. The arrival of garbage
    contracts b. Legalizing Temporary Job
    Agencies c. The decline of traditional union
    organizing d. Efforts by current grassroots
    unionism e. Spanish Labor Reforms and the
    European Economic Policies d. Flexibilization
    and the European UnionExtension 1 Welfare as
    social wageExtension 2 Utopias of no-work
    Los Lunes al SolRe-appropriation of services
    and goods II. Precarity as qualitative
    transformation of labor a. From mall consumer
    to chain worker b. From McDonalds Strikes to
    MayDay Parades c. From San Precario to
    Bio-sindicalism d. Intermittent work as
    current labor paradigm e. Precarity as
    Immaterial Labor f. Struggles of the
    Cognitariat Extension 1 Free Culture Copy
    Left Copy Left Licenses Copy Left and
    Immaterial LaborFighting for the New
    CommonsActors in DisputeTowards a Hacking
    PragmaticsThe Politization of SharingFree
    Culture logic in Global Justice
    Movements Extension 2 Updating Demands
    FlexicurityCommonfareBasic Income

III. The Intermingling of Precarity Migration
Intro Call for Madrid MayDay 2008 by
PD Migrant and Autochthonous workers unite! The
Becoming-Migrant of Labor Speaking from the
Border the Biopolitics of Precarity Militant
Cartographies of the Border Extension 1
Freedom of Movement IV. Precarity as Uncertain
Lives Spaces of Reproduction Feminization of
Labor Precarization of Life Precarity
Care Precarity and Body Precarity and the City
Metropolitan Cartographies Extension 1
Reorganization of Care Work V. Archipelago of
Cross-Crossing Bubbles New Social Rights
Intro Precarity as a Platform of new social
demands A Conference on, by and for
Precari_at_s? The Archipelago of Criss-Crossing
Knitters Social Rights Offices and Agencies for
Precarious Affairs Towards Social Movements
Institutions Parenthesis for
Theoretical/Methodological Speculations Bubblin
g as Method Social Movements as Meaning
Makers Possible shortcomings of the
concept Precarity travels to the USA
Precarity in Asia?
  • M

Call for Mayday 2008 in Tokyo
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