Title: Outline
- Concepts Services, SOA, WebServices
- Services as reusable components
- Service engineering
- Software development with services
- Simple case a client consumes a service
- Common case several services are composed with
support of the service platform - Workflows
- Service Oriented Software Engineering
2Review Service-oriented software engineering
- Existing approaches to software engineering have
to evolve to reflect the service-oriented
approach to software development - Service engineering. The development of
dependable, reusable services - Software development for reuse
- Software development with services. The
development of dependable software where services
are the fundamental components - Software development with reuse
3Software development with services
- Simplest case
- a client uses (consumes) a service
- Common case
- several services are composed
4How Clients Use Services
- In order to use a service, a Client program needs
only its WSDL (contains abstract interface
description and URI of service endpoint)
Types Messages Operations Port Type
Bindings Port Service
WSDL description
J2EE ltVendor Agt
ltVendor Cgt
WSDL description
.NET ltVendor Bgt
ltVendor Dgt
6How can a client bind to a service ?
- Static binding
- Service at fixed URL
- Dynamic binding by reference
- Service URL given at runtime
- Dynamic binding by lookup
- Look up service URL in registry (need lookup API)
- Dynamic operation selection
- Service type/operation name given at runtime
- gt APIs for Web Services Java, .NET
7Java APIs for Web Services
- SOAP messages as Java objects
- SAAJ ( SOAP with Attachments API for Java)
- Programming Model
- JAX-RPC (Java API for XML-based RPC) gt JAX-WS
(Java API for XML Web Services) - Accessing WSDL descriptions
- Accessing Web Services Registries
- JAXR (Java API for XML Registries)
- WSDL/XML to Java Mapping (wsimport)
- Java to WSDL/XML Mapping (wsgen)
- Client API
- Classes generated from WSDL
- Dynamic Proxy
- DII call Interface
9Web Service Example
A Web service AddFunction with operation addInt
is known through its WSDL
ltwsdlmessage name"addIntResponse"gt
ltwsdlpart name"addIntReturn" type"xsdint" /gt
lt/wsdlmessagegt ltwsdlmessage
name"addIntRequest"gt ltwsdlpart
name"a" type"xsdint" /gt ltwsdlpart
name"b" type"xsdint" /gt lt/wsdlmessagegt ltwsdl
portType name"AddFunction"gt
ltwsdloperation name"addInt" parameterOrder"a
b"gt ltwsdlinput message"impladdIntRe
quest" name"addIntRequest" /gt
ltwsdloutput message"impladdIntResponse"
name"addIntResponse" /gt
lt/wsdloperationgt lt/wsdlportTypegt
// possible implementation of WS //
AddFunction.jws public class AddFunction int
addInt(int a, int b) return(ab)
10Writing the Client Program
- There are many ways to write a Client program
that uses the AddFunction Service (invoking its
addInt operation) - Using Dynamic Invocation Interface ( DII)
- Using generated Stubs from Service WSDL
description - Using Dynamic Proxy
11Client using DII
- Using Dynamic Invocation Interface ( DII)
- Service type (WSDL) can be discovered at runtime
(WSDL description is actually not even needed !) - Service URL is given at runtime (could be
extracted from a WSDL) - Operation name can also be given at runtime
- Invocation is done by constructing and sending a
call message - Most flexible way but client code looks ugly
12Client - using DII - Example
import javax.xml.rpc.Call import
javax.xml.rpc.Service import javax.xml.namespace.
QName String endpoint
Service service new Service() Call
call (Call) service.createCall()
call.setOperationName(new QName(endpoint,
"addInt")) call.setTargetEndpointAddress(
new java.net.URL(endpoint) ) Integer ret
(Integer)call.invoke(new Object new
Integer(5), new Integer(6))
System.out.println("addInt(5, 6) " ret)
13Client using generated stubs
- Using generated Stubs from Service WSDL
description - Service to be used is known from the beginning
and the WSDL is available at client development
time - Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) the (Java)
programming language representation of a WSDL
port type. Can be generated automatically by
tools from a WSDL - Stubs (proxies) are classes that implement the
SEI. They are generated from the WSDL description
(similar with RMI or CORBA middleware for
distributed object computing)
14Client using Generated Stubs
Generate the stubs java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL
2Java \ http//localhost8080/axis/AddFunction.j
import localhost. AddFunctionService
afs new AddFunctionServiceLocator()
AddFunction af afs.getAddFunction()
System.out.println("addInt(5, 3) "
af.addInt(5, 3))
15Client using Dynamic Proxy
- Using Dynamic Proxy
- you need to know the abstract WSDL (port type) at
development-time - you need to run your WSDL mapping tool against
the WSDL document before runtime in order to get
the Service Endpoint Interface - The proxy (a class implementing the SEI) is
obtained at runtime (here is the difference with
generated stubs these are obtained at
development time)
16Client using Dynamic Proxy
import javax.xml.namespace.QName import
javax.xml.rpc. String wsdlUrl
String nameSpaceUri "http//localhost808
0/axis/AddFunction.jws" String serviceName
"AddFunctionService" String portName
"AddFunction" ServiceFactory
serviceFactory ServiceFactory.newInstance()
Service afs serviceFactory.createService(new
java.net.URL(wsdlUrl), new
QName(nameSpaceUri, serviceName))
AddFunctionServiceIntf afsIntf
new QName(nameSpaceUri, portName),
System.out.println("addInt(5, 3) "
afsIntf.addInt(5, 3))
17Where and How to find Services ?
- Service registies
- Standard for representing and organizing registry
informations - Standard APIs for
- publishing services on UDDI registry
- Lookup services from registry
- Private UDDI registries inside one enterprise
- Public UDDI registries
- Existed maintained by major companies
- Not anymore (since 2008)
- Problems of UDDI (why public UDDI registries
died) - Complex standard and API
- No semantic information
- No certification, no trust
- Info published in UDDI registry accessible only
via UDDI lookup APIs, not accessible via usual
search engines - Using usual search engines
- Using Web service search engines
- http//webservices.seekda.com/
- Concepts Services, SOA, WebServices
- Services as reusable components
- Service engineering
- Software development with services
- Simple case a client consumes a service
- Common case several services are composed with
support of the service platform - Workflows
- Service Oriented Software Engineering
19Software development with services
- Common case a client uses multiple services
- Existing services are composed and configured to
create new composite services and applications - Solution 1 implement root of composite service
in usual programming language. - The internal application implements the
composition logic, by invoking services as needed - The service platform is not involved in the
composition - Solution 2 use specific facilities of the
service platform to support composition - A composition model describes the business logic
- The service platform provides runtime support for
the execution of the composition model by
invoking other services - Fundamental concepts
- Workflows
- Orchestration
- Choreography
20implement root of composite service in usual
programming language
use specific facilities of the service platform
to support composition
- Workflows represent a set of activities to be
executed, their interdependencies relations,
inputs and outputs. - Activities can be executed in parallel or in
input data1
output data
input data2
input data3
22What are workflows?
The automation of a business process, in whole or
part, during which documents, information or
tasks are passed from one participant to another
for action, according to a set of procedural
rules. workflow management consortium Partici
pants perform the work represented by a workflow
activity instance and can be human or machine
23Workflow Management Systems
- History
- Workflow management systems date back to the late
1980. They are used to coordinate the work of
multiple people in a project that has a fixed
process. - What a WMS supports
- defining process in terms of finer-grained tasks
or activities - scheduling these activities and
- dispatching (invoking) the activities
- passing of information between activities
24Two-level Programming Model
- Programming in the large
- Non-programmers implementing flows
- Flow logic deals with combining functions in
order to solve a more complex problem (such as
processing an order) - Programming in the small
- Programmers implementing functions
- Function logic deals with a discrete fine-grained
task (such as retrieving an order document or
updating a customer record)
25Workflow patterns
- Cancellation and Force Completion Patterns
- Cancel Task
- Cancel Case
- Interation Patterns
- Arbitrary Cycles
- Structured Loop
- Recursion
- Termination Patterns
- Implicit Termination
- Explicit Termination
- Trigger Patterns
- Transient Trigger
- Persistent Trigger
- Basic Control Flow
- Sequence
- Parallel Split
- Synchronization
- Exclusive Choice
- Advanced Branching and Synchronization
- Multi-Choice
- Structured Synchronizing Merge
- Multi-Merge
- Structured Discriminator
- Blocking Discriminator
- Multiple Instance Patterns
- Multiple Instances without Synchronization
- Multiple Instances with a Priori Design-Time
Knowledge - Multiple Instances with a Priori Run-Time
Knowledge - State-Based Patterns
- Deferred Choice
- Interleaved Parallel Routing
- Milestone
26Some Challenges for WfMS
- Process Representation (control flow data flow)
- Process Specification
- Process Definition Interoperability
- Process Enactment (automated sequencing)
- Process Monitoring Control/Config.
- Process Participant Modelling, Monitoring
27Workflows and services
- Workflow technology is the predecessor of service
composition - Disadvantages of workflows
- high license costs
- complex software
- heterogeneity
- But service composition is different (or, the
business and IT environment is different) - standardization (components and composers)
- maturity
- reduced costs (small layer on top of other
28Types of WFMS
- Centralized (Orchestration)
- Decentralized (Choreography)
29Orchestration vs Choreography
- Orchestration
- A centralized mechanism that describes how
diverse services can interact. This interaction
includes message exchange, business logic and
order of execution. - interacting components are not be aware of each
- Choreography
- Choreography focuses on enabling the description
of how to interact with services at a larger
scale than the individual message exchange
pattern - Interacting components are aware of each other.
- A choreography defines re-usable common rules
that govern the ordering of exchanged messages,
and the provisioning patterns of collaborative
behavior, as agreed upon between two or more
interacting participants W3C
30Orchestration vs Choreography
31Business Process Modelling
- Formal model based on Petri-Nets
- Formal mathematical model directed graph
- Basic concepts
- Places
- Transitions
- Arcs
- Markers
- Languages for modelling busines processes
- Petri net based
- UML activity diagrams
- YAWL (Yet Another Workflow Language)
- BPMN (Business Process Modelling Notation)
- Developed by Sun, BEA and Intalio
- Modeling of activities that are performed at
certain points in time - Basic elements
- Flow elements
- Connection Objects
- Swimlanes
- Artefacts
- translation of business process model to
executable model required direct mapping from
- Business Process Execution Language
- Language for Business Process Description
Composition of Web Services - Facilitates automated process integration
- Presented in 2002 as BPEL4WS by Microsoft, IBM
and BEA - Standardised by OASIS as WS-BPEL 2.0 latest
version (2007) - Based on XML and Web Services
- Syntax defined by XML schema
- No standardised graphical notation
- Successor of 2 earlier work flow languages
- WSFL Web Services Flow Language (by IBM)
- XLANG Web Services for Business Process Design
(by Microsoft)
34WS-BPEL in the WS- Stack
Business Processes
WSDL, Policy, UDDI, Inspection
Reliable Messaging
Quality Of Service
Other protocols
Transport and Encoding
SOAP (Logical Messaging)
Other services
XML, Encoding
35BPEL supported types of business processes
- Executable Process
- Orchestration of specific activities and
particular services which must be executed - Executable via an execution engine
- gt Definition of an Orchestration
- Abstract Process
- Specification of the message exchanges between
multiple participants - No definition of internal process details
- Interfaces defined through set of all receive
and reply - gt Definition of a Choreography
- Still BPEL is not used for choreography
- WS-CDL (Choreography Description Language)
- A choreography is not an executable process -gt
usually it is translated into a concrete
orchestration description and executed
36WS-BPEL Language Structure
Partner Links
Correlation Sets
Fault Handlers
Compensation Handlers
Event Handlers
37WS-BPEL Process
- WS-BPEL Process
- Made up of Activities the individual steps
of a process - Activities are implemented by Web Services
- Specifies order in which participating Web
Services should be invoked - WS-BPEL process is itself represented as Web
Partner Links
Correlation Sets
Fault Handlers
Compensation Handlers
Event Handlers
- BPEL processes are exposed as WSDL services
- Message exchanges map to WSDL operations
- WSDL can be derived from partner definitions and
the role played by the process in interactions
with partners
Web Service
WSDL Loan Approval PortType
Loan Approval Process
39Recursive Composition
- BPEL processes interact with WSDL services
exposed by business partners
Interfaces exposed by the BPEL process
Interfaces consumed by the BPEL process
Web Service
Web Service
WSDL Loan Approval PortType
Loan Approval Process
Financial Institutions Web Service (Loan
40WS-BPEL PartnerLinks
- partnerLinks
- Defined in WSDL files
- Represent the interaction between a BPEL process
and the participants (the different web services) - Possess roles with portTypes e.g. invocation
role computePrice and callback role
Partner Links
Correlation Sets
Fault Handlers
Compensation Handlers
Event Handlers
41Composition of Web Services
Service P
Service A
Service B
Partner Link Type
Partner Link Type
42WS-BPEL variables
- Variables
- Save data which is exchanged within processes
- Activities access data stored in variables
Partner Links
Correlation Sets
Fault Handlers
Compensation Handlers
Event Handlers
43BPEL- WSDL- XML Schema
44WS-BPEL primitive activities
- Primitive Activities for common tasks
- Invoke Calling other Web Service Activities
(port types) - Receive Waiting in blocked state for arrival
of messages - Reply Generation of reply to received message
- Wait Wait for a certain amount of time
- Assign Copying of data from one place to
another - Throw Error handling, creation of error
message - Terminate End complete process instance
- Empty Inserting of NOOP (no operations)
Partner Links
Correlation Sets
Fault Handlers
Compensation Handlers
Event Handlers
45WS-BPEL structured activities
- Structured Activities to combine primitive
activities - Sequence - set of activities that will be invoked
in ordered sequence - Flow - set of activities that will be invoked in
parallel - Switch - Case-switch construct for implementing
branches - While - for defining loops
- Pick - select one of several alternative paths
Partner Links
Correlation Sets
Fault Handlers
Compensation Handlers
Event Handlers
46WS-BPEL correlation sets
- Correlation Sets
- Declarative description of a group of properties
which together describe a conversation - BPEL execution systems support multiple
concurrent conversations - Necessary to match messages to correct process
instance (conversation) - E.g. invoice correlated with correct instance of
buyer process via apurchase order number received
in earlier purchase order message.
Partner Links
Correlation Sets
Fault Handlers
Compensation Handlers
Event Handlers
47Example Hotel booking workflow
48Workflow design and implementation
- WS-BPEL is an XML-standard for workflow
specification. However, WS-BPEL descriptions are
long and unreadable - Graphical workflow notations, such as BPMN, are
more readable and WS-BPEL can be generated from
them - In inter-organisational systems, separate
workflows are created for each organisation and
linked through message exchange
49BPEL design tools
- EclipseBPEL Designer
- JBossIDE
- NetBeansIDE
- IBM WebSphere Integration Developer
- Microsoft BizTalk Orchestration Designer
- Oracle BPEL Designer (for JDeveloper and Eclipse)
- Active Endpoints Active BPEL Designer
50BPEL execution engines
- BPEL-Engine Runtime environment for the
interpretation of the BPEL documents und
execution of the Processes - Apache ODE
- IBM WebSphere Process Choreographer
- Microsoft BizTalk Server
- Oracle BPEL Process Manager (Intalio n3 Server
- ActiveBPEL Engine
- JBoss Application Server with jBPM
51Advantages of WS-BPEL
- Portable, interoperable process model for long
running business processes - Flexible integration of Web services
- WSDL abstract interfaces alone used to define
composition - Enables two levels of adaptive behavior
- Abstract partners can be bound to actual services
at runtime - The process can choose a protocol for
communicating with the service at runtime - Services whose data definitions do not match can
be composed - Data transformations can be inlined in process
52Disadvantages of WS-BPEL
- Static process composition.
- Process participants (partners web services)
must be defined and bound to the process flow at
design time. - BPEL standard is not about Semantic Web services
- Partner discovery and bounding at run time not
possible. - Message mediation not possible.
- Concepts Services, SOA, WebServices
- Services as reusable components
- Service engineering
- Software development with services
- Simple case a client consumes a service
- Common case several services are composed with
support of the service platform - Workflows
- Service Oriented Software Engineering
54Construction by composition
55Service testing
- Testing is intended to find defects and
demonstrate that a system meets its functional
and non-functional requirements - Service testing is difficult as (external)
services are black-boxes. Testing techniques
that rely on the program source code cannot be
56Service testing problems
- External services may be modified by the service
provider thus invalidating tests which have been
completed - Dynamic binding means that the service used in an
application may vary - the application tests are
not, therefore, reliable - The non-functional behaviour of the service is
unpredictable because it depends on load - If services have to be paid for as used, testing
a service may be expensive - It may be difficult to invoke compensating
actions in external services as these may rely on
the failure of other services which cannot be
57Key points
- Service-oriented software engineering is based on
the notion that programs can be constructed by
composing independent services which encapsulate
reusable functionality. - Service interfaces are defined in WSDL. A WSDL
specification includes a definition of the
interface types and operations, the binding
protocol used by the service and the service
location. - Services may be classified as utility services,
business services or coordination services. - The service engineering process involves
identifying candidate services for
implementation, defining the service interface
and implementing, testing and deploying the
58Key points
- Service interfaces may be defined for legacy
software systems which may then be reused in
other applications. - Software development using services involves
creating programs by composing and configuring
services to create new composite services. - Business process models define the activities and
information exchange in business processes.
Activities in the business process may be
implemented by services so the business process
model represents a service composition. - Techniques of software testing based on
source-code analysis cannot be used in
service-oriented systems that rely on externally
provided services.