AWD - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AWD TECHNOLOGY INC enterprise in the sphere of environment protection and ecological recovery designing, manufacturing and delivery of technological equipment on ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: AWD

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enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
The priority direction of company's business
  • on natural and waste waters purification
  • on water desalination
  • designing, manufacturing and delivery of
    technological equipment on remediation of waste
    with a high level and variable composition of
  • construction and reconstruction of sewage
    purification objects with the use of a unique
    patented technology of enzymatic cavitation
    recycling and reclamation of sludge settings.

enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
The same company AWD Technology Inc also works
out measures on
  • Clear sludge lagoons territory
  • Make vertical type constructions - 50-100 times
    floorspace area reduction
  • Produce fishery water
  • Save power resources up to 50
  • Reduce sanitary zone
  • Position objects in city residential areas
  • Make structures serviceable
  • Reclassify waste waters and sludge settlement
    from the category of hazardous wastes to
    non-hazardous wastes with the possibility of
    their further use in agroindustrial complex
  • Turn away from use of chemical
  • Neutralize offensive odors
  • reconstruction and modernization of existing
    sewage purification complexes

enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
Mission of AWD Technology Inc
  • implementation of non-waste technologies of
    quality water bioremediation and sludge
    settlement without use of chemicals
  • complete processing of sludge settings, 10 times
    reduction of sludge fields areas and production
    of recultivated technical soil (productive soil).
  • creating complete systems of industrial water
    rotation, based on the principle of environmental
    wastes liquidation and minimal water and other
    resources consumption for industrial cycles
  • production of alternative types of energy
  • revegetation of chemically and radioactively
    desertificated territories
  • reclamation of desertificated lands
  • recycling and recovery of wastes of any
    complexity (spent slurries)
  • conservation projects development

enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
Technologies and equipment of AWD Technology Inc
have been used in Russia and Italy for many
years. Projects on sewage purification objects
construction and co-production of technological
equipment are being developed in Argentina,
India, China, on Cyprus and in Ukraine.
enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
The unique patented technology of waste water
The unique patented technology of waste water
purification from AWD Technology Inc is based
on the use of enzymatic cavitation acetifying
in tower-shaped constructions
  • The offered method gives better stabilization of
    settlement and the possibility of its use as a
    raw material for production of organic fertilizer
    and alternative fuel.
  • The AWD Technology Inc company has designed a
    universal environmentally sound technology of
    enzymatic cavitation of sludge settlement.

enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
Advantages of the present method
  • complete reclamation of resulting waste
  • more than 10 times reduction of sludge pits
  • 3 times less power consumption than with the
    use of standard sewage treatment methods (0,3-0,4
    KW per m³of feed water)
  • 100 to 150 times reduction of space occupied due
    to vertical localization of technological
    containers in comparison to classical
    technologies (Biological oxygen demand full -
    3,0 mg/liter, Chemical oxygen demand - 30,0
    mg/liter, suspended matters - 3,0 mg/liter)

enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
Advantages of the present method
  • recycling of sludge settlement into a valuable
    raw material to receive organic-mineral
    fertilizers and alternative fuel
  • running costs economy through simplicity of
    maintenance, possibility of automatization of the
    whole management process, not using chemicals,
    reduction of water purification process time
  • short time of construction and commissioning due
    to high prefabrication
  • enclosed design, reduction of sanitary protection
    zone up to 10-30 m allows to use this complex in
    residential areas
  • this method can be also used for petroleum
    refining and water desalinization.

enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
Scope of technology application on sewage
purification objects with industrial effluents
  • Bread-baking complexes
  • Milk plants
  • Meat factories
  • Sewing and textile complexes
  • Alcohol and non-alcohol plants
  • Processing companies
  • Petroleum combinations
  • Chemical industry
  • Automotive industry
  • Woodworking plants
  • Fodder and purveyance plants
  • Printing plants
  • Recycling of secondary raw materials
  • Toxic chemicals disposal consideration

enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
The enterprise is committed to active marketing
in the sphere of environmental protection. We
introduce technologies that prevent dangerous
diseases in people, maintain biological balance
by rehabilitation of initial soil and water
reservoirs properties after their use by humans
for business purposes
enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
The enterprise is committed to active marketing
in the sphere of environmental protection. We
introduce technologies that prevent dangerous
diseases in people, maintain biological balance
by rehabilitation of initial soil and water
reservoirs properties after their use by humans
for business purposes
enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery

Results current and predictable Quality factors
of drain before and after remediation
(calculated) are shown in the following
comparison table of results on start-up of
purification plant
? Quality factors Measuring unit Acceptable concentration (normative) Measurement result at the enterprise Result after processing
1 Suspended matters mg/dm3 242 654,8 2,1
2 BOD5 mg/dm3 159 856,8 2,87
3 COD mg/dm3 397,5 1881,3 24,86
4 Nitrites mg/dm3 1 1,68 0,08
5 Phosphates mg/dm3 5,6 21,62 0,5
6 Ferrum (total) mg/dm3 1 1,98 0,3
7 Fats mg/dm3 25 27 0,01
enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
Remediation of drain with oil products of an
industrial enterprise
 Name  Measurement unit  Measurement unit Contaminator concentration Contaminator concentration Contaminator concentration
Industrial, residential waste waters and storm water runoff Chemical drains Purified water Purified water
Suspended matters Suspended matters mg/l Up to 200 Up to 500 1 1
Media activity Media activity ?? 6,0-8,5 7,5-10 6,5-7,0 6,5-7,0
Solid residue Solid residue mg/l Up to 1200 Up to 1200 1 1
COD COD mg?2/l 800 18000 0,8 0,8
BOD20 BOD20 mg?2/l 300 4300 0,3 0,3
Ammonium nitrogen (NH4) Ammonium nitrogen (NH4) mg/l Up to 5,0 Up to 90 0,03 0,03
Phosphates (PO4) Phosphates (PO4) mg/l Up to 1,0 Up to 86 0,01 0,01
Chlorides Chlorides mg/l Up to 170 Up to 180 0,01 0,01
Sulphates Sulphates mg/l Up to 350 Up to 350 0,03 0,03
Diathanoleamine Diathanoleamine mg/l Up to 10 Up to 7000 0,01 0,01
Monoethylenglycol Monoethylenglycol mg/l Up to 5 Up to 10000 0,02 0,02
Ferrum Ferrum mg/l 0,3 0,3 0,01 0,01
Oil products Oil products mg/l Up to 200 Up to 1000 0,05 0,05
Hydrogen sulphide Hydrogen sulphide mg/l Up to 8,5 Up to 19 0,03 0,03
Temperature Temperature degrees 10-20 10-30 20 20
enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
Remediation of drain with heavy metals
Benchmarks Measurement unit Value according to initial data (technical conditions) True value before remediation test 1 True value after remediation test 2 Heavy metals concentration reduction in Initial data for tests
?? salt     8,35 8,26 1,08 National State Standard(NSS) 26213-91
Chlorine mg/kg Not normal 241,4 204,5 15,29 NSS 27753.11-88
Lead mg/kg 70 141,3 69,3 50,96 MG TSINAO 82
Cadmium mg/kg 30 5,1 3,45 32,35 MG TSINAO 82
Zinc mg/kg 1050 1315 1194 9,2 MG TSINAO 82
Copper mg/kg 150 344 259 24,71 MG TSINAO 82
Nickel mg/kg 140 63,4 50,8 19,57 MG TSINAO 82
Mercury mg/kg 0,2 1,063 0,005 99,53 MG TSINAO 82
Arsenium mg/kg 10 3,9 1,7 56,41 MG TSINAO 82
enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
Results general indices current and predictable
Name Measurement unit Before remediation After remediation
Oil products mg/l Up to 500 Up to 1,0
Total hardness Mg (equivalent)/l Up to 15 Up to 1,0
Suspended matters mg/l Up to 280 Up to 1,0
Total salt content mg/l Up to 2800 Up to 1,0
Chlorides mg/l Up to 500 Up to 0,1
Sulphates mg/l Up to 900 Up to 0,03
Ferrum mg/l Up to 8 Up to 0,01
COD mg/l 600 Up to 1,0
??   8-9,2 Up to 6,5
enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
AWD Technology Inc performs mounting and
installation of reliable compact Automatic
Purification Complexes (APC) for purification of
polluted waters produced by chemical,
metallurgical, oil and paper production complexes
with production capacity of any kinds of
municipal and household effluents from 1000 to
50000 m³ in 24-hours.
enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
Hardware installation
  • The term of mounting and installation of the
    automatic purification complex "Concentrated
    industrial products" is 110-120 working days or
    under agreement with the ordering party.
  • Equipment hydraulic cyclones, separators,
    flotation units, bioreactors, sedimentators,
    tertiary treatment units, decontaminating units,
    enzymatic cavitation reactors, pumping and
  • Term of operational commissioning with the
    projected rate operation or planned working
    schedule (including adjusting and startup
    procedures) - 120 working days.
  • External dimensions of APC "CIP" occupied area
    - 10 m ? 20 m, hight - 13,5 m, no sanitary zone
    needed. Complex equipment weight 300 tonnes.
  • Handling by motor-vehicle transport (trailers)
    30 cars, by inland water transport (bulk cargo
    carrier "river-sea" class).

enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
Hardware installation
  • Maintenance staff brigade of 5 people plus 1
    complex administrator (with functional duties of
    sample selection for laboratory analysis and
    responsibility for observation of process and
    service regulations of the complex) 4 more
    people shift maintenance staff.
  • Terms of installation works
  • Time of mounting works of the complex including
    access to necessary service lines depends on its
    production capacity and is agreed upon with the
    customer. Start-up operations period - from 7 to
    45 working days, large objects - 90 days. Project
    documents preparation - 30-180 working days.
    Chemical plant (equipment, dispensing and
    measuring units, service lines and coagulating
    agents) is excluded.
  • The main components of the units are produced in
    Ukraine, secondary and construction elements - on
    site of complex construction.

enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
AWD Technology Inc performs designing and
construction of new, modernization of already
existing sewage purification complexes, adjusting
industrial enterprises for a waste-free
manufacturing technology
AWD Technology inc ???????????? ??????????????
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enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
Main services
Main services of AWD Technology Inc -
manufacturing, configuration and installation of
equipment - adjusting and startup procedures -
staff training - intermediate and technical
maintenance Complex operating term not less
than 50 years, subject to service maintenance,
post-warranty service and scheduled maintenance
according to the activity plan drawn up by
specialists of the Enterprise. Operating term of
equipment installed not less than 20 years. All
units and specialized equipment warranty not
less than 3 years.
enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
Main services
  • Service maintenance is performed by technical
    staff on the site of the Complex. Staff is
    trained by AWD Technology Inc specialists
    during adjusting and startup procedures. We
    create jobs, make economy of the regions function
    and develop, we take care of the environment.
  • Technical staff duties include
  • performance of control and supervisory functions
    on measuring instruments (technological process
    can be almost fully automated)
  • regular obligatory preventive cleaning of the
    complex input frame from solid wastes, clearing
    of replacement blocks and special devices.
  • Cost of maintenance works is minimal and involves
    control and supervisory functions and regular
    preventive measures on waste control and
    recycling solid wastes on input frame, changing
    and clearing specially built-in blocks.

enterprise in the sphere of environment
protection and ecological recovery
Contacts 1678 845 02 90 1678 845 02
95 6495 Shiloh Road Suite 400 Alpharetta GA,
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