Title: Happy Halloween scary PowerPoint
1Happy Halloween scary PowerPoint
- Marilyn Manson This is Halloween
2Why are clowns so Scary?John Wayne Gacy and
American Horror Story
3Ed Gein-cannibal, necrophiliac
- The inspiration for Buffalo Bill (Silence of the
Lambs) and Psycho
4Mr. Crowley?
- The Wizard of one thousand faces...
- Famous occultist of the turn of the century in
England. Born in the 1800s. - Featured in Ozzy Osbourne song. And found on the
Sargeant Pepper album cover.
5History of Halloween
- 2000 years old started by the Celts - Samhain
(sow-in) - Marked the end of summer and harvest and the cold
winter beginning. - Celts wore costumes to scare away the spirits
believed to be resurrected on this day
7When did Halloween come to the United States?
- Halloween was brought to America by Irish
immigrants fleeing the Irish potato famine in the
1840s. - The Irish potato famine
- was caused by a blight
- that killed the potatoes.
8Potato Famine
- The Irish potato famine killed
- almost 750,000 people.
- They all died of starvation being
- that their primary food source was the potato.
- In the years after the famine, scientists
discovered that the blight was, in fact, caused
by a fungus, and they managed to isolate it. They
named it Phytophthora Infestans.
- Porphyria - disease where people cannot go out in
the sun - Myths found in every culture
- Vlad the Impaler lived in
- Transylvania-
- Put the heads of enemies on stakes
10Elizabeth Bathory-The Blood Countess
- Divided into 2 categories
- Acute porphyrias. These include forms of the
disease that cause predominantly nervous system
symptoms (neuron porphyrias) and, in some cases,
skin symptoms (neurocutaneous porphyrias), as
well. - Cutaneous porphyrias. These include forms of the
disease that cause skin symptoms as a result of
oversensitivity to sunlight, but don't affect
your nervous system. - www.mayoclinic.com
12Not pretty.
13Queen Victorias family tree containing porphyria
14Vampires and corn?
- http//www.untamedscience.com/blog/legend-vampires
15(No Transcript)
- Lycanthropes - word for something that can change
17- Hypertrichosis is also known as "Wolfitis",
refers to a condition of excessive body hair
growth. - Diseases such as rabies
- People accidently ate poisonous plants which made
them hallucinate. Ergot mold
- Genetic research has linked the condition to the
X chromosome. That means if a woman carries the
gene, she has a 50-50 chance of passing it on to
her offspring, whether she has a boy or a girl.
If a male carries the gene, 100 percent of his
female children will be affected, but none of his
sons. - The gene is vestigial.
- Danny Ramos Gomez
- A virus transmitted via saliva
- May take weeks to years to show
- Flu like symptoms, hallucinations, twitching,
itching, seizures. - Fear of water (hydrophobia) or fear of air
(aerophobia). - paralysis
20Rabies virus
21Off with their head.
- King Henry VIII
- Bloody King of England
- Had 2 of his wives beheaded.
- Father to Bloody Mary and Queen Elizabeth
(Daughter to Anne Bolyn first wife beheaded. - Second being Catherine Howard.)
22Tower of London-One of the worlds most haunted
23Bloody Mary
English Tudor Queen of England - Queen Mary I or
Queen Mary Tudor Lifespan 1516
1558 Proclaimed Queen of England July
1553 Married King Philip II of Spain Family
connections Mary Tudor was the daughter of
Catherine of Aragon and King Henry VIII of
England. Bloody Mary was the half sister to
Edward VI and Elizabeth I Bloody Mary Tudor was
also the cousin, once removed, of Mary Queen of
Scots Bitter, fanatical and obsessive. She had
nearly 300 protestants burned at the stake.
24Bloody Mary legend
- Stand in a bathroom, with one candle lit and say
the name Bloody Mary into the mirror three 3
times in a row. This will summon her ghost. - If you see her ghostly face in the mirror, it
could have one of the following terrible
consequences - 1. Eyes ripped out and your face horribly
scarred. - 2. Dead with claw marks all over your face and
body - 3. Disappearing mysteriously from the bathroom
and ending up trapped in the mirror with the
ghost for eternity. - 4. You could also be driven insane or drop dead
on the spot.
25How to make fake blood.
- http//www.halloween-website.com/fake_blood.htm
26Circus Freaks-Ripleys
- Texodoxin - Made by bacteria in puffer fish. Can
cause a zombie like state where people are buried
- Can be the result of accidental burial
- Lack of scientific knowledge
29CDC Zombie Survival
30Top 10 Lessons for Surviving a Zombie Attack
- 1. Organize before they rise!
- 2. They feel no fear, why should you?
- 3. Use your head cut off theirs.
- 4. Blades dont need reloading.
- 5. Ideal protection tight clothes, short
hair. - 6. Get up the staircase, then destroy it.
- 7. Get out of the car, get onto the bike.
- 8. Keep moving, keep low, keep quiet, keep
alert! - 9. No place is safe, only safer.
- 10. The zombie may be gone, but the threat
lives on.
31Surviving a Zombie Attack
- The Zombie Survival Guide is your key to survival
against the hordes of undead who may be stalking
you right now.
32Zombie ants and other horrifying parasites.
- 5 Most horrible Parasites.
- Woman coming down the stairs.
- From the site www.angelsghosts.com
- Ghost is form the Saxon word gaste meaning
spirit. - Poltergeist from the German terms polter
meaning noise and geiste meaning spirit.
34Angels and ghosts are associated.
- Someone supposedly took this picture.
- People who have died tragically and unexpectedly
or have unfinished business. - Lingering energy from the person - soul
- People feel energy or temperature change
36Bachelors Grove Cemetary
37Salem, MA
- A little girl and her friend had fits
- Were being told stories by the familys maid
- Many people were accused and eventually 25 were
killed. - Ergot Mold was most likely culprit.
- The popular icon of a witch is an ugly old woman
riding across the sky on her magic broomstick and
wearing a pointed hat. But as with all
mythologies there is an element of truth behind
the image. Witches did ride brooms, after a
fashion, the brooms were magic, in a way, and the
pointed hat was the mildest of the punishments
inflicted on them for their activities!
- Ergot, in high doses, can be lethal, a fact that
led to the rise in popularity of wheat bread,
which is resistant to ergot mold.
40During the time leading up to the witchcraft
trials in Europe, the staple bread was made with
rye. In a small town where the bread was fresh
baked this was just fine, but as Europe began to
urbanize and the bread took more time to get from
bakery to grocer, the rye bread began to host a
mold called "ergot.
41Witch Ointment
- In smalldoses, ergot is a powerful hallucinogenic
drug which became quite popular among those who
were inclined towards herbalism and folk cures.
It's mentioned in Shakespeare's plays, and turns
up in virtually every contemporary writing of the
witchcraft age. In particular, it is the
inevitable central ingredient in the ointment
that witches rubbed their broomsticks with.
- Often were women who knew about medicinal herbs
- Midwives
- Anyone different
- People the church did not like
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vzrzMhU_4m-g
43Yersenia Pestis
44Bring out your dead
- 25 million people died in just under five years
between 1347 and 1352. Estimated population of
Europe from 1000 to 1352. 1000 38 million - 1100 48 million
- 1200 59 million
- 1300 70 million
- 1347 75 million
- 1352 50 million
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Extreme flu-like symptoms
- Circular rash
- death
46Death by Design
- Movie on Netflix doc on cell death.
47Apoptosis- cell suicide
- For every cell, there is a time to live and a
time to die. There are two ways in which cells
die They are killed by injurious agents. - They are induced to commit suicide.
48Edgar Allen Poe
49Why pick on Ravens?
- Myths and Superstitions could also be why we pick
Corvids as mascots of Halloween. - In Germany it is told Ravens can find the souls
of the dead and even contain the souls of the
damned. - In Sweden the croaking sound of Ravens is thought
to the voices of murdered people who were not
properly buried. - The Tower of London has six Ravens because the
legend says if anything should befall them,
England will be invaded.
50More about Ravens What do they eat?
- A Crow or Raven on the roof foretells death or
misfortune to the homes inhabitants. A raven on
a church steeple is bad news for a whole
community. I have to comment here- We have
quite a flock (murder) of crows we feed and
entertain daily. They rest on our roof day
after day. I like to think they give us good
luck. - The Northwest coastal people have traditions that
portray the Raven as both the creator spirit,
trickster, hero or villain all at the same
time. He is a great shiftshaper and can assume
any image to get what he wants. He either is the
creator of the world or plays a big part in its
creation. Their Crow stories explore themes of
justice versus the Raven who has a greedy
51Blood red glacial waterfall.
- Why?
- Extremophile bacteria that release Fe (iron) into
the water. Extremophiles are organisms living in
extreme environments.
52- Add Jack the Ripper
- Worlds fair and Chicago
53Your turn
- Your job is to now research what I just
introduced to you and produce a 1 and 1/2 page
typed, double spaced, 12 font paper on the
science behind the legend or legends of your
choice. - This is a 20 point assignment
- www.superglobe.com/midiX23r/entrance_mixR.wav